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//! Top-level `RpcMgr` to launch sessions.
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, Weak};
use rand::Rng;
use rpc::InvalidMethodName;
use tor_rpcbase as rpc;
use tracing::warn;
use weak_table::WeakValueHashMap;
use crate::{
connection::{Connection, ConnectionId},
globalid::{GlobalId, MacKey},
/// A function we use to construct Session objects in response to authentication.
// TODO RPC: Perhaps this should return a Result?
type SessionFactory = Box<dyn Fn(&RpcAuthentication) -> Arc<dyn rpc::Object> + Send + Sync>;
/// Shared state, configuration, and data for all RPC sessions.
/// An RpcMgr knows how to listen for incoming RPC connections, and launch sessions based on them.
/// TODO RPC: Actually not all of the above functionality is implemented yet. But it should be.
pub struct RpcMgr {
/// A key that we use to ensure that identifiers are unforgeable.
/// When giving out a global (non-session-bound) identifier, we use this key
/// to authenticate the identifier when it's given back to us.
/// We make copies of this key when constructing a session.
global_id_mac_key: MacKey,
/// Our reference to the dispatch table used to look up the functions that
/// implement each object on each.
/// Shared with each [`Connection`].
/// **NOTE: observe the [Lock hierarchy](crate::mgr::Inner#lock-hierarchy)**
dispatch_table: Arc<RwLock<rpc::DispatchTable>>,
/// A function that we use to construct new Session objects when authentication
/// is successful.
session_factory: SessionFactory,
/// Lock-protected view of the manager's state.
/// This mutex is at an _inner_ level
/// compared to the
/// per-Connection locks.
/// You must not take any per-connection lock if you
/// hold this lock.
/// Code that holds this lock must be checked
/// to make sure that it doesn't then acquire any `Connection` lock.
inner: Mutex<Inner>,
/// The [`RpcMgr`]'s state. This is kept inside a lock for interior mutability.
/// # Lock hierarchy
/// This system has, relevantly to the RPC code, three locks.
/// In order from outermost (acquire earlier) to innermost (acquire later):
/// 1. [`Connection`]`.inner`
/// 2. [`RpcMgr`]`.inner`
/// 3. `RwLock<rpc::DispatchTable>`
/// (found in [`RpcMgr`]`.dispatch_table` *and* [`Connection`]`.dispatch_table`)
/// To avoid deadlock, when more than one of these locks is acquired,
/// they must be acquired in an order consistent with the order listed above.
/// (This ordering is slightly surprising:
/// normally a lock covering more-global state would be
/// "outside" (or "earlier")
/// compared to one covering more-narrowly-relevant state.)
// pub(crate) so we can link to the doc comment and its lock hierarchy
pub(crate) struct Inner {
/// A map from [`ConnectionId`] to weak [`Connection`] references.
/// We use this map to give connections a manager-global identifier that can
/// be used to identify them from a SOCKS connection (or elsewhere outside
/// of the RPC system).
/// We _could_ use a generational arena here, but there isn't any point:
/// since these identifiers are global, we need to keep them secure by
/// MACing anything derived from them, which in turn makes the overhead of a
/// HashMap negligible.
connections: WeakValueHashMap<ConnectionId, Weak<Connection>>,
/// An error from creating or using an RpcMgr.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum RpcMgrError {
/// At least one method had an invalid name.
#[error("Method {1} had an invalid name")]
InvalidMethodName(#[source] InvalidMethodName, String),
/// An [`rpc::Object`], along with its associated [`rpc::Context`].
/// The context can be used to invoke any special methods on the object.
type ObjectWithContext = (Arc<dyn rpc::Context>, Arc<dyn rpc::Object>);
impl RpcMgr {
/// Create a new RpcMgr.
pub fn new<F>(make_session: F) -> Result<Arc<Self>, RpcMgrError>
F: Fn(&RpcAuthentication) -> Arc<dyn rpc::Object> + Send + Sync + 'static,
let problems = rpc::check_method_names([]);
// We warn about every problem.
for (m, err) in &problems {
warn!("Internal issue: Invalid RPC method name {m:?}: {err}");
let fatal_problem = problems
// We don't treat UnrecognizedNamespace as fatal; somebody else might be extending our methods.
.find(|(_, err)| !matches!(err, InvalidMethodName::UnrecognizedNamespace));
if let Some((name, err)) = fatal_problem {
return Err(RpcMgrError::InvalidMethodName(err, name.to_owned()));
Ok(Arc::new(RpcMgr {
global_id_mac_key: MacKey::new(&mut rand::thread_rng()),
dispatch_table: Arc::new(RwLock::new(rpc::DispatchTable::from_inventory())),
session_factory: Box::new(make_session),
inner: Mutex::new(Inner {
connections: WeakValueHashMap::new(),
/// Extend our method dispatch table with the method entries in `entries`.
/// Ignores any entries that
/// # Panics
/// Panics if any entries are conflicting, according to the logic of
/// [`DispatchTable::insert`](rpc::DispatchTable::insert)
pub fn register_rpc_methods<I>(&self, entries: I)
I: IntoIterator<Item = rpc::dispatch::InvokerEnt>,
// TODO: Conceivably we might want to get a read lock on the RPC dispatch table,
// check for the presence of these entries, and only take the write lock
// if the entries are absent. But for now, this function is called during
// RpcMgr initialization, so there's no reason to optimize it.
self.with_dispatch_table(|table| table.extend(entries));
/// Run `func` with a mutable reference to our dispatch table as an argument.
/// Used to register additional methods.
pub fn with_dispatch_table<F, T>(&self, func: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&mut rpc::DispatchTable) -> T,
let mut table = self.dispatch_table.write().expect("poisoned lock");
func(&mut table)
/// Start a new session based on this RpcMgr, with a given TorClient.
pub fn new_connection(
self: &Arc<Self>,
require_auth: tor_rpc_connect::auth::RpcAuth,
) -> Arc<Connection> {
let connection_id = ConnectionId::from(rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 16]>());
let connection = Connection::new(
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
let old = inner.connections.insert(connection_id, connection.clone());
// Specifically, we shouldn't expect collisions until we have made on the
// order of 2^64 connections, and that shouldn't be possible on
// realistic systems.
"connection ID collision detected; this is phenomenally unlikely!",
/// Look up an object in the context of this `RpcMgr`.
/// Some object identifiers exist in a manager-global context, so that they
/// can be used outside of a single RPC session. This function looks up an
/// object by such an identifier string. It returns an error if the
/// identifier is invalid or the object does not exist.
/// Along with the object, this additionally returns the [`rpc::Context`] associated with the
/// object. That context can be used to invoke any special methods on the object.
pub fn lookup_object(&self, id: &rpc::ObjectId) -> Result<ObjectWithContext, rpc::LookupError> {
let global_id = GlobalId::try_decode(&self.global_id_mac_key, id)?;
.ok_or_else(|| rpc::LookupError::NoObject(id.clone()))
/// As `lookup_object`, but takes a parsed and validated [`GlobalId`].
pub(crate) fn lookup_by_global_id(&self, id: &GlobalId) -> Option<ObjectWithContext> {
let connection = {
let inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
let connection = inner.connections.get(&id.connection)?;
// Here we release the lock on self.inner, which makes it okay to
// invoke a method on `connection` that may take its lock.
let obj = connection.lookup_by_idx(id.local_id)?;
Some((connection, obj))
/// Construct a new object to serve as the `session` for a connection.
pub(crate) fn create_session(&self, auth: &RpcAuthentication) -> Arc<dyn rpc::Object> {