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//! `ConfigurationSources`: Helper for handling configuration files
//! This module provides [`ConfigurationSources`].
//! This layer brings together the functionality of
//! our underlying configuration library,
//! [`fs_mistrust`] and [`tor_config::cmdline`](crate::cmdline).
//! A `ConfigurationSources` records a set of filenames of TOML files,
//! ancillary instructions for reading them,
//! and also a set of command line options.
//! Usually, call [`ConfigurationSources::from_cmdline`],
//! perhaps [`set_mistrust`](ConfigurationSources::set_mistrust),
//! and finally [`load`](ConfigurationSources::load).
//! The resulting [`ConfigurationTree`] can then be deserialized.
//! If you want to watch for config file changes,
//! use [`ConfigurationSources::scan()`],
//! to obtain a [`FoundConfigFiles`],
//! start watching the paths returned by [`FoundConfigFiles::iter()`],
//! and then call [`FoundConfigFiles::load()`].
//! (This ordering starts watching the files before you read them,
//! which is necessary to avoid possibly missing changes.)
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::{fs, io, sync::Arc};
use figment::Figment;
use void::ResultVoidExt as _;
use crate::err::ConfigError;
use crate::{CmdLine, ConfigurationTree};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// A description of where to find our configuration options.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ConfigurationSources {
/// List of files to read (in order).
files: Vec<(ConfigurationSource, MustRead)>,
/// A list of command-line options to apply after parsing the files.
options: Vec<String>,
/// We will check all files we read
mistrust: fs_mistrust::Mistrust,
/// Rules for whether we should proceed if a configuration file is unreadable.
/// Some files (like the default configuration file) are okay to skip if they
/// aren't present. Others (like those specified on the command line) really
/// need to be there.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum MustRead {
/// This file is okay to skip if it isn't present,
/// This file must be present and readable.
/// A configuration file or directory, for use by a `ConfigurationSources`
/// You can make one out of a `PathBuf`, examining its syntax like `arti` does,
/// using `ConfigurationSource::from_path`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum ConfigurationSource {
/// A plain file
/// A directory
/// A verbatim TOML file
impl ConfigurationSource {
/// Interpret a path (or string) as a configuration file or directory spec
/// If the path syntactically specifies a directory
/// (i.e., can be seen to be a directory without accessing the filesystem,
/// for example because it ends in a directory separator such as `/`)
/// it is treated as specifying a directory.
pub fn from_path<P: Into<PathBuf>>(p: P) -> ConfigurationSource {
use ConfigurationSource as CS;
let p = p.into();
if is_syntactically_directory(&p) {
} else {
/// Use the provided text as verbatim TOML, as if it had been read from disk.
pub fn from_verbatim(text: String) -> ConfigurationSource {
/// Return a reference to the inner `Path`, if there is one.
pub fn as_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
match self {
CS::File(p) | CS::Dir(p) => Some(p),
CS::Verbatim(_) => None,
/// Configuration files and directories we found in the filesystem
/// Result of [`ConfigurationSources::scan`].
/// When loading configuration files and also watching for filesystem updates,
/// this type encapsulates all the actual filesystem objects that need watching.
pub struct FoundConfigFiles<'srcs> {
/// The things we found
/// This includes both:
/// * Files which ought to be read
/// * Directories, which may or may not contain any currently-relevant files
/// The directories are retained for the purpose of watching for config changes:
/// we will want to detect files being created within them,
/// so our caller needs to discover them (via [`FoundConfigFiles::iter()`]).
files: Vec<FoundConfigFile>,
/// Our parent, which contains details we need for `load`
sources: &'srcs ConfigurationSources,
/// A configuration source file or directory, found or not found on the filesystem
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct FoundConfigFile {
/// The path of the (putative) object
source: ConfigurationSource,
/// Were we expecting this to definitely exist
must_read: MustRead,
impl ConfigurationSources {
/// Create a new empty [`ConfigurationSources`].
pub fn new_empty() -> Self {
/// Establish a [`ConfigurationSources`] the from an infallible command line and defaults
/// Convenience method for if the default config file location(s) can be infallibly computed.
pub fn from_cmdline<F, O>(
default_config_files: impl IntoIterator<Item = ConfigurationSource>,
config_files_options: impl IntoIterator<Item = F>,
cmdline_toml_override_options: impl IntoIterator<Item = O>,
) -> Self
F: Into<PathBuf>,
O: Into<String>,
|| Ok(default_config_files),
/// Establish a [`ConfigurationSources`] the usual way from a command line and defaults
/// The caller should have parsed the program's command line, and extracted (inter alia)
/// * `config_files_options`: Paths of config file(s) (or directories of `.toml` files)
/// * `cmdline_toml_override_options`: Overrides ("key=value")
/// The caller should also provide `default_config_files`,
/// which returns the default locations of the configuration files.
/// This used if no file(s) are specified on the command line.
// The other inputs are always used and therefore
// don't need to be lifted into FnOnce() -> Result.
