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//! Dynamically emitted HashX assembly code for x86_64 targets
use crate::compiler::{util, Architecture, Executable};
use crate::program::{Instruction, InstructionArray, NUM_INSTRUCTIONS};
use crate::register::{RegisterFile, RegisterId};
use crate::CompilerError;
use dynasmrt::{x64, x64::Rq, DynasmApi, DynasmLabelApi};
use std::mem;
impl Architecture for Executable {
fn compile(program: &InstructionArray) -> Result<Self, CompilerError> {
let mut asm = Assembler::new();
emit_save_regs(&mut asm);
emit_load_input(&mut asm);
emit_init_locals(&mut asm);
debug_assert_eq!(asm.len(), PROLOGUE_SIZE);
for inst in program {
let prev_len = asm.len();
emit_instruction(&mut asm, inst);
debug_assert!(asm.len() - prev_len <= INSTRUCTION_SIZE_LIMIT);
emit_store_output(&mut asm);
emit_restore_regs(&mut asm);
emit_return(&mut asm);
debug_assert_eq!(asm.len() - prev_len, EPILOGUE_SIZE);
fn invoke(&self, regs: &mut RegisterFile) {
// Choose the System V ABI for x86_64. (Rust now lets us do this even on
// targets that use a different default C ABI.) We aren't using the
// stack red zone, and we only need one register-sized parameter.
// Parameters: rdi rsi rdx rcx r8 r9
// Callee save: rbx rsp rbp r12 r13 r14 r15
// Scratch: rax rdi rsi rdx rcx r8 r9 r10 r11
let entry = self.buffer.ptr(Assembler::entry());
let entry: extern "sysv64" fn(*mut RegisterFile) -> () = unsafe { mem::transmute(entry) };
/// Architecture-specific fixed prologue size
const PROLOGUE_SIZE: usize = 0x68;
/// Architecture-specific fixed epilogue size
const EPILOGUE_SIZE: usize = 0x60;
/// Architecture-specific maximum size for one instruction
const INSTRUCTION_SIZE_LIMIT: usize = 0x11;
/// Capacity for the temporary output buffer, before code is copied into
/// a long-lived allocation that can be made executable.
const BUFFER_CAPACITY: usize =
/// Architecture-specific specialization of the Assembler
type Assembler = util::Assembler<x64::X64Relocation, BUFFER_CAPACITY>;
/// Map RegisterId in our abstract program to concrete registers and addresses.
trait RegisterMapper {
/// Map RegisterId(0) to R8, and so on
fn rq(&self) -> u8;
/// Byte offset in a raw RegisterFile
fn offset(&self) -> i32;
impl RegisterMapper for RegisterId {
fn rq(&self) -> u8 {
8 + (self.as_usize() as u8)
fn offset(&self) -> i32 {
(self.as_usize() * mem::size_of::<u64>()) as i32
/// Wrapper for `dynasm!`, sets the architecture and defines register aliases
macro_rules! dynasm {
($asm:ident $($t:tt)*) => {
; .arch x64
; .alias mulh_in, rax
; .alias mulh_result64, rdx
; .alias mulh_result32, edx
; .alias branch_prohibit_flag, esi
; .alias const_ones, ecx
; .alias register_file_ptr, rdi
/// Emit code to initialize our local variables to default values.
fn emit_init_locals<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
; xor mulh_result64, mulh_result64
; xor branch_prohibit_flag, branch_prohibit_flag
; lea const_ones, [branch_prohibit_flag - 1]
/// List of registers to save on the stack, in address order
const REGS_TO_SAVE: [Rq; 4] = [Rq::R12, Rq::R13, Rq::R14, Rq::R15];
/// Calculate the amount of stack space to reserve, in bytes.
