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//! RPC connection support, mainloop, and protocol implementation.
pub(crate) mod auth;
use std::{
io::Error as IoError,
sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, Weak},
use asynchronous_codec::JsonCodecError;
use derive_deftly::Deftly;
use futures::{
stream::{FusedStream, FuturesUnordered},
FutureExt, Sink, SinkExt as _, StreamExt,
use rpc::dispatch::BoxedUpdateSink;
use serde_json::error::Category as JsonErrorCategory;
use tor_async_utils::SinkExt as _;
use crate::{
cancel::{Cancel, CancelHandle},
globalid::{GlobalId, MacKey},
msgs::{BoxedResponse, FlexibleRequest, Request, RequestId, ResponseBody},
objmap::{GenIdx, ObjMap},
use tor_rpcbase as rpc;
use tor_rpcbase::templates::*;
/// An open connection from an RPC client.
/// Tracks information that persists from one request to another.
/// The client might not have authenticated;
/// access and permissions control is handled via the capability system.
/// Specifically, the `objects` table in `Inner` hold capabilities
/// that the client will use to do things,
/// including an `RpcSession`.
pub struct Connection {
/// The mutable state of this connection.
inner: Mutex<Inner>,
/// Lookup table to find the implementations for methods
/// based on RPC object and method types.
/// **NOTE: observe the [Lock hierarchy](crate::mgr::Inner#lock-hierarchy)**
dispatch_table: Arc<RwLock<rpc::DispatchTable>>,
/// A unique identifier for this connection.
/// This kind of ID is used to refer to the connection from _outside_ of the
/// context of an RPC connection: it can uniquely identify the connection
/// from e.g. a SOCKS session so that clients can attach streams to it.
connection_id: ConnectionId,
/// A `MacKey` used to create `GlobalIds` for the objects whose identifiers
/// need to exist outside this connection.
global_id_mac_key: MacKey,
/// A reference to the manager associated with this session.
mgr: Weak<RpcMgr>,
/// A reference to this connection itself.
/// Used when we're looking up the connection within the RPC system as an object.
/// TODO RPC: Maybe there is an easier way to do this while keeping `context` object-save?
this_connection: Weak<Connection>,
/// The inner, lock-protected part of an RPC connection.
struct Inner {
/// Map from request ID to handles; used when we need to cancel a request.
// TODO: We have two options here for handling colliding IDs. We can either turn
// this into a multimap, or we can declare that cancelling a request only
// cancels the most recent request sent with that ID.
inflight: HashMap<RequestId, CancelHandle>,
/// An object map used to look up most objects by ID, and keep track of
/// which objects are owned by this connection.
objects: ObjMap,
/// How many updates can be pending, per connection, before they start to block?
const UPDATE_CHAN_SIZE: usize = 128;
/// A type-erased [`FusedStream`] yielding [`Request`]s.
// (We name this type and [`BoxedResponseSink`] below so as to keep the signature for run_loop
// nice and simple.)
pub(crate) type BoxedRequestStream = Pin<
Box<dyn FusedStream<Item = Result<FlexibleRequest, asynchronous_codec::JsonCodecError>> + Send>,
/// A type-erased [`Sink`] accepting [`BoxedResponse`]s.
pub(crate) type BoxedResponseSink =
Pin<Box<dyn Sink<BoxedResponse, Error = asynchronous_codec::JsonCodecError> + Send>>;
/// A random value used to identify an connection.
