Trait tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Debug

1.0.0 · source ·
pub(crate) trait Debug {
    // Required method
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;
Expand description

? formatting.

Debug should format the output in a programmer-facing, debugging context.

Generally speaking, you should just derive a Debug implementation.

When used with the alternate format specifier #?, the output is pretty-printed.

For more information on formatters, see the module-level documentation.

This trait can be used with #[derive] if all fields implement Debug. When derived for structs, it will use the name of the struct, then {, then a comma-separated list of each field’s name and Debug value, then }. For enums, it will use the name of the variant and, if applicable, (, then the Debug values of the fields, then ).


Derived Debug formats are not stable, and so may change with future Rust versions. Additionally, Debug implementations of types provided by the standard library (std, core, alloc, etc.) are not stable, and may also change with future Rust versions.


Deriving an implementation:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

assert_eq!(format!("The origin is: {origin:?}"), "The origin is: Point { x: 0, y: 0 }");

Manually implementing:

use std::fmt;

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

impl fmt::Debug for Point {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
         .field("x", &self.x)
         .field("y", &self.y)

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

assert_eq!(format!("The origin is: {origin:?}"), "The origin is: Point { x: 0, y: 0 }");

There are a number of helper methods on the Formatter struct to help you with manual implementations, such as debug_struct.

Types that do not wish to use the standard suite of debug representations provided by the Formatter trait (debug_struct, debug_tuple, debug_list, debug_set, debug_map) can do something totally custom by manually writing an arbitrary representation to the Formatter.

impl fmt::Debug for Point {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Point [{} {}]", self.x, self.y)

Debug implementations using either derive or the debug builder API on Formatter support pretty-printing using the alternate flag: {:#?}.

Pretty-printing with #?:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

assert_eq!(format!("The origin is: {origin:#?}"),
"The origin is: Point {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,

Required Methods§

1.0.0 · source

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter.


This function should return Err if, and only if, the provided Formatter returns Err. String formatting is considered an infallible operation; this function only returns a Result because writing to the underlying stream might fail and it must provide a way to propagate the fact that an error has occurred back up the stack.

use std::fmt;

struct Position {
    longitude: f32,
    latitude: f32,

impl fmt::Debug for Position {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

let position = Position { longitude: 1.987, latitude: 2.983 };
assert_eq!(format!("{position:?}"), "(1.987, 2.983)");

assert_eq!(format!("{position:#?}"), "(



impl Debug for fs_mistrust::err::Error


impl Debug for TrustedGroup


impl Debug for TrustedUser


impl Debug for safelog::err::Error


impl Debug for ChanProvenance


impl Debug for ChannelUsage


impl Debug for Dormancy


impl Debug for tor_chanmgr::err::Error


impl Debug for ConnBlockage


impl Debug for tor_chanmgr::transport::proxied::Protocol


impl Debug for ProxyError


impl Debug for tor_circmgr::err::Error


impl Debug for StreamIsolationBuilderError


impl Debug for tor_circmgr::timeouts::Action


impl Debug for AnonymizedRequest


impl Debug for RequestError


impl Debug for tor_geoip::err::Error


impl Debug for BridgeParseError


impl Debug for BridgeDescEvent


impl Debug for ExternalActivity


impl Debug for GuardRestriction


impl Debug for GuardUsageKind


impl Debug for RetireCircuits


impl Debug for VanguardMode


impl Debug for GuardMgrConfigError


impl Debug for GuardMgrError


impl Debug for PickGuardError


impl Debug for GuardStatus


impl Debug for Layer


impl Debug for VanguardMgrError


impl Debug for ArtiPathSyntaxError


impl Debug for tor_keymgr::err::Error


impl Debug for KeystoreCorruptionError


impl Debug for RawComponentParseResult


impl Debug for ArtiPathUnavailableError


impl Debug for InvalidKeyPathComponentValue


impl Debug for KeyPathError


impl Debug for KeyPathPattern


impl Debug for tor_keymgr::key_type::KeyType


impl Debug for KeyMgrBuilderError


impl Debug for SshKeyAlgorithm


impl Debug for ChanTargetDecodeError


impl Debug for Strictness


impl Debug for RelayId


impl Debug for RelayIdError


impl Debug for RelayIdType


impl Debug for LinkSpec


impl Debug for BridgeAddrError


impl Debug for ChannelMethod


impl Debug for PtTargetAddr


impl Debug for PtTargetInvalidSetting


impl Debug for TransportIdError


impl Debug for InstallRuntimeError


impl Debug for DirEvent


impl Debug for HsDirOp


impl Debug for RelayLookupError


impl Debug for tor_netdir::err::Error


impl Debug for OnionDirLookupError


impl Debug for WeightRole


impl Debug for LockStatus


impl Debug for ErrorSource


impl Debug for BadSlug


impl Debug for Liveness


impl Debug for tor_protover::ParseError


impl Debug for SleepError


impl Debug for tor_socksproto::err::Error


impl Debug for SocksAddr


impl Debug for SocksAuth


impl Debug for SocksVersion


impl Debug for tor_units::Error


impl Debug for Anonymity


impl Debug for AuthorizedClientConfig


impl Debug for AuthorizedClientParseError


impl Debug for DescEncryptionConfigBuilderError


impl Debug for ClientError


impl Debug for FatalError


impl Debug for IptStoreError


impl Debug for StartupError


impl Debug for StateExpiryError


impl Debug for IptError


impl Debug for IptEstablisherError


impl Debug for IptStatusStatus


impl Debug for RequestDisposition


impl Debug for ChooseIptError


impl Debug for CreateIptError


impl Debug for TrackedStatus


impl Debug for IptKeyRole


impl Debug for DescriptorStatus


impl Debug for AuthorizedClientConfigError


impl Debug for PublishStatus


impl Debug for UploadError


impl Debug for UploadStatus


impl Debug for EstablishSessionError


impl Debug for IntroRequestError


impl Debug for LogContentError


impl Debug for ReplayError


impl Debug for Problem


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::status::State


impl Debug for AnyRelayMsg


impl Debug for ConfigBuildError


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::DirClientError


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::ErrorKind


impl Debug for HsCircKind


impl Debug for KeyPath


impl Debug for MetaCellDisposition

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Ordering


impl Debug for Reconfigure


impl Debug for ReconfigureError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::SeekFrom


impl Debug for Timeliness


impl Debug for Void

1.28.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fmt::Alignment


impl Debug for TryReserveErrorKind


impl Debug for core::ascii::ascii_char::AsciiChar

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for Infallible

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for c_void

1.7.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::net::ip_addr::IpAddr


impl Debug for Ipv6MulticastScope

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::net::socket_addr::SocketAddr

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for FpCategory

1.55.0 · source§

impl Debug for IntErrorKind


impl Debug for SearchStep

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::sync::atomic::Ordering

1.65.0 · source§

impl Debug for BacktraceStatus

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for VarError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::net::Shutdown


impl Debug for AncillaryError


impl Debug for BacktraceStyle

1.12.0 · source§

impl Debug for RecvTimeoutError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError


impl Debug for _Unwind_Reason_Code


impl Debug for TokioTpErr


impl Debug for FlushCompress


impl Debug for FlushDecompress


impl Debug for flate2::mem::Status


impl Debug for FromHexError


impl Debug for log::Level


impl Debug for log::LevelFilter


impl Debug for native_tls::Protocol


impl Debug for num_bigint_dig::bigint::Sign


impl Debug for num_bigint::bigint::Sign


impl Debug for FloatErrorKind


impl Debug for ShutdownResult


impl Debug for Always


impl Debug for OnSuccess


impl Debug for OnUnwind


impl Debug for DeserializerError


impl Debug for serde_value::de::Unexpected


impl Debug for serde_value::Value


impl Debug for SerializerError


impl Debug for Category


impl Debug for serde_json::value::Value


impl Debug for socket2::socket::InterfaceIndexOrAddress


impl Debug for Origin


impl Debug for url::parser::ParseError


impl Debug for SyntaxViolation


impl Debug for url::slicing::Position


impl Debug for xz2::stream::Error


impl Debug for xz2::stream::Status


impl Debug for BernoulliError


impl Debug for WeightedError


impl Debug for IndexVec


impl Debug for IndexVecIntoIter

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::ErrorKind

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for bool

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for char

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for f16

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for f32

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for f64

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for f128

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for i8

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for i16

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for i32

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for i64

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for i128

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for isize


impl Debug for !

