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//! Support for generalized addresses.
//! We use the [`SocketAddr`] type in this module,
//! when we want write code
//! that can treat AF_UNIX addresses and internet addresses as a single type.
//! As an alternative, you could also write your code to be generic
//! over address, listener, provider, and stream types.
//! That would give you the performance benefits of monomorphization
//! over some corresponding costs in complexity and code size.
//! Generally, it's better to use these types unless you know
//! that the minor performance overhead here will matter in practice.
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::unix;
use std::{io::Error as IoError, net};
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
use std::os::android::net::SocketAddrExt as _;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use std::os::linux::net::SocketAddrExt as _;
/// Any address that Arti can listen on or connect to.
/// We use this type when we want to make streams
/// without being concerned whether they are AF_UNIX streams, TCP streams, or so forth.
/// To avoid confusion, you might want to avoid importing this type directly.
/// Instead, import [`rtcompat::general`](crate::general)
/// and refer to this type as `general::SocketAddr`.
/// ## String representation
/// Any `general::SocketAddr` has up to two string representations:
/// 1. A _qualified_ representation, consisting of a schema
/// (either "unix" or "inet"),
/// followed by a single colon,
/// followed by the address itself represented as a string.
/// Examples: `unix:/path/to/socket`, `inet:`,
/// `inet:[::1]:9999`.
/// The "unnamed" unix address is represented as `unix:`.
/// 2. A _unqualified_ representation,
/// consisting of a `net::SocketAddr` address represented as a string.
/// Examples: ``, `[::1]:9999`.
/// Note that not every `general::SocketAddr` has a string representation!
/// Currently, the ones that might not be representable are:
/// - "Abstract" AF_UNIX addresses (a Linux feature)
/// - AF_UNIX addresses whose path name is not UTF-8.
/// Note also that string representations may contain whitespace
/// or other unusual characters.
/// `/var/run/arti socket` is a valid filename,
/// so `unix:/var/run/arti socket` is a valid representation.
/// We may add new schemas in the future.
/// If we do, any new schema will begin with an ascii alphabetical character,
/// and will consist only of ascii alphanumeric characters,
/// the character `-`, and the character `_`.
/// ### Network address representation
/// When representing a `net::Socketaddr` address as a string,
/// we use the formats implemented by [`std::net::SocketAddr`]'s
/// `FromStr` implementation. In contrast with the textual representations of
/// [`Ipv4Addr`](std::net::Ipv4Addr) and [`Ipv6Addr`](std::net::Ipv6Addr),
/// these formats are not currently very well specified by Rust.
/// Therefore we describe them here:
/// * A `SocketAddrV4` is encoded as:
/// - an [IPv4 address],
/// - a colon (`:`),
/// - a 16-bit decimal integer.
/// * A `SocketAddrV6` is encoded as:
/// - a left square bracket (`[`),
/// - an [IPv6 address],
/// - optionally, a percent sign (`%`) and a 32-bit decimal integer
/// - a right square bracket (`]`),
/// Note that the above implementation does not provide any way
/// to encode the [`flowinfo`](std::net::SocketAddrV6::flowinfo) member
/// of a `SocketAddrV6`.
/// Any `flowinfo` information set in an address
/// will therefore be lost when the address is encoded.
/// [IPv4 address]:
/// [IPv6 address]:
/// TODO: We should try to get Rust's stdlib specify these formats, so we don't have to.
/// There is an open PR at <>.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, derive_more::From, derive_more::TryInto)]
pub enum SocketAddr {
/// An IPv4 or IPv6 address on the internet.
/// A local AF_UNIX address.
/// (Note that [`unix::SocketAddr`] is unconstructable on platforms where it is not supported.)
impl SocketAddr {
/// Return a wrapper object that can be used to display this address.
/// The resulting display might be lossy, depending on whether this address can be represented
/// as a string.
/// The displayed format here is intentionally undocumented;
/// it may change in the future.
pub fn display_lossy(&self) -> DisplayLossy<'_> {
/// If possible, return a qualified string representation for this address.
/// Otherwise return None.
pub fn try_to_string(&self) -> Option<String> {
use SocketAddr::*;
match self {
Inet(sa) => Some(format!("inet:{}", sa)),
Unix(sa) => {
if sa.is_unnamed() {
} else {
.map(|p| format!("unix:{}", p))
/// Lossy display for a [`SocketAddr`].
pub struct DisplayLossy<'a>(&'a SocketAddr);
impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for DisplayLossy<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self.0 {
Inet(sa) => write!(f, "inet:{}", sa),
if let Some(path) = sa.as_pathname() {
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
write!(f, "unix:{}", path_str)
write!(f, "unix:{} [lossy]", path.to_string_lossy())
} else if sa.is_unnamed() {
write!(f, "unix:")
write!(f, "unix:{:?} [lossy]", sa)
impl std::str::FromStr for SocketAddr {
type Err = AddrParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
if s.starts_with(|c: char| (c.is_ascii_digit() || c == '[')) {
// This looks like an inet address, and cannot be a qualified address.
