85.71 %
61.32 %
100 %
//! Building support for the network document meta-format
//! Implements building documents according to
//! [dir-spec.txt](
//! section 1.2 and 1.3.
//! This facility processes output that complies with the meta-document format,
//! (`dir-spec.txt` section 1.2) -
//! unless `raw` methods are called with improper input.
//! However, no checks are done on keyword presence/absence, multiplicity, or ordering,
//! so the output may not necessarily conform to the format of the particular intended document.
//! It is the caller's responsibility to call `.item()` in the right order,
//! with the right keywords and arguments.
use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
use base64ct::{Base64, Encoding};
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use tor_bytes::EncodeError;
use tor_error::{internal, Bug};
use crate::parse::keyword::Keyword;
use crate::parse::tokenize::tag_keywords_ok;
use crate::types::misc::{Iso8601TimeNoSp, Iso8601TimeSp};
/// Encoder, representing a partially-built document.
/// For example usage, see the tests in this module, or a descriptor building
/// function in tor-netdoc (such as `hsdesc::build::inner::HsDescInner::build_sign`).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct NetdocEncoder {
/// The being-built document, with everything accumulated so far
/// If an [`ItemEncoder`] exists, it will add a newline when it's dropped.
/// `Err` means bad values passed to some builder function
built: Result<String, Bug>,
/// Encoder for an individual item within a being-built document
/// Returned by [`NetdocEncoder::item()`].
pub(crate) struct ItemEncoder<'n> {
/// The document including the partial item that we're building
/// We will always add a newline when we're dropped
doc: &'n mut NetdocEncoder,
/// Position within a (perhaps partially-) built document
/// This is provided mainly to allow the caller to perform signature operations
/// on the part of the document that is to be signed.
/// (Sometimes this is only part of it.)
/// There is no enforced linkage between this and the document it refers to.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub(crate) struct Cursor {
/// The offset (in bytes, as for `&str`)
/// Can be out of range if the corresponding `NetdocEncoder` is contains an `Err`.
offset: usize,
/// Types that can be added as argument(s) to item keyword lines
/// Implemented for strings, and various other types.
/// This is a separate trait so we can control the formatting of (eg) [`Iso8601TimeSp`],
/// without having a method on `ItemEncoder` for each argument type.
pub(crate) trait ItemArgument {
/// Format as a string suitable for including as a netdoc keyword line argument
/// The implementation is responsible for checking that the syntax is legal.
/// For example, if `self` is a string, it must check that the string is
/// in legal as a single argument.
/// Some netdoc values (eg times) turn into several arguments; in that case,
/// one `ItemArgument` may format into multiple arguments, and this method
/// is responsible for writing them all, with the necessary spaces.
fn write_onto(&self, out: &mut ItemEncoder<'_>) -> Result<(), Bug>;
impl NetdocEncoder {
/// Start encoding a document
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
NetdocEncoder {
built: Ok(String::new()),
/// Adds an item to the being-built document
/// The item can be further extended with arguments or an object,
/// using the returned `ItemEncoder`.
pub(crate) fn item(&mut self, keyword: impl Keyword) -> ItemEncoder {
ItemEncoder { doc: self }
/// Internal name for `push_raw_string()`
fn raw(&mut self, s: &dyn Display) {
self.write_with(|b| {
write!(b, "{}", s).expect("write! failed on String");
/// Extend the being-built document with a fallible function `f`
/// Doesn't call `f` if the building has already failed,
/// and handles the error if `f` fails.
fn write_with(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut String) -> Result<(), Bug>) {
let Ok(build) = &mut self.built else {
match f(build) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => {
self.built = Err(e);
/// Adds raw text to the being-built document
/// `s` is added as raw text, after the newline ending the previous item.
/// If `item` is subsequently called, the start of that item
/// will immediately follow `s`.
/// It is the responsibility of the caller to obey the metadocument syntax.
/// In particular, `s` should end with a newline.
/// No checks are performed.
/// Incorrect use might lead to malformed documents, or later errors.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO: We should remove this if it never used.
pub(crate) fn push_raw_string(&mut self, s: &dyn Display) {
/// Return a cursor, pointing to just after the last item (if any)
pub(crate) fn cursor(&self) -> Cursor {
let offset = match &self.built {
Ok(b) => b.len(),
Err(_) => usize::MAX,
Cursor { offset }
/// Obtain the text of a section of the document
/// Useful for making a signature.
pub(crate) fn slice(&self, begin: Cursor, end: Cursor) -> Result<&str, Bug> {
.ok_or_else(|| internal!("NetdocEncoder::slice out of bounds, Cursor mismanaged"))
/// Build the document into textual form
pub(crate) fn finish(self) -> Result<String, Bug> {
impl ItemArgument for str {
fn write_onto(&self, out: &mut ItemEncoder<'_>) -> Result<(), Bug> {
// Implements this
if self.is_empty() || self.chars().any(|c| !c.is_ascii_graphic()) {
return Err(internal!("invalid keyword argument syntax {:?}", self));
impl ItemArgument for String {
ItemArgument::write_onto(&self.as_str(), out)
impl<T: ItemArgument + ?Sized> ItemArgument for &'_ T {
<T as ItemArgument>::write_onto(self, out)
/// Implement [`ItemArgument`] for `$ty` in terms of `<$ty as Display>`
/// Checks that the syntax is acceptable.
macro_rules! impl_item_argument_as_display { { $( $ty:ty $(,)? )* } => { $(
impl ItemArgument for $ty {
let arg = self.to_string();
)* } }
impl_item_argument_as_display! { usize, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 }
impl_item_argument_as_display! { isize, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128 }
// TODO: should we implement ItemArgument for, say, tor_llcrypto::pk::rsa::RsaIdentity ?
