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//! The `hss` subcommand.
use anyhow::anyhow;
use arti_client::TorClientConfig;
use clap::{ArgMatches, Args, FromArgMatches, Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum};
use tor_hsservice::{HsId, HsNickname, OnionService};
use crate::{ArtiConfig, Result, TorClient};
/// The hss subcommands the arti CLI will be augmented with.
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum HssSubcommands {
/// Run state management commands for an Arti hidden service.
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
pub(crate) struct Hss {
/// Arguments shared by all hss subcommands.
common: CommonArgs,
/// Return the identity key for the specified service.
command: HssSubcommand,
#[derive(Subcommand, Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum HssSubcommand {
/// Print the .onion address of a hidden service
/// The arguments of the [`OnionName`](HssSubcommand::OnionName) subcommand.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Args)]
pub(crate) struct OnionNameArgs {
/// Whether to generate the key if it is missing
default_value_t = GenerateKey::No,
generate: GenerateKey,
/// Whether to generate the key if missing.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)]
enum GenerateKey {
/// Do not generate the key.
/// Generate the key if it's missing.
/// A type of key
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)]
enum KeyType {
/// The identity key of the service
/// The arguments shared by all [`HssSubcommand`]s.
pub(crate) struct CommonArgs {
/// The nickname of the service
#[arg(short, long)]
nickname: HsNickname,
/// Run the `hss` subcommand.
pub(crate) fn run(
hss_matches: &ArgMatches,
config: &ArtiConfig,
client_config: &TorClientConfig,
) -> Result<()> {
let hss = Hss::from_arg_matches(hss_matches).expect("Could not parse hss subcommand");
match hss.command {
HssSubcommand::OnionName(args) => run_onion_name(&hss.common, &args, config, client_config),
/// Create the OnionService configured with `nickname`.
fn create_svc(
nickname: &HsNickname,
) -> Result<OnionService> {
let Some(svc_config) = config
.find(|(n, _)| *n == nickname)
.map(|(_, cfg)| cfg.svc_cfg.clone())
else {
return Err(anyhow!("Service {nickname} is not configured"));
// TODO: PreferredRuntime was arbitrarily chosen and is entirely unused
// (we have to specify a concrete type for the runtime when calling
// TorClient::create_onion_service).
// Maybe this suggests TorClient is not the right place for
// create_onion_service()
/// Display the onion address, if any, of the specified service.
fn display_onion_name(nickname: &HsNickname, hsid: Option<HsId>) -> Result<()> {
// TODO: instead of the printlns here, we should have a formatter type that
// decides how to display the output
if let Some(onion) = hsid {
} else {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Service {nickname} does not exist, or does not have an K_hsid yet"
/// Run the `hss onion-name` subcommand.
fn onion_name(
args: &CommonArgs,
let onion_svc = create_svc(&args.nickname, config, client_config)?;
let hsid = onion_svc.onion_name();
display_onion_name(&args.nickname, hsid)?;
fn get_or_generate_onion_name(
let svc = create_svc(&args.nickname, config, client_config)?;
let hsid = svc.onion_name();
match hsid {
Some(hsid) => display_onion_name(&args.nickname, Some(hsid)),
None => {
let selector = Default::default();
let hsid = svc.generate_identity_key(selector)?;
display_onion_name(&args.nickname, Some(hsid))
fn run_onion_name(
get_key_args: &OnionNameArgs,
match get_key_args.generate {
GenerateKey::No => onion_name(args, config, client_config),
GenerateKey::IfNeeded => get_or_generate_onion_name(args, config, client_config),