4. Digests code in tor

In src/lib/defs/digest_sizes.h:

#define DIGEST_LEN 20
/** Length of the output of our second (improved) message digests.  (For now
 * this is just sha256, but it could be any other 256-bit digest.) */
#define DIGEST256_LEN 32
/** Length of the output of our 64-bit optimized message digests (SHA512). */
#define DIGEST512_LEN 64

In src/lib/crypt_ops/crypto_digest.h:

#define BASE64_DIGEST_LEN 27
/** Length of a sha256 message digest when encoded in base64 with trailing =
 * signs removed. */
#define BASE64_DIGEST256_LEN 43

/** Length of hex encoding of SHA1 digest, not including final NUL. */
#define HEX_DIGEST_LEN 40
/** Length of hex encoding of SHA256 digest, not including final NUL. */
#define HEX_DIGEST256_LEN 64

In src/lib/crypt_ops/crypto_digest.c:


4.1. Encoding

In src/lib/encoding/binascii.c:


In src/lib/crypt_ops/crypto_format.c:
