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//! Helpers to manage lists of HS cell extensions.
// TODO: We might generalize this even more in the future to handle other
// similar lists in our cell protocol.
use derive_deftly::Deftly;
use tor_bytes::{EncodeError, EncodeResult, Readable, Reader, Result, Writeable, Writer};
use tor_memquota::{derive_deftly_template_HasMemoryCost, HasMemoryCostStructural};
/// A list of extensions, represented in a common format used by many HS-related
/// message.
/// The common format is:
/// ```text
/// N_EXTENSIONS [1 byte]
/// N_EXTENSIONS times:
/// EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte]
/// EXT_FIELD_LEN [1 byte]
/// ```
/// It is subject to the additional restraints:
/// * Each extension type SHOULD be sent only once in a message.
/// * Parties MUST ignore any occurrences all occurrences of an extension
/// with a given type after the first such occurrence.
/// * Extensions SHOULD be sent in numerically ascending order by type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, derive_more::Deref, derive_more::DerefMut, Deftly)]
#[deftly(has_memory_cost(bounds = "T: HasMemoryCostStructural"))]
pub(super) struct ExtList<T> {
/// The extensions themselves.
extensions: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Default for ExtList<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
extensions: Vec::new(),
/// An kind of extension that can be used with some kind of HS-related message.
/// Each extendible message will likely define its own enum,
/// implementing this trait,
/// representing the possible extensions.
pub(super) trait ExtGroup: Readable + Writeable {
/// An identifier kind used with this sort of extension
type Id: From<u8> + Into<u8> + Eq + PartialEq + Ord + Copy;
/// The field-type id for this particular extension.
fn type_id(&self) -> Self::Id;
/// A single typed extension that can be used with some kind of HS-related message.
pub(super) trait Ext: Sized {
/// An identifier kind used with this sort of extension.
/// Typically defined with caret_int.
type Id: From<u8> + Into<u8>;
/// Extract the body (not the type or the length) from a single
/// extension.
fn take_body_from(b: &mut Reader<'_>) -> Result<Self>;
/// Write the body (not the type or the length) for a single extension.
fn write_body_onto<B: Writer + ?Sized>(&self, b: &mut B) -> EncodeResult<()>;
impl<T: ExtGroup> Readable for ExtList<T> {
fn take_from(b: &mut Reader<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let n_extensions = b.take_u8()?;
let extensions: Result<Vec<T>> = (0..n_extensions).map(|_| b.extract::<T>()).collect();
Ok(Self {
extensions: extensions?,
impl<T: ExtGroup> Writeable for ExtList<T> {
fn write_onto<B: Writer + ?Sized>(&self, b: &mut B) -> EncodeResult<()> {
let n_extensions = self
.map_err(|_| EncodeError::BadLengthValue)?;
let mut exts_sorted: Vec<&T> = self.extensions.iter().collect();
exts_sorted.sort_by_key(|ext| ext.type_id());
exts_sorted.iter().try_for_each(|ext| ext.write_onto(b))?;
impl<T: ExtGroup> ExtList<T> {
/// Insert `ext` into this list of extensions, replacing any previous
/// extension with the same field type ID.
pub(super) fn replace_by_type(&mut self, ext: T) {
self.retain(|e| e.type_id() != ext.type_id());
/// An unrecognized or unencoded extension for some HS-related message.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deftly)]
// Use `Copy + 'static` and `#[deftly(has_memory_cost(copy))]` so that we don't
// need to derive HasMemoryCost for the id types, which are indeed all Copy.
#[deftly(has_memory_cost(bounds = "ID: Copy + 'static"))]
pub struct UnrecognizedExt<ID> {
/// The field type ID for this extension.
pub(super) type_id: ID,
/// The body of this extension.
pub(super) body: Vec<u8>,
impl<ID> UnrecognizedExt<ID> {
/// Return a new unrecognized extension with a given ID and body.
/// NOTE: nothing actually enforces that this type ID is not
/// recognized.
/// NOTE: This function accepts bodies longer than 255 bytes, but
/// it is not possible to encode them.
pub fn new(type_id: ID, body: impl Into<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
body: body.into(),
/// Declare an Extension group that takes a given identifier.
// TODO: This is rather similar to restrict_msg(), isn't it? Also, We use this
// pattern of (number, (cmd, length, body)*) a few of times in Tor outside the
// hs module. Perhaps we can extend and unify our code here...
macro_rules! decl_extension_group {
$( #[$meta:meta] )*
$v:vis enum $id:ident [ $type_id:ty ] {
} => {paste::paste!{
$( #[$meta] )*
$v enum $id {
$( $(#[$cmeta])*
/// An extension of a type we do not recognize, or which we have not
/// encoded.
impl Readable for $id {
let type_id = b.take_u8()?.into();
Ok(match type_id {
$type_id::[< $case:snake:upper >] => {
Self::$case( b.read_nested_u8len(|r| $case::take_body_from(r))? )
_ => {
Self::Unrecognized(UnrecognizedExt {
body: b.read_nested_u8len(|r| Ok(r.take_rest().into()))?,
impl Writeable for $id {
fn write_onto<B: Writer + ?Sized>(&self, b: &mut B) -> EncodeResult<
()> {
use std::ops::DerefMut;
match self {
Self::$case(val) => {
let mut nested = b.write_nested_u8len();
Self::Unrecognized(unrecognized) => {
impl ExtGroup for $id {
type Id = $type_id;
fn type_id(&self) -> Self::Id {
Self::$case(val) => val.type_id(),
Self::Unrecognized(unrecognized) => unrecognized.type_id,
impl From<$case> for $id {
fn from(val: $case) -> $id {
$id :: $case ( val )
impl From<UnrecognizedExt<$type_id>> for $id {
fn from(val: UnrecognizedExt<$type_id>) -> $id {
$id :: Unrecognized(val)
pub(super) use decl_extension_group;