86.75 %
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//! Helpers for retrying a fallible operation according to a backoff schedule.
//! [`Runner::run`] retries the specified operation according to the [`BackoffSchedule`] of the
//! [`Runner`]. Users can customize the backoff behavior by implementing [`BackoffSchedule`].
// TODO: this is a (somewhat) general-purpose utility, so it should probably be factored out of
// tor-hsservice
use std::pin::Pin;
use futures::future::FusedFuture;
use tor_rtcompat::TimeoutError;
use super::*;
/// A runner for a fallible operation, which retries on failure according to a [`BackoffSchedule`].
pub(super) struct Runner<B: BackoffSchedule, R: Runtime> {
/// A description of the operation we are trying to do.
doing: String,
/// The backoff schedule.
schedule: B,
/// The runtime.
runtime: R,
impl<B: BackoffSchedule, R: Runtime> Runner<B, R> {
/// Create a new `Runner`.
pub(super) fn new(doing: String, schedule: B, runtime: R) -> Self {
Self {
/// Run `fallible_fn`, retrying according to the [`BackoffSchedule`] of this `Runner`.
/// If `fallible_fn` eventually returns `Ok(_)`, return that output. Otherwise,
/// keep retrying until either `fallible_fn` has failed too many times, or until
/// a fatal error occurs.
pub(super) async fn run<T, E, F>(
mut self,
mut fallible_fn: impl FnMut() -> F,
) -> Result<T, BackoffError<E>>
E: RetriableError,
F: Future<Output = Result<T, E>> + Send,
let mut retry_count = 0;
let mut errors = RetryError::in_attempt_to(self.doing.clone());
// When this timeout elapses, the `Runner` will stop retrying the fallible operation.
// A `overall_timeout` of `None` means there is no time limit for the retries.
let mut overall_timeout = match self.schedule.overall_timeout() {
Some(timeout) => Either::Left(Box::pin(self.runtime.sleep(timeout))),
None => Either::Right(future::pending()),
loop {
// Bail if we've exceeded the number of allowed retries.
if matches!(self.schedule.max_retries(), Some(max_retry_count) if retry_count >= max_retry_count)
return Err(BackoffError::MaxRetryCountExceeded(errors));
let mut fallible_op = optionally_timeout(
trace!(attempt = (retry_count + 1), "{}", self.doing);
select_biased! {
() = overall_timeout => {
// The timeout has elapsed, so stop retrying and return the errors
// accumulated so far.
return Err(BackoffError::Timeout(errors))
res = fallible_op => {
// TODO: the error branches in the match below have different error types,
// so we must compute should_retry and delay separately, on each branch.
// We could refactor this to extract the error using
// let err = match res { ... } and call err.should_retry()
// and next_delay() after the match, but this will involve
// rethinking the BackoffSchedule trait and/or RetriableError
// (currently RetriableError is Clone, so it's not object safe).
let (should_retry, delay) = match res {
Ok(Ok(res)) => return Ok(res),
Ok(Err(e)) => {
// The operation failed: check if we can retry it.
let should_retry = e.should_retry();
attempt=(retry_count + 1), can_retry=should_retry,
"failed to {}: {e}", self.doing
(e.should_retry(), self.schedule.next_delay(&e))
Err(e) => {
trace!("fallible operation timed out; retrying");
if should_retry {
retry_count += 1;
let Some(delay) = delay else {
return Err(BackoffError::ExplicitStop(errors));
// Introduce the specified delay between retries
let () = self.runtime.sleep(delay).await;
// Try again unless the entire operation has timed out.
return Err(BackoffError::FatalError(errors));
/// Wrap a [`Future`] with an optional timeout.
/// If `timeout` is `Some`, returns a [`Timeout`](tor_rtcompat::Timeout)
/// that resolves to the value of `future` if the future completes within `timeout`,
/// or a [`TimeoutError`] if it does not.
/// If `timeout` is `None`, returns a new future which maps the specified `future`'s
/// output type to a `Result::Ok`.
fn optionally_timeout<'f, R, F>(
runtime: &R,
future: F,
timeout: Option<Duration>,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn FusedFuture<Output = Result<F::Output, TimeoutError>> + Send + 'f>>
R: Runtime,
F: Future + Send + 'f,
match timeout {
Some(timeout) => Box::pin(runtime.timeout(timeout, future).fuse()),
None => Box::pin(,
/// A trait that specifies the parameters for retrying a fallible operation.
pub(super) trait BackoffSchedule {
/// The maximum number of retries.
/// A return value of `None` indicates is no upper limit for the number of retries, and that
/// the operation should be retried until [`BackoffSchedule::overall_timeout`] time elapses (or
/// indefinitely, if [`BackoffSchedule::overall_timeout`] returns `None`).
fn max_retries(&self) -> Option<usize>;
/// The total amount of time allowed for the retriable operation.
/// A return value of `None` indicates the operation should be retried until
/// [`BackoffSchedule::max_retries`] number of retries are exceeded (or indefinitely, if
/// [`BackoffSchedule::max_retries`] returns `None`).
fn overall_timeout(&self) -> Option<Duration>;
/// The total amount of time allowed for a single operation.
fn single_attempt_timeout(&self) -> Option<Duration>;
/// Return the delay to introduce before the next retry.
/// The `error` parameter contains the error returned by the fallible operation. This enables
/// implementors to (optionally) implement adaptive backoff. For example, if the operation is
/// sending an HTTP request, and the error is a 429 (Too Many Requests) HTTP response with a
/// `Retry-After` header, the implementor can implement a backoff schedule where the next retry
/// is delayed by the value specified in the `Retry-After` header.
fn next_delay<E: RetriableError>(&mut self, error: &E) -> Option<Duration>;
/// The type of error encountered while running a fallible operation.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub(super) enum BackoffError<E> {
/// A fatal (non-transient) error occurred.
