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//! Definitions related to unix socket support.
//! To avoid confusion, don't import `SocketAddr` from this module directly;
//! instead, import the module and refer to `unix::SocketAddr`.
use std::path::Path;
/// A replacement/re-export [`std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr`].
/// On Unix platforms, this is just a re-export of [`std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr`].
/// On non-Unix platforms, this type is an uninhabited placeholder that can never be instantiated.
pub use std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr;
/// Address for an AF_UNIX socket.
/// (This is an uninhabited placeholder implementations for platforms without AF_UNIX support.)
/// Note that we currently include Windows on platforms without AF_UNIX support:
/// When we use Unix sockets in Arti, we rely on their filesystem-based security properties,
/// which we haven't yet had a chance to fully analyze on non-Unix platforms.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SocketAddr(void::Void);
impl SocketAddr {
/// Return true if this is an "unnamed" socket address.
/// (Because this type is uninhabited, this method cannot actually be called.)
pub fn is_unnamed(&self) -> bool {
/// Return the pathname for this socket address, if it is "named".
pub fn as_pathname(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
/// Attempt to construct an AF_UNIX socket address from the provided `path`.
/// (Because this platform lacks AF_UNIX support, this method will always return an error.)
pub fn from_pathname<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
let _ = path;
/// Error: Unix addresses are not supported on this platform.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("No support for AF_UNIX addresses on this platform")]
pub struct NoUnixAddressSupport;
impl From<NoUnixAddressSupport> for std::io::Error {
fn from(value: NoUnixAddressSupport) -> Self {
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Unsupported, value)