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//! Functions and type for implementing the onion service directory ring.
//! The onion service directory ring is an ordered ring of the all of relays in
//! the consensus with the HsDir flag. The HSDirs change their position in this
//! index every [`TimePeriod`], and every time that the shared random value in
//! the consensus changes. (These events are typically synchronized, for
//! reasonable network configurations.)
//! Each onion service is also (semi-privately) associated with "N" positions on
//! the ring based on its blinded ID and the current time period. When upload or
//! downloading an onion service descriptor descriptor, we look at the ring at
//! each of these positions, and consider the "S" relays that fall at that
//! position or later. ("N" is a "number of replicas" parameter, and "S" is a
//! "Spread" parameter.)
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use derive_more::{AsRef, From, Into};
use digest::Digest;
use typed_index_collections::TiVec;
use tor_basic_utils::impl_debug_hex;
use tor_hscrypto::{pk::HsBlindId, time::TimePeriod};
use tor_llcrypto::d::Sha3_256;
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ed25519::Ed25519Identity;
use crate::hsdir_params::HsDirParams;
use crate::{NetDir, RouterStatusIdx};
/// A sort key determining a position in the onion service directory ring.
/// This is either the sort key of a given relay at a given time period, or the
/// sort key for a probing position for a given onion service id at a given
/// time.
/// The specification calls this an "index" but `HsDirIndex` is a key-length
/// sized, apparently-random, value, which determines the ordering of relays on
/// the ring. It is not the position number (ie, not a dense index starting at
/// 0).
/// Note that this is _not_ an index into any array; it is instead an index into
/// a space of possible values in a (virtual!) ring of 2^256 elements.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, AsRef)]
pub(crate) struct HsDirIndex(#[as_ref] [u8; 32]);
impl_debug_hex! { HsDirIndex .0 }
/// Position in the hsdir hash ring
/// This an "index" in the sense that you can use it to index `HsDirRing.ring`,
/// but in the spec, in the context of the hsdir,
/// "index" is used to the sort key - here, [`HsDirIndex`].
#[derive(Debug, From, Into, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct HsDirPos(usize);
/// A hash ring as used in `NetDir`.
/// This type is immutable once constructed: entries cannot be added, changed,
/// or removed. It can be interpreted only in the context of a given consensus
/// document.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct HsDirRing {
/// The parameters (time period and shared random value)
params: HsDirParams,
/// The ring itself.
/// The first element of each tuple is a 32-byte hash representing a
/// position on the ring; the second is the index for the corresponding
/// relay within self.consensus.relays().
/// This vector is empty in a partial netdir; it is filled in when we
/// convert to a complete netdir.
ring: TiVec<HsDirPos, (HsDirIndex, RouterStatusIdx)>,
/// Compute the [`HsDirIndex`] for a given relay.
pub(crate) fn relay_hsdir_index(
kp_relayid_ed: &Ed25519Identity,
params: &HsDirParams,
) -> HsDirIndex {
// rend-spec-v3 2.2.3 "hsdir_index(node)"
// hsdir_index(node) = H("node-idx" | node_identity |
// shared_random_value |
// INT_8(period_num) |
// INT_8(period_length) )
// Note that INT_8 means "u64" and H is sha3-256.
let mut h = Sha3_256::default();
/// Compute the starting [`HsDirIndex`] for a given descriptor replica.
pub(crate) fn service_hsdir_index(
kp_hs_blind_id: &HsBlindId,
replica: u8,
// rend-spec-v3 2.2.3 "hs_index(replicanum)"
// hs_index(replicanum) = H("store-at-idx" |
// blinded_public_key |
// INT_8(replicanum) |
// INT_8(period_length) |
// INT_8(period_num) )
// Note that INT_8 means "u64" and H is sha3-256
let mut h = Sha3_256::new();
impl HsDirRing {
/// Return a new empty HsDirRing from a given set of parameters.
pub(crate) fn empty_from_params(params: HsDirParams) -> Self {
Self {
ring: TiVec::new(),
/// Compute the HsDirRing
/// Reuses existing hash calculations from a previous netdir, if available.
/// `this_netdir.hsdir_rings` is not used; the return values from this function
/// will be stored there by
/// [`PartialNetDir::compute_rings`](super::PartialNetDir::compute_rings).
pub(crate) fn compute(
new_params: HsDirParams,
this_netdir: &NetDir,
prev_netdir: Option<&NetDir>,
) -> Self {
// TODO: The ring itself can be a bit expensive to compute, so maybe we should
// make sure this happens in a separate task or something, and expose a
// way to do that?