/// This is enough to hold REGS_TO_SAVE, and to keep the platform's
/// 16-byte stack alignment.
const fn stack_size() -> i32 {
let size = REGS_TO_SAVE.len() * mem::size_of::<u64>();
let alignment = 0x10;
let offset = size % alignment;
let size = if offset == 0 {
} else {
size + alignment - offset
size as i32
/// Emit code to allocate stack space and store REGS_TO_SAVE.
fn emit_save_regs<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
dynasm!(asm; sub rsp, stack_size());
for (i, reg) in REGS_TO_SAVE.as_ref().iter().enumerate() {
let offset = (i * mem::size_of::<u64>()) as i32;
dynasm!(asm; mov [rsp + offset], Rq(*reg as u8));
/// Emit code to restore REGS_TO_SAVE and deallocate stack space.
fn emit_restore_regs<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
dynasm!(asm; mov Rq(*reg as u8), [rsp + offset]);
dynasm!(asm; add rsp, stack_size());
/// Emit code to move all input values from the RegisterFile into their
/// actual hardware registers.
fn emit_load_input<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
for reg in RegisterId::all() {
dynasm!(asm; mov Rq(reg.rq()), [register_file_ptr + reg.offset()]);
/// Emit code to move all output values from machine registers back into
/// their RegisterFile slots.
fn emit_store_output<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
dynasm!(asm; mov [register_file_ptr + reg.offset()], Rq(reg.rq()));
/// Emit a return instruction.
fn emit_return<A: DynasmApi>(asm: &mut A) {
dynasm!(asm; ret);
/// Emit code for a single [`Instruction`] in the hash program.
fn emit_instruction(asm: &mut Assembler, inst: &Instruction) {
/// Common implementation for binary operations on registers
macro_rules! reg_op {
($op:tt, $dst:ident, $src:ident) => {
dynasm!(asm; $op Rq($dst.rq()), Rq($src.rq()))
/// Common implementation for binary operations with a const operand
macro_rules! const_op {
($op:tt, $dst:ident, $src:expr) => {
dynasm!(asm; $op Rq($dst.rq()), $src)
/// Common implementation for wide multiply operations.
/// These use the one-argument form of `mul` (one register plus RDX:RAX)
macro_rules! mulh_op {
; mov mulh_in, Rq($dst.rq())
; $op Rq($src.rq())
; mov Rq($dst.rq()), mulh_result64
/// Common implementation for scaled add using `lea`.
/// Currently dynasm can only parse literal scale parameters.
macro_rules! add_scaled_op {
($scale:tt, $dst:ident, $src:ident) => {
; lea Rq($dst.rq()), [ Rq($dst.rq()) + $scale * Rq($src.rq()) ]
match inst {
Instruction::Target => {
dynasm!(asm; target: );
Instruction::Branch { mask } => {
// Only one branch is allowed, `branch_prohibit_flag` keeps the test
// from passing. We get mul result tracking for free by assigning
// mulh_result32 to the corresponding output register used by the
// x86 mul instruction.
; or mulh_result32, branch_prohibit_flag
; test mulh_result32, *mask as i32
; cmovz branch_prohibit_flag, const_ones
; jz <target
Instruction::AddShift {
} => match left_shift {
0 => add_scaled_op!(1, dst, src),
1 => add_scaled_op!(2, dst, src),
2 => add_scaled_op!(4, dst, src),
3 => add_scaled_op!(8, dst, src),
_ => unreachable!(),
Instruction::UMulH { dst, src } => {
mulh_op!(mul, dst, src);
Instruction::SMulH { dst, src } => {
mulh_op!(imul, dst, src);
Instruction::Mul { dst, src } => {
reg_op!(imul, dst, src);
Instruction::Xor { dst, src } => {
reg_op!(xor, dst, src);
Instruction::Sub { dst, src } => {
reg_op!(sub, dst, src);
Instruction::AddConst { dst, src } => {
const_op!(add, dst, *src);
Instruction::XorConst { dst, src } => {
const_op!(xor, dst, *src);
Instruction::Rotate { dst, right_rotate } => {
const_op!(ror, dst, *right_rotate as i8);