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//! Cancellable futures.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
task::{Context, Poll, Waker},
use futures::Future;
use pin_project::pin_project;
/// A cancellable future type, loosely influenced by `RemoteHandle`.
/// This type is useful for cases when we can't cancel a future simply by
/// dropping it, because the future is owned by some other object (like a
/// `FuturesUnordered`) that won't give it up.
/// # Limitations
/// Do not try to cancel a future from inside a cancellable future,
/// including the future itself:
/// this may cause a panic or deadlock.
/// In `arti-rpcserver`, we prevent this happening by ensuring that
/// every method that calls `cancel()` is itself uncancellable.
// TODO: We should probably fix this limitation somehow before exposing
// this code outside of this crate. But see comments inside `Cancel::poll`
// for why we might not want to just drop the lock while polling.
// Also: We could use `tokio_util`'s cancellable futures instead here, but I don't
// think we want an unconditional tokio_util dependency.
pub(crate) struct Cancel<F> {
/// Shared state between the `Cancel` and the `CancelHandle`.
// It would be nice not to have to stick this behind a mutex, but that would
// make it a bit tricky to manage the Waker.
inner: Arc<Mutex<Inner>>,
/// The inner future.
/// TODO: Possibly we should move this into `inner`,
/// so that we can make sure that we don't execute the future without holding the lock,
/// and so we can drop the future immediately when it's cancelled.
/// But that would take some fairly tricky type erasure, so maybe it isn't worth it?
fut: F,
/// Possible status of `Cancel` future.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum Status {
/// The future has neither finished, nor been cancelled.
/// The future has finished; it can no longer be cancelled.
/// The future has been cancelled; it should no longer be polled.
/// Inner state shared between `Cancel` and the `CancelHandle.
struct Inner {
/// Current status of the future.
status: Status,
/// A waker to use in telling this future that it's cancelled.
waker: Option<Waker>,
/// An object that can be used to cancel a future.
pub(crate) struct CancelHandle {
/// The shared state for the cancellable future between `Cancel` and
/// `CancelHandle`.
impl<F> Cancel<F> {
/// Wrap `fut` in a new future that can be cancelled.
/// Returns a handle to cancel the future, and the cancellable future.
pub(crate) fn new(fut: F) -> (CancelHandle, Cancel<F>) {
let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Inner {
status: Status::Pending,
waker: None,
let handle = CancelHandle {
inner: inner.clone(),
let future = Cancel { inner, fut };
(handle, future)
impl CancelHandle {
/// Cancel the associated future, if it has not already finished.
/// This function may panic or deadlock if you call it from inside a `Cancel<F>`
/// future. See discussion in [`Cancel`] documentation.
pub(crate) fn cancel(&self) -> Result<(), CannotCancel> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
match inner.status {
Status::Pending => inner.status = Status::Cancelled,
Status::Finished => return Err(CannotCancel::Finished),
Status::Cancelled => return Err(CannotCancel::Cancelled),
if let Some(waker) = inner.waker.take() {
drop(inner); // release lock.
/// An error returned from a `Cancel` future if it is cancelled.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Clone, Debug)]
#[error("Future was cancelled")]
pub(crate) struct Cancelled;
/// An error returned when we cannot cancel a future.
pub(crate) enum CannotCancel {
/// This future was already cancelled, and can't be cancelled again.
#[error("Already cancelled")]
/// This future has already completed, and can't be cancelled.
#[error("Already finished")]
impl<F: Future> Future for Cancel<F> {
type Output = Result<F::Output, Cancelled>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
let mut inner = this.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
Status::Pending => {}
Status::Finished => {
// Yes, we do intentionally allow a finished future to be polled again.
// This does not violate our invariants.
// If you want to prevent this, you need to use Fuse or a similar mechanism.
Status::Cancelled => return Poll::Ready(Err(Cancelled)),
// Note that we're holding the mutex here while we poll the future.
// This guarantees that the future can't make _any_ progress after it has been
// cancelled. If we someday decide we don't care about that, we could release the mutex
// while polling, and pick it up again after we're done polling.
match this.fut.poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(val) => {
inner.status = Status::Finished;
Poll::Pending => {
if let Some(existing_waker) = &mut inner.waker {
// If we already have a waker, we use clone_from here,
// since that function knows to use will_wake
// to avoid a needless clone.
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to clone cx.waker().
inner.waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use std::{future, time::Duration};
use super::*;
use futures::{stream::FuturesUnordered, FutureExt as _, StreamExt as _};
use futures_await_test::async_test;
use oneshot_fused_workaround as oneshot;
use tor_basic_utils::RngExt;
use tor_rtcompat::SleepProvider as _;
async fn not_cancelled() {
let f = futures::future::ready("hello");
let (_h, f) = Cancel::new(f);
assert_eq!(f.await.unwrap(), "hello");
async fn cancelled() {
let f = futures::future::pending::<()>();
let (h, f) = Cancel::new(f);
let (r, ()) = futures::join!(f, async {
assert!(matches!(r, Err(Cancelled)));
let (_tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (h, f) = Cancel::new(rx);
fn cancelled_or_not() {
// This looks pretty complicated! But really what we're doing is running a whole bunch
// of tasks and cancelling them almost-immediately, to make sure that every task either
// succeeds or fails.
tor_rtmock::MockRuntime::test_with_various(|rt| async move {
let rt = tor_rtmock::MockSleepRuntime::new(rt);
const N_TRIES: usize = 1024;
// Time is virtual here, so the interval doesn't matter.
const SLEEP_CEIL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1);
let work_succeeded = Arc::new(Mutex::new([None; N_TRIES]));
let cancel_succeeded = Arc::new(Mutex::new([None; N_TRIES]));
let mut futs = FuturesUnordered::new();
for idx in 0..N_TRIES {
let work_succeeded = Arc::clone(&work_succeeded);
let cancel_succeeded = Arc::clone(&cancel_succeeded);
let rt1 = rt.clone();
let rt2 = rt.clone();
let t1 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range_infallible(..=SLEEP_CEIL);
let t2 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range_infallible(..=SLEEP_CEIL);
let work = future::ready(());
let (handle, work) = Cancel::new(work);
let f1 = async move {
let r = handle.cancel();
cancel_succeeded.lock().unwrap()[idx] = Some(r.is_ok());
let f2 = async move {
let r = work.await;
work_succeeded.lock().unwrap()[idx] = Some(r.is_ok());
rt.wait_for(async { while let Some(()) = {} })
let ws = work_succeeded.lock().unwrap()[idx];
let cs = cancel_succeeded.lock().unwrap()[idx];
match (ws, cs) {
(Some(true), Some(false)) => {}
(Some(false), Some(true)) => {}
_ => panic!("incorrect values {:?}", (idx, ws, cs)),