Translation stats for the Tor Project
All languages - Tor Browser

Translations for the Tor Project

Translation status per language

built on Saturday, 27. April 2024 04:06AM (updates usually at 4amUTC every day)

Locale Translated % Suggestions Reviewed Failing Fuzzy % Recent changes Last change
Afrikaans 350/8625 4.0% 41 5 288 301 4.0% 53 2024-04-26 22:45
Albanian 4703/9145 51.4% 5 6 19 15 51.4% 262 2024-04-26 22:39
Amharic 165/7130 2.3% 5 0 7 5 2.3% 8 2024-04-26 14:08
Arabic 7417/9153 81.0% 8 3661 48 68 81.0% 173 2024-04-26 22:28
Armenian 1869/8954 20.8% 19 1 90 139 20.8% 157 2024-04-26 22:43
Aymara 99/4414 2.2% 0 0 84 86 2.2% 4 2024-04-26 14:08
Azerbaijani 658/8742 7.5% 54 0 295 347 7.5% 23 2024-04-26 23:14
Bashkir 74/7130 1.0% 0 0 0 0 1.0% 1 2024-04-26 14:07
Basque 978/8656 11.2% 35 1 193 251 11.2% 32 2024-04-26 14:33
Belarusian 1925/9054 21.2% 17 5 151 179 21.2% 24 2024-04-26 15:48
Bengali 1795/8945 20.0% 7 0 266 292 20.0% 79 2024-04-27 01:44
Bosnian 688/8890 7.7% 20 2 310 346 7.7% 65 2024-04-26 18:07
Bulgarian 1743/8970 19.4% 30 247 156 191 19.4% 255 2024-04-26 19:36
Burmese 1463/8871 16.4% 10 2 280 151 16.4% 49 2024-04-26 19:36
Catalan 4795/9097 52.7% 12 90 23 37 52.7% 240 2024-04-26 17:10
Chechen 128/252 50.7% 0 0 1 1 50.7% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Chinese (Simplified) 6721/9202 73.0% 18 4884 25 45 73.0% 34 2024-04-26 14:33
Chinese (Traditional) 7072/9143 77.3% 19 1 52 156 77.3% 62 2024-04-27 01:44
Crimean Tatar 108/252 42.8% 1 0 0 3 42.8% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Croatian 2605/8816 29.5% 13 418 65 140 29.5% 21 2024-04-26 19:36
Czech 2613/8910 29.3% 15 0 23 59 29.3% 104 2024-04-26 22:45
Danish 1479/8797 16.8% 53 321 265 351 16.8% 203 2024-04-26 23:18
Dari 196/7130 2.7% 1 0 4 8 2.7% 3 2024-04-26 14:08
Dutch 3392/8796 38.5% 39 1 31 93 38.5% 20 2024-04-26 19:36
Estonian 972/8757 11.0% 48 0 274 334 11.0% 66 2024-04-26 19:36
Faroese 245/3990 6.1% 15 0 129 133 6.1% 3 2024-04-26 14:08
Finnish 3257/8999 36.1% 6 21 78 107 36.1% 127 2024-04-26 14:33
French 7782/9199 84.5% 0 549 81 86 84.5% 118 2024-04-26 19:36
Frisian 165/1517 10.8% 32 0 285 315 10.8% 32 2024-04-26 14:08
Gaelic 240/7996 3.0% 87 0 293 306 3.0% 23 2024-04-26 14:08
Galician 1246/8746 14.2% 104 6 172 231 14.2% 76 2024-04-26 22:42
Georgian 6068/9087 66.7% 15 2 162 282 66.7% 29 2024-04-26 17:07
German 8410/9054 92.8% 27 23 21 69 92.8% 164 2024-04-26 18:07
Greek 4883/9012 54.1% 10 10 57 108 54.1% 76 2024-04-26 14:33
Gujarati 322/8652 3.7% 88 0 327 374 3.7% 36 2024-04-26 14:33
Haitian 56/252 22.2% 2 0 0 0 22.2% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Hebrew 3408/8945 38.0% 37 43 444 270 38.0% 69 2024-04-26 22:43
Hindi 904/8891 10.1% 58 0 315 351 10.1% 56 2024-04-26 22:43
Hungarian 3116/8946 34.8% 23 1364 158 219 34.8% 327 2024-04-26 18:34
Icelandic 3573/8847 40.3% 16 1 60 150 40.3% 63 2024-04-26 14:33
Igbo 59/814 7.2% 1 0 0 0 7.2% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Indonesian 3972/9070 43.7% 9 28 320 303 43.7% 51 2024-04-26 17:07
Irish 1475/8797 16.7% 41 271 206 283 16.7% 47 2024-04-26 22:45
Italian 5068/9045 56.0% 2 435 22 80 56.0% 67 2024-04-26 14:33
Japanese 5415/9033 59.9% 1 1 24 43 59.9% 81 2024-04-27 03:07
Kabyle 332/8545 3.8% 31 0 248 271 3.8% 7 2024-04-26 14:08
Kannada 315/8626 3.6% 33 0 304 319 3.6% 25 2024-04-26 19:36
Kazakh 920/8850 10.3% 34 0 256 298 10.3% 25 2024-04-26 17:07
Khmer (Central) 1613/8806 18.3% 67 1 405 420 18.3% 87 2024-04-26 19:36
Kinyarwanda 57/252 22.6% 0 0 0 0 22.6% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Korean 5334/9148 58.3% 13 7 258 221 58.3% 118 2024-04-26 19:36
