69.03 %
58.46 %
100 %
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg, doc_cfg))]
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
// @@ begin lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
#![allow(renamed_and_removed_lints)] // @@REMOVE_WHEN(ci_arti_stable)
#![allow(unknown_lints)] // @@REMOVE_WHEN(ci_arti_nightly)
#![allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] // This can reasonably be done for explicitness
#![allow(clippy::significant_drop_in_scrutinee)] // arti/-/merge_requests/588/#note_2812945
#![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] // temporary workaround for arti#587
#![allow(clippy::needless_raw_string_hashes)] // complained-about code is fine, often best
#![allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // See arti#1765
//! <!-- @@ end lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
// We have a nonstandard test lint block
use std::env::{self, VarError};
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, ErrorKind};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _};
use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut};
use educe::Educe;
/// The env var the user should set to control test temp dir handling
/// Directory for a test to store temporary files
/// Automatically deleted (if appropriate) when dropped.
pub enum TestTempDir {
/// An ephemeral directory
/// A directory which should persist after the test completes
/// A `T` which relies on some temporary directory with lifetime `d`
/// Obtained from `TestTempDir::used_by`.
/// Using this type means that the `T` won't outlive the temporary directory.
/// (Typically, if it were to, things would malfunction.
/// There might even be security hazards!)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Deref, DerefMut, Educe)]
pub struct TestTempDirGuard<'d, T> {
/// The thing
thing: T,
/// Placate the compiler
/// We use a notional `()` since we don't want the compiler to infer drop glue.
tempdir: PhantomData<&'d ()>,
impl TestTempDir {
/// Obtain a temp dir named after our thread, and the module path `mod_path`
/// Expects that the current thread name is the module path within the crate,
/// followed by the test function name.
/// (This is how Rust's builtin `#[test]` names its threads.)
// This is also used by some other crates.
// If it turns out not to be true, we'll end up panicking.
// This is rather a shonky approach. We take it here for the following reasons:
// It is important that the persistent test output filename is stable,
// even if the source code is edited. For example, if we used the line number
// of the macro call, editing the source would change the output filenames.
// When the output filenames change willy-nilly, it is very easy to accidentally
// look at an out-of-date filename containing out-of-date test data,
// which can be very confusing.
// We could ask the user to supply a string, but we'd then need
// some kind of contraption for verifying its uniqueness, since
// non-unique test names would risk tests overwriting each others'
// files, making for flaky or malfunctioning tests.
// So the test function name is the best stable identifier we have,
// and the thread name is the only way we have of discovering it.
// Happily this works with `cargo nextest` too.
// For the same reasons, it wouldn't be a good idea to fall back
// from the stable name to some less stable but more reliably obtainable id.
// And, the code structure is deliberately arranged that we *always*
// try to determine the test name, even if TEST_TEMP_RETAIN isn't set.
// Otherwise a latent situation, where TEST_TEMP_RETAIN doesn't work, could develop.
/// And, expects that `mod_path` is the crate name,
/// and then the module path within the crate.
/// This is what Rust's builtin `module_path!` macro returns.
/// The two instances of the module path within the crate must be the same!
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the thread name and `mod_path` do not correspond
/// (see the [self](module-level documentation).)
pub fn from_module_path_and_thread(mod_path: &str) -> TestTempDir {
let path = (|| {
let (crate_, m_mod) = mod_path
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("module path {:?} doesn't contain `::`", &mod_path))?;
let thread = std::thread::current();
let thread ="get current thread name")?;
let (t_mod, fn_) = thread
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("current thread name {:?} doesn't contain `::`", &thread))?;
if m_mod != t_mod {
return Err(anyhow!(
"module path {:?} implies module name {:?} but thread name {:?} implies module name {:?}",
mod_path, m_mod, thread, t_mod
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(format!("{crate_}::{m_mod}::{fn_}"))
.expect("unable to calculate complete test function path");
/// Obtains a temp dir named after a complete item path
/// The supplied `item_path` must be globally unique in the whole workspace,
/// or it might collide with other tests from other crates.
