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//! Objects that can become or wrap a [`arti_client::DataStream`].
use arti_client::rpc::{
ClientConnectionResult, ConnectWithPrefs, ResolvePtrWithPrefs, ResolveWithPrefs,
use derive_deftly::Deftly;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use tor_error::into_internal;
use tor_proto::stream::DataStreamCtrl;
use tor_rpcbase::{self as rpc, templates::*};
use crate::RpcSession;
/// An RPC object representing a single-use client that captures a data-stream.
/// This object is returned by the `arti:new_oneshot_client` method, and starts out with
/// enough information to know how to create a `DataStream`, or to respond
/// to some other SOCKS request.
/// When this object is the target of a SOCKS request,
/// it takes its target address, port, and isolation parameters from the SOCKS handshake,
/// and launches a data stream.
/// It then becomes interchangeable with the stream that was launched.
/// This object is single-use: once a SOCKS request has referred to it,
/// it cannot be used for any other SOCKS request.
/// (Otherwise, it could not be useable interchangeably with the `DataStream` it creates.)
/// The ObjectID for this object can be used as the target of a SOCKS request.
pub(crate) struct OneshotClient {
/// The inner state of this object.
inner: Mutex<Inner>,
/// The inner state of an `OneshotClient`.
/// A stream is created in the "Unused" state.
enum Inner {
/// Newly constructed: Waiting for a SOCKS command.
/// This is the initial state for every OneshotClient.
/// It may become `Launching` or `UsedToResolve`.
Unused(Arc<dyn rpc::Object>),
/// The actual connection is being made, ie we are within `connect_with_prefs`
/// If the state is `Launching`, no one except `connect_with_prefs` may change it.
/// From this state, a stream may become `Stream`, or `StreamFailed`.
/// Stream constructed; may or may not be connected.
/// A stream does not exit this state. Even if the stream is closed or fails,
/// its `DataStreamCtrl` remains until it is dropped.
/// Stream was used for a resolve or resolve_ptr request; there is no underlying stream.
/// A stream does not exit this state, even if resolve request fails.
// TODO RPC: We may want to make this state hold more information if someday we
// make DNS requests into objects that we can inspect while they are running.
/// Failed to construct the tor_proto::DataStream object.
/// A stream does not exit this state.
/// Error returned by an operations from OneshotClient.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
enum OneshotClientError {
/// Application tried to open a stream using a OneshotClient,
/// but that OneshotClient had already been used previously.
#[error("Data stream object already used")]
impl tor_error::HasKind for OneshotClientError {
fn kind(&self) -> tor_error::ErrorKind {
use tor_error::ErrorKind as EK;
use OneshotClientError as E;
match self {
E::AlreadyUsed => EK::BadApiUsage, // TODO RPC: is this the correct ErrorKind?
impl OneshotClient {
/// Construct a new unused OneshotClient that will make its connection
/// with `connector`.
/// The `connector` object should implement at least one of ConnectWithPrefs, ResolveWithPrefs,
/// or ResolvePtrWithPrefs, or else it won't actually be useful for anything.
pub(crate) fn new(connector: Arc<dyn rpc::Object>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: Mutex::new(Inner::Unused(connector)),
/// If this `OneshotClient` is in state Unused, replace its state with `new_state`
/// and return the ClientConnectionTarget. Otherwise, leave its state unchanged
/// and return an error.
fn take_connector(&self, new_state: Inner) -> Result<Arc<dyn rpc::Object>, OneshotClientError> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
let val = std::mem::replace(&mut *inner, new_state);
if let Inner::Unused(conn) = val {
} else {
*inner = val;
/// Return the `DataStreamCtrl` for this stream, if it has one.
fn get_ctrl(&self) -> Option<Arc<DataStreamCtrl>> {
let inner = self.inner.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
if let Inner::Stream(s) = &*inner {
/// Invoke ConnectWithPrefs on an OneshotClient.