Kurdish (Central) 61/252 24.2% 7 0 0 0 24.2% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Kurdish (Northern) 145/7166 2.0% 0 0 38 38 2.0% 3 2024-04-26 14:08
Kyrgyz 213/7548 2.8% 13 0 119 133 2.8% 3 2024-04-26 14:07
Lao 167/7131 2.3% 5 0 7 3 2.3% 16 2024-04-26 15:36
Latvian 1139/8657 13.1% 104 4 240 279 13.1% 50 2024-04-26 22:45
Lingala 92/671 13.7% 9 0 119 129 13.7% 2 2024-04-26 14:08
Lithuanian 1727/8798 19.6% 61 0 165 241 19.6% 30 2024-04-26 16:34
Luganda 98/7524 1.3% 0 0 141 148 1.3% 4 2024-04-26 14:08
Macedonian 2165/9043 23.9% 10 555 176 248 23.9% 59 2024-04-26 22:45
Malagasy 93/573 16.2% 12 0 119 129 16.2% 2 2024-04-26 14:08
Malay 1441/8758 16.4% 9 1 253 334 16.4% 50 2024-04-26 21:28
Malayalam 2175/8798 24.7% 45 0 376 392 24.7% 42 2024-04-26 20:00
Maltese 125/3413 3.6% 11 0 119 127 3.6% 6 2024-04-26 22:45
Maori 79/573 13.7% 21 0 120 129 13.7% 2 2024-04-26 20:25
Marathi 720/8793 8.1% 58 0 344 359 8.1% 33 2024-04-26 22:43
Montenegrin 59/252 23.4% 0 0 0 0 23.4% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Nahuatl 109/573 19.0% 19 0 115 126 19.0% 2 2024-04-26 14:08
Nepali 237/8054 2.9% 39 0 278 300 2.9% 30 2024-04-26 14:08
Norwegian Bokmål 1658/8798 18.8% 49 1 253 317 18.8% 16 2024-04-26 19:36
Norwegian Nynorsk 786/8657 9.0% 48 0 282 320 9.0% 29 2024-04-26 19:36
Odia 321/4620 6.9% 51 0 273 297 6.9% 10 2024-04-26 22:42
Oromo 57/252 22.6% 1 0 0 0 22.6% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Pashto 985/7211 13.6% 2 601 42 41 13.6% 39 2024-04-26 17:07
Persian 7871/9195 85.6% 9 5358 157 224 85.6% 133 2024-04-27 03:07
Polish 6030/9147 65.9% 0 2 41 40 65.9% 129 2024-04-26 14:33
Portuguese (Brazil) 6634/9000 73.7% 1 565 55 54 73.7% 237 2024-04-27 00:07
Portuguese (Portugal) 4515/8896 50.7% 4 17 87 168 50.7% 69 2024-04-26 14:33
Punjabi 552/8632 6.3% 33 0 295 309 6.3% 57 2024-04-26 22:42
Romanian 7214/8946 80.6% 8 177 117 165 80.6% 46 2024-04-26 18:07
Russian 8800/9145 96.2% 10 723 10 16 96.2% 204 2024-04-27 04:02
Serbian 1445/8755 16.5% 50 0 231 244 16.5% 18 2024-04-26 14:33
Serbian (latin) 59/156 37.8% 4 0 0 0 37.8% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Shona 92/6553 1.4% 0 0 1 0 1.4% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Slovak 1099/8747 12.5% 44 0 215 275 12.5% 21 2024-04-26 14:33
Slovenian 994/8909 11.1% 55 0 429 482 11.1% 31 2024-04-26 17:07
Somali 150/6970 2.1% 12 0 116 126 2.1% 2 2024-04-26 14:08
Spanish 9187/9202 99.8% 12 3395 6 15 99.8% 53 2024-04-26 14:33
Sundanese 108/573 18.8% 9 0 114 124 18.8% 5 2024-04-26 14:08
Swahili 8091/9147 88.4% 15 5167 60 127 88.4% 192 2024-04-26 22:42
Swedish 2145/8848 24.2% 52 558 117 199 24.2% 18 2024-04-26 19:36
Tagalog 488/4527 10.7% 34 0 173 194 10.7% 7 2024-04-26 19:36
Tajik 274/7548 3.6% 36 0 120 130 3.6% 3 2024-04-26 19:08
Tamil 651/8708 7.4% 55 0 339 365 7.4% 16 2024-04-26 22:46
Tatar 134/252 53.1% 1 0 1 0 53.1% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Telugu 333/8632 3.8% 113 0 288 305 3.8% 30 2024-04-26 20:37
Thai 1438/8947 16.0% 41 170 299 319 16.0% 48 2024-04-27 01:44
Tibetan 223/7548 2.9% 16 0 110 118 2.9% 7 2024-04-26 14:08
Tigrinya 61/254 24.0% 3 0 0 0 24.0% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Turkish 8914/9125 97.6% 7 8655 0 0 97.6% 136 2024-04-26 14:33
Turkmen 1650/7610 21.6% 9 1437 93 100 21.6% 99 2024-04-26 22:43
Ukrainian 5402/9070 59.5% 3 5 26 70 59.5% 57 2024-04-26 15:57
Urdu 425/8831 4.8% 40 0 334 356 4.8% 53 2024-04-26 19:36
Uyghur 76/252 30.1% 4 0 0 0 30.1% 1 2024-04-26 14:08
Uyghur 92/7035 1.3% 0 0 2 4 1.3% 3 2024-04-26 14:07
Uzbek 549/8751 6.2% 51 0 290 307 6.2% 37 2024-04-26 14:07
Vietnamese 7410/9195 80.5% 8 2 46 157 80.5% 224 2024-04-26 19:36
Wolof 824/1050 78.4% 5 764 134 136 78.4% 4 2024-04-26 14:08
Yoruba 70/3672 1.9% 0 0 24 25 1.9% 1 2024-04-26 14:08

