Trait tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::FromIterator

1.0.0 · source ·
pub trait FromIterator<A>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn from_iter<T>(iter: T) -> Self
       where T: IntoIterator<Item = A>;
Expand description

Conversion from an Iterator.

By implementing FromIterator for a type, you define how it will be created from an iterator. This is common for types which describe a collection of some kind.

If you want to create a collection from the contents of an iterator, the Iterator::collect() method is preferred. However, when you need to specify the container type, FromIterator::from_iter() can be more readable than using a turbofish (e.g. ::<Vec<_>>()). See the Iterator::collect() documentation for more examples of its use.

See also: IntoIterator.


Basic usage:

let five_fives = std::iter::repeat(5).take(5);

let v = Vec::from_iter(five_fives);

assert_eq!(v, vec![5, 5, 5, 5, 5]);

Using Iterator::collect() to implicitly use FromIterator:

let five_fives = std::iter::repeat(5).take(5);

let v: Vec<i32> = five_fives.collect();

assert_eq!(v, vec![5, 5, 5, 5, 5]);

Using FromIterator::from_iter() as a more readable alternative to Iterator::collect():

use std::collections::VecDeque;
let first = (0..10).collect::<VecDeque<i32>>();
let second = VecDeque::from_iter(0..10);

assert_eq!(first, second);

Implementing FromIterator for your type:

// A sample collection, that's just a wrapper over Vec<T>
struct MyCollection(Vec<i32>);

// Let's give it some methods so we can create one and add things
// to it.
impl MyCollection {
    fn new() -> MyCollection {

    fn add(&mut self, elem: i32) {

// and we'll implement FromIterator
impl FromIterator<i32> for MyCollection {
    fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=i32>>(iter: I) -> Self {
        let mut c = MyCollection::new();

        for i in iter {


// Now we can make a new iterator...
let iter = (0..5).into_iter();

// ... and make a MyCollection out of it
let c = MyCollection::from_iter(iter);

assert_eq!(c.0, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);

// collect works too!

let iter = (0..5).into_iter();
let c: MyCollection = iter.collect();

assert_eq!(c.0, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);

Required Methods§

1.0.0 · source

fn from_iter<T>(iter: T) -> Self
where T: IntoIterator<Item = A>,

Creates a value from an iterator.

See the module-level documentation for more.

let five_fives = std::iter::repeat(5).take(5);

let v = Vec::from_iter(five_fives);

assert_eq!(v, vec![5, 5, 5, 5, 5]);

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl FromIterator<(String, Value)> for serde_json::map::Map<String, Value>


impl FromIterator<(String, String)> for OptionsMap


impl FromIterator<(String, Value)> for Map<String, Value>


impl FromIterator<Error> for Option<Error>

1.80.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<char> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.0.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<char> for String

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl FromIterator<u8> for Bytes


impl FromIterator<u8> for BytesMut

1.23.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<()> for ()

Collapses all unit items from an iterator into one.

This is more useful when combined with higher-level abstractions, like collecting to a Result<(), E> where you only care about errors:

use std::io::*;
let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let res: Result<()> = data.iter()
    .map(|x| writeln!(stdout(), "{x}"))
1.80.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<String> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.4.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<String> for String