/// Handles the replacement of `::` with `,` on Windows.
pub fn from_complete_item_path(item_path: &str) -> Self {
let subdir = item_path;
// Operating systems that can't have `::` in pathnames
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
let subdir = subdir.replace("::", ",");
#[allow(clippy::needless_borrow)] // borrow not needed if we didn't rebind
/// Obtains a temp dir given a stable unique subdirectory name
/// The supplied `subdir` must be globally unique
/// across every test in the whole workspace,
/// or it might collide with other tests.
pub fn from_stable_unique_subdir(subdir: &str) -> Self {
let retain = env::var(RETAIN_VAR);
let retain = match &retain {
Ok(y) => y,
Err(VarError::NotPresent) => "0",
Err(VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("{} not unicode", RETAIN_VAR),
let target: PathBuf = if retain == "0" {
println!("test {subdir}: {RETAIN_VAR} not enabled, using ephemeral temp dir");
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create temp dir");
return TestTempDir::Ephemeral(dir);
} else if retain.starts_with('.') || retain.starts_with('/') {
} else if retain == "1" {
let target = env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").unwrap_or_else(|| "target".into());
let mut dir = PathBuf::from(target);
} else {
panic!("invalid value for {}: {:?}", RETAIN_VAR, retain)
let dir = {
let mut dir = target;
let dir_display_lossy;
dir_display_lossy = dir.display();
println!("test {subdir}, temp dir is {}", dir_display_lossy);
match fs::remove_dir_all(&dir) {
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(()),
other => other,
.expect("pre-remove temp dir");
fs::create_dir_all(&dir).expect("create temp dir");
/// Obtain a reference to the `Path` of this temp directory
/// Prefer to use [`.used_by()`](TestTempDir::used_by) where possible.
/// The lifetime of the temporary directory will not be properly represented
/// by Rust lifetimes. For example, calling
/// `.to_owned()`[ToOwned::to_owned]
/// will get a `'static` value,
/// which doesn't represent the fact that the directory will go away
/// when the `TestTempDir` is dropped.
/// So the resulting value can be passed to functions which
/// store the path for later use, and might later malfunction because
/// the `TestTempDir` is dropped too early.
pub fn as_path_untracked(&self) -> &Path {
match self {
TestTempDir::Ephemeral(t) => t.as_ref(),
TestTempDir::Persistent(t) => t.as_ref(),
/// Return a subdirectory, without lifetime tracking
pub fn subdir_untracked(&self, subdir: &str) -> PathBuf {
let mut r = self.as_path_untracked().to_owned();
/// Obtain a `T` which uses paths in `self`
/// Within `f`, construct `T` using the supplied filesystem path,
/// which is the full path to the test's temporary directory.
/// Do not store or copy the path anywhere other than the return value;
/// such copies would not be protected by Rust lifetimes against early deletion.
/// Rust lifetime tracking ensures that the temporary directory
/// won't be cleaned up until the `T` is destroyed.
#[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // explicit lifetimes for clarity (and symmetry)
pub fn used_by<'d, T>(&'d self, f: impl FnOnce(&Path) -> T) -> TestTempDirGuard<'d, T> {
let thing = f(self.as_path_untracked());
TestTempDirGuard::with_path(thing, self.as_path_untracked())
/// Obtain a `T` which uses paths in a subdir of `self`
/// The directory `subdir` will be created,
/// within the test's temporary directory,
/// if it doesn't already exist.
/// which is the fuill path to the subdirectory.
pub fn subdir_used_by<'d, T>(
&'d self,
subdir: &str,
f: impl FnOnce(PathBuf) -> T,
) -> TestTempDirGuard<'d, T> {
self.used_by(|dir| {
let dir = dir.join(subdir);
match fs::create_dir(&dir) {
Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => Ok(()),
.expect("create subdir");
impl<'d, T> TestTempDirGuard<'d, T> {
/// Obtain the inner `T`
/// It is up to you to ensure that `T` doesn't outlive
/// the temp directory used to create it.
pub fn into_untracked(self) -> T {
/// Create from a `T` and a `&Path` with the right lifetime
pub fn with_path(thing: T, _path: &'d Path) -> Self {
/// Create from a raw `T`
/// The returned lifetime is unfounded!
/// It is up to you to ensure that the inferred lifetime is correct!
pub fn new_untracked(thing: T) -> Self {
Self {
tempdir: PhantomData,
/// Obtain a `TestTempDir` for the current test
/// Must be called in the same thread as the actual `#[test]` entrypoint!
/// **`fn test_temp_dir() -> TestTempDir;`**
macro_rules! test_temp_dir { {} => {
} }