72.4 %
36.43 %
100 %
//! [`KeySpecifier`] derive-adhoc macro and its support code
//! The `pub` items in this module are accessible as `$crate::key_specifier_derive`,
//! but `#[doc(hidden)]` is applied at the top level.
//! (Recall that the actual derive-adhoc macro
//! `KeySpecifier` ends up in the crate toplevel,
//! so that *does* form part of our public API.)
use std::iter;
use derive_deftly::define_derive_deftly;
use itertools::{izip, EitherOrBoth, Itertools};
use super::*;
use crate::DENOTATOR_SEP;
pub use crate::KeyPathInfoBuilder;
pub use tor_error::{internal, into_internal, Bug};
/// Trait for (only) formatting as a [`KeySpecifierComponent`]
/// Like the formatting part of `KeySpecifierComponent`
/// but implemented for Option and &str too.
pub trait RawKeySpecifierComponent {
/// Append `self`s `KeySpecifierComponent` string representation to `s`
// This is not quite like `KeySpecifierComponent::to_slug`,
// since that *returns* a String (effectively) and we *append*.
// At some future point we may change KeySpecifierComponent,
// although the current API has the nice feature that
// the syntax of the appended string is checked before we receive it here.
fn append_to(&self, s: &mut String) -> Result<(), Bug>;
impl<T: KeySpecifierComponent> RawKeySpecifierComponent for T {
fn append_to(&self, s: &mut String) -> Result<(), Bug> {
impl<T: KeySpecifierComponent> RawKeySpecifierComponent for Option<T> {
let v: &dyn RawKeySpecifierComponent = match self.as_ref() {
Some(v) => v,
None => &"*",
impl<'s> RawKeySpecifierComponent for &'s str {
/// Make a string like `pc/pc/pc/lc_lc_lc`
fn arti_path_string_from_components(
path_comps: &[&dyn RawKeySpecifierComponent],
leaf_comps: &[&dyn RawKeySpecifierComponent],
) -> Result<String, Bug> {
let mut path = String::new();
for comp in path_comps {
comp.append_to(&mut path)?;
for (delim, comp) in izip!(
) {
if let Some(delim) = delim {
/// Make an `ArtiPath` like `pc/pc/pc/lc_lc_lc`
/// This is the engine for the `KeySpecifier` macro's `arti_path()` impls.
/// The macro-generated code sets up couple of vectors.
/// Each vector entry is a pointer to the field in the original struct,
/// plus a vtable pointer saying what to do with it.
/// For fixed elements in the path,
/// the vtable entry's data pointer is a pointer to a constant &str.
/// In the macro, this is done by the user-defined expansion `ARTI_FROM_COMPONENTS_ARGS`.
/// Doing it this way minimises the amount of macro-generated machine code.
pub fn arti_path_from_components(
) -> Result<ArtiPath, ArtiPathUnavailableError> {
Ok(arti_path_string_from_components(path_comps, leaf_comps)?
.map_err(into_internal!("bad ArtiPath from good components"))?)
/// Make a `KeyPathPattern::Arti` like `pc/pc/pc/lc_lc_lc`
pub fn arti_pattern_from_components(
) -> Result<KeyPathPattern, Bug> {
path_comps, leaf_comps,
/// Error returned from [`RawKeySpecifierComponentParser::parse`]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // Not part of public API
pub enum RawComponentParseResult {
/// This was a field
/// The `Option` has been filled with the actual value.
/// It has an entry in the `keys` argument to [`parse_key_path`].
/// This was a literal, and it matched
/// Becomes [`KeyPathError::PatternNotMatched`]
/// `InvalidKeyPathComponentValue`
use RawComponentParseResult as RCPR;
/// Trait for parsing a path component, used by [`parse_key_path`]
/// Implemented for `Option<impl KeySpecifierComponent>`,
/// and guarantees to fill in the Option if it succeeds.
/// Also implemented for `&str`: just checks that the string is right,
/// (and, doesn't modify `*self`).
pub trait RawKeySpecifierComponentParser {
/// Check that `comp` is as expected, and store any results in `self`.
fn parse(&mut self, comp: &Slug) -> RawComponentParseResult;
impl<T: KeySpecifierComponent> RawKeySpecifierComponentParser for Option<T> {
fn parse(&mut self, comp: &Slug) -> RawComponentParseResult {
let v = match T::from_slug(comp) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return RCPR::Invalid(e),
*self = Some(v);
impl<'s> RawKeySpecifierComponentParser for &'s str {
if comp.as_str() == *self {
} else {
/// List of parsers for fields
type Parsers<'p> = [&'p mut dyn RawKeySpecifierComponentParser];
/// Parse a `KeyPath` as an `ArtiPath` like pc/pc/pc/lc_lc_lc
/// `keys` is the field names for each of the path_parsers and leaf_parsers,
/// *but* only the ones which will return `RCPR::ParsedField` (or `::Invalid`).
