98.84 %
46.34 %
100 %
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg, doc_cfg))]
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
// @@ begin lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
#![allow(renamed_and_removed_lints)] // @@REMOVE_WHEN(ci_arti_stable)
#![allow(unknown_lints)] // @@REMOVE_WHEN(ci_arti_nightly)
#![allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] // This can reasonably be done for explicitness
#![allow(clippy::significant_drop_in_scrutinee)] // arti/-/merge_requests/588/#note_2812945
#![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] // temporary workaround for arti#587
#![allow(clippy::needless_raw_string_hashes)] // complained-about code is fine, often best
#![allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // See arti#1765
//! <!-- @@ end lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
pub mod cmdline;
mod err;
pub mod extend_builder;
pub mod file_watcher;
mod flatten;
pub mod list_builder;
mod listen;
pub mod load;
pub mod map_builder;
mod misc;
pub mod mistrust;
mod mut_cfg;
pub mod sources;
#[cfg(feature = "testing")]
pub mod testing;
pub mod deps {
pub use educe;
pub use figment;
pub use itertools::Itertools;
pub use paste::paste;
pub use serde;
pub use serde_value;
pub use tor_basic_utils::macro_first_nonempty;
pub use cmdline::CmdLine;
pub use err::{ConfigBuildError, ConfigError, ReconfigureError};
pub use flatten::{Flatten, Flattenable};
pub use list_builder::{MultilineListBuilder, MultilineListBuilderError};
pub use listen::*;
pub use load::{resolve, resolve_ignore_warnings, resolve_return_results};
pub use misc::*;
pub use mut_cfg::MutCfg;
pub use sources::{ConfigurationSource, ConfigurationSources};
use itertools::Itertools;
pub use derive_deftly;
pub use flatten::flattenable_extract_fields;
derive_deftly::template_export_semver_check! { "0.12.1" }
/// A set of configuration fields, represented as a set of nested K=V
/// mappings.
/// (This is a wrapper for an underlying type provided by the library that
/// actually does our configuration.)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ConfigurationTree(figment::Figment);
impl ConfigurationTree {
pub(crate) fn get_string(&self, key: &str) -> Result<String, crate::ConfigError> {
use figment::value::Value as V;
let val = self.0.find_value(key).map_err(ConfigError::from_cfg_err)?;
Ok(match val {
V::String(_, s) => s.to_string(),
V::Num(_, n) => n.to_i128().expect("Failed to extract i128").to_string(),
_ => format!("{:?}", val),
/// Rules for reconfiguring a running Arti instance.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Reconfigure {
/// Perform no reconfiguration unless we can guarantee that all changes will be successful.
/// Try to reconfigure as much as possible; warn on fields that we cannot reconfigure.
/// Don't reconfigure anything: Only check whether we can guarantee that all changes will be successful.
impl Reconfigure {
/// Called when we see a disallowed attempt to change `field`: either give a ReconfigureError,
/// or warn and return `Ok(())`, depending on the value of `self`.
pub fn cannot_change<S: AsRef<str>>(self, field: S) -> Result<(), ReconfigureError> {
match self {
Reconfigure::AllOrNothing | Reconfigure::CheckAllOrNothing => {
Err(ReconfigureError::CannotChange {
field: field.as_ref().to_owned(),
Reconfigure::WarnOnFailures => {
tracing::warn!("Cannot change {} on a running client.", field.as_ref());
/// Resolves an `Option<Option<T>>` (in a builder) into an `Option<T>`
/// * If the input is `None`, this indicates that the user did not specify a value,
/// and we therefore use `def` to obtain the default value.
/// * If the input is `Some(None)`, or `Some(Some(Default::default()))`,
/// the user has explicitly specified that this config item should be null/none/nothing,
/// so we return `None`.
/// * Otherwise the user provided an actual value, and we return `Some` of it.
/// See <>
/// For consistency with other APIs in Arti, when using this,
/// do not pass `setter(strip_option)` to derive_builder.
/// # âš Stability Warning âš
/// We may significantly change this so that it is an method in an extension trait.
// This is an annoying AOI right now because you have to write things like
// #[builder(field(build = r#"tor_config::resolve_option(&self.dns_port, || None)"#))]
// pub(crate) dns_port: Option<u16>,
// which recapitulates the field name. That is very much a bug hazard (indeed, in an
// early version of some of this code I perpetrated precisely that bug).
// Fixing this involves a derive_builder feature.
pub fn resolve_option<T, DF>(input: &Option<Option<T>>, def: DF) -> Option<T>
T: Clone + Default + PartialEq,
DF: FnOnce() -> Option<T>,
input.as_ref().map(|ov| ov.as_ref()),
|v| v == &T::default(),
/// Resolves an `Option<Option<T>>` (in a builder) into an `Option<T>`, more generally
/// Like `resolve_option`, but:
/// * Doesn't rely on `T`' being `Default + PartialEq`
/// to determine whether it's the sentinel value;
/// instead, taking `is_explicit`.
