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//! Error handling logic for our ffi code.
use paste::paste;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::ffi::{c_char, c_int, CStr};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io::Error as IoError;
use std::panic::{catch_unwind, UnwindSafe};
use crate::conn::ErrorResponse;
use crate::util::Utf8CString;
use super::util::{ffi_body_raw, OptOutPtrExt as _, OutPtr};
use super::ArtiRpcStatus;
/// Helper:
/// Given a restricted enum defining FfiStatus, also define a series of constants for its variants,
/// and a string conversion function.
// NOTE: I tried to use derive_deftly here, but ran into trouble when defining the constants.
// I wanted to have them be "pub const ARTI_FOO = FfiStatus::$vname",
// but that doesn't work with cbindgen, which won't expose a constant unless it is a public type
// it can recognize.
// There is no way to use derive_deftly to look at the explicit discriminant of an enum.
macro_rules! define_ffi_status {
pub(crate) enum FfiStatus {
$id:ident = $e:expr,
} => {paste!{
$id = $e,
pub const [<ARTI_RPC_STATUS_ $id:snake:upper >] : ArtiRpcStatus = $e;
/// Return a string representing the meaning of a given `ArtiRpcStatus`.
/// The result will always be non-NULL, even if the status is unrecognized.
pub extern "C" fn arti_rpc_status_to_str(status: ArtiRpcStatus) -> *const c_char {
match status {
[<ARTI_RPC_STATUS_ $id:snake:upper>] => $s,
_ => c"(unrecognized status)",
define_ffi_status! {
/// View of FFI status as rust enumeration.
/// Not exposed in the FFI interfaces, except via cast to ArtiStatus.
/// We define this as an enumeration so that we can treat it exhaustively in Rust.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
/// The function has returned successfully.
Success = 0,
/// One or more of the inputs to a library function was invalid.
/// (This error was generated by the library, before any request was sent.)
[c"Invalid input"]
InvalidInput = 1,
/// Tried to use some functionality
/// (for example, an authentication method or connection scheme)
/// that wasn't available on this platform or build.
[c"Not supported"]
NotSupported = 2,
/// Tried to connect to Arti, but an IO error occurred.
/// This may indicate that Arti wasn't running,
/// or that Arti was built without RPC support,
/// or that Arti wasn't running at the specified location.
/// (This error was generated by the library.)
[c"An IO error occurred while connecting to Arti"]
ConnectIo = 3,
/// We tried to authenticate with Arti, but it rejected our attempt.
/// (This error was sent by the peer.)
[c"Authentication rejected"]
BadAuth = 4,
/// Our peer has, in some way, violated the Arti-RPC protocol.
/// (This error was generated by the library,
/// based on a response from Arti that appeared to be invalid.)
[c"Peer violated the RPC protocol"]
PeerProtocolViolation = 5,
/// The peer has closed our connection; possibly because it is shutting down.
/// based on the connection being closed or reset from the peer.)
[c"Peer has shut down"]
Shutdown = 6,
/// An internal error occurred in the arti rpc client.
/// (This error was generated by the library.
/// If you see it, there is probably a bug in the library.)
[c"Internal error; possible bug?"]
Internal = 7,
/// The peer reports that one of our requests has failed.
/// (This error was sent by the peer, in response to one of our requests.
/// No further responses to that request will be received or accepted.)
[c"Request has failed"]
RequestFailed = 8,
/// Tried to check the status of a request and found that it was no longer running.
[c"Request has already completed (or failed)"]
RequestCompleted = 9,
/// An IO error occurred while trying to negotiate a data stream
/// using Arti as a proxy.
[c"IO error while connecting to Arti as a Proxy"]
ProxyIo = 10,
/// An attempt to negotiate a data stream through Arti failed,
/// with an error from the proxy protocol.
// TODO RPC: expose the actual error type; see #1580.
[c"Data stream failed"]
ProxyStreamFailed = 11,
/// Some operation failed because it was attempted on an unauthenticated channel.
/// (At present (Sep 2024) there is no way to get an unauthenticated channel from this library,
/// but that may change in the future.)
[c"Not authenticated"]
NotAuthenticated = 12,
/// All of our attempts to connect to Arti failed,
/// or we reached an explicit instruction to "abort" our connection attempts.
[c"All attempts to connect to Arti RPC failed"]
AllConnectAttemptsFailed = 13,
/// We tried to connect to Arti at a given connect point,
/// but it could not be used:
/// either because we don't know how,
/// or because we were not able to access some necessary file or directory.
[c"Connect point was not usable"]
ConnectPointNotUsable = 14,
/// We were unable to parse or resolve an entry
/// in our connect point search path.