/// As with `arti_path_string_components` etc., we try to minimise
/// the amount of macro-generated machine code.
/// The macro-generated impl again assembles two vectors,
/// one for the path components and one for the leaf components.
/// For a field, the vector entry is a pointer to `&mut Option<...>`
/// for the field, along with a `RawKeySpecifierComponentParser` vtable entry.
/// (The macro-generated impl must unwrap each of these Options,
/// to assemble the final struct. In principle this could be avoided with
/// use of `MaybeUninit` and unsafe.)
/// For a fixed string component, the vector entry data pointer points to its `&str`.
/// "Parsing" consists of checking that the string is as expected.
/// We also need the key names for error reporting.
/// We pass this as a *single* array, and a double-reference to the slice,
/// since that resolves to one pointer to a static structure.
pub fn parse_key_path(
path: &KeyPath,
keys: &&[&str],
path_parsers: &mut Parsers,
leaf_parsers: &mut Parsers,
) -> Result<(), KeyPathError> {
let (path, arti_path) = match path {
KeyPath::Arti(path) => (path.as_str(), path),
KeyPath::CTor(_path) => {
// TODO (#858): support ctor stores
return Err(internal!("not implemented").into());
let (path, leaf) = match path.rsplit_once('/') {
Some((path, leaf)) => (Some(path), leaf),
None => (None, path),
let mut keys: &[&str] = keys;
/// Split a string into components and parse each one
fn extract(
arti_path: &ArtiPath,
input: Option<&str>,
delim: char,
parsers: &mut Parsers,
keys: &mut &[&str],
for ent in Itertools::zip_longest(|input| input.split(delim)).into_iter().flatten(),
let EitherOrBoth::Both(comp, parser) = ent else {
// wrong number of components
return Err(KeyPathError::PatternNotMatched(arti_path.clone()));
// TODO would be nice to avoid allocating again here,
// but I think that needs an `SlugRef`.
let comp = Slug::new(comp.to_owned())
.map_err(|error| KeyPathError::InvalidArtiPath {
path: arti_path.clone(),
let missing_keys = || internal!("keys list too short, bad args to parse_key_path");
match parser.parse(&comp) {
RCPR::PatternNotMatched => Err(KeyPathError::PatternNotMatched(arti_path.clone())),
RCPR::Invalid(error) => Err(KeyPathError::InvalidKeyPathComponentValue {
key: keys.first().ok_or_else(missing_keys)?.to_string(),
value: comp,
RCPR::ParsedField => {
*keys = keys.split_first().ok_or_else(missing_keys)?.1;
RCPR::MatchedLiteral => Ok(()),
extract(arti_path, path, '/', path_parsers, &mut keys)?;
&mut keys,
/// Build a `KeyPathInfo` given the information about a key specifier
/// Calling pattern, to minimise macro-generated machine code,
/// is similar `arti_path_from_components`.
/// The macro-generated code parses the path into its KeySpecifier impl
/// (as an owned value) and then feeds references to the various fields
/// to `describe_via_components`.
pub fn describe_via_components(
summary: &&str,
role: &dyn RawKeySpecifierComponent,
extra_keys: &&[&str],
extra_info: &[&dyn KeySpecifierComponent],
) -> Result<KeyPathInfo, KeyPathError> {
let mut info = KeyPathInfoBuilder::default();
let mut s = String::new();
role.append_to(&mut s)?;
for (key, value) in izip!(*extra_keys, extra_info) {
let value = KeySpecifierComponentPrettyHelper(*value).to_string();
info.extra_info(*key, value);
.map_err(into_internal!("failed to build KeyPathInfo"))?)
define_derive_deftly! {
/// A helper for implementing [`KeySpecifier`]s.
/// Applies to a struct that has some static components (`prefix`, `role`),
/// and a number of variable components represented by its fields.
/// Implements `KeySpecifier` etc.
/// Each field is either a path field (which becomes a component in the `ArtiPath`),
/// or a denotator (which becomes *part* of the final component in the `ArtiPath`).
/// The `prefix` is the first component of the [`ArtiPath`] of the [`KeySpecifier`].
/// The role should be the name of the key in the Tor Specifications.