} else if let Some((schema, remainder)) = s.split_once(':') {
match schema {
"unix" => Ok(unix::SocketAddr::from_pathname(remainder)?.into()),
"inet" => Ok(remainder.parse::<net::SocketAddr>()?.into()),
_ => Err(AddrParseError::UnrecognizedSchema(schema.to_string())),
/// An error encountered while attempting to parse a [`SocketAddr`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum AddrParseError {
/// Tried to parse an address with an unrecognized schema.
#[error("Address schema {0:?} unrecognized")]
/// Tried to parse a non inet-address with no schema.
#[error("Address did not look like internet, but had no address schema.")]
/// Tried to parse an address as an AF_UNIX address, but failed.
#[error("Invalid AF_UNIX address")]
InvalidUnixAddress(#[source] Arc<IoError>),
/// Tried to parse an address as a inet address, but failed.
#[error("Invalid internet address")]
InvalidInetAddress(#[from] std::net::AddrParseError),
impl From<IoError> for AddrParseError {
fn from(e: IoError) -> Self {
impl PartialEq for SocketAddr {
/// Return true if two `SocketAddr`s are equal.
/// For `Inet` addresses, delegates to `std::net::SocketAddr::eq`.
/// For `Unix` addresses, treats two addresses as equal if any of the following is true:
/// - Both addresses have the same path.
/// - Both addresses are unnamed.
/// - (Linux only) Both addresses have the same abstract name.
/// Addresses of different types are always unequal.
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Self::Inet(l0), Self::Inet(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(Self::Unix(l0), Self::Unix(r0)) => {
// Sadly, std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr doesn't implement PartialEq.
// This requires us to make our own, and prevents us from providing Eq.
if l0.is_unnamed() && r0.is_unnamed() {
return true;
if let (Some(a), Some(b)) = (l0.as_pathname(), r0.as_pathname()) {
return a == b;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
if let (Some(a), Some(b)) = (l0.as_abstract_name(), r0.as_abstract_name()) {
_ => false,
#[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for SocketAddr {
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
/// Simple enumeration to select an address type.
enum Kind {
match u.arbitrary()? {
Kind::V4 => Ok(SocketAddr::Inet(
net::SocketAddrV4::new(u.arbitrary()?, u.arbitrary()?).into(),
Kind::V6 => Ok(SocketAddr::Inet(
Kind::Unix => {
let pathname: std::ffi::OsString = u.arbitrary()?;
.map_err(|_| arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat)?,
Kind::UnixAbstract => {
let name: &[u8] = u.arbitrary()?;
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::AddrParseError;
use crate::general;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use std::os::unix::net as unix;
use std::{net, str::FromStr as _};
/// Parse `s` as a `net::SocketAddr`, and build a `general::SocketAddr` from it.
/// Testing only. Panics on error.
fn from_inet(s: &str) -> general::SocketAddr {
let a: net::SocketAddr = s.parse().unwrap();
fn ok_inet() {
let ga1 = from_inet("");
assert_eq!(ga1.display_lossy().to_string(), "inet:");
assert_eq!(ga1.try_to_string().unwrap(), "inet:");
let ga2 = from_inet("[::1]:9999");
assert_eq!(ga2.display_lossy().to_string(), "inet:[::1]:9999");
assert_eq!(ga2.try_to_string().unwrap(), "inet:[::1]:9999");
/// Treat `s` as a unix path, and build a `general::SocketAddr` from it.
fn from_pathname(s: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> general::SocketAddr {
let a = unix::SocketAddr::from_pathname(s).unwrap();
fn ok_unix() {
from_pathname("/path/with spaces"),
general::SocketAddr::from_str("unix:/path/with spaces").unwrap()
let ga1 = general::SocketAddr::from_str("unix:/some/path").unwrap();
assert_eq!(ga1.display_lossy().to_string(), "unix:/some/path");
assert_eq!(ga1.try_to_string().unwrap(), "unix:/some/path");
let ga2 = general::SocketAddr::from_str("unix:/another/path").unwrap();
assert_eq!(ga2.display_lossy().to_string(), "unix:/another/path");
assert_eq!(ga2.try_to_string().unwrap(), "unix:/another/path");
fn parse_err_inet() {
fn parse_err_schemata() {
Err(AddrParseError::UnrecognizedSchema(f)) if f == "fred"
fn display_unix_weird() {
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt as _;
let a1 = from_pathname(OsStr::from_bytes(&[255, 255, 255, 255]));
assert_eq!(a1.display_lossy().to_string(), "unix:���� [lossy]");
let a2 = from_pathname("");
assert_eq!(a2.try_to_string().unwrap(), "unix:");
assert_eq!(a2.display_lossy().to_string(), "unix:");
fn parse_err_no_unix() {