[c"Invalid connect point search path"]
BadConnectPointPath = 15,
/// An error as returned by the Arti FFI code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FfiError {
/// The status of this error messages
pub(super) status: ArtiRpcStatus,
/// A human-readable message describing this error
message: Utf8CString,
/// If present, a Json-formatted message from our peer that we are representing with this error.
error_response: Option<ErrorResponse>,
/// If present, the OS error code that caused this error.
// (Actually, this should be RawOsError, but that type isn't stable.)
os_error_code: Option<i32>,
impl FfiError {
/// Helper: If this error stems from a response from our RPC peer,
/// return that response.
fn error_response_as_ptr(&self) -> Option<*const c_char> {
self.error_response.as_ref().map(|response| {
let cstr: &CStr = response.as_ref();
/// Convenience trait to help implement `Into<FfiError>`
/// Any error that implements this trait will be convertible into an [`FfiError`].
// additional requirements: display doesn't make NULs.
pub(crate) trait IntoFfiError: Display + Sized {
/// Return the status
fn status(&self) -> FfiStatus;
/// Return this type as an Error, if it is one.
fn as_error(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)>;
/// Return a message for this error.
/// By default, returns the Display of this error.
fn message(&self) -> String {
/// Return the OS error code (if any) underlying this error.
/// On unix-like platforms, this is an `errno`; on Windows, it's a
/// code from `GetLastError.`
fn os_error_code(&self) -> Option<i32> {
let mut err = self.as_error()?;
loop {
if let Some(io_error) = err.downcast_ref::<IoError>() {
return io_error.raw_os_error() as Option<i32>;
err = err.source()?;
/// Consume this error and return an [`ErrorResponse`]
fn into_error_response(self) -> Option<ErrorResponse> {
impl<T: IntoFfiError> From<T> for FfiError {
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
let status = value.status() as u32;
let message = value
.expect("Error message had a NUL?");
let os_error_code = value.os_error_code();
let error_response = value.into_error_response();
Self {
impl From<void::Void> for FfiError {
fn from(value: void::Void) -> Self {
/// Tried to call a ffi function with a not-permitted argument.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub(super) enum InvalidInput {
/// Tried to convert a NULL pointer to an FFI object.
#[error("Provided argument was NULL.")]
/// Tried to convert a non-UTF string.
#[error("Provided string was not UTF-8")]
/// Tried to use an invalid port.
#[error("Port was not in range 1..65535")]
/// Tried to use an invalid constant
#[error("Provided constant was not recognized")]
impl From<void::Void> for InvalidInput {
impl IntoFfiError for InvalidInput {
fn status(&self) -> FfiStatus {
fn as_error(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)> {
impl IntoFfiError for crate::ConnectError {
use crate::ConnectError as E;
use FfiStatus as F;
match self {
E::CannotConnect(e) => e.status(),
E::AuthenticationRejected(_) => F::BadAuth,
E::InvalidBanner => F::PeerProtocolViolation,
E::BadMessage(_) => F::PeerProtocolViolation,
E::ProtoError(e) => e.status(),
E::BadEnvironment | E::RelativeConnectFile | E::CannotResolvePath(_) => {
E::CannotParse(_) | E::CannotResolveConnectPoint(_) => F::ConnectPointNotUsable,
E::AllAttemptsDeclined => F::AllConnectAttemptsFailed,
E::AuthenticationNotSupported => F::NotSupported,
E::ServerAddressMismatch { .. } => F::ConnectPointNotUsable,
E::CookieMismatch => F::ConnectPointNotUsable,
E::LoadCookie(_) => F::ConnectPointNotUsable,
E::AuthenticationRejected(msg) => Some(msg),
_ => None,
impl IntoFfiError for tor_rpc_connect::ConnectError {
use tor_rpc_connect::ConnectError as E;
E::Io(_) => F::ConnectIo,
E::ExplicitAbort => F::AllConnectAttemptsFailed,
| E::UnsupportedSocketType
| E::UnsupportedAuthType
| E::InvalidUnixAddress
| E::UnixAddressAccess(_) => F::ConnectPointNotUsable,
_ => F::Internal,
impl IntoFfiError for crate::StreamError {
use crate::StreamError as E;
E::RpcMethods(e) => e.status(),
E::ProxyInfoRejected(_) => F::RequestFailed,
E::NewStreamRejected(_) => F::RequestFailed,
E::StreamReleaseRejected(_) => F::RequestFailed,
E::NotAuthenticated => F::NotAuthenticated,
E::Internal(_) => F::Internal,
E::NoProxy => F::RequestFailed,
E::Io(_) => F::ProxyIo,
E::SocksRequest(_) => F::InvalidInput,
E::SocksProtocol(_) => F::PeerProtocolViolation,
E::SocksError(_status) => {
// TODO RPC: We should expose the actual failure type somehow,
// possibly with a different call. See #1580.