// But: this is being done during netdir ingestion, which is already happening
// on the dirmgr task. So I think this is fine? -Diziet
// We would like to avoid re-computing the hsdir indexes, since they're a hash
// each. Instead, we look to see if our previous netdir contains a hash ring
// using the same parameters. If so, we make a hashmap from relay identities
// to hsring_index positions _in the previous netdir_
// to reuse.
// TODO: Actually, the relays in the consensus are ordered by their RSA identity.
// So we could do a merge join on the previous and last relay lists, and avoid
// building this separate hashmap. (We'd have to *check* that the ed25519 ids
// matched, but it would be OK to recompute the index values for relays that
// have a different correspondence between ed25519 and RSA ids in subsequent
// consensuses, since that's really not supposed to happen.
// However, that would involve tor-netdoc offering the ordering property as a
// *guarantee*. It's also quite subtle. This algorithm is O(N.log(N)) which
// is the same complexity as the (unavoidable) sort by hsdir_index.
let reuse_index_values: HashMap<&Ed25519Identity, &HsDirIndex> = (|| {
let prev_netdir = prev_netdir?;
let prev_ring = prev_netdir
.find(|prev_ring| prev_ring.params == new_params)?;
let reuse_index_values = prev_ring
.filter_map(|(hsdir_index, rsidx)| {
Some((prev_netdir.md_by_rsidx(*rsidx)?.ed25519_id(), hsdir_index))
let mut new_ring: TiVec<_, _> = this_netdir
.map(|(rsidx, relay)| {
let ed_id =;
let hsdir_index = reuse_index_values
.unwrap_or_else(|| relay_hsdir_index(ed_id, &new_params));
(hsdir_index, rsidx)
// rsidx are all different, so no need to think about comparing them
new_ring.sort_by_key(|(hsdir_index, _rsidx)| *hsdir_index);
HsDirRing {
ring: new_ring,
params: new_params,
/// Return the parameters used for this ring
pub(crate) fn params(&self) -> &HsDirParams {
/// Find the location or (notional) insertion point for `hsdir_index` within `ring`.
fn find_pos(&self, hsdir_index: HsDirIndex) -> HsDirPos {
.binary_search_by_key(&hsdir_index, |(hsdir_index, _rs_idx)| *hsdir_index)
.unwrap_or_else(|pos| pos)
/// Yield `spread` items from `ring` that satisfy the specified filter, starting with
/// `hsdir_index`.
/// Wraps around once when we reach the end.
/// The specified filter function `f` is applied to each item, and determines whether the item
/// should be yielded or not. This filtering functionality is used by [`NetDir::hs_dirs`] to
/// prevent nodes that have already been selected for a lowered-numbered replica to be
/// considered again when choosing `spread` nodes for a higher-numbered replicas.
/// Yields no element more than once, even if the ring is smaller than `spread`.
pub(crate) fn ring_items_at(
hsdir_index: HsDirIndex,
spread: usize,
f: impl FnMut(&&(HsDirIndex, RouterStatusIdx)) -> bool,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &(HsDirIndex, RouterStatusIdx)> {
let pos = self.find_pos(hsdir_index);
/// Return the time period for which this ring applies.
pub(crate) fn time_period(&self) -> TimePeriod {
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use std::time::Duration;
// mirrors C Tor src/test/test_hs_common.c:test_hs_indexes
fn test_hs_indexes() {
// C Tor test vector simply has
// uint64_t period_num = 42;
let time_period = TimePeriod::new(
Duration::from_secs(24 * 3600),
// ~43 days from the Unix epoch
Duration::from_secs(12 * 3600),
assert_eq!(time_period.interval_num(), 42);
let shared_rand = [0x43; 32].into();
let params = HsDirParams {
srv_lifespan: time_period.range().unwrap(),
// service_index AKA hs_index
let kp_hs_blind_id = [0x42; 32].into();
let replica = 1;
let got = service_hsdir_index(&kp_hs_blind_id, replica, ¶ms);
// relay_index AKA hsdir_index
let kp_relayid_ed = [0x42; 32].into();
let got = relay_hsdir_index(&kp_relayid_ed, ¶ms);