// TODO RPC: Document this, and make it participate in the Reader/Writer API
// enough that we can stop referring to its internals elsewhere.
pub(crate) struct ConnectionId([u8; 16]);
impl ConnectionId {
/// The length of a ConnectionId.
pub(crate) const LEN: usize = 16;
impl Connection {
/// Create a new connection.
pub(crate) fn new(
) -> Arc<Self> {
Arc::new_cyclic(|this_connection| Self {
inner: Mutex::new(Inner {
inflight: HashMap::new(),
objects: ObjMap::new(),
this_connection: Weak::clone(this_connection),
/// If possible, convert an `ObjectId` into a `GenIdx` that can be used in
/// this connection's ObjMap.
fn id_into_local_idx(&self, id: &rpc::ObjectId) -> Result<GenIdx, rpc::LookupError> {
// TODO RPC: Use a tag byte instead of a magic length.
if id.as_ref().len() == GlobalId::B64_ENCODED_LEN {
// This is the right length to be a GlobalId; let's see if it really
// is one.
// Design note: It's not really necessary from a security POV to
// check the MAC here; any possible GenIdx we return will either
// refer to some object we're allowed to name in this session, or to
// no object at all. Still, we check anyway, since it shouldn't
// hurt to do so.
let global_id = GlobalId::try_decode(&self.global_id_mac_key, id)?;
// We have a GlobalId with a valid MAC. Let's make sure it applies
// to this connection's ObjMap. (We do not support referring to
// anyone else's objects.)
// Design note: As above, this check is a protection against
// accidental misuse, not a security feature: even if we removed
// this check, we would still only allow objects that this session
// is allowed to name.
if global_id.connection == self.connection_id {
} else {
// It's not a GlobalId; let's see if we can make sense of it as an
// ObjMap index.
/// Look up a given object by its object ID relative to this connection.
pub(crate) fn lookup_object(
id: &rpc::ObjectId,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn rpc::Object>, rpc::LookupError> {
if id.as_ref() == "connection" {
let this = self
Ok(this as Arc<_>)
let local_id = self.id_into_local_idx(id)?;
/// As `lookup_object`, but expect a `GenIdx`.
pub(crate) fn lookup_by_idx(&self, idx: crate::objmap::GenIdx) -> Option<Arc<dyn rpc::Object>> {
let inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
/// Un-register the request `id` and stop tracking its information.
fn remove_request(&self, id: &RequestId) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
/// Register the request `id` as a cancellable request.
fn register_request(&self, id: RequestId, handle: CancelHandle) {
inner.inflight.insert(id, handle);
/// Run in a loop, decoding JSON requests from `input` and
/// writing JSON responses onto `output`.
pub async fn run<IN, OUT>(
self: Arc<Self>,
input: IN,
output: OUT,
) -> Result<(), ConnectionError>
IN: futures::AsyncRead + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static,
OUT: futures::AsyncWrite + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static,
let write = Box::pin(asynchronous_codec::FramedWrite::new(
let read = Box::pin(
asynchronous_codec::JsonCodec::<(), FlexibleRequest>::new(),
self.run_loop(read, write).await
/// Run in a loop, handling requests from `request_stream` and writing
/// responses onto `response_stream`.
pub(crate) async fn run_loop(
mut request_stream: BoxedRequestStream,
mut response_sink: BoxedResponseSink,
) -> Result<(), ConnectionError> {
// This function will multiplex on three streams:
// * `request_stream` -- a stream of incoming requests from the client.
// * `finished_requests` -- a stream of requests that are done.
// * `rx_response` -- a stream of updates and final responses sent from
// in-progress tasks. (We put updates and final responsese onto the
// same channel to ensure that they stay in-order for each method
// invocation.
// Note that the blocking behavior here is deliberate: We want _all_ of
// these reads to start blocking when response_sink.send is blocked.
let (tx_response, mut rx_response) = mpsc::channel::<BoxedResponse>(UPDATE_CHAN_SIZE);
let mut finished_requests = FuturesUnordered::new();
'outer: loop {
futures::select! {
r = => {
// A task is done, so we can forget about it.
let () = r.expect("Somehow, future::pending() terminated.");
r = => {
// The future for some request has sent a response (success,
// failure, or update), so we can inform the client.