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for str

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for u8

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for u16

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for u32

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for u64

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for u128

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for ()

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for usize


impl Debug for CheckedDir


impl Debug for Mistrust


impl Debug for MistrustBuilder


impl Debug for Guard


impl Debug for ChannelConfig


impl Debug for ChannelConfigBuilder


impl Debug for ConnStatus


impl Debug for ConnStatusEvents


impl Debug for CircuitTiming


impl Debug for CircuitTimingBuilder


impl Debug for PathConfig


impl Debug for PathConfigBuilder


impl Debug for PreemptiveCircuitConfig


impl Debug for PreemptiveCircuitConfigBuilder


impl Debug for IsolationToken


impl Debug for StreamIsolation


impl Debug for TargetPorts


impl Debug for AuthCertRequest


impl Debug for ConsensusRequest


impl Debug for HsDescDownloadRequest


impl Debug for MicrodescRequest


impl Debug for RouterDescRequest


impl Debug for RoutersOwnDescRequest


impl Debug for DirResponse


impl Debug for SourceInfo


impl Debug for CountryCode


impl Debug for GeoipDb


impl Debug for OptionCc


impl Debug for BridgeConfig


impl Debug for BridgeConfigBuilder


impl Debug for BridgeDesc


impl Debug for TestConfig


impl Debug for ClockSkewEvents


impl Debug for FallbackList


impl Debug for FallbackListBuilder


impl Debug for FallbackDir


impl Debug for FallbackDirBuilder


impl Debug for GuardFilter


impl Debug for FirstHopId


impl Debug for GuardMonitor


impl Debug for SkewEstimate


impl Debug for FirstHop


impl Debug for GuardRestrictionListBuilder


impl Debug for GuardUsage


impl Debug for VanguardConfig


impl Debug for VanguardConfigBuilder


impl Debug for VanguardParams


impl Debug for ArtiPath


impl Debug for ArtiNativeKeystoreConfig


impl Debug for ArtiNativeKeystoreConfigBuilder


impl Debug for CTorPath


impl Debug for KeyPathInfo


impl Debug for UnknownKeyTypeError


impl Debug for ArtiNativeKeystore


impl Debug for SshKeyData


impl Debug for KeystoreId


impl Debug for RelayIdSet


impl Debug for RelayIdTypeIter


impl Debug for EncodedLinkSpec


impl Debug for LinkSpecType


impl Debug for OwnedChanTarget


impl Debug for OwnedCircTargetBuilder


impl Debug for RelayIdsBuilder


impl Debug for BridgeAddr


impl Debug for PtTarget


impl Debug for PtTargetSettings


impl Debug for PtTransportName


impl Debug for TransportId


impl Debug for NetParameters


impl Debug for DirEventIter


impl Debug for PartialNetDir


impl Debug for tor_netdir::RelayWeight


impl Debug for SubnetConfig


impl Debug for NodeBuilders


impl Debug for TestNetDirProvider


impl Debug for tor_persist::err::Error


impl Debug for FsStateMgr


impl Debug for SlugRef


impl Debug for InstanceStateHandle


impl Debug for TestingStateMgr


impl Debug for ProtoKind


impl Debug for Protocols


impl Debug for TargetPort


impl Debug for RelayUsage


impl Debug for AsyncStdNativeTlsRuntime


impl Debug for AsyncStdRustlsRuntime


impl Debug for CoarseDuration


impl Debug for CoarseInstant


impl Debug for RealCoarseTimeProvider


impl Debug for PreferredRuntime


impl Debug for YieldFuture


impl Debug for tor_rtcompat::timer::TimeoutError


impl Debug for TokioNativeTlsRuntime


impl Debug for TokioRustlsRuntime


impl Debug for SocksClientHandshake


impl Debug for SocksProxyHandshake


impl Debug for tor_socksproto::handshake::Action


impl Debug for SocksCmd


impl Debug for SocksReply


impl Debug for SocksRequest


impl Debug for SocksStatus


impl Debug for SendMeVersion


impl Debug for DescEncryptionConfig


impl Debug for OnionServiceConfig


impl Debug for OnionServiceConfigBuilder


impl Debug for TokenBucketConfig


impl Debug for EstIntroExtensionSet


impl Debug for GoodIptDetails


impl Debug for IptParameters


impl Debug for IptStatus


impl Debug for IptWantsToRetire


impl Debug for StreamWasFull


impl Debug for InvalidIptLocalId


impl Debug for IptLocalId


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::ipt_mgr::persist::IptRecord


impl Debug for RelayRecord


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::ipt_mgr::persist::StateRecord


impl Debug for Ipt


impl Debug for IptExpectExistingKeys


impl Debug for IptRelay


impl Debug for IsCurrent


impl Debug for IptInSet


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::ipt_set::IptRecord


impl Debug for IptSet


impl Debug for IptsManagerView


impl Debug for IptsPublisherUploadView


impl Debug for PublishIptSet


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::ipt_set::StateRecord


impl Debug for BlindIdKeypairSpecifier


impl Debug for BlindIdPublicKeySpecifier


impl Debug for DescSigningKeypairSpecifier


impl Debug for HsIdKeypairSpecifier


impl Debug for HsIdPublicKeySpecifier


impl Debug for IptKeySpecifier


impl Debug for NetdirProviderShutdown


impl Debug for HsNickname


impl Debug for InvalidNickname


impl Debug for HsDirUploadStatus


impl Debug for TimePeriodUploadResult


impl Debug for ReuploadTimer


impl Debug for IntroRequest


impl Debug for RequestFilter


impl Debug for PersistFile


impl Debug for RendRequest


impl Debug for StreamRequest


impl Debug for ComponentStatus


impl Debug for OnionServiceStatus


impl Debug for FutureTimestamp


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::time_store::ParseError


impl Debug for Reference


impl Debug for TrackingInstantNow


impl Debug for TrackingNow


impl Debug for TrackingSystemTimeNow


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::curve25519::PublicKey


impl Debug for StaticKeypair


impl Debug for Ed25519Identity


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::ed25519::Keypair


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::ed25519::PublicKey


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::ed25519::Signature


impl Debug for ValidatableEd25519Signature

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for Arguments<'_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fmt::Error

1.6.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fs::DirBuilder

1.13.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fs::DirEntry

1.75.0 · source§

impl Debug for FileTimes

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fs::FileType

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fs::Metadata

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for Permissions

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::fs::ReadDir


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::AbortHandle


impl Debug for AbortRegistration


impl Debug for Aborted


impl Debug for ring::aead::quic::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::aead::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::aead::LessSafeKey


impl Debug for ring::aead::UnboundKey


impl Debug for ring::agreement::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey


impl Debug for ring::agreement::PublicKey


impl Debug for ring::digest::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::digest::Digest


impl Debug for ring::ec::curve25519::ed25519::signing::Ed25519KeyPair


impl Debug for ring::ec::curve25519::ed25519::verification::EdDSAParameters


impl Debug for ring::ec::suite_b::ecdsa::signing::EcdsaKeyPair


impl Debug for ring::ec::suite_b::ecdsa::signing::EcdsaSigningAlgorithm


impl Debug for ring::ec::suite_b::ecdsa::verification::EcdsaVerificationAlgorithm


impl Debug for ring::error::KeyRejected


impl Debug for ring::error::Unspecified


impl Debug for ring::hkdf::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::hkdf::Prk


impl Debug for ring::hkdf::Salt


impl Debug for ring::hmac::Algorithm


impl Debug for ring::hmac::Context


impl Debug for ring::hmac::Key


impl Debug for ring::hmac::Tag


impl Debug for ring::rand::SystemRandom


impl Debug for RsaKeyPair


impl Debug for RsaSubjectPublicKey


impl Debug for ring::rsa::RsaParameters


impl Debug for ring::test::TestCase


impl Debug for untrusted::input::Input<'_>

The value is intentionally omitted from the output to avoid leaking secrets.


impl Debug for untrusted::reader::EndOfInput


impl Debug for untrusted::reader::Reader<'_>

Avoids writing the value or position to avoid creating a side channel, though Reader can’t avoid leaking the position via timing.


impl Debug for untrusted::EndOfInput


impl Debug for alloc::alloc::Global


impl Debug for alloc::boxed::Box<dyn Interpolator<Output = String>>


impl Debug for UnorderedKeyError

1.57.0 · source§

impl Debug for alloc::collections::TryReserveError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for CString

1.64.0 · source§

impl Debug for FromVecWithNulError

1.64.0 · source§

impl Debug for IntoStringError

1.64.0 · source§

impl Debug for NulError

1.17.0 · source§

impl Debug for alloc::string::Drain<'_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for FromUtf8Error

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for FromUtf16Error

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for String

1.28.0 · source§

impl Debug for Layout

1.50.0 · source§

impl Debug for LayoutError


impl Debug for core::alloc::AllocError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for TypeId

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::array::TryFromSliceError

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::ascii::EscapeDefault

1.13.0 · source§

impl Debug for BorrowError

1.13.0 · source§

impl Debug for BorrowMutError

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for CharTryFromError

1.20.0 · source§

impl Debug for ParseCharError

1.9.0 · source§

impl Debug for DecodeUtf16Error

1.20.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::char::EscapeDebug

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::char::EscapeDefault

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::char::EscapeUnicode

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for ToLowercase

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for ToUppercase

1.59.0 · source§

impl Debug for TryFromCharError

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for CpuidResult

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m128


impl Debug for __m128bh

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m128d

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m128i

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m256


impl Debug for __m256bh

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m256d

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m256i

1.72.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m512


impl Debug for __m512bh

1.72.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m512d

1.72.0 · source§

impl Debug for __m512i

1.3.0 · source§

impl Debug for CStr

1.69.0 · source§

impl Debug for FromBytesUntilNulError

1.64.0 · source§

impl Debug for FromBytesWithNulError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::hash::sip::SipHasher

1.33.0 · source§

impl Debug for PhantomPinned


impl Debug for Assume

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::net::ip_addr::Ipv4Addr

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::net::ip_addr::Ipv6Addr

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::net::parser::AddrParseError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for SocketAddrV4

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for SocketAddrV6

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::num::dec2flt::ParseFloatError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::num::error::ParseIntError