/// * Takes `Option<Option<&T>>` which is more general, but less like the usual call sites.
/// * If the input is `Some(None)`, or `Some(Some(v)) where is_sentinel(v)`,
// TODO: it would be nice to have an example here, but right now I'm not sure
// what type (or config setting) we could put in an example that would be natural enough
// to add clarity. See
pub fn resolve_option_general<T, ISF, DF>(
input: Option<Option<&T>>,
is_sentinel: ISF,
def: DF,
) -> Option<T>
T: Clone,
ISF: FnOnce(&T) -> bool,
match input {
None => def(),
Some(None) => None,
Some(Some(v)) if is_sentinel(v) => None,
Some(Some(v)) => Some(v.clone()),
/// Helper for resolving a config item which can be specified in multiple ways
/// Usable when a single configuration item can be specified
/// via multiple (alternative) input fields;
/// Each input field which is actually present
/// should be converted to the common output type,
/// and then passed to this function,
/// which will handle consistency checks and defaulting.
/// A common use case is deprecated field name/types.
/// In that case, the deprecated field names should be added to the appropriate
/// [`load::TopLevel::DEPRECATED_KEYS`].
/// `specified` should be an array (or other iterator) of `(key, Option<value>)`
/// where `key` is the field name and
/// `value` is that field from the builder,
/// converted to the common output type `V`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use derive_builder::Builder;
/// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// use tor_config::{impl_standard_builder, ConfigBuildError, Listen, resolve_alternative_specs};
/// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Builder, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// #[builder(build_fn(error = "ConfigBuildError"))]
/// #[builder(derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize))]
/// #[allow(clippy::option_option)]
/// pub struct ProxyConfig {
/// /// Addresses to listen on for incoming SOCKS connections.
/// #[builder(field(build = r#"self.resolve_socks_port()?"#))]
/// pub(crate) socks_listen: Listen,
/// /// Port to listen on (at localhost) for incoming SOCKS
/// /// connections.
/// #[builder(setter(strip_option), field(type = "Option<Option<u16>>", build = "()"))]
/// pub(crate) socks_port: (),
/// }
/// impl_standard_builder! { ProxyConfig }
/// impl ProxyConfigBuilder {
/// fn resolve_socks_port(&self) -> Result<Listen, ConfigBuildError> {
/// resolve_alternative_specs(
/// [
/// ("socks_listen", self.socks_listen.clone()),
/// ("socks_port",,
/// ],
/// || Listen::new_localhost(9150),
/// )
// Testing: this is tested quit exhaustively in the context of the listen/port handling, in
// crates/arti/src/
pub fn resolve_alternative_specs<V, K>(
specified: impl IntoIterator<Item = (K, Option<V>)>,
default: impl FnOnce() -> V,
) -> Result<V, ConfigBuildError>
K: Into<String>,
V: Eq,
.filter_map(|(k, v)| Some((k, v?)))
.dedup_by(|(_, v1), (_, v2)| v1 == v2)
.map_err(|several| ConfigBuildError::Inconsistent {
fields: several.into_iter().map(|(k, _v)| k.into()).collect_vec(),
problem: "conflicting fields, specifying different values".into(),
.map(|(_k, v)| v)
/// Defines standard impls for a struct with a `Builder`, incl `Default`
/// **Use this.** Do not `#[derive(Builder, Default)]`. That latter approach would produce
/// wrong answers if builder attributes are used to specify non-`Default` default values.
/// # Input syntax
/// use tor_config::impl_standard_builder;
/// use tor_config::ConfigBuildError;
/// #[derive(Debug, Builder, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// #[builder(derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
/// struct SomeConfigStruct { }
/// impl_standard_builder! { SomeConfigStruct }
/// struct UnusualStruct { }
/// impl_standard_builder! { UnusualStruct: !Deserialize + !Builder }
/// # Requirements
/// `$Config`'s builder must have default values for all the fields,
/// or this macro-generated self-test will fail.
/// This should be OK for all principal elements of our configuration.
/// `$ConfigBuilder` must have an appropriate `Deserialize` impl.
/// # Options
/// * `!Default` suppresses the `Default` implementation, and the corresponding tests.
/// This should be done within Arti's configuration only for sub-structures which
/// contain mandatory fields (and are themselves optional).
/// * `!Deserialize` suppresses the test case involving `Builder: Deserialize`.
/// This should not be done for structs which are part of Arti's configuration,
/// but can be appropriate for other types that use [`derive_builder`].