#[error("A fatal (non-transient) error occurred")]
/// Ran out of retries.
#[error("Ran out of retries")]
/// Exceeded the maximum allowed time.
#[error("Timeout exceeded")]
/// The [`BackoffSchedule`] told us to stop retrying.
#[error("Stopped retrying as requested by BackoffSchedule")]
impl<E> From<BackoffError<E>> for RetryError<E> {
fn from(e: BackoffError<E>) -> Self {
match e {
| BackoffError::MaxRetryCountExceeded(e)
| BackoffError::Timeout(e)
| BackoffError::ExplicitStop(e) => e,
/// A trait for representing retriable errors.
pub(super) trait RetriableError: StdError + Clone {
/// Whether this error is transient.
fn should_retry(&self) -> bool;
impl RetriableError for TimeoutError {
fn should_retry(&self) -> bool {
mod tests {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::iter;
use std::sync::RwLock;
use oneshot_fused_workaround as oneshot;
use tor_rtcompat::{BlockOn, SleepProvider};
use tor_rtmock::MockRuntime;
const SHORT_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
const TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
const SINGLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
const MAX_RETRIES: usize = 5;
macro_rules! impl_backoff_sched {
($name:ty, $max_retries:expr, $timeout:expr, $single_timeout:expr, $next_delay:expr) => {
impl BackoffSchedule for $name {
fn max_retries(&self) -> Option<usize> {
fn overall_timeout(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
fn single_attempt_timeout(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
fn next_delay<E: RetriableError>(&mut self, error: &E) -> Option<Duration> {
struct BackoffWithMaxRetries;
struct BackoffWithTimeout;
struct BackoffWithSingleTimeout;
/// A potentially retriable error.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
enum TestError {
/// A fatal error
#[error("A fatal test error")]
/// A transient error
#[error("A transient test error")]
impl RetriableError for TestError {
match self {
Self::Fatal => false,
Self::Transient => true,
/// Run a single [`Runner`] test.
fn run_test<E: RetriableError + Send + Sync + 'static>(
sleep_for: Option<Duration>,
schedule: impl BackoffSchedule + Send + 'static,
errors: impl Iterator<Item = E> + Send + Sync + 'static,
expected_run_count: usize,
description: &'static str,
expected_duration: Duration,
) {
let runtime = MockRuntime::new();
runtime.clone().block_on(async move {
let runner = Runner {
doing: description.into(),
runtime: runtime.clone(),
let retry_count = Arc::new(RwLock::new(0));
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let start =;
.spawn_identified(format!("retry runner task: {description}"), {
let retry_count = Arc::clone(&retry_count);
let errors = Arc::new(RwLock::new(errors));
let runtime = runtime.clone();
async move {
if let Ok(()) = runner
.run(|| async {
*retry_count.write().unwrap() += 1;
if let Some(dur) = sleep_for {
Err::<(), _>(errors.write().unwrap().next().unwrap())
let () = tx.send(()).unwrap();
// The expected retry count may be unknown (for example, if we set a timeout but no
// upper limit for the number of retries, it's impossible to tell exactly how many
// times the operation will be retried)
for i in 1..=expected_run_count {
// If our fallible_op is sleeping, advance the time until after it times out or
// finishes sleeping.
if let Some(sleep_for) = sleep_for {
.advance(std::cmp::min(SINGLE_TIMEOUT, sleep_for));
assert_eq!(*, i);
let () = rx.await.unwrap();
let end =;
assert_eq!(*, expected_run_count);
assert!(duration_close_to(end - start, expected_duration));
/// Return true if d1 is in range [d2...d2 + 0.01sec]
/// TODO: lifted from tor-circmgr
fn duration_close_to(d1: Duration, d2: Duration) -> bool {
d1 >= d2 && d1 <= d2 + SHORT_DELAY
fn max_retries() {
"backoff with max_retries and no timeout (transient errors)",
Duration::from_millis(SHORT_DELAY.as_millis() as u64 * MAX_RETRIES as u64),
fn max_retries_fatal() {
use TestError::*;
/// The number of transient errors that happen before the final, fatal error.
const RETRIES_UNTIL_FATAL: usize = 3;
/// The total number of times we exoect the fallible function to be called.
/// The first RETRIES_UNTIL_FATAL times, a transient error is returned.
/// The last call corresponds to the fatal error
"backoff with max_retries and no timeout (transient errors followed by a fatal error)",
Duration::from_millis(SHORT_DELAY.as_millis() as u64 * EXPECTED_TOTAL_RUNS as u64),
fn timeout() {
let expected_run_count = TIMEOUT.as_millis() / SHORT_DELAY.as_millis();
expected_run_count as usize,
"backoff with timeout and no max_retries (transient errors)",
fn single_timeout() {
// Each attempt will time out after SINGLE_TIMEOUT time units,
// and the backoff runner sleeps for SLEEP_DELAY units in between retries
let expected_duration = Duration::from_millis(
(SHORT_DELAY.as_millis() + SINGLE_TIMEOUT.as_millis()) as u64 * MAX_RETRIES as u64,
// Sleep for more than SINGLE_TIMEOUT units
// to trigger the single_attempt_timeout() timeout
"backoff with single timeout and max_retries and no overall timeout",
// TODO (#1120): needs tests for the remaining corner cases