/// Unlike the other methods on OneshotClient, this one is somewhat complex, since it must
/// re-register the resulting datastream once it has one.
async fn oneshot_client_connect_with_prefs(
rpc_data_stream: Arc<OneshotClient>,
mut method: Box<ConnectWithPrefs>,
ctx: Arc<dyn rpc::Context>,
) -> ClientConnectionResult<arti_client::DataStream> {
// Extract the connector.
// As we do this, we put this OneshotClient into a Launching state.
// (`Launching`` wouldn't need to exist if we `connect_with_prefs` were synchronous,
// but it isn't synchronous, so `Launching` is an observable state.)
let connector = rpc_data_stream
.map_err(|e| Box::new(e) as _)?;
let was_optimistic = method.prefs.is_optimistic();
// We want this to be treated internally as an "optimistic" connection,
// so that inner connect_with_prefs() will return ASAP.
// Now, launch the connection. Since we marked it as optimistic,
// this call should return almost immediately.
let stream: Result<arti_client::DataStream, _> =
*rpc::invoke_special_method(ctx, connector, method)
.map_err(|e| Box::new(into_internal!("unable to delegate to connector")(e)) as _)?;
// Pick the new state for this object, and install it.
let new_obj = match &stream {
Ok(s) => Inner::Stream(s.ctrl().clone()),
Err(_) => Inner::StreamFailed, // TODO RPC: Remember some error information here.
let mut inner = rpc_data_stream.inner.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
*inner = new_obj;
// Return early on failure.
let mut stream = stream?;
if !was_optimistic {
// Implement non-optimistic behavior, if that is what was originally configured.
// Return the stream; the SOCKS layer will take it from here.
/// Invoke ResolveWithPrefs on an OneshotClient
async fn oneshot_client_resolve_with_prefs(
method: Box<ResolveWithPrefs>,
) -> ClientConnectionResult<Vec<IpAddr>> {
let result = rpc::invoke_special_method(ctx, connector, method)
/// Invoke ResolvePtrWithPrefs on an OneshotClient
async fn oneshot_client_resolve_ptr_with_prefs(
method: Box<ResolvePtrWithPrefs>,
) -> ClientConnectionResult<Vec<String>> {
/// Create a new `RpcOneshotClient` to wait for a SOCKS request.
/// The resulting ObjectID will be a handle to an `RpcOneshotClient`.
/// It can be used as the target of a single SOCKS request.
/// Once used for a SOCKS connect request,
/// the object will become a handle for the the underlying DataStream
/// that was created with the request.
#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Deftly)]
#[deftly(rpc(method_name = "arti:new_oneshot_client"))]
pub(crate) struct NewOneshotClient {}
impl rpc::RpcMethod for NewOneshotClient {
type Output = rpc::SingleIdResponse;
type Update = rpc::NoUpdates; // TODO actually, updates are quite suitable here.
/// Helper: construct and register an OneshotClient.
fn new_oneshot_client_impl(
connector: Arc<dyn rpc::Object>,
ctx: &dyn rpc::Context,
) -> rpc::ObjectId {
let rpc_stream = Arc::new(OneshotClient::new(connector));
ctx.register_owned(rpc_stream as _)
/// Implement NewOneshotClient for clients.
pub(crate) async fn new_oneshot_client_on_client<R: tor_rtcompat::Runtime>(
client: Arc<arti_client::TorClient<R>>,
_method: Box<NewOneshotClient>,
) -> Result<rpc::SingleIdResponse, rpc::RpcError> {
Ok(new_oneshot_client_impl(client, ctx.as_ref()).into())
/// Implement NewOneshotClient for RpcSession.
async fn new_oneshot_client_on_session(
session: Arc<RpcSession>,
Ok(new_oneshot_client_impl(session, ctx.as_ref()).into())
rpc::static_rpc_invoke_fn! {
@special oneshot_client_connect_with_prefs;
@special oneshot_client_resolve_with_prefs;
@special oneshot_client_resolve_ptr_with_prefs;