macro_rules! derive_deftly_template_Object {
        { $($driver:tt)* } [$($aoptions:tt)*] { $($future:tt)* }
    ) => { ... };
    ([$chain0:path, $($chains:path,)*] [$($accum:tt)*] $($passthrough:tt)*) => { ... };
    ($($wrong:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Allow a type to participate as an Object in the RPC system.

This template implements Object for the target type, and can be used to cause objects to participate in the trait downcasting system.


§Simple case, just implements Object.

use tor_rpcbase::{self as rpc, templates::*};
use derive_deftly::Deftly;

#[derive(Default, Deftly)]
struct Houseplant {
   oxygen_per_sec: f64,
   benign_neglect: u8

// You can downcast an Object to a concrete type.
use downcast_rs::DowncastSync;
use std::sync::Arc;
let plant_obj: Arc<dyn rpc::Object> = Arc::new(Houseplant::default());
let as_plant: Arc<Houseplant> = plant_obj.downcast_arc().ok().unwrap();

§With trait downcasting

By default, you can use [downcast_rs] to downcast a dyn Object to its concrete type. If you also need to be able to downcast a dyn Object to a given trait that it implements, you can use the downcastable_to attributes for Object to have it participate in trait downcasting:

use tor_rpcbase::{self as rpc, templates::*};
use derive_deftly::Deftly;

#[deftly(rpc(downcastable_to = "Gizmo, Doodad"))]
struct Frobnitz {}

trait Gizmo {}
trait Doodad {}
impl Gizmo for Frobnitz {}
impl Doodad for Frobnitz {}

use std::sync::Arc;
use rpc::ObjectArcExt; // for the cast_to method.
let frob_obj: Arc<dyn rpc::Object> = Arc::new(Frobnitz {});
let gizmo: &dyn Gizmo = frob_obj.cast_to_trait().unwrap();
let doodad: &dyn Doodad = frob_obj.cast_to_trait().unwrap();

§With generic objects

Right now, a generic object can’t participate in our method lookup system, but it can participate in trait downcasting. We’ll try to remove this limitation in the future.

use tor_rpcbase::{self as rpc, templates::*};
use derive_deftly::Deftly;

#[deftly(rpc(downcastable_to = "ExampleTrait"))]
struct Generic<T,U> where T:Clone, U:PartialEq {
    t: T,
    u: U,

trait ExampleTrait {}
impl<T:Clone,U:PartialEq> ExampleTrait for Generic<T,U> {}

use std::sync::Arc;
use rpc::ObjectArcExt; // for the cast_to method.
let obj: Arc<dyn rpc::Object> = Arc::new(Generic { t: 42_u8, u: 42_u8 });
let tr: &dyn ExampleTrait = obj.cast_to_trait().unwrap();

§Making an object “exposed outside of the session”

You flag any kind of Object so that its identifiers will be exported outside of the local RPC session. (Arti uses this for Objects whose ObjectId needs to be used as a SOCKS identifier.) To do so, use the expose_outside_session attribute:

use tor_rpcbase::{self as rpc, templates::*};
use derive_deftly::Deftly;

struct Visible {}

This is a derive_deftly template. Do not invoke it directly. To use it, write: #[derive(Deftly)] #[derive_deftly(Object)].