Struct tor_netdir::params::NetParameters

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pub struct NetParameters {
Show 65 fields pub bw_weight_scale: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub cbt_learning_disabled: BoundedInt32<0, 1>, pub cbt_num_xm_modes: BoundedInt32<1, 20>, pub cbt_success_count: BoundedInt32<3, 1_000>, pub cbt_max_timeouts: BoundedInt32<3, 10_000>, pub cbt_min_circs_for_estimate: BoundedInt32<1, 10_000>, pub cbt_timeout_quantile: Percentage<BoundedInt32<10, 99>>, pub cbt_abandon_quantile: Percentage<BoundedInt32<10, 99>>, pub cbt_min_timeout: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<10, { i32::MAX }>>, pub cbt_initial_timeout: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<10, { i32::MAX }>>, pub cbt_testing_delay: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub cbt_max_open_circuits_for_testing: BoundedInt32<0, 14>, pub circuit_window: BoundedInt32<100, 1000>, pub circuit_priority_half_life: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub extend_by_ed25519_id: BoundedInt32<0, 1>, pub guard_meaningful_restriction: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>, pub guard_extreme_restriction: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>, pub guard_lifetime_unconfirmed: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>, pub guard_lifetime_confirmed: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>, pub guard_internet_likely_down: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_max_sample_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_max_sample_threshold: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>, pub guard_filtered_min_sample_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_n_primary: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_use_parallelism: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_dir_use_parallelism: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_nonprimary_connect_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_nonprimary_idle_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_remove_unlisted_after: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>, pub min_circuit_path_threshold: Percentage<BoundedInt32<25, 95>>, pub nf_ito_low: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>, pub nf_ito_high: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>, pub nf_ito_low_reduced: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>, pub nf_ito_high_reduced: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>, pub sendme_accept_min_version: SendMeVersion, pub sendme_emit_min_version: SendMeVersion, pub unused_client_circ_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<60, 86_400>>, pub unused_client_circ_timeout_while_learning_cbt: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<10, 60_000>>, pub cc_min_sendme_acks: BoundedInt32<2, 20>, pub cc_ewma_n_by_sendme_acks: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 255>>, pub cc_ewma_n_max: BoundedInt32<2, { i32::MAX }>, pub cc_sendme_cell_ack_count: BoundedInt32<1, 255>, pub cc_cwnd_inc_rate: BoundedInt32<1, 250>, pub hs_introcirc_requests_min: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>, pub hs_introcirc_requests_max: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>, pub hs_intro_min_lifetime: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>>, pub hs_intro_max_lifetime: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>>, pub hs_intro_num_extra_intropoints: BoundedInt32<0, 128>, pub hsdir_timeperiod_length: IntegerMinutes<BoundedInt32<30, 14400>>, pub hsdir_n_replicas: BoundedInt32<1, 16>, pub hsdir_spread_fetch: BoundedInt32<1, 128>, pub hsdir_spread_store: BoundedInt32<1, 128>, pub hsdir_max_desc_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub hs_service_rendezvous_failures_max: BoundedInt32<1, 10>, pub hs_intro_dos_enabled: BoundedInt32<0, 1>, pub hs_intro_dos_max_burst: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>, pub hs_intro_dos_rate: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>, pub vanguards_enabled: BoundedInt32<0, 2>, pub vanguards_hs_service: BoundedInt32<0, 2>, pub guard_hs_l2_number: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_hs_l2_lifetime_min: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_hs_l2_lifetime_max: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_hs_l3_number: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>, pub guard_hs_l3_lifetime_min: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>, pub guard_hs_l3_lifetime_max: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>,
Expand description

This structure holds recognized configuration parameters. All values are type-safe, and where applicable clamped to be within range.

Fields (Non-exhaustive)§

This struct is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive structs could have additional fields added in future. Therefore, non-exhaustive structs cannot be constructed in external crates using the traditional Struct { .. } syntax; cannot be matched against without a wildcard ..; and struct update syntax will not work.
§bw_weight_scale: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

A weighting factor for bandwidth calculations

§cbt_learning_disabled: BoundedInt32<0, 1>

If true, do not attempt to learn circuit-build timeouts at all.

§cbt_num_xm_modes: BoundedInt32<1, 20>

Number of histograms bins to consider when estimating Xm for a Pareto-based circuit timeout estimator.

§cbt_success_count: BoundedInt32<3, 1_000>

How many recent circuit success/timeout statuses do we remember when trying to tell if our circuit timeouts are too low?

§cbt_max_timeouts: BoundedInt32<3, 10_000>

How many timeouts (in the last cbt_success_count observations) indicates that our circuit timeouts are too low?