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.52.0 · source§

impl FromIterator<OsString> for OsString


impl FromIterator<CipherCtxFlags> for CipherCtxFlags


impl FromIterator<CMSOptions> for CMSOptions


impl FromIterator<OcspFlag> for OcspFlag


impl FromIterator<Pkcs7Flags> for Pkcs7Flags


impl FromIterator<ExtensionContext> for ExtensionContext


impl FromIterator<ShutdownState> for ShutdownState


impl FromIterator<SslMode> for SslMode


impl FromIterator<SslOptions> for SslOptions


impl FromIterator<SslSessionCacheMode> for SslSessionCacheMode


impl FromIterator<SslVerifyMode> for SslVerifyMode


impl FromIterator<X509CheckFlags> for X509CheckFlags


impl FromIterator<X509VerifyFlags> for X509VerifyFlags


impl FromIterator<Access> for Access


impl FromIterator<Access> for Access


impl FromIterator<AtFlags> for AtFlags


impl FromIterator<AtFlags> for AtFlags


impl FromIterator<AuthCertKeyIds> for AuthCertRequest


impl FromIterator<BeginFlags> for BeginFlags


impl FromIterator<ControlModes> for ControlModes


impl FromIterator<CreateFlags> for CreateFlags


impl FromIterator<CreateFlags> for CreateFlags


impl FromIterator<CreateFlags> for CreateFlags


impl FromIterator<CreateFlags> for CreateFlags


impl FromIterator<DupFlags> for DupFlags


impl FromIterator<DupFlags> for DupFlags


impl FromIterator<EventFlags> for EventFlags


impl FromIterator<EventFlags> for EventFlags


impl FromIterator<EventfdFlags> for EventfdFlags


impl FromIterator<EventfdFlags> for EventfdFlags


impl FromIterator<FallocateFlags> for FallocateFlags


impl FromIterator<FallocateFlags> for FallocateFlags


impl FromIterator<FdFlags> for FdFlags


impl FromIterator<FdFlags> for FdFlags


impl FromIterator<FloatingPointEmulationControl> for FloatingPointEmulationControl


