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//! A simple reverse-proxy implementation for onion services.
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use futures::{
select_biased, task::SpawnExt as _, AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, Future,
FutureExt as _, Stream, StreamExt as _,
use oneshot_fused_workaround as oneshot;
use safelog::sensitive as sv;
use std::io::{Error as IoError, Result as IoResult};
use tor_cell::relaycell::msg as relaymsg;
use tor_error::{debug_report, ErrorKind, HasKind};
use tor_hsservice::{HsNickname, RendRequest, StreamRequest};
use tor_log_ratelim::log_ratelim;
use tor_proto::stream::{DataStream, IncomingStreamRequest};
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
use crate::config::{Encapsulation, ProxyAction, ProxyConfig, TargetAddr};
/// A reverse proxy that handles connections from an `OnionService` by routing
/// them to local addresses.
pub struct OnionServiceReverseProxy {
/// Mutable state held by this reverse proxy.
state: Mutex<State>,
/// Mutable part of an RProxy
struct State {
/// The current configuration for this reverse proxy.
config: ProxyConfig,
/// A sender that we'll drop when it's time to shut down this proxy.
shutdown_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<void::Void>>,
/// A receiver that we'll use to monitor for shutdown signals.
shutdown_rx: futures::future::Shared<oneshot::Receiver<void::Void>>,
/// An error that prevents further progress while processing requests.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum HandleRequestsError {
/// The runtime says it was unable to spawn a task.
#[error("Unable to spawn a task")]
Spawn(#[source] Arc<futures::task::SpawnError>),
impl HasKind for HandleRequestsError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
match self {
HandleRequestsError::Spawn(e) => e.kind(),
impl OnionServiceReverseProxy {
/// Create a new proxy with a given configuration.
pub fn new(config: ProxyConfig) -> Arc<Self> {
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = oneshot::channel();
Arc::new(Self {
state: Mutex::new(State {
shutdown_tx: Some(shutdown_tx),
shutdown_rx: shutdown_rx.shared(),
/// Try to change the configuration of this proxy.
/// This change applies only to new connections through the proxy; existing
/// connections are not affected.
pub fn reconfigure(
how: tor_config::Reconfigure,
) -> Result<(), tor_config::ReconfigureError> {
if how == tor_config::Reconfigure::CheckAllOrNothing {
// Every possible reconfiguration is allowed.
return Ok(());
let mut state = self.state.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
state.config = config;
// Note: we don't need to use a postage::watch here, since we just want
// to lock this configuration whenever we get a request. We could use a
// Mutex<Arc<>> instead, but the performance shouldn't matter.
/// Shut down all request-handlers running using with this proxy.
pub fn shutdown(&self) {
let _ = state.shutdown_tx.take();
/// Use this proxy to handle a stream of [`RendRequest`]s.
/// The future returned by this function blocks indefinitely, so you may
/// want to spawn a separate task for it.
/// The provided nickname is used for logging.
pub async fn handle_requests<R, S>(
runtime: R,
nickname: HsNickname,
requests: S,
) -> Result<(), HandleRequestsError>
R: Runtime,
S: Stream<Item = RendRequest> + Unpin,
let mut stream_requests = tor_hsservice::handle_rend_requests(requests).fuse();
let mut shutdown_rx = self
.expect("poisoned lock")
let nickname = Arc::new(nickname);
loop {
let stream_request = select_biased! {
_ = shutdown_rx => return Ok(()),
stream_request = => match stream_request {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(s) => s,
let action = self.choose_action(stream_request.request());
let a_clone = action.clone();
let rt_clone = runtime.clone();
let nn_clone = Arc::clone(&nickname);
let req = stream_request.request().clone();
.spawn(async move {
let outcome =
run_action(rt_clone, nn_clone.as_ref(), action, stream_request).await;
"Performing action on {}", nn_clone;
Err(_) => WARN, "Unable to take action {:?} for request {:?}", sv(a_clone), sv(req)
.map_err(|e| HandleRequestsError::Spawn(Arc::new(e)))?;
/// Choose the configured action that we should take in response to a
/// [`StreamRequest`], based on our current configuration.
fn choose_action(&self, stream_request: &IncomingStreamRequest) -> ProxyAction {
let port: u16 = match stream_request {
IncomingStreamRequest::Begin(begin) => {
// The C tor implementation deliberately ignores the address and
// flags on the BEGIN message, so we do too.
other => {
"Rejecting onion service request for invalid command {:?}. Internal error.",
return ProxyAction::DestroyCircuit;
// The default action is "destroy the circuit."
