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//! Analyze a list of link specifiers as a `OwnedChanTarget`.
//! This functionality is used in the onion service subsystem, and for relays.
//! The onion service subsystem uses this to decode a description of a relay as
//! provided in a HsDesc or an INTRODUCE2 message; relays use this to handle
//! EXTEND2 messages and figure out where to send a circuit.
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use crate::{EncodedLinkSpec, LinkSpec, OwnedChanTargetBuilder, RelayIdType};
use itertools::Itertools as _;
/// A rule for how strictly to parse a list of LinkSpecifiers when converting it into
/// an [`OwnedChanTarget`](crate::OwnedChanTarget).
// For now, there is only one level of strictness, but it is all but certain
// that we will add more in the future.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Strictness {
/// Enforce the standard rules described in `tor-spec`:
/// Namely:
/// * There must be exactly one Ed25519 identity.
/// * There must be exactly one RSA identity.
/// * There must be at least one IPv4 ORPort.
impl OwnedChanTargetBuilder {
/// Construct an [`OwnedChanTargetBuilder`] from a list of [`LinkSpec`],
/// validating it according to a given level of [`Strictness`].
pub fn from_linkspecs(
strictness: Strictness,
linkspecs: &[LinkSpec],
) -> Result<Self, ChanTargetDecodeError> {
// We ignore the strictness for now, since there is only one variant.
let _ = strictness;
// There must be exactly one Ed25519 identity.
let ed_id = linkspecs
.filter_map(|ls| match ls {
LinkSpec::Ed25519Id(ed) => Some(ed),
_ => None,
.map_err(|mut e| match {
Some(_) => ChanTargetDecodeError::DuplicatedId(RelayIdType::Ed25519),
None => ChanTargetDecodeError::MissingId(RelayIdType::Ed25519),
// There must be exactly one RSA identity.
let rsa_id = linkspecs
LinkSpec::RsaId(rsa) => Some(rsa),
Some(_) => ChanTargetDecodeError::DuplicatedId(RelayIdType::Rsa),
None => ChanTargetDecodeError::MissingId(RelayIdType::Rsa),
let addrs: Vec<SocketAddr> = linkspecs
LinkSpec::OrPort(addr, port) => Some(SocketAddr::new(*addr, *port)),
// There must be at least one IPv4 ORPort.
if !addrs.iter().any(|addr| addr.is_ipv4()) {
return Err(ChanTargetDecodeError::MissingAddr);
let mut builder = OwnedChanTargetBuilder::default();
/// As `from_linkspecs`, but take a list of encoded linkspecs and fail if
/// any are known to be ill-formed.
pub fn from_encoded_linkspecs(
linkspecs: &[EncodedLinkSpec],
// Decode the link specifiers and use them to find out what we can about
// this relay.
let linkspecs_decoded = linkspecs
.map(|ls| ls.parse())
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
Self::from_linkspecs(strictness, &linkspecs_decoded)
/// An error that occurred while constructing a `ChanTarget` from a set of link
/// specifiers.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ChanTargetDecodeError {
/// A required identity key was missing.
#[error("Missing a required {0} identity key")]
/// A required identity key was included more than once.
#[error("Duplicated a {0} identity key")]
/// A required address type was missing.
#[error("Missing a required address type")]
/// Couldn't parse a provided linkspec of recognized type.
#[error("Mis-formatted link specifier")]
MisformedLinkSpec(#[source] tor_bytes::Error),
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use crate::OwnedChanTarget;
use super::*;
fn decode_ok() {
let ct = OwnedChanTarget::builder()
.ed_identity([42; 32].into())
.rsa_identity([45; 20].into())
let ls = vec![
LinkSpec::OrPort("::1".parse().unwrap(), 99),
LinkSpec::OrPort("".parse().unwrap(), 11),
LinkSpec::Ed25519Id([42; 32].into()),
LinkSpec::RsaId([45; 20].into()),
let ct2 = OwnedChanTargetBuilder::from_linkspecs(Strictness::Standard, &ls)
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", &ct), format!("{:?}", ct2));
fn decode_errs() {
use ChanTargetDecodeError as E;
use RelayIdType as ID;
let ipv4 = LinkSpec::OrPort("".parse().unwrap(), 11);
let ipv6 = LinkSpec::OrPort("::1".parse().unwrap(), 99);
let ed = LinkSpec::Ed25519Id([42; 32].into());
let rsa = LinkSpec::RsaId([45; 20].into());
let err_from = |lst: &[&LinkSpec]| {
&lst.iter().map(|ls| (*ls).clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>()[..],
assert!(err_from(&[&ipv4, &ipv6, &ed, &rsa]).is_none());
assert!(err_from(&[&ipv4, &ed, &rsa]).is_none());
err_from(&[&ipv4, &ed, &ed, &rsa]),
err_from(&[&ipv4, &ed, &rsa, &rsa]),
err_from(&[&ipv4, &rsa]),
err_from(&[&ipv4, &ed]),
err_from(&[&ipv6, &ed, &rsa]),