68.29 %
23.98 %
100 %
//! Declare a restricted variant of our message types.
/// Re-export tor_bytes and paste here, so that the macro can use it.
pub use {paste, tor_bytes};
/// Declare a restricted version of
/// [`AnyRelayMsg`](crate::relaycell::msg::AnyRelayMsg) or
/// [`AnyChanMsg`](crate::chancell::msg::AnyChanMsg).
/// Frequently we only want to handle a subset of the possible channel or relay
/// commands that we might see. In those situations, it makes sense to define a
/// a message types that will only try to parse the allowable commands. That way,
/// we can avoid exposing any unnecessary parsers to a possible attacker.
/// The restricted message type is an enum, and is declared with a syntax as follows:
/// ```
/// use tor_cell::{restrict::restricted_msg, relaycell::RelayMsgOuter};
/// restricted_msg! {
/// enum OpenStreamMsg : RelayMsg {
/// Data,
/// Sendme,
/// End,
/// _ => Unrecognized,
/// }
/// type OpenStreamMsgOuter = RelayMsgOuter<OpenStreamMsg>;
/// Instead of `RelayMsg`, you can say `ChanMsg` to get a restricted channel
/// message.
/// Only message variants exposed from the `tor_cell::{chan,relay}cell::msg` are
/// supported.
/// You can omit the `_ => Unrecognized` clause at the end. If you do, then any
/// unexpected command types will be treated as a parse error.
macro_rules! restricted_msg {
$(@omit_from $omit_from:literal)?
$v:vis enum $name:ident : RelayMsg {
} => {
any_type: $crate::relaycell::msg::AnyRelayMsg,
msg_mod: $crate::relaycell::msg,
cmd_type: $crate::relaycell::RelayCmd,
unrecognized: $crate::relaycell::msg::Unrecognized,
body_trait: $crate::relaycell::msg::Body,
msg_trait: $crate::relaycell::RelayMsg,
omit_from: $($omit_from)?
$v enum $name { $($tt)*}
$v:vis enum $name:ident : ChanMsg {
any_type: $crate::chancell::msg::AnyChanMsg,
msg_mod: $crate::chancell::msg,
cmd_type: $crate::chancell::ChanCmd,
unrecognized: $crate::chancell::msg::Unrecognized,
body_trait: $crate::chancell::msg::Body,
msg_trait: $crate::chancell::ChanMsg,
any_type: $any_msg:ty,
msg_mod: $msg_mod:path,
cmd_type: $cmd_type:ty,
unrecognized: $unrec_type:ty,
body_trait: $body_type:ty,
msg_trait: $msg_trait:ty,
omit_from: $($omit_from:literal)?
$v:vis enum $name:ident {
$(, _ =>
$unrecognized:ident )?
$v enum $name {
$( #[cfg(feature=$feat)] )?
$case($msg_mod :: $case),
impl $msg_trait for $name {
fn cmd(&self) -> $cmd_type {
match self {
Self::$case(_) => $cmd_type:: [<$case:snake:upper>] ,
Self::$unrecognized(u) => u.cmd(),
fn encode_onto<W:>(self, w: &mut W) -> $crate::restrict::tor_bytes::EncodeResult<()>
W: $crate::restrict::tor_bytes::Writer + ?Sized
Self::$case(m) => $body_type::encode_onto(m, w),
Self::$unrecognized(u) => $body_type::encode_onto(u, w),
fn decode_from_reader(cmd: $cmd_type, r: &mut $crate::restrict::tor_bytes::Reader<'_>) -> $crate::restrict::tor_bytes::Result<Self> {
Ok(match cmd {
$cmd_type:: [<$case:snake:upper>] => Self::$case( <$msg_mod :: $case as $body_type> :: decode_from_reader(r)? ),
_ => Self::$unrecognized($unrec_type::decode_with_cmd(cmd, r)?),
#[allow(unreachable_patterns)] // This is unreachable if we had an Unrecognized variant above.
_ => return Err($crate::restrict::tor_bytes::Error::InvalidMessage(
format!("Unexpected command {} in {}", cmd, stringify!($name)).into()
const _: () = {
#[cfg(feature = $omit_from)]
impl From<$name> for $any_msg {
fn from(msg: $name) -> $any_msg {
match msg {
$name::$case(b) => Self::$case(b),
$name::$unrecognized(u) => $any_msg::Unrecognized(u),
impl TryFrom<$any_msg> for $name {
type Error = $any_msg;
fn try_from(msg: $any_msg) -> std::result::Result<$name, $any_msg> {
Ok(match msg {
$any_msg::$case(b) => $name::$case(b),
$any_msg::Unrecognized(u) => Self::$unrecognized(u),
other => return Err(other),
impl From<$msg_mod :: $case> for $name {
fn from(m: $msg_mod::$case) -> $name {
$name :: $case(m)
impl From<$unrec_type> for $name {
fn from (u: $unrec_type) -> $name {
pub use restricted_msg;
mod test {
use super::*;
// Here we do a couple of other variations of the example in the doctest, to
// make sure they work.
// As in the doctest, but no "unrecognized" variant.
restricted_msg! {
enum StrictOpenStreamMsg : RelayMsg {
// Try it with chanmsg.
enum CircuitBuildReply : ChanMsg {
_ => Unrecognized,
// As above, but no "unrecognized" variant.
enum StrictCircuitBuildReply : ChanMsg {