/// * `!Builder` suppresses the impl of the [`tor_config::load::Builder`](load::Builder) trait
/// This will be necessary if the error from the builder is not [`ConfigBuildError`].
/// # Generates
/// * `impl Default for $Config`
/// * `impl Builder for $ConfigBuilder`
/// * a self-test that the `Default` impl actually works
/// * a test that the `Builder` can be deserialized from an empty [`ConfigurationTree`],
/// and then built, and that the result is the same as the ordinary default.
// The implementation munches fake "trait bounds" (`: !Deserialize + !Wombat ...`) off the RHS.
// We're going to add at least one more option.
// When run with `!Default`, this only generates a `builder` impl and an impl of
// the `Resolvable` trait which probably won't be used anywhere. That may seem
// like a poor tradeoff (much fiddly macro code to generate a trivial function in
// a handful of call sites). However, this means that `impl_standard_builder!`
// can be used in more places. That sets a good example: always use the macro.
// That is a good example because we want `impl_standard_builder!` to be
// used elsewhere because it generates necessary tests of properties
// which might otherwise be violated. When adding code, people add according to the
// patterns they see.
// (We, sadly, don't have a good way to *ensure* use of `impl_standard_builder`.)
macro_rules! impl_standard_builder {
// Convert the input into the "being processed format":
$Config:ty $(: $($options:tt)* )?
} => { $crate::impl_standard_builder!{
// ^Being processed format:
@ ( Builder )
( default )
( extract ) $Config : $( $( $options )* )?
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// present iff not !Builder, !Default
// present iff not !Default
// present iff not !Deserialize type always present options yet to be parsed
} };
// If !Deserialize is the next option, implement it by making $try_deserialize absent
@ ( $($Builder :ident)? )
( $($default :ident)? )
( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)? !Deserialize $( $options:tt )*
@ ( $($Builder )? )
( $($default )? )
( ) $Config : $( $options )*
// If !Builder is the next option, implement it by making $Builder absent
( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)? !Builder $( $options:tt )*
@ ( )
( $($try_deserialize )? ) $Config : $( $options )*
// If !Default is the next option, implement it by making $default absent
( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)? !Default $( $options:tt )*
( )
// Having parsed all options, produce output:
( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)?
} => { $crate::deps::paste!{
impl $Config {
/// Returns a fresh, default, builder
pub fn builder() -> [< $Config Builder >] {
$( // expands iff there was $default, which is always default
impl Default for $Config {
fn $default() -> Self {
// unwrap is good because one of the test cases above checks that it works!
[< $Config Builder >]::default().build().unwrap()
$( // expands iff there was $Builder, which is always Builder
impl $crate::load::$Builder for [< $Config Builder >] {
type Built = $Config;
fn build(&self) -> std::result::Result<$Config, $crate::ConfigBuildError> {
[< $Config Builder >]::build(self)
fn [< test_impl_Default_for_ $Config >] () {
let def = None::<$Config>;
let def = Some($Config::$default());
if let Some(def) = def {
$( // expands iff there was $try_deserialize, which is always extract
let empty_config = $crate::deps::figment::Figment::new();
let builder: [< $Config Builder >] = empty_config.$try_deserialize().unwrap();
let from_empty =;
assert_eq!(def, from_empty);
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use crate as tor_config;
use derive_builder::Builder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
use tracing_test::traced_test;
fn reconfigure_helpers() {
let how = Reconfigure::AllOrNothing;
let err = how.cannot_change("the_laws_of_physics").unwrap_err();
"Cannot change the_laws_of_physics on a running client.".to_owned()
let how = Reconfigure::WarnOnFailures;
let ok = how.cannot_change("stuff");
assert!(logs_contain("Cannot change stuff on a running client."));
#[rustfmt::skip] // autoformatting obscures the regular structure
fn resolve_option_test() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Builder, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[builder(build_fn(error = "ConfigBuildError"))]
#[builder(derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq))]
struct TestConfig {
#[builder(field(build = r#"tor_config::resolve_option(&self.none, || None)"#))]
none: Option<u32>,
#[builder(field(build = r#"tor_config::resolve_option(&self.four, || Some(4))"#))]
four: Option<u32>,
// defaults
let builder_from_json: TestConfigBuilder = serde_json::from_value(
json!{ { } }
let builder_from_methods = TestConfigBuilder::default();
assert_eq!(builder_from_methods, builder_from_json);
TestConfig { none: None, four: Some(4) });
// explicit positive values
json!{ { "none": 123, "four": 456 } }
let mut builder_from_methods = TestConfigBuilder::default();
TestConfig { none: Some(123), four: Some(456) });
// explicit "null" values
json!{ { "none": 0, "four": 0 } }
TestConfig { none: None, four: None });
// explicit None (API only, serde can't do this for Option)