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//! Define a type describing how we're going to use a relay.
use crate::{LowLevelRelayPredicate, RelaySelectionConfig, TargetPort};
use tor_netdir::{Relay, WeightRole};
/// Description for how we plan to use a single relay.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RelayUsage {
/// Interior enumeration to describe the particular usage.
inner: RelayUsageInner,
/// Does this usage require the `Stable` flag?
/// This is derived when we construct the RelayUsage, since it may require
/// access to the config, and since it's cheaper to pre-compute.
need_stable: bool,
/// Implementation type for RelayUsage.
/// This is a separate type so that we can hide its variants.
enum RelayUsageInner {
/// Allow any relay that exits to any port.
/// Require that the relay can exit to every port in `TargetPort`.
/// Require that the relay can exit to at least one port in a given set.
/// (We split the ports into those that require Stability and those that do
/// not, for efficiency.)
ExitToAnyPort {
/// The desired ports that require the Stable flag.
stable_ports: Vec<TargetPort>,
/// The desired ports that do not require the Stable flag.
unstable_ports: Vec<TargetPort>,
/// Allow any relay that's suitable as a middle-point.
/// Allow any relay that's suitable as a newly selected introduction point.
/// Allow any relay that's suitable for continued use as a pre-existing
/// introduction point.
/// Allow any relay that's suitable as a newly selected guard.
/// guard.
/// Allow any relay that's suitable as a vanguard.
#[cfg(feature = "vanguards")]
/// Allow any relay that's suitable as a one-hop directory cache.
impl RelayUsage {
/// Require a relay that exits to at least one port.
/// This usage is generally suitable as the final relay for a testing
/// circuit of some kind, or for a circuit that needs to _look_ like an
/// exit circuit without actually being useful for any exit in particular.
pub fn any_exit(_cfg: &RelaySelectionConfig) -> Self {
// TODO: properly, we ought to make sure that this does not select
// relays that only exit to long_lived ports, unless they have the
// Stable flag.
// C tor doesn't make this distinction, however, and so neither do we.
RelayUsage {
inner: RelayUsageInner::AnyExit,
need_stable: false,
/// Require a relay that exits to every port in a given list.
pub fn exit_to_all_ports(cfg: &RelaySelectionConfig, ports: Vec<TargetPort>) -> Self {
let need_stable = ports.iter().any(|p| cfg.port_requires_stable_flag(p.port));
inner: RelayUsageInner::ExitToAllPorts(ports),
/// Require a relay that exits to at least one port in a given list.
pub fn exit_to_any_port(cfg: &RelaySelectionConfig, ports: Vec<TargetPort>) -> Self {
let (stable_ports, unstable_ports): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = ports
.partition(|p| cfg.port_requires_stable_flag(p.port));
let need_stable = unstable_ports.is_empty() && !stable_ports.is_empty();
inner: RelayUsageInner::ExitToAnyPort {
/// Require a relay that is suitable for a middle relay.
/// If `known_final_hop_usage` is provided, then the middle relay must support any
/// additional properties needed in order to build a circuit for the usage
/// of the final hop.
/// If `known_final_hop_usage` is *not* provided, then the middle relay must
/// support all possible such additional properties.
/// (Note that providing a `known_final_hop_usage` can only _weaken_ the
/// requirements of this usage.)
pub fn middle_relay(known_final_hop_usage: Option<&RelayUsage>) -> Self {
let need_stable =|u| u.need_stable).unwrap_or(true);
inner: RelayUsageInner::Middle,
/// Require a relay that is suitable as a newly selected introduction point.
/// This usage is suitable for selecting _new_ introduction points for an
/// onion service. When deciding whether to _keep_ an introduction point,
/// use [`RelayUsage::continuing_intro_point`].
pub fn new_intro_point() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::NewIntroPoint,
need_stable: true,
/// Require a relay that is suitable to keep using as a pre-existing introduction point.
pub fn continuing_intro_point() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::ContinuingIntroPoint,
/// Require a relay that is suitable as a newly selected guard.
/// This usage is suitable for selecting _new_ guards.
/// When deciding whether to _keep_ a guard,
/// use [`RelayUsage::continuing_guard`].
pub fn new_guard() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::NewGuard,
/// Require a relay that is suitable to keep using as a pre-existing guard.
pub fn continuing_guard() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::ContinuingGuard,
/// Require a relay that is suitable as a vanguard.
pub fn vanguard() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::Vanguard,
// Vanguards must have the Fast, Stable, and Valid flags.
/// Require a relay that is suitable to use for a directory request.
