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//! Iterator extension for splitting into batches, each introduced by a batch-starting item
//! See
//! [`IteratorExt::batching_split_before_loose`] and
//! [`IteratorExt::batching_split_before_with_header`].
//! # **UNSTABLE**
//! This whole module is UNSTABLE and not part of the semver guarantees.
//! You'll only see it if you ran rustdoc with `--document-private-items`.
// This is achieved with `#[doc(hidden)]` on the top-level module reexport
// in ``, which is the only place all of this isactually exposed.
use std::iter;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::util::PeekableIterator;
/// Iterator for the header, transformable into a [`Batches`] yielding subsequent batches
/// Returned by
/// [`.batching_split_before_with_header()`](IteratorExt::batching_split_before_with_header).
/// This type is both:
/// * An [`Iterator`], which returns the items in the header
/// (before the first batch-starting item);
/// * Transformable using [.subsequent()](BatchesWithHeader::subsequent)
/// into a [`Batches`], which yields the remainder of the input,
/// split into batches.
/// `II` is the iterator item type. `I` is the input iterator.
/// `F` is the predicate for testing if an item is batch-starting.
pub struct BatchesWithHeader<II, I, F> {
/// Input
input: Input<II, I, F>,
/// Input, shared by our public structs
struct Input<II, I, F> {
/// The input iterator
unfiltered: I,
/// Callback to test if this is batch-starting
batch_starting: F,
/// We're like a function that yields II
marker: PhantomData<fn() -> II>,
/// An iterator-like object yielding an iterator for each batch.
/// Each call to [`.next_batch()`](Batches::next_batch)
/// yields an iterator for one subsequent batch,
/// which in turn will yield the individual items.
/// `Batches` is not an [`Iterator`] because
/// its returned item type (the sub-iterator)
/// borrows it mutably.
pub struct Batches<II, I, F> {
/// Should we avoid draining the end of the previous batch
no_drain: Option<NoDrainToken>,
/// Should we yield even (one) batch-starting item
yield_one: Option<EvenYieldOneBatchStarting>,
/// Token stored (or not) in the state to indicate not to drain the previous batch
/// (We use `Option<NoDrainToken>` rather than `bool` because
/// booleans can be very confusing, and because
/// `Option` has good ergonomics with [`.take()`](Option::take) and `?`.)
struct NoDrainToken;
/// Token stored (or not) in the state to indicate to yield even a batch-starting item
struct EvenYieldOneBatchStarting;
/// Iterator to yield the members of a batch.
/// This is the iterator returned by
/// [`.next_batch()`](Batches::next_batch).
pub struct Batch<'p, II, I, F> {
/// The parent, with all the actual state etc.
/// It is less confusing to keep all the state in the parent iterator.
parent: &'p mut Batches<II, I, F>,
impl<II, I, F> Input<II, I, F>
I: Iterator<Item = II> + PeekableIterator,
F: FnMut(&II) -> bool,
/// Yield the next item - unless it is batch-starting.
fn next_non_starting(&mut self) -> Option<II> {
let item = self.unfiltered.peek()?;
if (self.batch_starting)(item) {
return None;
impl<II, I, F> Iterator for BatchesWithHeader<II, I, F>
type Item = II;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<II> {
impl<II, I, F> BatchesWithHeader<II, I, F>
/// Proceed from the header to the subsequent batches
/// Any un-yielded items remaining in the header will be discarded.
pub fn subsequent(mut self) -> Batches<II, I, F> {
// Discard any un-yielded contents of the header
let _ = self.by_ref().count();
Batches {
input: self.input,
yield_one: None,
no_drain: None,
impl<II, I, F> Iterator for Batch<'_, II, I, F>
if self.parent.yield_one.take().is_some() {
} else {
impl<II, I: Iterator<Item = II> + PeekableIterator, F: FnMut(&II) -> bool> Batches<II, I, F> {
/// Proceed to the next batch
/// If the input is exhausted (ie, there is no next batch), returns `None`.
/// Any un-yielded items remaining in the previous batch will be discarded.
// Batches is a LendingIterator - its returned item type borrows from the
// iterator itself - so can't impl Iterator.
// <>
pub fn next_batch(&mut self) -> Option<Batch<'_, II, I, F>> {
// Drain to the end of the batch
if self.no_drain.take().is_none() {
let _ = Batch { parent: self }.count();
let _: &II = self.input.unfiltered.peek()?;
self.yield_one = Some(EvenYieldOneBatchStarting);
Some(Batch { parent: self })
/// Map each batch
pub fn map<T>(
mut self,
mut f: impl FnMut(Batch<'_, II, I, F>) -> T,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> {
iter::from_fn(move || {
let batch = self.next_batch()?;
/// **Extension trait providing `batching_split_before`**
pub trait IteratorExt: Iterator + Sized {
/// Splits the input into a header followed by batches started according to a predicate
/// The input is divided into:
/// * A header, containing no batch-starting items
/// * Zero or more subsequent batches, each with precisely one batch-starting item
/// The returned value from `batching_split_before_with_header` is an iterator,
/// which yields the elements in the header - before the first batch-starting item.