let update = r.expect("Somehow, tx_update got closed.");
debug_assert!(! update.body.is_final());
// Calling `await` here (and below) is deliberate: we _want_
// to stop reading the client's requests if the client is
// not reading their responses (or not) reading them fast
// enough.
req = => {
match req {
None => {
// We've reached the end of the stream of requests;
// time to close.
break 'outer;
Some(Err(e)) => {
// We got a non-recoverable error from the JSON codec.
let (reply_with_error, return_error) = match ConnectionError::classify_read_error(e) {
Ok(()) => break 'outer,
Err(e) => if let Some(r) = e.as_request_parse_err() {
(r, e)
return Err(e);
BoxedResponse::from_error(None, reply_with_error)
// TODO RPC: Perhaps we should keep going on the NotAnObject case?
// (InvalidJson is not recoverable!)
return Err(return_error);
Some(Ok(FlexibleRequest::Invalid(bad_req))) => {
BoxedResponse::from_error(, bad_req.error())
).await.map_err( ConnectionError::writing)?;
if {
// The spec says we must close the connection in this case.
Some(Ok(FlexibleRequest::Valid(req))) => {
// We have a request. Time to launch it!
let fut = self.run_method_and_deliver_response(tx_response.clone(), req);
/// Invoke `request` and send all of its responses to `tx_response`.
async fn run_method_and_deliver_response(
self: &Arc<Self>,
mut tx_response: mpsc::Sender<BoxedResponse>,
request: Request,
) {
let Request {
} = request;
let update_sender: BoxedUpdateSink = if meta.updates {
let id_clone = id.clone();
let sink =
.with_fn(move |obj: Box<dyn erased_serde::Serialize + Send>| {
Result::<BoxedResponse, _>::Ok(BoxedResponse {
id: Some(id_clone.clone()),
body: ResponseBody::Update(obj),
let sink = futures::sink::drain().sink_err_into();
// Create `run_method_lowlevel` future, and make it cancellable.
let fut = self.run_method_lowlevel(update_sender, obj, method);
let (handle, fut) = Cancel::new(fut);
self.register_request(id.clone(), handle);
// Run the cancellable future to completion, and figure out how to respond.
let body = match fut.await {
Ok(Ok(value)) => ResponseBody::Success(value),
// TODO: If we're going to box this, let's do so earlier.
Ok(Err(err)) => {
if err.is_internal() {
"Reporting an internal error on an RPC connection: {:?}",
Err(_cancelled) => ResponseBody::Error(Box::new(rpc::RpcError::from(RequestCancelled))),
// Send the response.
// (It's okay to ignore the error here, since it can only mean that the
// RPC connection has closed.)
let _ignore_err = tx_response
.send(BoxedResponse {
id: Some(id.clone()),
// Unregister the request.
/// Run a single method, and return its final response.
/// If `tx_updates` is provided, and this method generates updates, it
/// should send those updates on `tx_updates`
/// Note that this function is able to send responses with IDs that do not
/// match the original. It should enforce correct IDs on whatever response
/// it generates.
async fn run_method_lowlevel(
tx_updates: rpc::dispatch::BoxedUpdateSink,
obj: rpc::ObjectId,
method: Box<dyn rpc::DeserMethod>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn erased_serde::Serialize + Send + 'static>, rpc::RpcError> {
let obj = self.lookup_object(&obj)?;
let context: Arc<dyn rpc::Context> = self.clone() as Arc<_>;
let invoke_future = rpc::invoke_rpc_method(context, obj, method.upcast_box(), tx_updates)?;
// Note that we drop the read lock before we await this future!
/// Try to get a strong reference to the RpcMgr for this connection, and
/// return an error if we can't.
pub(crate) fn mgr(&self) -> Result<Arc<RpcMgr>, MgrDisappearedError> {
/// A failure that results in closing a [`Connection`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ConnectionError {
/// Unable to write to our connection.
#[error("Could not write to connection")]
WriteFailed(#[source] Arc<IoError>),
/// Read error from connection.