/// Take the configured action from `action` on the incoming request `request`.
async fn run_action<R: Runtime>(
nickname: &HsNickname,
action: ProxyAction,
request: StreamRequest,
) -> Result<(), RequestFailed> {
match action {
ProxyAction::DestroyCircuit => {
ProxyAction::Forward(encap, target) => match (encap, target) {
(Encapsulation::Simple, ref addr @ TargetAddr::Inet(a)) => {
forward_connection(rt_clone, request, runtime.connect(&a), nickname, addr).await?;
} /* TODO (#1246)
(Encapsulation::Simple, TargetAddr::Unix(_)) => {
// TODO: We need to implement unix connections.
ProxyAction::RejectStream => {
// C tor sends DONE in this case, so we do too.
let end = relaymsg::End::new_with_reason(relaymsg::EndReason::DONE);
ProxyAction::IgnoreStream => drop(request),
/// An error from a single attempt to handle an onion service request.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
enum RequestFailed {
/// Encountered an error trying to destroy a circuit.
#[error("Unable to destroy onion service circuit")]
CantDestroy(#[source] tor_error::Bug),
/// Encountered an error trying to reject a single stream request.
#[error("Unable to reject onion service request")]
CantReject(#[source] tor_hsservice::ClientError),
/// Encountered an error trying to tell the remote onion service client that
/// we have accepted their connection.
#[error("Unable to accept onion service connection")]
AcceptRemote(#[source] tor_hsservice::ClientError),
/// The runtime refused to spawn a task for us.
#[error("Unable to spawn task")]
impl HasKind for RequestFailed {
RequestFailed::CantDestroy(e) => e.kind(),
RequestFailed::CantReject(e) => e.kind(),
RequestFailed::AcceptRemote(e) => e.kind(),
RequestFailed::Spawn(e) => e.kind(),
/// Try to open a connection to an appropriate local target using
/// `target_stream_future`. If successful, try to report success on `request`
/// and transmit data between the two stream indefinitely. On failure, close
/// `request`.
/// Only return an error if we were unable to behave as intended due to a
/// problem we did not already report.
async fn forward_connection<R, FUT, TS>(
target_stream_future: FUT,
addr: &TargetAddr,
) -> Result<(), RequestFailed>
FUT: Future<Output = Result<TS, IoError>>,
TS: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static,
let local_stream = target_stream_future.await.map_err(Arc::new);
// TODO: change this to "log_ratelim!(nickname=%nickname, ..." when log_ratelim can do that
// (we should search for HSS log messages and make them all be in the same form)
"Connecting to {} for onion service {}", sv(addr), nickname;
let local_stream = match local_stream {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => {
if let Err(e_rejecting) = request.reject(end).await {
"Unable to reject onion service request from client"
return Err(RequestFailed::CantReject(e_rejecting));
// We reported the (rate-limited) error from local_stream in
// DEBUG_REPORT above.
let onion_service_stream: DataStream = {
let connected = relaymsg::Connected::new_empty();
let (svc_r, svc_w) = onion_service_stream.split();
let (local_r, local_w) = local_stream.split();
.spawn(copy_interactive(local_r, svc_w).map(|_| ()))
.map_err(|e| RequestFailed::Spawn(Arc::new(e)))?;
.spawn(copy_interactive(svc_r, local_w).map(|_| ()))
/// Copy all the data from `reader` into `writer` until we encounter an EOF or
/// an error.
/// Unlike as futures::io::copy(), this function is meant for use with
/// interactive readers and writers, where the reader might pause for
/// a while, but where we want to send data on the writer as soon as
/// it is available.
/// This function assumes that the writer might need to be flushed for
/// any buffered data to be sent. It tries to minimize the number of
/// flushes, however, by only flushing the writer when the reader has no data.
/// NOTE: This is duplicate code from `arti::socks`. But instead of
/// deduplicating it, we should change the behavior in `DataStream` that makes
/// it necessary. See arti#786 for a fuller discussion.
async fn copy_interactive<R, W>(mut reader: R, mut writer: W) -> IoResult<()>
R: AsyncRead + Unpin,
W: AsyncWrite + Unpin,
use futures::{poll, task::Poll};
let mut buf = [0_u8; 1024];
// At this point we could just loop, calling read().await,
// write_all().await, and flush().await. But we want to be more
// clever than that: we only want to flush when the reader is
// stalled. That way we can pack our data into as few cells as
// possible, but flush it immediately whenever there's no more
// data coming.
let loop_result: IoResult<()> = loop {
let mut read_future = buf[..]);
match poll!(&mut read_future) {
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => break Err(e),
Poll::Ready(Ok(0)) => break Ok(()), // EOF
Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => {
Poll::Pending => writer.flush().await?,
// The read future is pending, so we should wait on it.
match read_future.await {
Err(e) => break Err(e),
Ok(0) => break Ok(()),
Ok(n) => writer.write_all(&buf[..n]).await?,
// Make sure that we flush any lingering data if we can.
// If there is a difference between closing and dropping, then we
// only want to do a "proper" close if the reader closed cleanly.
let flush_result = if loop_result.is_ok() {
} else {