/// After processing the header, call
/// [`.subsequent()`](BatchesWithHeader::subsequent)
/// which will return a [`Batches`],
/// which is a meta-iterator-like-object which yields the subsequent batches.
/// Each subsequent batch is then returned by calling
/// [`.next_batch()`](Batches::next_batch)
/// which yields a separate sub-iterator.
/// A new batch is recognised for each input item for which `batch_starting` returns true.
/// This method is named **with_header** because it separates out the header,
/// using a typestate pattern, which is convenient for processing the header
/// separately.
/// (You will want to iterate the first batch by reference,
/// so that the iteration doesn't consume the [`BatchesWithHeader`],
/// which is what you will need to call `.subsequent()`.
/// The API insists that you process the batches sequentially:
/// you can only be processing one batch at a time.)
/// # **UNSTABLE**
/// This method is UNSTABLE and not part of the semver guarantees.
/// You'll only see it if you ran rustdoc with `--document-private-items`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use itertools::Itertools as _;
/// use tor_netdoc::batching_split_before::IteratorExt as _;
/// let mut batches = (1..10).peekable().batching_split_before_with_header(|v| v % 3 == 0);
/// assert_eq!(batches.by_ref().collect_vec(), [ 1, 2 ]);
/// let mut batches = batches.subsequent();
/// assert_eq!(batches.next_batch().unwrap().collect_vec(), [ 3, 4, 5 ]);
/// assert_eq!(batches.next_batch().unwrap().collect_vec(), [ 6, 7, 8 ]);
/// assert_eq!(batches.next_batch().unwrap().collect_vec(), [ 9 ]);
/// assert!(batches.next_batch().is_none());
fn batching_split_before_with_header<F>(
) -> BatchesWithHeader<Self::Item, Self, F>
F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
let input = Input {
unfiltered: self,
marker: PhantomData,
BatchesWithHeader { input }
/// Splits the input into batches, with new batches started according to a predicate
/// The input is divided into batches, just before each batch-starting item.
/// The batch-starting item is included as the first item of every batch,
/// except the first batch if the input starts with a non-batch-starting-item.
/// If the input iterator is empty, there are no batches.
/// This method is named **loose** because it neither
/// insists that the iterator start with a batch-starting item,
/// nor returns batches which always start with a batch-starting item.
/// It is up to the caller to handle a possible first batch with no batch-starting item.
/// Each batch is returned by calling
/// A new batch is recognised for each input item for which `batch_start` returns true.
/// (The API insists that you process the batches sequentially:
/// let mut batches = (1..10).peekable().batching_split_before_loose(|v| v % 3 == 0);
/// assert_eq!(batches.next_batch().unwrap().collect_vec(), [ 1, 2 ]);
fn batching_split_before_loose<F>(self, batch_starting: F) -> Batches<Self::Item, Self, F>
no_drain: Some(NoDrainToken),
impl<I: Iterator> IteratorExt for I {}
mod tests {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use crate::util::*;
use itertools::chain;
use std::fmt::Debug;
struct TrackingPeekable<I: Iterator>(Peekable<I>);
impl<I: Iterator> Iterator for TrackingPeekable<I>
I::Item: Debug,
type Item = I::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {
let v =;
eprintln!(" iter yielded {v:?}");
impl<I: Iterator> PeekableIterator for TrackingPeekable<I>
fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&I::Item> {
let v = self.0.peek();
eprintln!(" iter peeked {v:?}");
fn test_batching_split_before() {
fn chk_exp(mut iter: impl Iterator<Item = u32>, exp: &[u32]) {
eprintln!(" exp {exp:?}");
for exp in exp.iter().cloned() {
assert_eq!(, Some(exp));
assert_eq!(, None);
let chk_breakdown = |input: &[u32], iexp: &[u32], sexp: &[&[u32]]| {
let chk_batches = |mut subseq: Batches<_, _, _>, sexp: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = _>| {
loop {
match (subseq.next_batch(), {
(Some(batch), Some(sexp)) => chk_exp(batch, sexp),
(None, None) => break,
(b, e) => panic!("({:?}, {e:?}",|_| ())),
eprintln!("input {input:?}");
let input = || TrackingPeekable(input.iter().cloned().peekable());
let is_starting = |v: &u32| *v >= 10;
let mut header = input().batching_split_before_with_header(is_starting);
chk_exp(&mut header, iexp);
eprintln!(" subsequent...");
let subseq = header.subsequent();
let mut sexp = sexp.iter().cloned();
chk_batches(subseq, &mut sexp);
let batches = input().batching_split_before_loose(is_starting);
let mut sexp =
chain!(iter::once(iexp), sexp.iter().cloned(),).filter(|s| !s.is_empty());
chk_batches(batches, &mut sexp);
chk_breakdown(&[], &[], &[]);
chk_breakdown(&[10], &[], &[&[10]]);
&[1, 2, 30, 4, 5, 60, 7, 8],
&[1, 2],
&[&[30, 4, 5], &[60, 7, 8]],