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Oniongroove: Deployment tool for the Onion Web

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Oniongroove is planned to be a High Availability Onion Service Deployment and Monitoring system, giving groove to the Onionbalance with Vanguards Addon and many more features.

Oniongroove acts as a proxy, load balancer or even a Content Delivery Network (CDN) using the Tor Network.

Oniongroove use case is similar to Onionspray and EOTK, essentially implementing a "reverse .onion proxy" between Tor Users and backend websites:

graph LR
  C[Client] -- .onion address via Tor Network --> O[Oniongroove CDN] -- Some network link --> U[Upstream site]

It can be used to:

  1. Create Onion Services for any existing website.
  2. Setting up "pure-onion" sites, i.e, those available only inside the Tor network.

Experimental stage

This software suite is still in the experimental stage! Check the issue queue and roadmap for details.