impl FromIterator<FloatingPointExceptionMode> for FloatingPointExceptionMode


impl FromIterator<IFlags> for IFlags


impl FromIterator<InputModes> for InputModes


impl FromIterator<Literal> for Seq


impl FromIterator<LocalModes> for LocalModes


impl FromIterator<MembarrierQuery> for MembarrierQuery


impl FromIterator<MemfdFlags> for MemfdFlags


impl FromIterator<MemfdFlags> for MemfdFlags


impl FromIterator<Mode> for Mode


impl FromIterator<Mode> for Mode


impl FromIterator<MountFlags> for MountFlags


impl FromIterator<MountFlags> for MountFlags


impl FromIterator<MountPropagationFlags> for MountPropagationFlags


impl FromIterator<MountPropagationFlags> for MountPropagationFlags


impl FromIterator<OFlags> for OFlags


impl FromIterator<OFlags> for OFlags


impl FromIterator<OutputModes> for OutputModes


impl FromIterator<PidfdFlags> for PidfdFlags


impl FromIterator<PidfdGetfdFlags> for PidfdGetfdFlags


impl FromIterator<PipeFlags> for PipeFlags


impl FromIterator<PipeFlags> for PipeFlags


impl FromIterator<PollFlags> for PollFlags


impl FromIterator<PollFlags> for PollFlags


impl FromIterator<ReadWriteFlags> for ReadWriteFlags


impl FromIterator<ReadWriteFlags> for ReadWriteFlags


impl FromIterator<RecvFlags> for RecvFlags


impl FromIterator<RelayFlags> for RelayFlags


impl FromIterator<RelayId> for RelayIdSet


impl FromIterator<RenameFlags> for RenameFlags


impl FromIterator<RenameFlags> for RenameFlags


impl FromIterator<ResolveFlags> for ResolveFlags


impl FromIterator<ResolveFlags> for ResolveFlags


impl FromIterator<SealFlags> for SealFlags


impl FromIterator<SealFlags> for SealFlags


impl FromIterator<SendFlags> for SendFlags


impl FromIterator<SockaddrXdpFlags> for SockaddrXdpFlags


impl FromIterator<SocketFlags> for SocketFlags


impl FromIterator<SpeculationFeatureControl> for SpeculationFeatureControl


impl FromIterator<SpeculationFeatureState> for SpeculationFeatureState


impl FromIterator<SpliceFlags> for SpliceFlags


impl FromIterator<SpliceFlags> for SpliceFlags


impl FromIterator<StatVfsMountFlags> for StatVfsMountFlags


impl FromIterator<StatVfsMountFlags> for StatVfsMountFlags


impl FromIterator<StatxFlags> for StatxFlags


impl FromIterator<StatxFlags> for StatxFlags


impl FromIterator<Table> for ArrayOfTables


impl FromIterator<TimerfdFlags> for TimerfdFlags


impl FromIterator<TimerfdTimerFlags> for TimerfdTimerFlags


impl FromIterator<TrustAnchor<'static>> for RootCertStore


impl FromIterator<UnalignedAccessControl> for UnalignedAccessControl


impl FromIterator<UnmountFlags> for UnmountFlags


impl FromIterator<UnmountFlags> for UnmountFlags


impl FromIterator<WaitOptions> for WaitOptions


impl FromIterator<WaitidOptions> for WaitidOptions


impl FromIterator<WatchFlags> for WatchFlags


impl FromIterator<WatchFlags> for WatchFlags


impl FromIterator<XattrFlags> for XattrFlags


impl FromIterator<XattrFlags> for XattrFlags


impl FromIterator<XdpDescOptions> for XdpDescOptions


impl FromIterator<XdpOptionsFlags> for XdpOptionsFlags


impl FromIterator<XdpRingFlags> for XdpRingFlags


impl FromIterator<XdpUmemRegFlags> for XdpUmemRegFlags


impl FromIterator<[u8; 20]> for RouterDescRequest

Available on crate feature routerdesc only.

impl FromIterator<[u8; 32]> for MicrodescRequest

1.80.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a char> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.17.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a char> for String

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.80.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a str> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a str> for String

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a u8> for BytesMut

1.52.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a OsStr> for OsString

1.80.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<Cow<'a, str>> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.19.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<Cow<'a, str>> for String

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.52.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<Cow<'a, OsStr>> for OsString

1.12.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<char> for Cow<'a, str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.12.0 · source§

impl<'a> FromIterator<String> for Cow<'a, str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.12.0 · source§

impl<'a, 'b> FromIterator<&'b str> for Cow<'a, str>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<'a, M, T1, T2, O1, O2> FromIterator<BitRef<'a, M, T2, O2>> for BitVec<T1, O1>
where M: Mutability, T1: BitStore, T2: BitStore, O1: BitOrder, O2: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

§Bit-Vector Collection from Proxy References

DO NOT use this. You clearly have a bit-slice. Use ::from_bitslice() instead!

Iterating over a bit-slice requires loading from memory and constructing a proxy reference for each bit. This is needlessly slow; the specialized method is able to avoid this per-bit cost and possibly even use batched operations.

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> FromIterator<T> for Cow<'a, [T]>
where T: Clone,


impl<'a, T, O> FromIterator<&'a bool> for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<'a, T, O> FromIterator<&'a T> for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<A> FromIterator<<A as Array>::Item> for ArrayVec<A>
where A: Array,


impl<A> FromIterator<<A as Array>::Item> for SmallVec<A>
where A: Array,


impl<A> FromIterator<<A as Array>::Item> for TinyVec<A>
where A: Array,

1.80.0 · source§

impl<A> FromIterator<Box<str, A>> for alloc::boxed::Box<str>
where A: Allocator,

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.45.0 · source§

impl<A> FromIterator<Box<str, A>> for String
where A: Allocator,

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<A> FromIterator<A> for AsciiString
where A: AsRef<AsciiStr>,

1.79.0 · source§

impl<A, B, AE, BE> FromIterator<(AE, BE)> for (A, B)
where A: Default + Extend<AE>, B: Default + Extend<BE>,

This implementation turns an iterator of tuples into a tuple of types which implement Default and Extend.

This is similar to Iterator::unzip, but is also composable with other FromIterator implementations:

let string = "1,2,123,4";

let (numbers, lengths): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = string
    .map(|s| s.parse().map(|n: u32| (n, s.len())))
    .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;

assert_eq!(numbers, [1, 2, 123, 4]);
assert_eq!(lengths, [1, 1, 3, 1]);
1.0.0 · source§

impl<A, E, V> FromIterator<Result<A, E>> for Result<V, E>
where V: FromIterator<A>,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<A, V> FromIterator<Option<A>> for Option<V>
where V: FromIterator<A>,


impl<F> FromIterator<F> for JoinAll<F>
where F: Future,


impl<F> FromIterator<F> for TryJoinAll<F>
where F: TryFuture,


impl<Fut> FromIterator<Fut> for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::SelectAll<Fut>
where Fut: Future + Unpin,


impl<Fut> FromIterator<Fut> for SelectOk<Fut>
where Fut: TryFuture + Unpin,


impl<Fut> FromIterator<Fut> for FuturesOrdered<Fut>
where Fut: Future,


impl<Fut> FromIterator<Fut> for FuturesUnordered<Fut>


impl<H> FromIterator<H> for ByRelayIds<H>
where H: HasRelayIds, RsaIdentity: Hash + Eq + Clone, Ed25519Identity: Hash + Eq + Clone,