#[error("Problem reading from connection")]
ReadFailed(#[source] Arc<IoError>),
/// Read something that we could not decode.
#[error("Unable to decode request from connection")]
DecodeFailed(#[source] Arc<serde_json::Error>),
/// Unable to write our response as json.
#[error("Unable to encode response onto connection")]
EncodeFailed(#[source] Arc<serde_json::Error>),
impl ConnectionError {
/// Construct a new `ConnectionError` from a `JsonCodecError` that has occurred while writing.
fn writing(error: JsonCodecError) -> Self {
match error {
JsonCodecError::Io(e) => Self::WriteFailed(Arc::new(e)),
JsonCodecError::Json(e) => Self::EncodeFailed(Arc::new(e)),
/// If this error is the result of a Json decode failure, return an appropriate
/// `RequestParseError`.
fn as_request_parse_err(&self) -> Option<RequestParseError> {
match self {
ConnectionError::DecodeFailed(d) => match d.classify() {
JsonErrorCategory::Syntax => Some(RequestParseError::InvalidJson),
JsonErrorCategory::Data => Some(RequestParseError::NotAnObject),
_ => None,
/// Decide what to do with an error that has occurred while reading from a Json codec.
/// Return Ok(()) if the error should silently be ignored, and treated as closing the session.
/// Otherwise return the error object.
fn classify_read_error(error: JsonCodecError) -> Result<(), Self> {
use std::io::ErrorKind as IK;
use JsonCodecError as E;
use JsonErrorCategory as JK;
E::Io(e) => match e.kind() {
IK::UnexpectedEof | IK::ConnectionAborted | IK::BrokenPipe => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ConnectionError::ReadFailed(Arc::new(e))),
E::Json(e) => match e.classify() {
JK::Eof => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ConnectionError::DecodeFailed(Arc::new(e))),
/// A failure from trying to upgrade a `Weak<RpcMgr>`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error, serde::Serialize)]
pub(crate) enum MgrDisappearedError {
/// We tried to upgrade our reference to the RpcMgr, and failed.
#[error("RPC manager disappeared; Arti is shutting down?")]
impl tor_error::HasKind for MgrDisappearedError {
fn kind(&self) -> tor_error::ErrorKind {
impl rpc::Context for Connection {
fn lookup_object(&self, id: &rpc::ObjectId) -> Result<Arc<dyn rpc::Object>, rpc::LookupError> {
Connection::lookup_object(self, id)
fn register_owned(&self, object: Arc<dyn rpc::Object>) -> rpc::ObjectId {
let use_global_id = object.expose_outside_of_session();
let local_id = self
.expect("Lock poisoned")
// Design note: It is a deliberate decision to _always_ use GlobalId for
// objects whose IDs are _ever_ exported for use in SOCKS requests. Some
// alternatives would be to use GlobalId conditionally, or to have a
// separate Method to create a new GlobalId given an existing LocalId.
if use_global_id {
GlobalId::new(self.connection_id, local_id).encode(&self.global_id_mac_key)
fn register_weak(&self, object: Arc<dyn rpc::Object>) -> rpc::ObjectId {
fn release_owned(&self, id: &rpc::ObjectId) -> Result<(), rpc::LookupError> {
let idx = self.id_into_local_idx(id)?;
if !idx.is_strong() {
return Err(rpc::LookupError::WrongType(id.clone()));
let removed = self
if removed.is_some() {
fn dispatch_table(&self) -> &Arc<std::sync::RwLock<rpc::DispatchTable>> {
/// An error given when an RPC request is cancelled.
/// This is a separate type from [`crate::cancel::Cancelled`] since eventually
/// we want to move that type into a general-purpose location, and make it not
/// RPC-specific.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize)]
#[error("RPC request was cancelled")]
pub(crate) struct RequestCancelled;
impl tor_error::HasKind for RequestCancelled {
// TODO RPC: Can we do better here?