// It's not clear whether it's always formatted the same way in all parts of the spec.
// The Display impl of RsaIdentity adds a `$` which is not supposed to be present
// in (for example) an authority certificate (authcert)'s "fingerprint" line.
impl_item_argument_as_display! {Iso8601TimeNoSp}
impl ItemArgument for Iso8601TimeSp {
// Unlike the macro'd formats, contains a space while still being one argument
impl<'n> ItemEncoder<'n> {
/// Add a single argument.
/// If the argument is not in the correct syntax, a `Bug`
/// error will be reported (later).
// This is not a hot path. `dyn` for smaller code size.
pub(crate) fn arg(mut self, arg: &dyn ItemArgument) -> Self {
/// Add a single argument, to a borrowed `ItemEncoder`
// Needed for implementing `ItemArgument`
pub(crate) fn add_arg(&mut self, arg: &dyn ItemArgument) {
let () = arg
.unwrap_or_else(|err| self.doc.built = Err(err));
/// Add zero or more arguments, supplied as a single string.
/// `args` should zero or more valid argument strings,
/// separated by (single) spaces.
/// This is not (properly) checked.
#[allow(unused)] // TODO: We should eventually remove this if nothing starts to use it.
pub(crate) fn args_raw_string(mut self, args: &dyn Display) -> Self {
let args = args.to_string();
if !args.is_empty() {
/// Add one or more arguments, supplied as a single string, without any checking
fn args_raw_nonempty(&mut self, args: &dyn Display) {
self.doc.raw(&format_args!(" {}", args));
/// Add an object to the item
/// Checks that `keywords` is in the correct syntax.
/// Doesn't check that it makes semantic sense for the position of the document.
/// `data` will be PEM (base64) encoded.
// If keyword is not in the correct syntax, a `Bug` is stored in self.doc.
pub(crate) fn object(
keywords: &str,
// Writeable isn't dyn-compatible
data: impl tor_bytes::WriteableOnce,
) {
use crate::parse::tokenize::object::*;
self.doc.write_with(|out| {
if keywords.is_empty() || !tag_keywords_ok(keywords) {
return Err(internal!("bad object keywords string {:?}", keywords));
let data = {
let mut bytes = vec![];
data.write_into(&mut bytes).map_err(EncodeError::from)?;
let mut data = &data[..];
writeln!(out, "\n{BEGIN_STR}{keywords}{TAG_END}").expect("write!");
while !data.is_empty() {
let (l, r) = if data.len() > BASE64_PEM_MAX_LINE {
} else {
(data, "")
writeln!(out, "{l}").expect("write!");
data = r;
// final newline will be written by Drop impl
write!(out, "{END_STR}{keywords}{TAG_END}").expect("write!");
impl Drop for ItemEncoder<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// A trait for building and signing netdocs.
pub trait NetdocBuilder {
/// Build the document into textual form.
fn build_sign<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(self, rng: &mut R) -> Result<String, EncodeError>;
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use base64ct::{Base64Unpadded, Encoding};
fn time_formats_as_args() {
use crate::doc::authcert::AuthCertKwd as ACK;
use crate::doc::netstatus::NetstatusKwd as NK;
let t_sp = Iso8601TimeSp::from_str("2020-04-18 08:36:57").unwrap();
let t_no_sp = Iso8601TimeNoSp::from_str("2021-04-18T08:36:57").unwrap();
let mut encode = NetdocEncoder::new();
let doc = encode.finish().unwrap();
println!("{}", doc);
r"dir-key-expires 2020-04-18 08:36:57
shared-rand-previous-value 3 bMZR5Q6kBadzApPjd5dZ1tyLt1ckv1LfNCP/oyGhCXs= 2021-04-18T08:36:57
fn authcert() {
use crate::doc::authcert::{AuthCert, UncheckedAuthCert};
// c&p from crates/tor-llcrypto/tests/
let pk_rsa = {
let pem = "
Base64Unpadded::decode_vec(&pem.replace('\n', "")).unwrap()
.arg(&Iso8601TimeSp::from_str("2020-04-18 08:36:57").unwrap());
.arg(&Iso8601TimeSp::from_str("2021-04-18 08:36:57").unwrap());
.object("RSA PUBLIC KEY", &*pk_rsa);
.object("ID SIGNATURE", []);
.object("SIGNATURE", []);
eprintln!("{}", doc);
r"dir-key-certificate-version 3
fingerprint 9367f9781da8eabbf96b691175f0e701b43c602e
dir-key-published 2020-04-18 08:36:57
dir-key-expires 2021-04-18 08:36:57
let _: UncheckedAuthCert = AuthCert::parse(&doc).unwrap();