1.32.0 · source§

impl<I> FromIterator<I> for alloc::boxed::Box<[I]>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<I> FromIterator<I> for Box<[I]>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<K, T> FromIterator<(K, T)> for NetParams<T>
where K: Into<String>,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(Range<K>, V)> for RangeMap<K, V>
where K: Ord + Clone, V: Eq + Clone,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(RangeInclusive<K>, V)> for RangeInclusiveMap<K, V>
where K: Ord + Clone + StepLite, V: Eq + Clone,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(K, V)> for serde_json::value::Value
where K: Into<String>, V: Into<Value>,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<K, V> FromIterator<(K, V)> for BTreeMap<K, V>
where K: Ord,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(K, V)> for InlineTable
where K: Into<Key>, V: Into<Value>,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(K, V)> for Table
where K: Into<Key>, V: Into<Value>,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<(K, V)> for Value
where K: Into<Key>, V: Into<Value>,


impl<K, V> FromIterator<V> for alloc::boxed::Box<TiSlice<K, V>>


impl<K, V> FromIterator<V> for TiVec<K, V>


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(<K as WeakElement>::Strong, <V as WeakElement>::Strong)> for PtrWeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(<K as WeakElement>::Strong, <V as WeakElement>::Strong)> for WeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(<K as WeakElement>::Strong, V)> for PtrWeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(<K as WeakElement>::Strong, V)> for WeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S>
where K: WeakKey, S: BuildHasher + Default,


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(K, <V as WeakElement>::Strong)> for WeakValueHashMap<K, V, S>
where K: Eq + Hash, V: WeakElement, S: BuildHasher + Default,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(K, V)> for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::HashMap<K, V, S>
where K: Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher + Default,


impl<K, V, S> FromIterator<(K, V)> for IndexMap<K, V, S>
where K: Hash + Eq, S: BuildHasher + Default,


impl<K, V, S, A> FromIterator<(K, V)> for HashMap<K, V, S, A>
where K: Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher + Default, A: Default + Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<P> FromIterator<P> for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::PathBuf
where P: AsRef<Path>,


impl<P> FromIterator<P> for PathBuf
where P: AsRef<Path>,


impl<St> FromIterator<St> for SelectAll<St>
where St: Stream + Unpin,


impl<T> FromIterator<(usize, T)> for Slab<T>

Create a slab from an iterator of key-value pairs.

If the iterator produces duplicate keys, the previous value is replaced with the later one. The keys does not need to be sorted beforehand, and this function always takes O(n) time. Note that the returned slab will use space proportional to the largest key, so don’t use Slab with untrusted keys.


let vec = vec![(2,'a'), (6,'b'), (7,'c')];
let slab = vec.into_iter().collect::<Slab<char>>();
assert_eq!(slab.len(), 3);
assert!(slab.capacity() >= 8);
assert_eq!(slab[2], 'a');

With duplicate and unsorted keys:

let vec = vec![(20,'a'), (10,'b'), (11,'c'), (10,'d')];
let slab = vec.into_iter().collect::<Slab<char>>();
assert_eq!(slab.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(slab[10], 'd');

impl<T> FromIterator<(HeaderName, T)> for HeaderMap<T>


impl<T> FromIterator<Range<T>> for RangeSet<T>
where T: Ord + Clone,


impl<T> FromIterator<RangeInclusive<T>> for RangeInclusiveSet<T>
where T: Ord + Clone + StepLite,


impl<T> FromIterator<T> for serde_json::value::Value
where T: Into<Value>,

1.37.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Arc<[T]>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for BinaryHeap<T>
where T: Ord,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for VecDeque<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for BTreeSet<T>
where T: Ord,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for LinkedList<T>

1.37.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Rc<[T]>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.
1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for alloc::vec::Vec<T>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

Collects an iterator into a Vec, commonly called via Iterator::collect()

§Allocation behavior

In general Vec does not guarantee any particular growth or allocation strategy. That also applies to this trait impl.

