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//! Define different restrictions that can be applied to relays.
#[cfg(feature = "geoip")]
use tor_geoip::HasCountryCode;
use tor_linkspec::{ChanTarget, HasAddrs, HasRelayIds, RelayIdSet};
use tor_netdir::{NetDir, Relay, SubnetConfig};
use tor_netdoc::types::policy::AddrPortPattern;
use crate::{LowLevelRelayPredicate, RelaySelectionConfig, RelayUsage};
use std::{fmt, net::IpAddr};
/// A restriction that we use when picking relays.
/// Differs from [`RelayUsage`] in that it does not say what
/// the relay is _used for_;
/// instead, it describes an additional set of requirements that a relay must
/// satisfy.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RelayRestriction<'a> {
/// The actual restriction object.
inner: RestrictionInner<'a>,
/// Enumeration of possible [`RelayRestriction`]s.
/// This is a separate type so that we can hide its variants.
// TODO: I'm not sure about having this be relative to `'a``,
// but that is the only way to hold a `Relay<'a>`
// NOTE: Any time that you are extending this type, make sure that you are not
// describing a new _mandatory_ restriction that all `RelaySelector` users
// need to consider adding (or not). If you *are* describing such a restriction,
// then it should have its own type, and it should become a new argument to
// RelaySelector::new().
enum RestrictionInner<'a> {
/// Do not restrict any relays.
/// This is present so that we can construct a no-op restriction when
/// relaxing a selector.
/// Require a given usage.
/// Exclude a set of relays explicitly, by family, or by identity.
/// Require that, if the relay's contact method uses addresses, the relay
/// has at least one address matching one of the provided patterns.
/// Require that the relay has a given country code.
impl<'a> RelayRestriction<'a> {
/// Create a restriction that allows every relay.
pub(crate) fn no_restriction() -> Self {
RelayRestriction {
inner: RestrictionInner::NoRestriction,
/// Convert a usage into a restriction.
/// This is crate-internal since we never want to support requiring a relay
/// to provide multiple usages.
pub(crate) fn for_usage(usage: crate::RelayUsage) -> Self {
inner: RestrictionInner::SupportsUsage(usage),
/// Require a relay that appears to be in the provided country,
/// according ot our geoip subsystem.
pub fn require_country_code(cc: tor_geoip::CountryCode) -> Self {
inner: RestrictionInner::RequireCountry(cc),
/// Require that a relay has at least one address
/// listed in `addr_patterns`.
pub fn require_address(addr_patterns: Vec<AddrPortPattern>) -> Self {
// TODO: It's plausible that this restriction should be mandatory
// whenever we are picking new guards.
inner: RestrictionInner::HasAddrInSet(addr_patterns),
/// Return a restriction that represents having "relaxed" this restriction.
/// (Relaxing a restriction replaces it with a no-op, or with an almost-no-op.)
pub(crate) fn relax(&self) -> Self {
use RestrictionInner::*;
match &self.inner {
// We must always have a usage, so relaxing a usage must always
// return a usage.
SupportsUsage(usage) => Self::for_usage(RelayUsage::middle_relay(Some(usage))),
// Relaxing any other restriction returns a no-op
_ => Self::no_restriction(),
/// If this restriction represents a usage, return a reference to that usage.
pub(crate) fn as_usage(&self) -> Option<&RelayUsage> {
SupportsUsage(usage) => Some(usage),
_ => None,
/// Return a string describing why we rejected the relays that _don't_ match
/// this restriction.
pub(crate) fn rejection_description(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
NoRestriction => None,
SupportsUsage(u) => Some(u.rejection_description()),
Exclude(e) => e.rejection_description(),
HasAddrInSet(_) => Some("not reachable (according to address filter)"),
RequireCountry(_) => Some("not in correct country"),
impl<'a> LowLevelRelayPredicate for RelayRestriction<'a> {
fn low_level_predicate_permits_relay(&self, relay: &tor_netdir::Relay<'_>) -> bool {
NoRestriction => true,
SupportsUsage(usage) => usage.low_level_predicate_permits_relay(relay),
Exclude(exclusion) => exclusion.low_level_predicate_permits_relay(relay),
HasAddrInSet(patterns) => relay_has_addr_in_set(relay, patterns),
RequireCountry(cc) => relay.country_code() == Some(*cc),
impl<'a> From<RelayExclusion<'a>> for RelayRestriction<'a> {
fn from(value: RelayExclusion<'a>) -> Self {
inner: RestrictionInner::Exclude(value),
/// Return true if `relay` has at least one address matching at least one member
/// of `patterns`.
fn relay_has_addr_in_set(relay: &Relay<'_>, patterns: &[AddrPortPattern]) -> bool {
// NOTE: If we ever make this apply to ChanTarget instead of Relay, we will
// need it to call chan_method().socket_addrs() instead, and handle the case
// where the transport doesn't use an address.