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::num::error::TryFromIntError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for RangeFull


impl Debug for core::ptr::alignment::Alignment


impl Debug for TimSortRun

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for ParseBoolError

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for Utf8Error

1.38.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::str::iter::Chars<'_>

1.17.0 · source§

impl Debug for EncodeUtf16<'_>

1.79.0 · source§

impl Debug for Utf8Chunks<'_>

1.3.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicBool

Available on target_has_atomic_load_store="8" only.
1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicI8

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicI16

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicI32

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicI64

1.3.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicIsize

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicU8

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicU16

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicU32

1.34.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicU64

1.3.0 · source§

impl Debug for AtomicUsize

1.36.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::task::wake::Context<'_>


impl Debug for LocalWaker

1.36.0 · source§

impl Debug for RawWaker

1.36.0 · source§

impl Debug for RawWakerVTable

1.36.0 · source§

impl Debug for core::task::wake::Waker

1.66.0 · source§

impl Debug for TryFromFloatSecsError

1.28.0 · source§

impl Debug for System

1.65.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::backtrace::Backtrace


impl Debug for std::backtrace::BacktraceFrame

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for Args

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for ArgsOs

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for JoinPathsError

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for SplitPaths<'_>

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for Vars

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for VarsOs


impl Debug for std::ffi::os_str::Display<'_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::ffi::os_str::OsString

1.7.0 · source§

impl Debug for DefaultHasher

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::hash::random::RandomState


impl Debug for IntoIncoming

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::net::tcp::TcpListener

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::net::tcp::TcpStream

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::net::udp::UdpSocket

1.63.0 · source§

impl Debug for BorrowedFd<'_>

1.63.0 · source§

impl Debug for OwnedFd


impl Debug for PidFd

1.10.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::os::unix::net::addr::SocketAddr

1.10.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::os::unix::net::datagram::UnixDatagram

1.10.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::os::unix::net::listener::UnixListener

1.10.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::os::unix::net::stream::UnixStream


impl Debug for std::os::unix::net::ucred::UCred

1.13.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::path::Components<'_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::path::Display<'_>

1.13.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::path::Iter<'_>

1.7.0 · source§

impl Debug for StripPrefixError

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::process::Child

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::process::ChildStderr

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::process::ChildStdin

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::process::ChildStdout

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::process::Command

1.61.0 · source§

impl Debug for ExitCode

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for ExitStatus


impl Debug for ExitStatusError

1.7.0 · source§

impl Debug for Output

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for Stdio

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::barrier::Barrier

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::barrier::BarrierWaitResult

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::condvar::Condvar

1.5.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::condvar::WaitTimeoutResult

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::mpsc::RecvError

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::once::Once

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::sync::once::OnceState

1.26.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::thread::local::AccessError

1.63.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::thread::scoped::Scope<'_, '_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for std::thread::Builder

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for Thread

1.19.0 · source§

impl Debug for ThreadId

1.8.0 · source§

impl Debug for SystemTimeError


impl Debug for Adler32


impl Debug for AsyncStd


impl Debug for TokioTp


impl Debug for async_executors::iface::timer::TimeoutError


impl Debug for YieldNowFut


impl Debug for Crc


impl Debug for GzBuilder


impl Debug for GzHeader


impl Debug for Compress


impl Debug for CompressError


impl Debug for Decompress


impl Debug for flate2::mem::DecompressError


impl Debug for flate2::Compression


impl Debug for getrandom::error::Error


impl Debug for IntoArrayError


impl Debug for NotEqualError


impl Debug for OutIsTooSmallError


impl Debug for log::kv::error::Error


impl Debug for log::ParseLevelError


impl Debug for SetLoggerError


impl Debug for native_tls::Error


impl Debug for native_tls::TlsConnector


impl Debug for num_bigint_dig::bigint::BigInt


impl Debug for RandomBits


impl Debug for UniformBigInt


impl Debug for UniformBigUint


impl Debug for num_bigint_dig::biguint::BigUint


impl Debug for num_bigint_dig::ParseBigIntError


impl Debug for num_bigint::bigint::BigInt


impl Debug for num_bigint::biguint::BigUint


impl Debug for num_bigint::ParseBigIntError


impl Debug for num_traits::ParseFloatError


impl Debug for KeyError


impl Debug for Asn1ObjectRef


impl Debug for Asn1StringRef


impl Debug for Asn1TimeRef


impl Debug for Asn1Type


impl Debug for TimeDiff


impl Debug for BigNum


impl Debug for BigNumRef


impl Debug for CMSOptions


impl Debug for DsaSig


impl Debug for Asn1Flag


impl Debug for openssl::error::Error


impl Debug for ErrorStack


impl Debug for DigestBytes


impl Debug for Nid


impl Debug for OcspCertStatus


impl Debug for OcspFlag


impl Debug for OcspResponseStatus


impl Debug for OcspRevokedStatus


impl Debug for KeyIvPair


impl Debug for Pkcs7Flags


impl Debug for openssl::pkey::Id


impl Debug for NonceType


impl Debug for openssl::rsa::Padding


impl Debug for SrtpProfileId


impl Debug for SslConnector


impl Debug for openssl::ssl::error::Error


impl Debug for ErrorCode


impl Debug for AlpnError


impl Debug for CipherLists


impl Debug for ClientHelloResponse


impl Debug for ExtensionContext


impl Debug for ShutdownState


impl Debug for SniError


impl Debug for Ssl


impl Debug for SslAlert


impl Debug for SslCipherRef


impl Debug for SslContext


impl Debug for SslMode


impl Debug for SslOptions


impl Debug for SslRef


impl Debug for SslSessionCacheMode


impl Debug for SslVerifyMode


impl Debug for SslVersion


impl Debug for OpensslString


impl Debug for OpensslStringRef


impl Debug for CrlReason


impl Debug for GeneralNameRef


impl Debug for X509


impl Debug for X509NameEntryRef


impl Debug for X509NameRef


impl Debug for X509VerifyResult


impl Debug for X509CheckFlags


impl Debug for X509VerifyFlags


impl Debug for IgnoredAny


impl Debug for serde::de::value::Error


impl Debug for ByteBuf


impl Debug for serde_bytes::bytes::Bytes


impl Debug for serde_json::error::Error


impl Debug for serde_json::map::Map<String, Value>


impl Debug for Number


impl Debug for RawValue


impl Debug for CompactFormatter


impl Debug for socket2::sockaddr::SockAddr


impl Debug for socket2::socket::Socket


impl Debug for socket2::sockref::SockRef<'_>


impl Debug for socket2::Domain


impl Debug for socket2::Protocol


impl Debug for socket2::RecvFlags

Available on non-Redox only.

impl Debug for socket2::TcpKeepalive


impl Debug for socket2::Type


impl Debug for Choice


impl Debug for ATerm


impl Debug for B0


impl Debug for B1


impl Debug for Z0


impl Debug for Equal


impl Debug for Greater


impl Debug for Less


impl Debug for UTerm


impl Debug for OpaqueOrigin


impl Debug for Url

Debug the serialization of this URL.