impl IntoFfiError for crate::ProtoError {
use crate::ProtoError as E;
E::Shutdown(_) => F::Shutdown,
E::InvalidRequest(_) => F::InvalidInput,
E::RequestIdInUse => F::InvalidInput,
E::RequestCompleted => F::RequestCompleted,
E::DuplicateWait => F::Internal,
E::CouldNotEncode(_) => F::Internal,
E::InternalRequestFailed(_) => F::PeerProtocolViolation,
impl IntoFfiError for crate::BuilderError {
use crate::BuilderError as E;
E::InvalidConnectString => F::InvalidInput,
impl IntoFfiError for ErrorResponse {
/// An error returned by the Arti RPC code, exposed as an object.
/// When a function returns an [`ArtiRpcStatus`] other than [`ARTI_RPC_STATUS_SUCCESS`],
/// it will also expose a newly allocated value of this type
/// via its `error_out` parameter.
pub type ArtiRpcError = FfiError;
/// Return the status code associated with a given error.
/// If `err` is NULL, return [`ARTI_RPC_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT`].
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_status(err: *const ArtiRpcError) -> ArtiRpcStatus {
let err: Option<&ArtiRpcError> [in_ptr_opt];
} in {|e| e.status)
// Safety: Return value is ArtiRpcStatus; trivially safe.
/// Return the OS error code underlying `err`, if any.
/// This is typically an `errno` on unix-like systems , or the result of `GetLastError()`
/// on Windows. It is only present when `err` was caused by the failure of some
/// OS library call, like a `connect()` or `read()`.
/// Returns 0 if `err` is NULL, or if `err` was not caused by the failure of an
/// OS library call.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_os_error_code(err: *const ArtiRpcError) -> c_int {
err.and_then(|e| e.os_error_code)
// Safety: Return value is c_int; trivially safe.
/// Return a human-readable error message associated with a given error.
/// The format of these messages may change arbitrarily between versions of this library;
/// it is a mistake to depend on the actual contents of this message.
/// Return NULL if the input `err` is NULL.
/// # Correctness requirements
/// The resulting string pointer is valid only for as long as the input `err` is not freed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_message(err: *const ArtiRpcError) -> *const c_char {|e| e.message.as_ptr())
// Safety: returned pointer is null, or semantically borrowed from `err`.
// It is only null if `err` was null.
// The caller is not allowed to modify it.
/// Return a Json-formatted error response associated with a given error.
/// These messages are full responses, including the `error` field,
/// and the `id` field (if present).
/// Return NULL if the specified error does not represent an RPC error response.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_response(err: *const ArtiRpcError) -> *const c_char {
// It is only null if `err` was null, or if `err` contained no response field.
/// Make and return copy of a provided error.
/// Return NULL if the input is NULL.
/// # Ownership
/// The caller is responsible for making sure that the returned object
/// is eventually freed with `arti_rpc_err_free()`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_clone(err: *const ArtiRpcError) -> *mut ArtiRpcError {|e| Box::into_raw(Box::new(e.clone())))
// Safety: returned pointer is null, or newly allocated via Box::new().
// It is only null if the input was null.
/// Release storage held by a provided error.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn arti_rpc_err_free(err: *mut ArtiRpcError) {
let err: Option<Box<ArtiRpcError>> [in_ptr_consume_opt];
// Safety: Return value is (); trivially safe.
/// Run `body` and catch panics. If one occurs, return the result of `on_err` instead.
/// We wrap the body of every C ffi function with this function
/// (or with `handle_errors`, which uses this function),
/// even if we do not think that the body can actually panic.
pub(super) fn abort_on_panic<F, T>(body: F) -> T
F: FnOnce() -> T + UnwindSafe,
match catch_unwind(body) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_panic_info) => {
eprintln!("Internal panic in arti-rpc library: aborting!");
/// Call `body`, converting any errors or panics that occur into an FfiError,
/// and storing that error in `error_out`.
pub(super) fn handle_errors<F>(error_out: Option<OutPtr<FfiError>>, body: F) -> ArtiRpcStatus
F: FnOnce() -> Result<(), FfiError> + UnwindSafe,
match abort_on_panic(body) {
Err(e) => {
// "body" returned an error.
let status = e.status;