.any(|addr| patterns.iter().any(|pat| pat.matches_sockaddr(addr)))
/// A set of relays that we must not use when picking a given
/// relays.
/// Exclusions are generally used to make sure that we obey
/// family-based path-selection rules,
/// that we avoid putting the same relay into a set more than once,
/// or similar purposes.
/// (This is a separate type from [`RelayRestriction`] so that we can
/// enforce our rule that every [`RelaySelector`](crate::RelaySelector) must
/// have a `RelayExclusion`.)
pub struct RelayExclusion<'a> {
/// A list of identities to exclude.
/// Any relay with any one of these identities is rejecteed.
exclude_ids: RelayIdSet,
/// A list of subnets from which to exclude addresses.
/// The side of the subnet is determined by subnet_config.
exclude_subnets: Vec<IpAddr>,
/// A list of relays to exclude, along with their families.
exclude_relay_families: RelayList<'a>,
/// The configuration to use when deciding whether two addresses are in the
/// same subnet.
subnet_config: SubnetConfig,
/// Helper: wraps `Vec[Relay]`, but implements Debug.
struct RelayList<'a>(Vec<Relay<'a>>);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for RelayList<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[ ")?;
for r in &self.0 {
write!(f, "{}, ", r.display_relay_ids())?;
write!(f, "]")
impl<'a> RelayExclusion<'a> {
/// Exclude no relays at all.
/// This kind of restriction is useful when picking the first relay for
/// something,
// (Note that this is _not_ Default::default, since we don't want people
// picking it by mistake.)
pub fn no_relays_excluded() -> Self {
RelayExclusion {
exclude_ids: RelayIdSet::new(),
exclude_subnets: Vec::new(),
exclude_relay_families: RelayList(Vec::new()),
subnet_config: SubnetConfig::no_addresses_match(),
/// Exclude every relay that has an identity in `ids`.
pub fn exclude_identities(ids: RelayIdSet) -> Self {
exclude_ids: ids,
/// Exclude every relay that appears in `relays`.
pub fn exclude_specific_relays(relays: &[Relay<'a>]) -> Self {
let ids: RelayIdSet = relays
.map(|id_ref| id_ref.to_owned())
/// Try to exclude every relay in the same family as the [`ChanTarget`]
/// `ct`.
/// # Limitations
/// A ChanTarget does not have a listed family. Thus, if it does not correspond
/// to a relay listed in `netdir`, we can only exclude relays that share the
/// same identity, or relays that are in the same subnet.
/// Whenever possible, it's better to use exclude_relays_in_same_family.
pub fn exclude_channel_target_family<CT: ChanTarget>(
cfg: &RelaySelectionConfig,
ct: &CT,
netdir: &'a NetDir,
) -> Self {
if let Some(r) = netdir.by_ids(ct) {
return Self::exclude_relays_in_same_family(cfg, vec![r]);
let exclude_ids = ct.identities().map(|id_ref| id_ref.to_owned()).collect();
let exclude_addr_families = ct.addrs().iter().map(|a| a.ip()).collect();
Self {
exclude_subnets: exclude_addr_families,
subnet_config: cfg.subnet_config,
/// Exclude every relay that is in the same family as any member of
/// `relays`.
/// (Remember that every relay is considered to be in the same family as
/// itself, so you don't typically need to use `exclude_specific_relays`
/// along with this.)
/// Considers relays that are in the same subnets (according to `cfg`) to
/// belong to the same family.
pub fn exclude_relays_in_same_family(
relays: Vec<Relay<'a>>,
exclude_relay_families: RelayList(relays),
/// Modify this `RelayExclusion` by adding every exclusion from `other`.
/// (Any subnet configuration becomes the _union_ of previous subnet
/// configurations.)
