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//! Reclamation algorithm
//! Implementation the of long-running [`task`] function,
//! (which is the only export from here, the wider `mtracker` module).
use super::*;
mod deferred_drop;
use deferred_drop::{DeferredDrop, GuardWithDeferredDrop};
/// Total number of participants
/// Used in reporting and in calculations of various edge cases.
/// On 64-bit systems, bigger than the refcounts, which are all `u32`
type NumParticips = usize;
//========== candidate victim analysis ==========
/// The nominal data age of a participant
#[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Age {
/// Treat this participant as having very old data
/// Data age value from the [`IsParticipant`]
/// Participant status, as a candidate victim
enum PStatus {
/// Treat participant as having data of age OldestData
/// Tear this participant down right away
/// Treat participant as not having any data; don't reclaim from it
/// Outcome of a completed reclamation run
/// This is used only within `choose_victim`, and only for logging
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display)]
enum Outcome {
/// We reached the low water mark
/// We didn't, but we have so many participants that that's possibly expected
/// (Can only happen on 32-bit platforms.)
#[display("{} participants, good enough - stopping", n_particips)]
GoodEnough {
/// The number of participants
n_particips: NumParticips,
/// Figure out whether a participant is a candidate victim, and obtain its data age
fn analyse_particip(precord: &PRecord, defer_drop: &mut DeferredDrop) -> PStatus {
let Some(particip) = precord.particip.upgrade() else {
// Oh! This participant has vanished!
// We can't reclaim from it. It may already be reclaiming.
// Delete it from our data structure.
return PStatus::TearDown;
let got_oldest = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| particip.get_oldest(precord.enabled)));
match got_oldest {
Ok(Some(age)) => return PStatus::Candidate(Age::Actual(age)),
Ok(None) => {}
Err(_panicked) => {
// _panicked is of a useless type
error!("memory tracker: call to get_oldest panicked!");
// The participant claims not to have any memory
// There might be some cached, let's check
let Some(max_cached) = precord
else {
// WTF! So many Participation clones that the max usage has
// overflowed. (This can only happen on 32-bit platforms
// since refcount is a u32.) Probably we should reclaim
// from this participant.
"memtrack: participant with many clones claims to have no data";
Err::<Void, _>(internal!("{} Participation clones", *precord.refcount));
return PStatus::Candidate(Age::TreatAsVeryOld);
if precord.used.as_raw() > Qty(max_cached) {
// This participant is lying to us somehow.
"memtrack: participant claims to have no data, but our accounting disagrees";
Err::<Void, _>(internal!("{} used (by {} clones)", precord.used, *precord.refcount));
// Participant plausibly does have no data
//========== reclamation algorithm, the main pieces ==========
/// State while reclamation is active
struct Reclaiming {
/// The heap of candidates, oldest at top of heap
heap: BinaryHeap<Reverse<(Age, AId)>>,
/// Make this type uninhabited if memory tracking is compiled out
enabled: EnabledToken,
/// A victim we have selected for reclamation
/// This designates a specific Participant.
/// But, note that we always reclaim from an Account, so if we are reclaiming
/// from one `Victim`, we may be reclaiming from other `Victim`s with the same
/// `AId` and different `IsParticipant`s. And because of inheritance, we might
/// be reclaiming from other Accounts too.
type Victim = (AId, drop_reentrancy::ProtectedArc<dyn IsParticipant>);
/// Marker indicating that the victim's reclaim function panicked
struct VictimPanicked;
/// Set of responses from the victims, after they have all finished reclaiming.
type VictimResponses = Vec<(AId, Result<Reclaimed, VictimPanicked>)>;
impl Reclaiming {
/// Check to see if we should start reclaiming, and if so return a `Reclaiming`
/// 1. Checks to see if usage is above `max`; if not, returns `None`
/// 2. Logs that we're starting reclamation
/// 3. Calculates the heap of data ages
fn maybe_start(state: &mut GuardWithDeferredDrop) -> Option<Self> {
let (state, deferred_drop) = state.deref_mut_both();
if *state.total_used <= {
return None;
"memory tracking: {} > {}, reclamation started (target {})",
*state.total_used, state.config.max, state.config.low_water,
// `BinaryHeap` is a max heap, so use Rev
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();
// Build heap of participants we might want to reclaim from
// (and, while we're at it, tear down broken participants)
for (aid, arecord) in state.accounts.iter_mut() {|_pid, precord| {
match analyse_particip(precord, deferred_drop) {
PStatus::Candidate(age) => {
heap.push(Reverse((age, aid)));
true // retain
PStatus::NoData => {
PStatus::TearDown => {
false // remove
Some(Reclaiming {
enabled: state.enabled,
/// If we're reclaiming, choose the next victim(s) to reclaim
/// This is the account whose participant has the oldest data age,
/// and all of that account's children.
/// We might discover that we didn't want to continue reclamation after all:
/// this function is responsible for checking our progress
/// against the low water mark.
