// (i) the `.build()` method would have to be from a trait (because it would be `VecBuilder<Item>`
// which would have to contain some `ItemBuilder`, and for the benefit of `VecBuilder::build()`).
//! use tor_config::{define_list_builder_helper, define_list_builder_accessors, ConfigBuildError};
//! use tor_config::{define_list_builder_helper, define_list_builder_accessors, ConfigBuildError};
/// In the expression part, `things` (the field name) will be the default-resolved `Vec<Thing>`;
// Instead, have a manual implementation, which can see whether the input is a list or a string.
fn visit_seq<A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
assert_eq!(e, "multi-line string, line/item 1: could not parse \"fail\": invalid digit found in string");