§cbt_min_circs_for_estimate: BoundedInt32<1, 10_000>

Smallest number of circuit build times we have to view in order to use our Pareto-based circuit timeout estimator.

§cbt_timeout_quantile: Percentage<BoundedInt32<10, 99>>

Quantile to use when determining the correct circuit timeout value with our Pareto estimator.

(We continue building circuits after this timeout, but only for build-time measurement purposes.)

§cbt_abandon_quantile: Percentage<BoundedInt32<10, 99>>

Quantile to use when determining when to abandon circuits completely with our Pareto estimator.

§cbt_min_timeout: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<10, { i32::MAX }>>

Lowest permissible timeout value for Pareto timeout estimator.

§cbt_initial_timeout: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<10, { i32::MAX }>>

Timeout value to use for our Pareto timeout estimator when we have no initial estimate.

§cbt_testing_delay: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

When we don’t have a good build-time estimate yet, how long (in seconds) do we wait between trying to launch build-time testing circuits through the network?

§cbt_max_open_circuits_for_testing: BoundedInt32<0, 14>

How many circuits can be open before we will no longer consider launching testing circuits to learn average build times?

§circuit_window: BoundedInt32<100, 1000>

The maximum cell window size?

§circuit_priority_half_life: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

The decay parameter for circuit priority

§extend_by_ed25519_id: BoundedInt32<0, 1>

Whether to perform circuit extensions by Ed25519 ID

§guard_meaningful_restriction: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>

If we have excluded so many possible guards that the available fraction is below this threshold, we should use a different guard sample.

§guard_extreme_restriction: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>

We should warn the user if they have excluded so many guards that the available fraction is below this threshold.

§guard_lifetime_unconfirmed: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>

How long should we keep an unconfirmed guard (one we have not contacted) before removing it from the guard sample?

§guard_lifetime_confirmed: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>

How long should we keep a confirmed guard (one we have contacted) before removing it from the guard sample?

§guard_internet_likely_down: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

If all circuits have failed for this interval, then treat the internet as “probably down”, and treat any guard failures in that interval as unproven.

§guard_max_sample_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

Largest number of guards that a client should try to maintain in a sample of possible guards.

§guard_max_sample_threshold: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 100>>

Largest fraction of guard bandwidth on the network that a client should try to remain in a sample of possible guards.

§guard_filtered_min_sample_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

If the client ever has fewer than this many guards in their sample, after filtering out unusable guards, they should try to add more guards to the sample (if allowed).

§guard_n_primary: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

The number of confirmed guards that the client should treat as “primary guards”.

§guard_use_parallelism: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

The number of primary guards that the client should use in parallel. Other primary guards won’t get used unless earlier ones are down.

§guard_dir_use_parallelism: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

The number of primary guards that the client should use in parallel. Other primary directory guards won’t get used unless earlier ones are down.

§guard_nonprimary_connect_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

When trying to confirm nonprimary guards, if a guard doesn’t answer for more than this long in seconds, treat any lower- priority guards as possibly usable.

§guard_nonprimary_idle_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

When trying to confirm nonprimary guards, if a guard doesn’t answer for more than this long in seconds, treat it as down.

§guard_remove_unlisted_after: IntegerDays<BoundedInt32<1, 3650>>

If a guard has been unlisted in the consensus for at least this long, remove it from the consensus.

§min_circuit_path_threshold: Percentage<BoundedInt32<25, 95>>

The minimum threshold for circuit patch construction

§nf_ito_low: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>

Channel padding, low end of random padding interval, milliseconds

nf_ito stands for “netflow inactive timeout”.

§nf_ito_high: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>

Channel padding, high end of random padding interval, milliseconds

§nf_ito_low_reduced: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>

Channel padding, low end of random padding interval (reduced padding) milliseconds

§nf_ito_high_reduced: IntegerMilliseconds<BoundedInt32<0, CHANNEL_PADDING_TIMEOUT_UPPER_BOUND>>

Channel padding, high end of random padding interval (reduced padding) , milliseconds

§sendme_accept_min_version: SendMeVersion

The minimum sendme version to accept.

§sendme_emit_min_version: SendMeVersion

The minimum sendme version to transmit.

§unused_client_circ_timeout: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<60, 86_400>>

How long should never-used client circuits stay available, in the steady state?

§unused_client_circ_timeout_while_learning_cbt: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<10, 60_000>>

When we’re learning circuit timeouts, how long should never-used client circuits stay available?

§cc_min_sendme_acks: BoundedInt32<2, 20>

The minimum number of SENDME acks required to estimate RTT and/or bandwidth.