/// If reclamation should stop, this function logs, and returns `None`.
fn choose_victims(&mut self, state: &mut State) -> Result<Option<Vec<Victim>>, ReclaimCrashed> {
let stop = |state: &mut State, outcome| {
"memory tracking reclamation reached: {} (target {}): {}",
*state.total_used, state.config.low_water, outcome,
if *state.total_used <= state.config.low_water {
return stop(state, Outcome::TargetReached);
let Some(Reverse((_, oldest_aid))) = self.heap.pop() else {
// All our remaining participants are NoData.
let n_particips: usize = state
.map(|ar| {
|pr| *pr.refcount as NumParticips, // refcount is u32, so this is fine
if state
.is_some_and(|total_used| total_used < usize::from(MAX_CACHE))
// On 32-bit, this could happen due to the cache, if we have
// 2^32 / MAX_CACHE participants.
return stop(state, Outcome::GoodEnough { n_particips });
// Oh dear.
return Err(internal!(
"memory accounting state corrupted: used={} n_particips={} all NoData",
// When we do partial reclamation, rather than just Collapsing:
// fudge next_oldest by something to do with number of loop iterations,
// to avoid one-allocation-each-time ping pong between multiple caches
// (this match statement will fail to compile when we add a non-Collapsing variant)
// let next_oldest = heap.peek_lowest();
match None {
None | Some(Reclaimed::Collapsing) => {}
let victim_aids = state.get_aid_and_children_recursively(oldest_aid);
let victims: Vec<Victim> = {
let mut particips = vec![];
for aid in victim_aids {
let Some(arecord) = state.accounts.get_mut(aid) else {
// shouldn't happen but no need to panic
// tear this down!
return false;
particips.push((aid, particip));
/// Notify the chosen victims and obtain their responses
/// This is the async part, and is done with the state unlocked.
// Doesn't actually need `self`, only `victims`, but we take it for form's sake
async fn notify_victims(&mut self, victims: Vec<Victim>) -> VictimResponses {
let enabled = self.enabled;
victims.into_iter().map(|(aid, particip)| async move {
let particip = particip.promise_dropping_is_ok();
// We run the `.reclaim()` calls within the same task (since that's what
// `join_all` does). So they all run on whatever executor thread is polling
// the reclamation task.
let reclaimed = AssertUnwindSafe(particip.reclaim(enabled))
.map_err(|_panicked| VictimPanicked);
// We drop the `ProtectedArc<dyn IsParticipant>` here, which is OK
// because we don't hold the lock. Since drop isn't async, and
// `join_all` doesn't spawn tasks, we drop them sequentially.
(aid, reclaimed)
/// Process the victim's responses and update `state` accordingly
// Doesn't actually need `self`, only `state`, but we take it for form's sake
fn handle_victim_responses(&mut self, state: &mut State, responses: VictimResponses) {
for (aid, reclaimed) in responses {
match reclaimed {
Ok(Reclaimed::Collapsing) | Err(VictimPanicked) => {
let Some(mut arecord) = state.accounts.remove(aid) else {
// Account is gone, fair enough
// Account is definitely gone now
//========== the reclamation task, in terms of the pieces ==========-
/// Return value from the task, when it finishes due to the tracker being shut down
struct TaskFinished;
/// Reclaim memory until we reach low water, if necessary
/// Looks to see if we're above `config.max`.
/// If so, constructs a list of victims, and starts reclaiming from them,
/// until we reach low water.
async fn inner_loop(
tracker: &Arc<MemoryQuotaTracker>,
_enabled: EnabledToken,
) -> Result<(), ReclaimCrashed> {
let mut reclaiming;
let mut victims;
let mut state_guard = GuardWithDeferredDrop::new(tracker.lock()?.enabled_or_bug()?);
let Some(r) = Reclaiming::maybe_start(&mut state_guard) else {
return Ok(());
reclaiming = r;
// Duplicating this call to reclaiming.choose_victims means we don't
// release the lock between `maybe_start` and `choose_victims` (here)
// and between `handle_victim_responses` and `choose_victims` (bellw).
// (Releasing the lock would not be a bug, but it's not desirable.)
let Some(v) = reclaiming.choose_victims(&mut state_guard)? else {
victims = v;
loop {
let responses = reclaiming.notify_victims(mem::take(&mut victims)).await;
let mut state_guard = tracker.lock()?.enabled_or_bug()?;
reclaiming.handle_victim_responses(&mut state_guard, responses);
/// Internal long-running task, handling reclamation - main loop
/// Handles routine logging, but not termination
async fn task_loop(
tracker: &Weak<MemoryQuotaTracker>,
mut wakeup: mpsc::Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<TaskFinished, ReclaimCrashed> {
// We don't hold a strong reference while we loop around, so we detect
// last drop of an actual client handle.
let Some(tracker) = tracker.upgrade() else {
return Ok(TaskFinished);
inner_loop(&tracker, enabled).await?;
let Some(()) = else {
// Sender dropped
/// Internal long-running task, handling reclamation
/// This is the entrypoint used by the rest of the `tracker`.
/// It handles logging of crashes.
pub(super) async fn task(
tracker: Weak<MemoryQuotaTracker>,
wakeup: mpsc::Receiver<()>,
) {
match task_loop(&tracker, wakeup, enabled).await {
Ok(TaskFinished) => {}
Err(bug) => {
let _: Option<()> = (|| {
let tracker = tracker.upgrade()?;
let mut state = tracker.state.as_enabled()?.lock().ok()?;
error_report!(bug, "memory tracker task failed");