/// The **lowercased** `role` is used as the _prefix of the last component_
/// of the [`ArtiPath`] of the specifier.
/// The `role` is followed by the denotators of the key.
/// The denotator fields, if there are any,
/// should be annotated with `#[denotator]`.
/// The declaration order of the fields is important.
/// The inner components of the [`ArtiPath`] of the specifier are built
/// from the string representation of its path fields, taken in declaration order,
/// followed by the encoding of its denotators, also taken in the order they were declared.
/// As such, all path fields, must implement [`KeySpecifierComponent`].
/// and all denotators must implement [`KeySpecifierComponent`].
/// The denotators are separated from the rest of the path, and from each other,
/// by `+` characters.
/// For example, a key specifier with `prefix` `"foo"` and `role` `"bar"`
/// will have an [`ArtiPath`] of the form
/// `"foo/<field1_str>/<field2_str>/../bar[+<denotators>]"`.
/// A key specifier of this form, with denotators that encode to "d1" and "d2",
/// would look like this: `"foo/<field1_str>/<field2_str>/../bar+d1+d2"`.
/// ### Results of applying this macro
/// `#[derive(Deftly)] #[derive_deftly(KeySpecifier)] struct SomeKeySpec ...`
/// generates:
/// * `impl `[`KeySpecifier`]` for SomeKeySpec`
/// * `struct SomeKeySpecPattern`,
/// a derived struct which contains an `Option` for each field.
/// `None` in the pattern means "any".
/// * `impl `[`KeySpecifierPattern`]` for SomeKeySpecPattern`
/// * `impl TryFrom<`[`KeyPath`]> for SomeKeySpec`
/// * Registration of an impl of [`KeyPathInfoExtractor`]
/// (on a private unit struct `SomeKeySpecInfoExtractor`)
/// ### Custom attributes
/// * **`#[deftly(prefix)]`** (toplevel):
/// Specifies the fixed prefix (the first path component).
/// Must be a literal string.
/// * **`#[deftly(role = "...")]`** (toplevel):
/// Specifies the role - the initial portion of the leafname.
/// This should be the name of the key in the Tor Specifications.
/// This or the field-level `#[deftly(role)]` must be specified.
/// * **`[adhoc(role)]` (field):
/// Specifies that the role is determined at runtime.
/// The field type must implement [`KeyDenotator`].
/// * **`#[deftly(summary = "...")]`** (summary, mandatory):
/// Specifies the summary; ends up as the `summary` field in [`KeyPathInfo`].
/// (See [`KeyPathInfoBuilder::summary()`].)
/// * **`#[deftly(denotator)]`** (field):
/// Designates a field that should be represented
/// in the key file leafname, after the role.
/// * **`#[deftly(ctor_path = "expression")]`** (toplevel):
/// Specifies that this kind of key has a representation in C Tor keystores,
/// and provides an expression for computing the path.
/// The expression should have type `impl Fn(&Self) -> CTorPath`.
/// If not specified, the generated [`KeySpecifier::ctor_path`]
/// implementation will always return `None`.
/// * **`#[deftly(fixed_path_component = "component")]`** (field):
/// Before this field insert a fixed path component `component`.
/// (Can be even used before a denotator component,
/// to add a final fixed path component.)
/// * **`#[deftly(key_specifier = "type")]`** (field):
/// If this is the specifier for a public key, the specifier for
/// the corresponding keypair type.
/// If not specified, the generated [`KeySpecifier::keypair_specifier`]
// NOTE: The `KeySpecifier::keypair_specifier` implementation
// of the `ArtiPath` of a public key will always return `None`,
// even if the public key specifier it represents has a keypair specifier.
export KeySpecifier for struct:
// A condition that evaluates to `true` for path fields.
${defcond F_IS_PATH not(any(fmeta(denotator), fmeta(role)))}
${defcond F_IS_ROLE all(fmeta(role), not(tmeta(role)))}
#[doc = concat!("Pattern matching some or all [`", stringify!($tname), "`]")]
#[allow(dead_code)] // Not everyone will need the pattern feature
$tvis struct $<$tname Pattern><$tdefgens>
where $twheres
${vdefbody $vname $(
${fattrs doc}
/// `None` to match keys with any value for this field.
$fvis $fname: Option<$ftype>,
) }
// These two user-defined expansions,
// expand to code for handling each path and leaf component,
// in the order in which they appear in the ArtiPath.
// The "code for handling", by default, is:
// - for a field, take a reference to the field in `self`
// - for a fixed component, take a reference to a &'static str
// in each case with a comma appended.