§cc_ewma_n_by_sendme_acks: Percentage<BoundedInt32<1, 255>>

The “N” parameter in N-EWMA smoothing of RTT and/or bandwidth estimation, specified as a percentage of the number of SENDME acks in a congestion window.

A percentage over 100% indicates smoothing with more than one congestion window’s worth of SENDMEs.

§cc_ewma_n_max: BoundedInt32<2, { i32::MAX }>

The maximum value of the “N” parameter in N-EWMA smoothing of RTT and/or bandwidth estimation.

§cc_sendme_cell_ack_count: BoundedInt32<1, 255>

How many cells a SENDME acks under the congestion-control regime.

§cc_cwnd_inc_rate: BoundedInt32<1, 250>

How often we update our congestion window, per congestion window worth of packets. (For example, if this is 2, we will update the window twice every window.)

§hs_introcirc_requests_min: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>

Lower bound on the number of INTRODUCE2 cells to allow per introduction circuit before the service decides to rotate to a new introduction circuit.

§hs_introcirc_requests_max: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>

Upper bound on the number of INTRODUCE2 cells to allow per introduction circuit before the service decides to rotate to a new introduction circuit.

§hs_intro_min_lifetime: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>>

Lower bound on the lifetime of an introduction point.

§hs_intro_max_lifetime: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>>

Upper bound on the lifetime of an introduction point.

§hs_intro_num_extra_intropoints: BoundedInt32<0, 128>

Number of “extra” introduction points that an onion service is allowed to open based on demand.

§hsdir_timeperiod_length: IntegerMinutes<BoundedInt32<30, 14400>>

The duration of a time period, as used in the onion service directory protocol.

During each “time period”, each onion service gets a different blinded ID, and the hash ring gets a new layout.

§hsdir_n_replicas: BoundedInt32<1, 16>

The number of positions at the hash ring where an onion service descriptor should be stored.

§hsdir_spread_fetch: BoundedInt32<1, 128>

The number of HSDir instances, at each position in the hash ring, that should be considered when downloading an onion service descriptor.

§hsdir_spread_store: BoundedInt32<1, 128>

The number of HSDir instances, at each position in the hash ring, that should be considered when uploading an onion service descriptor.

§hsdir_max_desc_size: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

Largest allowable v3 onion service size (in bytes).

§hs_service_rendezvous_failures_max: BoundedInt32<1, 10>

Largest number of failures to rendezvous that an onion service should allow for a request.

§hs_intro_dos_enabled: BoundedInt32<0, 1>

If set to 1, introduction points use the INTRODUCE1 rate limiting defense when no DosParams are sent.


§hs_intro_dos_max_burst: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>

Default rate value for an introduction point to use for INTRODUCE1 rate limiting when no DosParams value is sent, in messages per second.


§hs_intro_dos_rate: BoundedInt32<0, { i32::MAX }>

Default burst value for an introduction point to use for INTRODUCE1 rate limiting when no DosParams value is sent.


§vanguards_enabled: BoundedInt32<0, 2>

The type of vanguards to use by default when building onion service circuits:

   0: No vanguards.
   1: Lite vanguards.
   2: Full vanguards.


§vanguards_hs_service: BoundedInt32<0, 2>

If higher than vanguards-enabled, and we are running an onion service, we use this level for all our onion service circuits:

   0: No vanguards.
   1: Lite vanguards.
   2: Full vanguards.


§guard_hs_l2_number: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

The number of vanguards in the L2 vanguard set.


§guard_hs_l2_lifetime_min: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

The minimum lifetime of L2 vanguards.


§guard_hs_l2_lifetime_max: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

The maximum lifetime of L2 vanguards.


§guard_hs_l3_number: BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>

The number of vanguards in the L3 vanguard set.


§guard_hs_l3_lifetime_min: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

The minimum lifetime of L3 vanguards.


§guard_hs_l3_lifetime_max: IntegerSeconds<BoundedInt32<1, { i32::MAX }>>

The maximum lifetime of L3 vanguards.




impl NetParameters


pub fn from_map(p: &NetParams<i32>) -> Self

Construct a new NetParameters from a given list of key=value parameters.

Unrecognized parameters are ignored.

Trait Implementations§


impl AsRef<NetParameters> for NetDir


fn as_ref(&self) -> &NetParameters

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

impl AsRef<NetParameters> for NetParameters


fn as_ref(&self) -> &NetParameters

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

impl Clone for NetParameters


fn clone(&self) -> NetParameters

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for NetParameters


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for NetParameters


fn default() -> Self

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more