impl Debug for value_bag::error::Error


impl Debug for Bernoulli


impl Debug for Open01


impl Debug for OpenClosed01


impl Debug for Alphanumeric


impl Debug for Standard


impl Debug for UniformChar


impl Debug for UniformDuration


impl Debug for ReadError


impl Debug for StepRng


impl Debug for StdRng


impl Debug for ThreadRng


impl Debug for ChaCha8Core


impl Debug for ChaCha8Rng


impl Debug for ChaCha12Core


impl Debug for ChaCha12Rng


impl Debug for ChaCha20Core


impl Debug for ChaCha20Rng


impl Debug for rand_core::error::Error


impl Debug for OsRng


impl Debug for BorrowedBuf<'_>

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Empty

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Error

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Repeat

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Sink

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Stderr

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for StderrLock<'_>

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Stdin

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for StdinLock<'_>

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Stdout

1.16.0 · source§

impl Debug for StdoutLock<'_>

1.56.0 · source§

impl Debug for WriterPanicked


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::SendError


impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::TryRecvError


impl Debug for Canceled


impl Debug for AesOpeKey


impl Debug for Base64Unpadded


impl Debug for Bug


impl Debug for ClientCirc


impl Debug for DataStream

1.27.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Duration

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::File


impl Debug for HsBlindId


impl Debug for HsBlindIdKey


impl Debug for HsBlindIdKeypair


impl Debug for HsClientDescEncKey


impl Debug for HsDescSigningKeypair


impl Debug for HsDescUploadRequest


impl Debug for HsDirParams


impl Debug for HsId


impl Debug for HsIdKey


impl Debug for HsIdKeypair


impl Debug for HsIntroPtSessionIdKey


impl Debug for HsIntroPtSessionIdKeypair


impl Debug for HsSvcNtorKeypair


impl Debug for InstanceRawSubdir

1.8.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Instant


impl Debug for KeyPathRange


impl Debug for LockFileGuard


impl Debug for NetDir

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::OpenOptions

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::OsStr


impl Debug for OwnedChanTargetBuilder


impl Debug for OwnedCircTarget

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Path

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::PathBuf


impl Debug for RelayIds


impl Debug for RequestFailedError


impl Debug for RetryDelay


impl Debug for RevisionCounter


impl Debug for Slug


impl Debug for SpawnError


impl Debug for StateDirectory

1.8.0 · source§

impl Debug for SystemTime


impl Debug for TimePeriod


impl Debug for AArch64


impl Debug for AHasher


impl Debug for ASN1Block


impl Debug for ASN1Class


impl Debug for ASN1DecodeErr


impl Debug for ASN1EncodeErr


impl Debug for ASN1Time


impl Debug for Abbreviation


impl Debug for Abbreviations


impl Debug for AbbreviationsCache


impl Debug for AbbreviationsCacheStrategy


impl Debug for AbortHandle


impl Debug for AbsRetryTime


impl Debug for Accepted


impl Debug for AcceptedAlert


impl Debug for Access


impl Debug for Access


impl Debug for AccessError


impl Debug for Acquire<'_>


impl Debug for Acquire<'_>


impl Debug for AcquireArc


impl Debug for AcquireArc


impl Debug for AcquireError


impl Debug for Action


impl Debug for Actual


impl Debug for AddrParseError


impl Debug for AddrPolicy


impl Debug for AddrPortPattern


impl Debug for Address


impl Debug for AddressFamily


impl Debug for AddressPort


impl Debug for AddressSize


impl Debug for Advice


impl Debug for Advice


impl Debug for AhoCorasick


impl Debug for AhoCorasickBuilder


impl Debug for AhoCorasickKind


impl Debug for AixFileHeader


impl Debug for AixHeader


impl Debug for AixMemberOffset


impl Debug for AlertDescription


impl Debug for AlertLevel


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for Algorithm


impl Debug for AlgorithmIdentifier


impl Debug for AlgorithmName


impl Debug for AllocError


impl Debug for AllowAnnotations


impl Debug for Alternation


impl Debug for Anchored


impl Debug for Anchored


impl Debug for AnnotatedMicrodesc


impl Debug for AnonObjectHeader


impl Debug for AnonObjectHeaderBigobj


impl Debug for AnonObjectHeaderV2


impl Debug for Any


impl Debug for AnyChanMsg


impl Debug for ArangeEntry


impl Debug for Architecture


impl Debug for ArchiveKind


impl Debug for Arm


impl Debug for Array


impl Debug for ArrayOfTables


impl Debug for AsAsciiStrError


impl Debug for AsciiChar


impl Debug for AsciiStr


impl Debug for AsciiString


impl Debug for Assertion


impl Debug for AssertionKind


impl Debug for Ast


impl Debug for AtFlags


impl Debug for AtFlags


impl Debug for AtomicWaker


impl Debug for AtomicWaker


impl Debug for AttributeSpecification


impl Debug for Augmentation


impl Debug for AuthCert


impl Debug for AuthCertKeyIds


impl Debug for AuthChallenge


impl Debug for AuthKeyType


impl Debug for Authenticate


impl Debug for Authority


impl Debug for Authorize


impl Debug for AuxHeader32


impl Debug for AuxHeader64


impl Debug for BStr


impl Debug for Backoff


impl Debug for Backtrace


impl Debug for BacktraceFrame


impl Debug for BacktraceSymbol


impl Debug for Barrier


impl Debug for Barrier


impl Debug for Barrier


impl Debug for BarrierWait<'_>


impl Debug for BarrierWait<'_>


impl Debug for BarrierWaitResult


impl Debug for BarrierWaitResult


impl Debug for BarrierWaitResult


impl Debug for Base64


impl Debug for Base64Bcrypt


impl Debug for Base64Crypt


impl Debug for Base64ShaCrypt


impl Debug for Base64Url


impl Debug for Base64UrlUnpadded


impl Debug for BaseAddresses


impl Debug for BaseDirs


impl Debug for Begin


impl Debug for BeginDir


impl Debug for BeginFlags


impl Debug for BidiClass


impl Debug for BidiMatchedOpeningBracket


impl Debug for BigEndian


impl Debug for BigEndian


impl Debug for BigEndian


impl Debug for BinaryFormat


impl Debug for BitOrder


impl Debug for BitSafeU8


impl Debug for BitSafeU16


impl Debug for BitSafeU32


impl Debug for BitSafeU64


impl Debug for BitSafeUsize


impl Debug for BitString


impl Debug for BlindingError


impl Debug for BlockAux32


impl Debug for BlockAux64


impl Debug for Blocking


impl Debug for Blocking


impl Debug for BmpString


impl Debug for BoolOrAuto


impl Debug for BorrowedFormatItem<'_>

Available on crate feature alloc only.

impl Debug for BoundedBacktracker


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for BuildError


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for Builder


impl Debug for ByteClasses


impl Debug for Bytes


impl Debug for Bytes


impl Debug for BytesMut


impl Debug for CParameter


impl Debug for CParameter


impl Debug for CShake128Core


impl Debug for CShake256Core


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for Cache


impl Debug for CacheError


impl Debug for CancellationToken


impl Debug for Candidate


impl Debug for Capture


impl Debug for CaptureLocations


impl Debug for CaptureLocations


impl Debug for CaptureName


impl Debug for Captures


impl Debug for CaseFoldError


impl Debug for CertEncodeError


impl Debug for CertError


impl Debug for CertRevocationListError


impl Debug for CertType


impl Debug for CertType


impl Debug for Certificate


impl Debug for CertificateError


impl Debug for CertifiedKey


impl Debug for CertifiedKey


impl Debug for Certs


impl Debug for CfgPath


impl Debug for CfgPathError


impl Debug for ChanCmd


impl Debug for Channel


impl Debug for ChannelPaddingInstructions


impl Debug for ChannelPaddingInstructionsUpdates


impl Debug for Child


impl Debug for Child


impl Debug for ChildStderr


impl Debug for ChildStderr


impl Debug for ChildStdin


impl Debug for ChildStdin


impl Debug for ChildStdout


impl Debug for ChildStdout


impl Debug for Cipher


impl Debug for CipherSuite


impl Debug for CircId


impl Debug for CircParameters


impl Debug for Class


impl Debug for Class


impl Debug for ClassAscii


impl Debug for ClassAsciiKind


impl Debug for ClassBracketed


impl Debug for ClassBytes


impl Debug for ClassBytesRange


impl Debug for ClassPerl


impl Debug for ClassPerlKind


impl Debug for ClassSet


impl Debug for ClassSetBinaryOp


impl Debug for ClassSetBinaryOpKind


impl Debug for ClassSetItem


impl Debug for ClassSetRange


impl Debug for ClassSetUnion


impl Debug for ClassUnicode


impl Debug for ClassUnicode


impl Debug for ClassUnicodeKind


impl Debug for ClassUnicodeOpKind


impl Debug for ClassUnicodeRange


impl Debug for ClientCertVerified


impl Debug for ClientCertVerifierBuilder


impl Debug for ClientConfig


impl Debug for ClientConnection


impl Debug for ClientConnection


impl Debug for ClientConnectionData


impl Debug for ClientExtension


impl Debug for ClientHelloPayload


impl Debug for ClientSessionMemoryCache


impl Debug for Clock


impl Debug for ClockId


impl Debug for ClockSkew


impl Debug for CmdLine


impl Debug for CollectionAllocErr


impl Debug for ColumnType


impl Debug for ComdatKind


impl Debug for Command


impl Debug for Command


impl Debug for Comment


impl Debug for CommonHeader


impl Debug for CompareResult


impl Debug for Compiler


impl Debug for Component


impl Debug for ComponentRange


impl Debug for CompressedEdwardsY


impl Debug for CompressedFileRange


impl Debug for CompressedRistretto


impl Debug for Compression


impl Debug for CompressionFormat


impl Debug for CompressionLevel


impl Debug for CompressionStrategy


impl Debug for Concat


impl Debug for Condvar


impl Debug for Condvar


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for Config


impl Debug for ConfigError


impl Debug for ConfigOpts


impl Debug for ConfigResolveError


impl Debug for ConfigurationSource


impl Debug for ConfigurationSources


impl Debug for ConfigurationTree


impl Debug for ConnectUdp


impl Debug for Connected


impl Debug for ConnectedUdp


impl Debug for Connection


impl Debug for Connection


impl Debug for ConsensusFlavor


impl Debug for ConsensusHeader


impl Debug for ConsensusVoterInfo


impl Debug for Const


impl Debug for ContentSizeError


impl Debug for ContentType


impl Debug for Context


impl Debug for Context<'_>


impl Debug for ControlModes


impl Debug for ConversionRange


impl Debug for CpuSet


impl Debug for Cpuid


impl Debug for Create


impl Debug for Create2


impl Debug for CreateFast


impl Debug for CreateFlags


impl Debug for CreateFlags


impl Debug for CreateFlags


impl Debug for CreateFlags


impl Debug for CreateResponse


impl Debug for Created


impl Debug for Created2


impl Debug for CreatedFast


impl Debug for CrtValue


impl Debug for CryptoProvider


impl Debug for CsectAux32


impl Debug for CsectAux64


impl Debug for CtrlMsg


impl Debug for Current


impl Debug for DFA


impl Debug for DFA


impl Debug for DFA


impl Debug for DIR


impl Debug for DParameter


impl Debug for DangerousClientConfigBuilder


impl Debug for Data


impl Debug for DataFormat


impl Debug for DataReader


impl Debug for DataStreamCtrl


impl Debug for DataWriter


impl Debug for Datagram


impl Debug for Date


impl Debug for Date


impl Debug for DateKind


impl Debug for DateTime


impl Debug for Datetime


impl Debug for DatetimeParseError


impl Debug for Day


impl Debug for Day


impl Debug for DebugByte


impl Debug for DebugTypeSignature


impl Debug for DecInt

Available on crate feature std only.

