Crate tor_error

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Support for error handling in Tor and Arti

Primarily, this crate provides the ErrorKind enum, and associated HasKind trait.

There is also some other miscellany, supporting error handling in crates higher up the dependency stack.


backtrace – Enable backtraces in internal errors. (On by default.)

§Experimental and unstable features

Note that the APIs enabled by these features are NOT covered by semantic versioning1 guarantees: we might break them or remove them between patch versions.

  • experimental-api: Add additional non-stable APIs to our public interfaces.

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0

  1. Remember, semantic versioning is what makes various cargo features work reliably. To be explicit: if you want cargo update to only make safe changes, then you cannot enable these features. 


  • internal 🔒
    The InternalError type, macro for generating it, etc.
  • misc 🔒
    Miscellaneous straightforward error structs for particular situations
  • report 🔒
    The Report type which reports errors nicely
  • retriable 🔒
    Declare the RetryTime enumeration and related code.
  • sealed 🔒
  • tracingtracing
    Support for using tor-error with the tracing crate.


  • Create a bad API usage error, including a message like format!, and capturing this call site
  • Log a report for err at level DEBUG (or higher if it is a bug).
  • Defines AsRef<dyn StdError + 'static> for a type implementing StdError
  • Log a report for err at level ERROR
  • Log a Report of a provided error at a given level, or a higher level if appropriate.
  • Log a report for err at level INFO (or higher if it is a bug).
  • Create an internal error, including a message like format!, and capturing this call site
  • Helper for converting an error into an bad API usage error
  • Helper for converting an error into an internal error
  • Log a report for err at level TRACE (or higher if it is a bug).
  • Log a report for err at level WARN


  • Programming error (a bug)
  • A RetryTime wrapped so that it compares according to RetryTime::loose_cmp
  • Wraps any Error, providing a nicely-reporting Display impl
  • Helper type for reporting errors that are concrete implementors of StdError
  • Error type indicating that an input was incomplete, and could not be processed.



  • Extension trait providing .report() method on concrete errors
  • Errors that can be categorized as belonging to an ErrorKind
  • Trait for an error object that can tell us when the operation which generated it can be retried.