High Priority translations

This translations are released but the translation is not complete.

Please update this translations first

Albanian glossary tor-browser-user-manual tpo-web tb-onionlocationproperties tails-gui tb-base-browser

Arabic glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Armenian tails-gui onion-launchpad

Azerbaijani onion-launchpad

Basque tails-gui

Belarusian tpo-web onion-launchpad

Bengali glossary tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui

Bulgarian tails-gui

Burmese glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttondtd tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Catalan glossary tor-browser-user-manual tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Chechen onion-launchpad

Chinese (Simplified) glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tb-onionlocationproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-tor-browser-ftl

Chinese (Traditional) glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tails-gui tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Crimean Tatar onion-launchpad

Croatian tails-gui

Czech glossary tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Danish glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Dutch tor-browser-user-manual tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Estonian tails-gui

Finnish glossary tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-tor-browser-ftl

French community-portal support-portal snowflake-badge tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Galician tails-gui

Georgian glossary tor-browser-user-manual tpo-web tb-onionlocationproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl onion-launchpad

German community-portal glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-tor-browser-ftl

Greek tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Hebrew glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-branddtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tor-check tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Hungarian glossary tpo-web tails-gui tor-check tb-tor-browser-ftl

Icelandic glossary tor-browser-user-manual tpo-web tb-onionlocationproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Indonesian glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Irish glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttondtd tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tor-check tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Italian tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-tor-browser-ftl