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: &RelayExclusion<'a>) {
let RelayExclusion {
} = other;
.extend(exclude_ids.iter().map(|id_ref| id_ref.to_owned()));
self.subnet_config = self.subnet_config.union(subnet_config);
/// this exclusion.
if self.exclude_relay_families.0.is_empty() && self.exclude_subnets.is_empty() {
if self.exclude_ids.is_empty() {
} else {
Some("already selected")
Some("in same family as already selected")
impl<'a> LowLevelRelayPredicate for RelayExclusion<'a> {
fn low_level_predicate_permits_relay(&self, relay: &Relay<'_>) -> bool {
if relay.identities().any(|id| self.exclude_ids.contains(id)) {
return false;
if relay.addrs().iter().any(|addr| {
.any(|fam| self.subnet_config.addrs_in_same_subnet(&addr.ip(), fam))
}) {
if self
.any(|r| relays_in_same_extended_family(&self.subnet_config, relay, r))
/// Return true if `r1` and `r2` are in the same "extended" family,
/// considering both explicitly declared families
/// and subnet-based extended families.
fn relays_in_same_extended_family(
subnet_config: &SubnetConfig,
r1: &Relay<'_>,
r2: &Relay<'_>,
) -> bool {
r1.low_level_details().in_same_family(r2) || subnet_config.any_addrs_in_same_subnet(r1, r2)
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use tor_linkspec::RelayId;
use super::*;
use crate::testing::{cfg, split_netdir, testnet};
fn exclude_nothing() {
let nd = testnet();
let usage = RelayExclusion::no_relays_excluded();
.all(|r| usage.low_level_predicate_permits_relay(&r)));
fn exclude_ids() {
let id_0 = "$0000000000000000000000000000000000000000".parse().unwrap();
let ids: RelayIdSet = [id_0, id_5].into_iter().collect();
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &RelayExclusion::exclude_identities(ids));
let p = |r: &Relay<'_>| !(r.has_identity(id_0.as_ref()) || r.has_identity(id_5.as_ref()));
assert_eq!(yes.len(), 38);
assert_eq!(no.len(), 2);
assert!(no.iter().all(|r| !p(r)));
fn exclude_relays() {
let id_0: RelayId = "$0000000000000000000000000000000000000000".parse().unwrap();
let relay_0 = nd.by_id(&id_0).unwrap();
let relay_5 = nd.by_id(&id_5).unwrap();
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(
&RelayExclusion::exclude_specific_relays(&[relay_0.clone(), relay_5.clone()]),
let p = |r: &Relay<'_>| !(r.same_relay_ids(&relay_0) || r.same_relay_ids(&relay_5));
fn exclude_families() {
let excluding_relays = vec![relay_0, relay_5];
// in the test netdir, all (2n, 2n+1) pairs are in a family.
let id_1 = "$0101010101010101010101010101010101010101".parse().unwrap();
let id_4 = "$0404040404040404040404040404040404040404".parse().unwrap();
let expect_excluded_ids: RelayIdSet = [id_0, id_1, id_4, id_5].into_iter().collect();
// Case one: No subnet-based exclusion.
let cfg_no_subnet = RelaySelectionConfig {
long_lived_ports: cfg().long_lived_ports,
subnet_config: SubnetConfig::new(255, 255),
let p = |r: &Relay<'_>| !r.identities().any(|id| expect_excluded_ids.contains(id));
assert_eq!(yes.len(), 36);
assert_eq!(no.len(), 4);
// Case two: default subnet-based exclusion.
// In the test network, addresses are x.0.0.3 where x is the index of
// the relay, modulo 5. Since the default ipv4 subnet family rule looks at /16
// prefixes, every one of the 40 relays in the testnet will be in a
// family with 8 other relays.
let expect_excluded_ids: RelayIdSet = nd
.filter_map(|r| {
let rsa = r.rsa_identity().unwrap();
let b = rsa.as_bytes()[0];
if [0, 1, 4, 5].contains(&b) || [0, 5].contains(&(b % 5)) {
&RelayExclusion::exclude_relays_in_same_family(&cfg(), excluding_relays),
for r in &no {
assert_eq!(yes.len(), 30);
assert_eq!(no.len(), 10);
assert!(no.iter().all(|r| { !p(r) }));
fn filter_addresses() {
let reachable = vec![
let reachable = RelayRestriction::require_address(reachable);
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &reachable);
assert_eq!(yes.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(no.len(), 24);
let expected = ["".parse().unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap()];
let p = |r: &Relay<'_>| expected.contains(&r.addrs()[0].ip());
// TODO: Write a geoip test?