/// `mistrust` is used to check whether the configuration files have appropriate permissions.
/// `ConfigurationSource::Dir`s
/// will be scanned for files whose name ends in `.toml`.
/// All those files (if any) will be read (in lexical order by filename).
pub fn try_from_cmdline<F, O, DEF, E>(
default_config_files: impl FnOnce() -> Result<DEF, E>,
) -> Result<Self, E>
DEF: IntoIterator<Item = ConfigurationSource>,
let mut cfg_sources = ConfigurationSources::new_empty();
let mut any_files = false;
for f in config_files_options {
let f = f.into();
cfg_sources.push_source(ConfigurationSource::from_path(f), MustRead::MustRead);
any_files = true;
if !any_files {
for default in default_config_files()? {
cfg_sources.push_source(default, MustRead::TolerateAbsence);
for s in cmdline_toml_override_options {
/// Add `src` to the list of files or directories that we want to read configuration from.
/// Configuration files are loaded and applied in the order that they are
/// added to this object.
/// If the listed file is absent, loading the configuration won't succeed.
pub fn push_source(&mut self, src: ConfigurationSource, must_read: MustRead) {
self.files.push((src, must_read));
/// Add `s` to the list of overridden options to apply to our configuration.
/// Options are applied after all configuration files are loaded, in the
/// order that they are added to this object.
/// The format for `s` is as in [`CmdLine`].
pub fn push_option(&mut self, option: impl Into<String>) {
/// Sets the filesystem permission mistrust
pub fn set_mistrust(&mut self, mistrust: fs_mistrust::Mistrust) {
self.mistrust = mistrust;
/// Reads the filesystem permission mistrust
pub fn mistrust(&self) -> &fs_mistrust::Mistrust {
/// Scan for files and load the configuration into a new [`ConfigurationTree`].
/// This is a convenience method for [`scan()`](Self::scan)
/// followed by [`files.load`].
pub fn load(&self) -> Result<ConfigurationTree, ConfigError> {
let files = self.scan()?;
/// Scan for configuration source files (including scanning any directories)
pub fn scan(&self) -> Result<FoundConfigFiles, ConfigError> {
let mut out = vec![];
for &(ref source, must_read) in &self.files {
let required = must_read == MustRead::MustRead;
// Returns Err(error) if we should bail,
// or Ok(()) if we should ignore the error and skip the file.
let handle_io_error = |e: io::Error, p: &Path| {
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound && !required {
Result::<_, crate::ConfigError>::Ok(())
Err(crate::ConfigError::Io {
action: "reading",
path: p.to_owned(),
err: Arc::new(e),
match &source {
CS::Dir(dirname) => {
let dir = match fs::read_dir(dirname) {
Ok(y) => y,
Err(e) => {
handle_io_error(e, dirname.as_ref())?;
out.push(FoundConfigFile {
source: source.clone(),
// Rebinding `found` avoids using the directory name by mistake.
let mut entries = vec![];
for found in dir {
// reuse map_io_err, which embeds the directory name,
// since if we have Err we don't have an entry name.
let found = match found {
let leaf = found.file_name();
let leaf: &Path = leaf.as_ref();
match leaf.extension() {
Some(e) if e == "toml" => {}
_ => continue,
out.extend(entries.into_iter().map(|path| FoundConfigFile {
source: CS::File(path),
must_read: MustRead::TolerateAbsence,
CS::File(_) | CS::Verbatim(_) => {
Ok(FoundConfigFiles {
files: out,
sources: self,
impl FoundConfigFiles<'_> {
/// Iterate over the filesystem objects that the scan found
// This ought really to be `impl IntoIterator for &Self` but that's awkward without TAIT
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ConfigurationSource> {
self.files.iter().map(|f| &f.source)
/// Add every file and commandline source to `builder`, returning a new
/// builder.
fn add_sources(self, mut builder: Figment) -> Result<Figment, ConfigError> {
use figment::providers::Format;
// Note that we're using `merge` here. It causes later sources' options
// to replace those in earlier sources, and causes arrays to be replaced
// rather than extended.
// TODO #1337: This array behavior is not necessarily ideal for all
// cases, but doing something smarter would probably require us to hack
// figment-rs or toml.
for FoundConfigFile { source, must_read } in self.files {
let file = match source {
CS::File(file) => file,
CS::Dir(_) => continue,
CS::Verbatim(text) => {
builder = builder.merge(figment::providers::Toml::string(&text));
match self
Ok(()) => {}
Err(fs_mistrust::Error::NotFound(_)) if !required => {
Err(e) => return Err(ConfigError::FileAccess(e)),
// We use file_exact here so that figment won't look in parent
// directories if the target file can't be found.
let f = figment::providers::Toml::file_exact(file);
builder = builder.merge(f);
let mut cmdline = CmdLine::new();
for opt in &self.sources.options {
builder = builder.merge(cmdline);
/// Load the configuration into a new [`ConfigurationTree`].
pub fn load(self) -> Result<ConfigurationTree, ConfigError> {
let mut builder = Figment::new();
builder = self.add_sources(builder)?;
/// Does it end in a slash? (Or some other way of saying this is a directory.)
fn is_syntactically_directory(p: &Path) -> bool {
use std::path::Component as PC;
match p.components().next_back() {
None => false,
Some(PC::Prefix(_)) | Some(PC::RootDir) | Some(PC::CurDir) | Some(PC::ParentDir) => true,
Some(PC::Normal(_)) => {
// Does it end in a slash?
let l = p.components().count();
// stdlib doesn't let us tell if the thing ends in a path separator.