impl Debug for DecodeError


impl Debug for DecodeKind


impl Debug for DecodePartial


impl Debug for DecompressError


impl Debug for Decor


impl Debug for DecryptingKey


impl Debug for DecryptionError


impl Debug for DefaultCallsite


impl Debug for DefaultGuard


impl Debug for DefaultTimeProvider


impl Debug for DeframerVecBuffer


impl Debug for DenseTransitions


impl Debug for Der<'_>


impl Debug for DerTypeId


impl Debug for DeserializeError


impl Debug for Destroy


impl Debug for DestroyReason


impl Debug for DifferentVariant


impl Debug for Digest


impl Debug for DigitallySignedStruct


impl Debug for Dir


impl Debug for Dir


impl Debug for DirBuilder


impl Debug for DirBuilder


impl Debug for DirEntry


impl Debug for DirEntry


impl Debug for DirEntry


impl Debug for DirEntry


impl Debug for DirEntry


impl Debug for DirSource


impl Debug for Direction


impl Debug for Direction


impl Debug for DisfavouredKey


impl Debug for Dispatch


impl Debug for DistinguishedName


impl Debug for DivError


impl Debug for Dl_info


impl Debug for Document


impl Debug for DocumentMut


impl Debug for Domain


impl Debug for DosParams


impl Debug for Dot


impl Debug for Drop


impl Debug for DropGuard


impl Debug for DsaKeypair


impl Debug for DsaPrivateKey


impl Debug for DsaPublicKey


impl Debug for DumpableBehavior


impl Debug for DupFlags


impl Debug for DupFlags


impl Debug for DuplexStream


impl Debug for Duration


impl Debug for Duration


impl Debug for Duration


impl Debug for DwAccess


impl Debug for DwAddr


impl Debug for DwAt


impl Debug for DwAte


impl Debug for DwCc


impl Debug for DwCfa


impl Debug for DwChildren


impl Debug for DwDefaulted


impl Debug for DwDs


impl Debug for DwDsc


impl Debug for DwEhPe


impl Debug for DwEnd


impl Debug for DwForm


impl Debug for DwId


impl Debug for DwIdx


impl Debug for DwInl


impl Debug for DwLang


impl Debug for DwLle


impl Debug for DwLnct


impl Debug for DwLne


impl Debug for DwLns


impl Debug for DwMacro


impl Debug for DwOp


impl Debug for DwOrd


impl Debug for DwRle


impl Debug for DwSect


impl Debug for DwSectV2


impl Debug for DwTag


impl Debug for DwUt


impl Debug for DwVirtuality


impl Debug for DwVis


impl Debug for DwarfAux32


impl Debug for DwarfAux64


impl Debug for DwarfFileType


impl Debug for DwoId


impl Debug for Eager


impl Debug for EarlyDataError


impl Debug for EcdsaCurve


impl Debug for EcdsaKeyPair


impl Debug for EcdsaKeypair


impl Debug for EcdsaPublicKey


impl Debug for EcdsaSigningAlgorithm


impl Debug for EcdsaVerificationAlgorithm


impl Debug for EchConfig


impl Debug for EchConfigContents


impl Debug for EchConfigListBytes<'_>


impl Debug for EchVersion


impl Debug for Ed25519Cert


impl Debug for Ed25519CertConstructorError


impl Debug for Ed25519KeyPair


impl Debug for Ed25519Keypair


impl Debug for Ed25519PrivateKey


impl Debug for Ed25519PublicKey


impl Debug for EdDSAParameters


impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTable


impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32


impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64


impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128


impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256


impl Debug for EdwardsPoint


impl Debug for Elapsed


impl Debug for Elf32_Chdr


impl Debug for Elf32_Ehdr


impl Debug for Elf32_Phdr


impl Debug for Elf32_Shdr


impl Debug for Elf32_Sym


impl Debug for Elf64_Chdr


impl Debug for Elf64_Ehdr


impl Debug for Elf64_Phdr


impl Debug for Elf64_Shdr


impl Debug for Elf64_Sym


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for Empty


impl Debug for EncodeError


impl Debug for EncodeError


impl Debug for EncodedEd25519Cert


impl Debug for Encoding


impl Debug for Encoding


impl Debug for EncryptError


impl Debug for EncryptingKey


impl Debug for End


impl Debug for End


impl Debug for EndReason


impl Debug for EndianMode


impl Debug for Endianness


impl Debug for Endianness


impl Debug for Enter


impl Debug for EnterError


impl Debug for EnteredSpan


impl Debug for Entry


impl Debug for Entry


impl Debug for EphemeralPrivateKey


impl Debug for Errno


impl Debug for Errno


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for Error


impl Debug for ErrorKind


impl Debug for ErrorKind


impl Debug for ErrorKind


impl Debug for ErrorKind


impl Debug for Errors


impl Debug for EstIntroExtDosParamType


impl Debug for EstIntroExtType


impl Debug for EstablishIntro


impl Debug for EstablishIntroDetails


impl Debug for EstablishIntroSigError


impl Debug for EstablishRendezvous


impl Debug for Event


impl Debug for Event


impl Debug for Event


impl Debug for Event

When the alternate flag is enabled this will print platform specific details, for example the fields of the kevent structure on platforms that use kqueue(2). Note however that the output of this implementation is not consider a part of the stable API.


impl Debug for EventFlags


impl Debug for EventFlags


impl Debug for EventListener


impl Debug for EventfdFlags


impl Debug for EventfdFlags


impl Debug for Events


impl Debug for Events


impl Debug for Executor<'_>


impl Debug for ExpAux


impl Debug for ExtType


impl Debug for Extend


impl Debug for Extend2


impl Debug for Extended


impl Debug for Extended2


impl Debug for Extensions


impl Debug for ExtractKind


impl Debug for Extractor


impl Debug for FILE


impl Debug for FallocateFlags


impl Debug for FallocateFlags


impl Debug for FatArch32


impl Debug for FatArch64


impl Debug for FatHeader


impl Debug for FdFlags


impl Debug for FdFlags


impl Debug for Field


impl Debug for Field


impl Debug for FieldSet


impl Debug for Figment


impl Debug for File


impl Debug for File


impl Debug for FileAux32


impl Debug for FileAux64


impl Debug for FileEntryFormat


impl Debug for FileFlags


impl Debug for FileHeader32


impl Debug for FileHeader64


impl Debug for FileKind


impl Debug for FileTime


impl Debug for FileType


impl Debug for FileType


impl Debug for FilterCount


impl Debug for FilterOp


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for Finder


impl Debug for FinderBuilder


impl Debug for FinderRev


impl Debug for FinderRev


impl Debug for Fingerprint


impl Debug for Flag


impl Debug for Flags


impl Debug for FlagsItem


impl Debug for FlagsItemKind


impl Debug for FloatIsNan


impl Debug for FloatingPointEmulationControl


impl Debug for FloatingPointExceptionMode


impl Debug for FloatingPointMode


impl Debug for FlockOperation


impl Debug for FlockOperation


impl Debug for Format


impl Debug for Format


impl Debug for FormattedComponents


impl Debug for FormattedDuration


impl Debug for FormatterOptions


impl Debug for Frame


impl Debug for FromSliceError


impl Debug for FunAux32


impl Debug for FunAux64


impl Debug for GeneralizedTime


impl Debug for GetRandomFailed


impl Debug for Gid


impl Debug for Global


impl Debug for GlobalExecutorConfig


impl Debug for Group


impl Debug for GroupInfo


impl Debug for GroupInfoError


impl Debug for GroupKind


impl Debug for GrowableBloom


impl Debug for Guid


impl Debug for HalfMatch


impl Debug for Handle


impl Debug for Handle


impl Debug for HandshakeKind


impl Debug for HandshakeRole


impl Debug for HandshakeSignatureValid


impl Debug for HandshakeType


impl Debug for HandshakeType


impl Debug for Hash128


impl Debug for HashAlg


impl Debug for HashAlgorithm


impl Debug for Hasher


impl Debug for Header


impl Debug for Header


impl Debug for HeaderName


impl Debug for HeaderValue


impl Debug for HexLiteralKind


impl Debug for Hir


impl Debug for HirKind


impl Debug for HopNum


impl Debug for HopNumDisplay


impl Debug for Host


impl Debug for HostPatterns


impl Debug for Hour


impl Debug for Hour


impl Debug for HpkeAead


impl Debug for HpkeKdf


impl Debug for HpkeKem


impl Debug for HpkeKeyConfig


impl Debug for HpkeSymmetricCipherSuite


impl Debug for HsClientDescEncKeypair


impl Debug for HsClientDescEncSecretKey


impl Debug for HsClientIntroAuthKey


impl Debug for HsClientIntroAuthKeypair


impl Debug for HsDesc


impl Debug for HsDescError


impl Debug for HsDescInner


impl Debug for HsDescMiddle


impl Debug for HsDescOuter


impl Debug for HsDescSigningKey


impl Debug for HsIdParseError


impl Debug for HsSvcDescEncKey


impl Debug for HsSvcDescEncKeypair


impl Debug for HsSvcDescEncSecretKey


impl Debug for HsSvcNtorKey


impl Debug for HsSvcNtorSecretKey


impl Debug for HttpDate


impl Debug for Ia5String


impl Debug for Id


impl Debug for Ident


impl Debug for Identifier


impl Debug for Ignore


impl Debug for ImageAlpha64RuntimeFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageAlphaRuntimeFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageArchitectureEntry


impl Debug for ImageArchiveMemberHeader


impl Debug for ImageArm64RuntimeFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageArmRuntimeFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolCrc


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolFunction


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolFunctionBeginEnd


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolSection


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolTokenDef


impl Debug for ImageAuxSymbolWeak


impl Debug for ImageBaseRelocation


impl Debug for ImageBoundForwarderRef


impl Debug for ImageBoundImportDescriptor


impl Debug for ImageCoffSymbolsHeader


impl Debug for ImageCor20Header


impl Debug for ImageDataDirectory


impl Debug for ImageDebugDirectory


impl Debug for ImageDebugMisc


impl Debug for ImageDelayloadDescriptor


impl Debug for ImageDosHeader


impl Debug for ImageDynamicRelocation32


impl Debug for ImageDynamicRelocation32V2


impl Debug for ImageDynamicRelocation64


impl Debug for ImageDynamicRelocation64V2


impl Debug for ImageDynamicRelocationTable


impl Debug for ImageEnclaveConfig32


impl Debug for ImageEnclaveConfig64


impl Debug for ImageEnclaveImport


impl Debug for ImageEpilogueDynamicRelocationHeader


impl Debug for ImageExportDirectory


impl Debug for ImageFileHeader


impl Debug for ImageFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageFunctionEntry64


impl Debug for ImageHotPatchBase


impl Debug for ImageHotPatchHashes


impl Debug for ImageHotPatchInfo


impl Debug for ImageImportByName


impl Debug for ImageImportDescriptor


impl Debug for ImageLinenumber


impl Debug for ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity


impl Debug for ImageLoadConfigDirectory32


impl Debug for ImageLoadConfigDirectory64


impl Debug for ImageNtHeaders32


impl Debug for ImageNtHeaders64


impl Debug for ImageOptionalHeader32


impl Debug for ImageOptionalHeader64


impl Debug for ImageOs2Header


impl Debug for ImagePrologueDynamicRelocationHeader


impl Debug for ImageRelocation


impl Debug for ImageResourceDataEntry


impl Debug for ImageResourceDirStringU


impl Debug for ImageResourceDirectory


impl Debug for ImageResourceDirectoryEntry


impl Debug for ImageResourceDirectoryString


impl Debug for ImageRomHeaders


impl Debug for ImageRomOptionalHeader


impl Debug for ImageRuntimeFunctionEntry


impl Debug for ImageSectionHeader


impl Debug for ImageSeparateDebugHeader


impl Debug for ImageSymbol


impl Debug for ImageSymbolBytes


impl Debug for ImageSymbolEx


impl Debug for ImageSymbolExBytes


impl Debug for ImageThunkData32


impl Debug for ImageThunkData64


impl Debug for ImageTlsDirectory32


impl Debug for ImageTlsDirectory64


impl Debug for ImageVxdHeader


impl Debug for ImportObjectHeader


impl Debug for ImportType


impl Debug for Incoming<'_>


impl Debug for Incoming<'_>


impl Debug for IncomingStream


impl Debug for IncomingStreamRequest


impl Debug for IncomingStreamRequestDisposition


impl Debug for IncompleteRelayMsgInfo


impl Debug for IndefiniteLength


impl Debug for InlineTable


impl Debug for InputModes


impl Debug for Instant


impl Debug for Instant


impl Debug for Instant


impl Debug for InsufficientSizeError


impl Debug for Int


impl Debug for Interest


impl Debug for Interest


impl Debug for Interest


impl Debug for InterfaceIndexOrAddress


impl Debug for InternalString


impl Debug for Interval


impl Debug for Interval


impl Debug for IntoIter


impl Debug for IntroAuthType


impl Debug for IntroEstablished


impl Debug for IntroEstablishedExt


impl Debug for IntroEstablishedExtType


impl Debug for IntroPayloadExtType


impl Debug for IntroPointDesc


impl Debug for IntroPointDescBuilderError


impl Debug for Introduce1


impl Debug for Introduce2


impl Debug for IntroduceAck


impl Debug for IntroduceAckExtType


impl Debug for IntroduceAckStatus


impl Debug for IntroduceExtType


impl Debug for IntroduceHandshakePayload


impl Debug for IntroduceHeader


impl Debug for InvalidBoolOrAuto


impl Debug for InvalidBufferSize


impl Debug for InvalidChunkSize


impl Debug for InvalidDnsNameError


impl Debug for InvalidEncodingError


impl Debug for InvalidFormatDescription


impl Debug for InvalidHeaderName


impl Debug for InvalidHeaderValue


impl Debug for InvalidLength


impl Debug for InvalidLength


impl Debug for InvalidLengthError


impl Debug for InvalidListen


impl Debug for InvalidMessage


impl Debug for InvalidMethod


impl Debug for InvalidOutputSize


impl Debug for InvalidPrkLength


impl Debug for InvalidSignature


impl Debug for InvalidStatusCode


impl Debug for InvalidUri


impl Debug for InvalidUriParts


impl Debug for InvalidVariant


impl Debug for IoState


impl Debug for IpAddr


impl Debug for IpVersionPreference


impl Debug for Ipv4Addr


impl Debug for Ipv6Addr


impl Debug for IsNormalized


impl Debug for Item


impl Debug for Iter


impl Debug for Iter<'_>


impl Debug for JoinError


impl Debug for JsonCodecError


impl Debug for KangarooTwelveCore<'_>


impl Debug for Kdf


impl Debug for KdfAlg


impl Debug for Keccak224Core


impl Debug for Keccak256Core


impl Debug for Keccak256FullCore


impl Debug for Keccak384Core


impl Debug for Keccak512Core


impl Debug for Key


impl Debug for Key


impl Debug for KeyData


impl Debug for KeyExchangeAlgorithm


impl Debug for KeyLogFile


impl Debug for KeyPair


impl Debug for KeyRejected


impl Debug for KeyShareEntry


impl Debug for KeyType


impl Debug for KeyUnknownCert


impl Debug for KeypairData


impl Debug for Kind


impl Debug for Kind


impl Debug for LabelError


impl Debug for Lazy


impl Debug for LazyStateID


impl Debug for Length


impl Debug for LessSafeKey


impl Debug for Level


impl Debug for Level


impl Debug for Level


impl Debug for LevelFilter


impl Debug for Lifetime


impl Debug for LineEncoding


impl Debug for LineEnding


impl Debug for LineRow


impl Debug for Listen


impl Debug for ListenUnsupported


impl Debug for Literal


impl Debug for Literal


impl Debug for Literal


impl Debug for LiteralKind


impl Debug for LittleEndian


impl Debug for LittleEndian


impl Debug for LittleEndian


impl Debug for LocalEnterGuard


impl Debug for LocalExecutor<'_>


impl Debug for LocalModes


impl Debug for LocalPool


impl Debug for LocalSet


impl Debug for LocalSpawner


impl Debug for LockFile


impl Debug for LockFile


impl Debug for Look


impl Debug for Look


impl Debug for LookMatcher


impl Debug for LookSet


impl Debug for LookSet


impl Debug for LookSetIter


impl Debug for LookSetIter


impl Debug for LoongArch


impl Debug for LooseCmpRetryTime


impl Debug for Lsb0


impl Debug for MZError


impl Debug for MZFlush


impl Debug for MZStatus


impl Debug for MacError


impl Debug for MachineCheckMemoryCorruptionKillPolicy


impl Debug for Map<String, Value>


impl Debug for Marker


impl Debug for MaskedRichHeaderEntry


impl Debug for Match


impl Debug for Match


impl Debug for MatchError


impl Debug for MatchError


impl Debug for MatchErrorKind


impl Debug for MatchErrorKind


impl Debug for MatchKind


impl Debug for MatchKind


impl Debug for MatchKind


impl Debug for MaxSizeReached


impl Debug for MdConsensusRouterStatus


impl Debug for MembarrierCommand


impl Debug for MembarrierQuery


impl Debug for MemfdFlags


impl Debug for MemfdFlags


impl Debug for Metadata


impl Debug for Method


impl Debug for Microdesc


impl Debug for MicrodescAnnotation


impl Debug for MicrodescBuilder


impl Debug for Microsecond


impl Debug for Millisecond


impl Debug for Minute


impl Debug for Minute


impl Debug for MissedTickBehavior


impl Debug for MockPwdGrpProvider


impl Debug for Mode


impl Debug for Mode


impl Debug for MontgomeryPoint


impl Debug for Month


impl Debug for Month


impl Debug for MonthRepr


impl Debug for MountFlags


impl Debug for MountFlags


impl Debug for MountPropagationFlags


impl Debug for MountPropagationFlags


impl Debug for Mpint


impl Debug for Msb0


impl Debug for MustRead


impl Debug for Mut


impl Debug for NFA


impl Debug for NFA


impl Debug for NFA


impl Debug for NamedGroup


impl Debug for Nanosecond


impl Debug for Needed


impl Debug for NetdocErrorKind


impl Debug for Netinfo


impl Debug for NetstatusKwd


impl Debug for Nickname


impl Debug for NoClientAuth


impl Debug for NoDynamicRelocationIterator


impl Debug for NoKeyLog


impl Debug for NoServerSessionStorage


impl Debug for NoSubscriber


impl Debug for NonMaxUsize