// So this is suitable for including in a &[&dyn ...].
// The call site can override the behaviour by locally redefining,
// the two user-defined expansions DO_FIELD and DO_LITERAL.
// DO_FIELD should expand to the code necessary to handle a field.
// It probably wants to refer to $fname.
// DO_LITERAL should expand to the code necessary to handle a literal value.
// When DO_LITERAL is called the user-defined expansion LIT will expand to
// something like `${fmeta(...) as str}`, which will in turn expand to
// a string literal.
// For use sites which want to distinguish the role from other fields:
// DO_ROLE_FIELD and DO_ROLE_LITERAL are used for the role.
// They default to expanding $DO_FIELD and $DO_LITERAL respectively.
// This is the *only* place that knows how ArtiPaths are constructed,
// when the path syntax is defined using the KeySpecifier d-a macro.
// The actual code here is necessarily rather abstract.
// #[deftly(prefix = ...)]
${define LIT ${tmeta(prefix) as str}}
${for fields {
// #[deftly(fixed_path_component = ...)]
${if fmeta(fixed_path_component) {
// IWVNI d-a allowed arguments to use-defined expansions, but this will do
${define LIT ${fmeta(fixed_path_component) as str}}
// Path fields
${if F_IS_PATH { $DO_FIELD }}
${if tmeta(role) {
// #[deftly(role = ...)] on the toplevel
${define LIT { stringify!(${snake_case ${tmeta(role)}}) }}
// #[deftly(role)] on a field
// #[deftly(denotator)]
${if fmeta(denotator) { $DO_FIELD }}
${define DO_FIELD { &self.$fname, }}
${define DO_LITERAL { &$LIT, }}
${define DO_ROLE_FIELD { $DO_FIELD }}
impl<$tgens> $crate::KeySpecifier for $ttype
fn arti_path(
) -> std::result::Result<$crate::ArtiPath, $crate::ArtiPathUnavailableError> {
use $crate::key_specifier_derive::*;
fn ctor_path(&self) -> Option<$crate::CTorPath> {
${if tmeta(ctor_path) {
Some( ${tmeta(ctor_path) as token_stream} (self) )
fn keypair_specifier(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn KeySpecifier>> {
${if tmeta(keypair_specifier) {
${tmeta(keypair_specifier) as token_stream}
impl<$tgens> $crate::KeySpecifierPattern for $<$tname Pattern><$tdefgens>
fn arti_pattern(
) -> std::result::Result<$crate::KeyPathPattern, $crate::key_specifier_derive::Bug> {
fn new_any() -> Self {
$< $tname Pattern > {
$( $fname: None, )
struct $< $tname InfoExtractor >;
impl<$tgens> $crate::KeyPathInfoExtractor for $< $tname InfoExtractor >
fn describe(
path: &$crate::KeyPath,
) -> std::result::Result<$crate::KeyPathInfo, $crate::KeyPathError> {
// Parse this path
#[allow(unused_variables)] // Unused if no fields
let spec = $ttype::try_from(path)?;
// none of this cares about non-role literals
// all the others three be explicitly defined each time
${define DO_LITERAL {}}
static NON_ROLE_FIELD_KEYS: &[&str] = &[
${define DO_FIELD { stringify!($fname), }}
${define DO_ROLE_FIELD {}}
${define DO_ROLE_LITERAL {}}
&${tmeta(summary) as str},
// role
${define DO_FIELD {}}
${define DO_ROLE_FIELD { &spec.$fname, }}
${define DO_ROLE_LITERAL { &$LIT, }}
${define DO_FIELD { &spec.$fname, }}
impl<$tgens> TryFrom<&$crate::KeyPath> for $tname
type Error = $crate::KeyPathError;
fn try_from(path: &$crate::KeyPath) -> std::result::Result<$tname, Self::Error> {
static FIELD_KEYS: &[&str] = &[
#[allow(unused_mut)] // not needed if there are no fields
#[allow(unused_variables)] // not needed if there are no fields
let mut builder =
<$<$tname Pattern>::<$tgens> as $crate::KeySpecifierPattern>::new_any();
${define DO_FIELD { &mut builder.$fname, }}
${define DO_LITERAL { &mut $LIT, }}
let handle_none = || internal!("bad RawKeySpecifierComponentParser impl");
Ok($tname { $(
$fname: builder.$fname.ok_or_else(handle_none)?,
) })
// Register the info extractor with `KeyMgr`.
$crate::inventory::submit!(&$< $tname InfoExtractor > as &dyn $crate::KeyPathInfoExtractor);