// components() normalises, so doesn't give us an empty component
// But, if it ends in a path separator, adding a path component char will
// mean adding a component.
// This will work regardless of the path separator, on any platform where
// paths naming directories are like those for files.
// It would even work on some others, eg VMS.
let mut appended = OsString::from(p);
let l2 = PathBuf::from(appended).components().count();
l2 != l
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tempfile::tempdir;
static EX_TOML: &str = "
world = \"stuff\"
friends = 4242
/// Make a ConfigurationSources (that doesn't include the arti defaults)
fn sources_nodefaults<P: AsRef<Path>>(
files: &[(P, MustRead)],
opts: &[String],
) -> ConfigurationSources {
let mistrust = fs_mistrust::Mistrust::new_dangerously_trust_everyone();
let files = files
.map(|(p, m)| (ConfigurationSource::from_path(p.as_ref()), *m))
let options = opts.iter().cloned().collect_vec();
ConfigurationSources {
/// Load from a set of files and option strings, without taking
/// the arti defaults into account.
fn load_nodefaults<P: AsRef<Path>>(
) -> Result<ConfigurationTree, crate::ConfigError> {
sources_nodefaults(files, opts).load()
fn non_required_file() {
let td = tempdir().unwrap();
let dflt = td.path().join("a_file");
let files = vec![(dflt, MustRead::TolerateAbsence)];
load_nodefaults(&files, Default::default()).unwrap();
static EX2_TOML: &str = "
world = \"nonsense\"
fn both_required_and_not() {
let cf = td.path().join("other_file");
std::fs::write(&cf, EX2_TOML).unwrap();
let files = vec![(dflt, MustRead::TolerateAbsence), (cf, MustRead::MustRead)];
let c = load_nodefaults(&files, Default::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.get_string("").unwrap(), "nonsense");
fn dir_with_some() {
let cf = td.path().join("1.toml");
let d = td.path().join("extra.d/");
let df = d.join("2.toml");
let xd = td.path().join("nonexistent.d/");
std::fs::write(&cf, EX_TOML).unwrap();
std::fs::write(df, EX2_TOML).unwrap();
std::fs::write(d.join("not-toml"), "SYNTAX ERROR").unwrap();
let files = vec![
(cf, MustRead::MustRead),
(d, MustRead::MustRead),
(xd.clone(), MustRead::TolerateAbsence),
let c = sources_nodefaults(&files, Default::default());
let found = c.scan().unwrap();
.map(|p| p
&["1.toml", "extra.d", "extra.d/2.toml"]
let c = found.load().unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.get_string("hello.friends").unwrap(), "4242");
let files = vec![(xd, MustRead::MustRead)];
let e = load_nodefaults(&files, Default::default())
fn load_two_files_with_cmdline() {
let cf1 = td.path().join("a_file");
let cf2 = td.path().join("other_file");
std::fs::write(&cf1, EX_TOML).unwrap();
std::fs::write(&cf2, EX2_TOML).unwrap();
let v = vec![(cf1, MustRead::TolerateAbsence), (cf2, MustRead::MustRead)];
let v2 = vec!["other.var=present".to_string()];
let c = load_nodefaults(&v, &v2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.get_string("other.var").unwrap(), "present");
fn from_cmdline() {
// Try one with specified files
let sources = ConfigurationSources::from_cmdline(
["/family/yor.toml", "/family/anya.toml"],
["decade=1960", "snack=peanuts"],
let files: Vec<_> = sources
.map(|file| file.0.as_path().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
assert_eq!(files, vec!["/family/yor.toml", "/family/anya.toml"]);
assert_eq!(sources.files[0].1, MustRead::MustRead);
&vec!["decade=1960".to_owned(), "snack=peanuts".to_owned()]
// Try once with default only.
fn dir_syntax() {
let chk = |tf, s: &str| assert_eq!(tf, is_syntactically_directory(s.as_ref()), "{:?}", s);
chk(false, "");
chk(false, "1");
chk(false, "1/2");
chk(false, "/1");
chk(false, "/1/2");
chk(true, "/");
chk(true, ".");
chk(true, "./");
chk(true, "..");
chk(true, "../");
chk(true, "1/");
chk(true, "1/2/");
chk(true, "/1/");
chk(true, "/1/2/");