impl Debug for NonPagedDebugInfo


impl Debug for NonUtf8Error


impl Debug for Notify


impl Debug for NsConsensusRouterStatus


impl Debug for NtorV3Extension


impl Debug for NtorV3ExtensionType


impl Debug for Null


impl Debug for NullPtrError


impl Debug for Num


impl Debug for OFlags


impl Debug for OFlags


impl Debug for OID


impl Debug for Oaep


impl Debug for ObjectIdentifier


impl Debug for ObjectKind


impl Debug for OctetString


impl Debug for Offset


impl Debug for OffsetDateTime


impl Debug for OffsetHour


impl Debug for OffsetMinute


impl Debug for OffsetPrecision


impl Debug for OffsetSecond


impl Debug for Once


impl Debug for OnceBool


impl Debug for OnceNonZeroUsize


impl Debug for OnceState


impl Debug for One


impl Debug for One


impl Debug for One


impl Debug for OnionKey


impl Debug for OpaqueKeypair


impl Debug for OpaquePublicKey


impl Debug for OpaquePublicKeyBytes


impl Debug for Opcode


impl Debug for OpenOptions


impl Debug for OpenOptions


impl Debug for OpenOptions


impl Debug for OptionalActions


impl Debug for OptionsMap


impl Debug for Ordinal


impl Debug for OsStr


impl Debug for OsStr


impl Debug for OsString


impl Debug for OsString


impl Debug for OtherError


impl Debug for OutboundOpaqueMessage


impl Debug for OutputLengthError


impl Debug for OutputModes


impl Debug for OverflowError


impl Debug for OverlappingState


impl Debug for OverlappingState


impl Debug for OwnedCertRevocationList


impl Debug for OwnedFormatItem


impl Debug for OwnedReadHalf


impl Debug for OwnedReadHalf


impl Debug for OwnedRevokedCert


impl Debug for OwnedSemaphorePermit


impl Debug for OwnedWriteHalf


impl Debug for OwnedWriteHalf


impl Debug for PTracer


impl Debug for Padding


impl Debug for Padding


impl Debug for PaddingLevel


impl Debug for PaddingNegotiate


impl Debug for PaddingNegotiateCmd


impl Debug for Pair


impl Debug for ParagraphInfo


impl Debug for Parameters


impl Debug for ParkResult


impl Debug for ParkToken


impl Debug for Parker


impl Debug for Parker


impl Debug for Parse


impl Debug for ParseError


impl Debug for ParseError


impl Debug for ParseFromDescription


impl Debug for ParseIntError


impl Debug for ParseLengthError


impl Debug for ParseLevelError


impl Debug for ParseLevelFilterError


impl Debug for Parsed


impl Debug for Parser


impl Debug for Parser


impl Debug for ParserBuilder


impl Debug for ParserBuilder


impl Debug for ParserConfig


impl Debug for Parts


impl Debug for Parts


impl Debug for Parts


impl Debug for Path


impl Debug for Path


impl Debug for PathAndQuery


impl Debug for PathBuf


impl Debug for PathEntry


impl Debug for PatternID


impl Debug for PatternID


impl Debug for PatternIDError


impl Debug for PatternIDError


impl Debug for PatternSet


impl Debug for PatternSetInsertError


impl Debug for Payload<'_>


impl Debug for PeerIncompatible


impl Debug for PeerMisbehaved


impl Debug for Period


impl Debug for Pid


impl Debug for PidfdFlags


impl Debug for PidfdGetfdFlags


impl Debug for PikeVM


impl Debug for PipeFlags


impl Debug for PipeFlags


impl Debug for Pkcs1v15Encrypt


impl Debug for Pkcs1v15Sign


impl Debug for PlainMessage


impl Debug for Pointer


impl Debug for PolicyError


impl Debug for Poll


impl Debug for PollFlags


impl Debug for PollFlags


impl Debug for PollMode


impl Debug for PollMode


impl Debug for PollNext


impl Debug for PollSemaphore


impl Debug for Poller


impl Debug for Poller


impl Debug for PopError


impl Debug for PortPolicy


impl Debug for PortRange


impl Debug for Pos


impl Debug for Posit8


impl Debug for Posit16


impl Debug for Posit32


impl Debug for Posit64


impl Debug for Posit128


impl Debug for Posit256


impl Debug for Posit512


impl Debug for PositDecodeError


impl Debug for Position


impl Debug for Position


impl Debug for PrctlMmMap


impl Debug for Prefilter


impl Debug for Prefilter


impl Debug for PrefilterConfig


impl Debug for PrefixedPayload


impl Debug for PrimitiveDateTime


impl Debug for PrintableString


impl Debug for Printer


impl Debug for Printer


impl Debug for PrivateKey


impl Debug for PrivatePkcs1KeyDer<'_>


impl Debug for PrivatePkcs8KeyDer<'_>


impl Debug for PrivateSec1KeyDer<'_>


impl Debug for Prk


impl Debug for Profile


impl Debug for ProjectDirs


impl Debug for Properties


impl Debug for ProtoStatus


impl Debug for Protocol


impl Debug for Protocol


impl Debug for ProtocolVersion


impl Debug for Pss


impl Debug for PublicKey


impl Debug for PublicKey


impl Debug for PublicKey


impl Debug for PublicKey


impl Debug for PwdGrp


impl Debug for QueueSelector


impl Debug for Random


impl Debug for RandomState


impl Debug for Range


impl Debug for Range


impl Debug for RawString


impl Debug for ReadBuf<'_>


impl Debug for ReadDir


impl Debug for ReadDir


impl Debug for ReadWriteFlags


impl Debug for ReadWriteFlags


impl Debug for ReaderOffsetId


impl Debug for Ready


impl Debug for RealEffectiveSavedIds


impl Debug for Receiver


impl Debug for Receiver


impl Debug for Receiver


impl Debug for RecvError


impl Debug for RecvError


impl Debug for RecvError


impl Debug for RecvError


impl Debug for RecvError


impl Debug for RecvFlags


impl Debug for RecvFlags

Available on non-Redox only.

impl Debug for Regex


impl Debug for Regex


impl Debug for Regex


impl Debug for Regex


impl Debug for RegexBuilder


impl Debug for RegexBuilder


impl Debug for RegexSet


impl Debug for RegexSet


impl Debug for RegexSetBuilder


impl Debug for RegexSetBuilder


impl Debug for Register


impl Debug for Registry


impl Debug for Rel32


impl Debug for Rel64


impl Debug for RelativePathBuf


impl Debug for Relay


impl Debug for RelayCellDecoder


impl Debug for RelayCellDecoderResult


impl Debug for RelayCellFormat


impl Debug for RelayCmd


impl Debug for RelayEarly


impl Debug for RelayFamily


impl Debug for RelayFlags


impl Debug for RelayPlatform


impl Debug for RelayProtocol


impl Debug for RelayWeight


impl Debug for Relocation


impl Debug for Relocation


impl Debug for RelocationEncoding


impl Debug for RelocationInfo


impl Debug for RelocationKind


impl Debug for RelocationSections


impl Debug for RelocationTarget


impl Debug for RenameFlags


impl Debug for RenameFlags


impl Debug for RendCookie


impl Debug for Rendezvous1


impl Debug for Rendezvous2


impl Debug for RendezvousEstablished


impl Debug for Repeat


impl Debug for Repeat


impl Debug for Repeat


impl Debug for Repeat


impl Debug for Repeat


impl Debug for Repetition


impl Debug for Repetition


impl Debug for RepetitionKind


impl Debug for RepetitionOp


impl Debug for RepetitionRange


impl Debug for Repr


impl Debug for RequeueOp


impl Debug for Resolve


impl Debug for ResolveError


impl Debug for ResolveFlags


impl Debug for ResolveFlags


impl Debug for Resolved


impl Debug for ResolvedVal


impl Debug for ResolvesServerCertUsingSni


impl Debug for Resource


impl Debug for ResourceName


impl Debug for ResourceNameOrId


impl Debug for Restrictions


impl Debug for Resumption


impl Debug for RetryTime


impl Debug for ReuniteError


impl Debug for ReuniteError


impl Debug for RevocationCheckDepth


impl Debug for RevocationReason


impl Debug for Rfc2822


impl Debug for Rfc3339


impl Debug for Rfc3339Timestamp


impl Debug for RichHeaderEntry


impl Debug for RiscV


impl Debug for RistrettoPoint


impl Debug for Rlimit


impl Debug for Rng


impl Debug for Rng


impl Debug for RootCertStore


impl Debug for RouterDesc


impl Debug for RsaIdentity


impl Debug for RsaKeypair


impl Debug for RsaParameters


impl Debug for RsaPrivateKey


impl Debug for RsaPrivateKey<'_>


impl Debug for RsaPublicKey


impl Debug for RsaPublicKey


impl Debug for RuleKind


impl Debug for RunTimeEndian


impl Debug for Runtime


impl Debug for RuntimeFlavor


impl Debug for Salt


impl Debug for Scalar


impl Debug for ScatteredRelocationInfo


impl Debug for ScheduleInfo


impl Debug for Scheme


impl Debug for Scope<'_>


impl Debug for SealFlags


impl Debug for SealFlags


impl Debug for Searcher


impl Debug for Second


impl Debug for Second


impl Debug for SecretBuf


impl Debug for SecretDocument

Available on crate feature zeroize only.