Note: This section covers implementation details and is therefore exempt from stability guarantees.

Vec may use any or none of the following strategies, depending on the supplied iterator:

  • preallocate based on Iterator::size_hint()
    • and panic if the number of items is outside the provided lower/upper bounds
  • use an amortized growth strategy similar to pushing one item at a time
  • perform the iteration in-place on the original allocation backing the iterator

The last case warrants some attention. It is an optimization that in many cases reduces peak memory consumption and improves cache locality. But when big, short-lived allocations are created, only a small fraction of their items get collected, no further use is made of the spare capacity and the resulting Vec is moved into a longer-lived structure, then this can lead to the large allocations having their lifetimes unnecessarily extended which can result in increased memory footprint.

In cases where this is an issue, the excess capacity can be discarded with Vec::shrink_to(), Vec::shrink_to_fit() or by collecting into Box<[T]> instead, which additionally reduces the size of the long-lived struct.

static LONG_LIVED: Mutex<Vec<Vec<u16>>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());

for i in 0..10 {
    let big_temporary: Vec<u16> = (0..1024).collect();
    // discard most items
    let mut result: Vec<_> = big_temporary.into_iter().filter(|i| i % 100 == 0).collect();
    // without this a lot of unused capacity might be moved into the global

impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Vec<T>

Available on non-no_global_oom_handling only.

impl<T, F> FromIterator<F> for JoinSet<T>
where F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static,

Collect an iterator of futures into a [JoinSet].

This is equivalent to calling [JoinSet::spawn] on each element of the iterator.


The main example from [JoinSet]’s documentation can also be written using collect:

use tokio::task::JoinSet;

async fn main() {
    let mut set: JoinSet<_> = (0..10).map(|i| async move { i }).collect();

    let mut seen = [false; 10];
    while let Some(res) = set.join_next().await {
        let idx = res.unwrap();
        seen[idx] = true;

    for i in 0..10 {

impl<T, N> FromIterator<T> for GenericArray<T, N>
where N: ArrayLength<T>,


impl<T, O> FromIterator<bool> for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

§Bit-Vector Collection

This collects a bit-vector from anything that produces individual bits.


impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Vec<T>


This .collect() call is the second-slowest possible way to collect bits into a bit-vector, faster only than calling iter.for_each(|bit| bv.push(bit)). DO NOT use this if you have any other choice.

If you are collecting a bit-vector from the contents of a bit-slice, then you should use ::from_bitslice() instead. That method is specialized to perform upfront allocation and, where possible, use a batch copy rather than copying each bit individually from the source into the bit-vector.


impl<T, O> FromIterator<T> for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, O, I> FromIterator<I> for BitBox<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, BitVec<T, O>: FromIterator<I>,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, S> FromIterator<<T as WeakElement>::Strong> for PtrWeakHashSet<T, S>


impl<T, S> FromIterator<<T as WeakElement>::Strong> for WeakHashSet<T, S>
where T: WeakKey, S: BuildHasher + Default,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, S> FromIterator<T> for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::HashSet<T, S>
where T: Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher + Default,


impl<T, S> FromIterator<T> for IndexSet<T, S>
where T: Hash + Eq, S: BuildHasher + Default,


impl<T, S, A> FromIterator<T> for HashSet<T, S, A>
where T: Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher + Default, A: Default + Allocator,


impl<T, const CAP: usize> FromIterator<T> for arrayvec::arrayvec::ArrayVec<T, CAP>

Create an ArrayVec from an iterator.

Panics if the number of elements in the iterator exceeds the arrayvec’s capacity.


impl<V> FromIterator<V> for Array
where V: Into<Value>,


impl<V> FromIterator<V> for Value
where V: Into<Value>,