Japanese tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-tor-browser-ftl

Kazakh tails-gui onion-launchpad

Khmer (Central) glossary tor-browser-user-manual tpo-web

Korean glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tails-gui tb-tor-browser-ftl

Kyrgyz onion-launchpad

Latvian tails-gui

Lithuanian glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Macedonian glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tor-check tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Malay glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttondtd tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Norwegian Bokmål tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-branddtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttondtd tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Norwegian Nynorsk tails-gui

Pashto onion-launchpad

Persian community-portal glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl onion-launchpad

Portuguese (Portugal) tor-browser-user-manual tails-gui

Romanian community-portal glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal snowflake-website tb-aboutdialogdtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tb-android snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Russian community-portal support-portal tpo-web tb-tor-browser-ftl

Serbian tails-gui

Slovak tails-gui

Spanish tb-tor-browser-ftl

Swahili community-portal glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal snowflake-website tails-gui snowflake-badge

Swedish glossary tor-browser-user-manual snowflake-website tb-branddtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tb-torlauncherproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Tajik onion-launchpad

Tatar onion-launchpad

Thai glossary tor-browser-user-manual tb-abouttbupdatedtd tb-cryptosafetypromptproperties tb-onionlocationproperties tb-rulesetsproperties tb-settingsproperties tb-torbuttondtd tb-torbuttonproperties tb-torconnectproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android tb-newidentityproperties tb-securitylevelproperties tor-check tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Turkish community-portal

Turkmen tor-browser-user-manual tpo-web onion-launchpad

Ukrainian glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tb-onionlocationproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl onion-launchpad

Uzbek onion-launchpad

Vietnamese glossary tor-browser-user-manual support-portal tpo-web tb-onionlocationproperties tor-browser-brandingbrand-ftl tails-gui tb-android snowflake-badge tb-newidentityproperties tb-base-browser tb-tor-browser-ftl

Tor Browser translations

90% / 101%

Release Language code tbcode Perc
Armenian hy hy-AM 90%
Bulgarian bg bg 95%
Portuguese (Portugal) pt_PT pt-PT 99%
Swahili sw sw 91%
* Albanian sq sq 99%
* Arabic ar ar 97%
* Catalan ca ca 95%
* Chinese (Simplified) zh_Hans zh-CN 96%
* Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant zh-TW 96%
* Czech cs cs 94%
* Dutch nl nl 95%
* Finnish fi fi 99%
* French fr fr 98%
* Georgian ka ka 91%
* German de de 97%
* Greek el el 97%
* Hungarian hu hu 97%
* Icelandic is is 91%
* Italian it it 99%
* Japanese ja ja 99%
* Korean ko ko 99%
* Persian fa fa 96%
* Polish pl pl 100%
* Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR pt-BR 100%
* Russian ru ru 99%
* Spanish es es-ES 99%
* Turkish tr tr 100%
* Ukrainian uk uk 93%
* Vietnamese vi vi 91%

50% / 90%

Release Language code tbcode Perc
Basque eu eu 67%
Belarusian be be 86%
Bengali bn bn-BD 65%
Bosnian bs bs 54%
Croatian hr hr 89%
Estonian et et 67%
Galician gl gl 64%
Hindi hi hi-IN 50%
Kazakh kk kk 51%
Latvian lv lv 58%
Malayalam ml ml 51%
Slovak sk sk 56%
* Burmese my my 81%
* Danish da da 75%
* Hebrew he he 73%
* Indonesian id id 84%
* Irish ga ga-IE 65%
* Lithuanian lt lt 74%
* Macedonian mk mk 85%
* Malay ms ms 58%
* Norwegian Bokmål nb_NO nb-NO 54%
* Romanian ro ro 84%
* Swedish sv sv-SE 79%
* Thai th th 61%

0% / 49%

Release Language code tbcode Perc
Afrikaans af af 25%
Frisian fy fy-NL 22%
Gujarati gu gu-IN 16%
Kannada kn kn 23%
Khmer (Central) km km 34%
Marathi mr mr 34%
Nepali ne ne 17%
Norwegian Nynorsk nn nn-NO 42%
Odia or or 29%
Punjabi pa pa-IN 31%
Serbian sr sr 45%
Slovenian sl sl 40%
Tagalog tl tl 39%
Tamil ta ta 42%
Telugu te te 19%
Urdu ur ur 26%
Uzbek uz uz 33%