/// Note that this usage is suitable for fetching consensuses, authority certificates,
/// descriptors and microdescriptors. It is _not_ suitable for use with the
/// HsDir system.
pub fn directory_cache() -> Self {
inner: RelayUsageInner::DirectoryCache,
/// Return the [`WeightRole`] to use when picking a relay for this usage.
pub(crate) fn selection_weight_role(&self) -> WeightRole {
use RelayUsageInner::*;
match &self.inner {
AnyExit | ExitToAllPorts(_) | ExitToAnyPort { .. } => WeightRole::Exit,
Middle => WeightRole::Middle,
NewIntroPoint | ContinuingIntroPoint => WeightRole::HsIntro,
NewGuard | ContinuingGuard => WeightRole::Guard,
Vanguard => WeightRole::Middle,
DirectoryCache => WeightRole::BeginDir,
/// Return a string describing why we rejected the relays that _don't_ match
/// this usage.
pub(crate) fn rejection_description(&self) -> &'static str {
AnyExit => "non-exit",
ExitToAllPorts(_) => "not exiting to desired ports",
ExitToAnyPort { .. } => "not exiting to any desired port",
Middle => "useless for middle relay",
NewIntroPoint | ContinuingIntroPoint => "not introduction point",
NewGuard | ContinuingGuard => "not guard",
Vanguard => "not usable as vanguard",
DirectoryCache => "not directory cache",
impl LowLevelRelayPredicate for RelayUsage {
fn low_level_predicate_permits_relay(&self, relay_in: &Relay<'_>) -> bool {
let relay = relay_in.low_level_details();
if !relay.is_flagged_fast() {
return false;
if self.need_stable && !relay.is_flagged_stable() {
AnyExit => relay.policies_allow_some_port(),
ExitToAllPorts(ports) => ports.iter().all(|p| p.is_supported_by(&relay)),
} => {
if relay.is_flagged_stable()
&& stable_ports.iter().any(|p| p.is_supported_by(&relay))
return true;
unstable_ports.iter().any(|p| p.is_supported_by(&relay))
Middle => true,
// TODO: Is there a distinction we should implement?
// TODO: Move is_hs_intro_point logic here.
NewIntroPoint | ContinuingIntroPoint => relay.is_hs_intro_point(),
// TODO: Move is_suitable_as_guard logic here.
NewGuard | ContinuingGuard => relay.is_suitable_as_guard() && relay.is_dir_cache(),
Vanguard => {
// TODO: we might want to impose additional restrictions here
DirectoryCache => relay.is_dir_cache(),
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use crate::testing::{cfg, split_netdir, testnet};
fn any_exits() {
let nd = testnet();
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &RelayUsage::any_exit(&cfg()));
let p = |r: &Relay<'_>| {
&& r.low_level_details().policies_allow_some_port()
assert!(no.iter().all(|r| !p(r)));
fn all_ports() {
let ports_stable = vec![TargetPort::ipv4(22), TargetPort::ipv4(80)];
let usage_stable = RelayUsage::exit_to_all_ports(&cfg(), ports_stable);
let p1 = |relay: &Relay<'_>| {
let r = relay.low_level_details();
&& r.is_flagged_stable()
&& r.ipv4_policy().allows_port(22)
&& r.ipv4_policy().allows_port(80)
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &usage_stable);
assert!(no.iter().all(|r| !p1(r)));
let ports_not_stable = vec![TargetPort::ipv4(80)];
let usage_not_stable = RelayUsage::exit_to_all_ports(&cfg(), ports_not_stable);
let p2 = |relay: &Relay<'_>| {
r.is_flagged_fast() && r.ipv4_policy().allows_port(80)
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &usage_not_stable);
assert!(no.iter().all(|r| !p2(r)));
fn any_port() {
let ports = vec![TargetPort::ipv4(22), TargetPort::ipv4(80)];
let usage = RelayUsage::exit_to_any_port(&cfg(), ports);
match &usage.inner {
RelayUsageInner::ExitToAnyPort {
assert_eq!(&stable_ports[..], &[TargetPort::ipv4(22)]);
assert_eq!(&unstable_ports[..], &[TargetPort::ipv4(80)]);
_ => {
panic!("Wrong kind of usage.");
let p = |relay: &Relay<'_>| {
let port_22 = r.is_flagged_stable() && r.ipv4_policy().allows_port(22);
let port_80 = r.ipv4_policy().allows_port(80);
r.is_flagged_fast() && (port_22 || port_80)
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &usage);
fn middle() {
let u_unstable = RelayUsage::any_exit(&cfg());
let u_stable = RelayUsage::new_guard();
let mid_stable = RelayUsage::middle_relay(Some(&u_stable));
let mid_unstable = RelayUsage::middle_relay(Some(&u_unstable));
let mid_default = RelayUsage::middle_relay(None);
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &mid_unstable);
let (yes, no) = split_netdir(&nd, &mid_stable);
r.is_flagged_fast() && r.is_flagged_stable()
fn intro() {
let usage = RelayUsage::new_intro_point();
fn guard() {
let usage = RelayUsage::new_guard();
&& r.is_suitable_as_guard()
&& r.is_dir_cache()
fn cache() {
let usage = RelayUsage::directory_cache();
r.is_flagged_fast() && r.is_dir_cache()