impl Debug for SectionBaseAddresses


impl Debug for SectionFlags


impl Debug for SectionHeader32


impl Debug for SectionHeader64


impl Debug for SectionId


impl Debug for SectionIndex


impl Debug for SectionKind


impl Debug for SeekFrom


impl Debug for SeekFrom


impl Debug for SegmentFlags


impl Debug for Semaphore


impl Debug for Semaphore


impl Debug for Semaphore


impl Debug for SemaphoreGuardArc


impl Debug for SemaphoreGuardArc


impl Debug for SendFlags


impl Debug for Sender


impl Debug for Sender


impl Debug for Sender


impl Debug for Sendme


impl Debug for Seq


impl Debug for SerializeError


impl Debug for ServerCertVerified


impl Debug for ServerCertVerifierBuilder


impl Debug for ServerConfig


impl Debug for ServerConnection


impl Debug for ServerConnection


impl Debug for ServerConnectionData


impl Debug for ServerName


impl Debug for ServerSessionMemoryCache


impl Debug for ServerSessionValue


impl Debug for SessionId


impl Debug for SetFlags


impl Debug for SetGlobalDefaultError


impl Debug for SetMatches


impl Debug for SetMatches


impl Debug for SetMatchesIntoIter


impl Debug for SetMatchesIntoIter


impl Debug for Sha3_224Core


impl Debug for Sha3_256Core


impl Debug for Sha3_384Core


impl Debug for Sha3_512Core


impl Debug for Sha256VarCore


impl Debug for Sha512VarCore


impl Debug for Shake128Core


impl Debug for Shake256Core


impl Debug for SharedRandStatus


impl Debug for SharedRandVal


impl Debug for Shutdown


impl Debug for Side


impl Debug for SigId


impl Debug for Signal


impl Debug for Signal


impl Debug for Signal


impl Debug for SignalKind


impl Debug for Signals


impl Debug for Signature


impl Debug for Signature


impl Debug for Signature


impl Debug for Signature


impl Debug for SignatureAlgorithm


impl Debug for SignatureGroup


impl Debug for SignatureScheme


impl Debug for SignatureScheme


impl Debug for Sink


impl Debug for Sink


impl Debug for Sink


impl Debug for Sink


impl Debug for Sink


impl Debug for SipHasher


impl Debug for SipHasher


impl Debug for SipHasher13


impl Debug for SipHasher13


impl Debug for SipHasher24


impl Debug for SipHasher24


impl Debug for SkEcdsaSha2NistP256


impl Debug for SkEcdsaSha2NistP256


impl Debug for SkEd25519


impl Debug for SkEd25519


impl Debug for Sleep


impl Debug for SmallIndex


impl Debug for SmallIndexError


impl Debug for SockAddr


impl Debug for SockRef<'_>


impl Debug for SockaddrXdpFlags


impl Debug for Socket


impl Debug for SocketAddr


impl Debug for SocketAddr


impl Debug for SocketAddrAny

Available on crate feature std only.

impl Debug for SocketAddrUnix


impl Debug for SocketAddrXdp


impl Debug for SocketFlags


impl Debug for SocketType


impl Debug for Source


impl Debug for Span


impl Debug for Span


impl Debug for Span


impl Debug for Span


impl Debug for SparseTransitions


impl Debug for SpecialCodes


impl Debug for SpecialLiteralKind


impl Debug for Specification


impl Debug for SpecificationError


impl Debug for SpeculationFeature


impl Debug for SpeculationFeatureControl


impl Debug for SpeculationFeatureState


impl Debug for SpliceFlags


impl Debug for SpliceFlags


impl Debug for SrvPeriodOffset


impl Debug for SshSig


impl Debug for StartError


impl Debug for StartKind


impl Debug for StatAux


impl Debug for StatVfsMountFlags


impl Debug for StatVfsMountFlags


impl Debug for State


impl Debug for StateID


impl Debug for StateID


impl Debug for StateIDError


impl Debug for StateIDError


impl Debug for StatusCode


impl Debug for StatxFlags


impl Debug for StatxFlags


impl Debug for Stderr


impl Debug for Stderr


impl Debug for Stdin


impl Debug for Stdin


impl Debug for Stdout


impl Debug for Stdout


impl Debug for StoreOnHeap


impl Debug for StrContext


impl Debug for StrContextValue


impl Debug for StreamCipherError


impl Debug for StreamId


impl Debug for StreamParameters


impl Debug for StreamReader


impl Debug for StreamResult


impl Debug for SubArchitecture


impl Debug for Subcredential


impl Debug for Subsecond


impl Debug for SubsecondDigits


impl Debug for SupportedCipherSuite


impl Debug for SupportedProtocolVersion


impl Debug for Symbol


impl Debug for Symbol32


impl Debug for Symbol64


impl Debug for SymbolBytes


impl Debug for SymbolIndex


impl Debug for SymbolKind


impl Debug for SymbolScope


impl Debug for SymbolSection


impl Debug for SystemRandom


impl Debug for TDEFLFlush


impl Debug for TDEFLStatus


impl Debug for TINFLStatus


impl Debug for Table


impl Debug for Tag


impl Debug for Tag


impl Debug for Tag


impl Debug for Tag


impl Debug for TagMode


impl Debug for TagNumber


impl Debug for Task


impl Debug for TaskId


impl Debug for TcpKeepalive


impl Debug for TcpListener


impl Debug for TcpListener


impl Debug for TcpListener


impl Debug for TcpSocket


impl Debug for TcpStream


impl Debug for TcpStream


impl Debug for TcpStream


impl Debug for TeletexString


impl Debug for Termios


impl Debug for TestCase


impl Debug for Three


impl Debug for Three


impl Debug for Three


impl Debug for TicketSwitcher


impl Debug for Time


impl Debug for Time


impl Debug for TimePeriodError


impl Debug for TimePrecision


impl Debug for TimeStampCounterReadability


impl Debug for TimeValidityError


impl Debug for Timeout


impl Debug for TimeoutError


impl Debug for TimeoutError


impl Debug for Timer


impl Debug for Timer


impl Debug for TimerfdClockId


impl Debug for TimerfdFlags


impl Debug for TimerfdTimerFlags


impl Debug for Timestamp


impl Debug for Timestamps


impl Debug for Timestamps


impl Debug for TimingMethod


impl Debug for TinyStrError


impl Debug for Tls12CipherSuite


impl Debug for Tls12ClientSessionValue


impl Debug for Tls12Resumption


impl Debug for Tls13CipherSuite


impl Debug for Tls13ClientSessionValue


impl Debug for TlsAcceptor


impl Debug for TlsConnector


impl Debug for ToAsciiCharError


impl Debug for ToStrError


impl Debug for Token


impl Debug for TomlError


impl Debug for TooLargeBufferRequiredError


impl Debug for TorVersion


impl Debug for TrailerField


impl Debug for Transition


impl Debug for Translate


impl Debug for Translator


impl Debug for TranslatorBuilder


impl Debug for TruncSide


impl Debug for Truncate


impl Debug for Truncated


impl Debug for Truncated


impl Debug for TryAcquireError


impl Debug for TryCurrentError


impl Debug for TryDemangleError


impl Debug for TryFromIntError


impl Debug for TryFromParsed


impl Debug for TryFromSliceError


impl Debug for TryIoError


impl Debug for TryLockError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryRecvError


impl Debug for TryReserveError


impl Debug for TryReserveError


impl Debug for TurboShake128Core


impl Debug for TurboShake256Core


impl Debug for Two


impl Debug for Two


impl Debug for Two


impl Debug for Type


impl Debug for UCred


impl Debug for UCred


impl Debug for UdpSocket


impl Debug for UdpSocket


impl Debug for UdpSocket


impl Debug for Uid


impl Debug for Uint


impl Debug for UnalignedAccessControl


impl Debug for UnboundKey


impl Debug for UncasedStr


impl Debug for UncheckedCert


impl Debug for UnexpectedNullPointerError


impl Debug for UnicodeWordBoundaryError


impl Debug for UnicodeWordError


impl Debug for UninitSlice


impl Debug for UninitializedFieldError


impl Debug for UniqId


impl Debug for UniqId


impl Debug for Unit


impl Debug for UnitIndexSection


impl Debug for UnixDatagram


impl Debug for UnixDatagram


impl Debug for UnixDatagram


impl Debug for UnixListener


impl Debug for UnixListener


impl Debug for UnixListener


impl Debug for UnixSocket


impl Debug for UnixStream


impl Debug for UnixStream


impl Debug for UnixStream


impl Debug for UnixTime


impl Debug for UnixTimestamp


impl Debug for UnixTimestampPrecision


impl Debug for UnknownStatusPolicy


impl Debug for UnmountFlags


impl Debug for UnmountFlags


impl Debug for UnparkResult


impl Debug for UnparkToken


impl Debug for Unparker


impl Debug for Unparker


impl Debug for UnparsedRelayMsg


impl Debug for Unrecognized


impl Debug for Unrecognized


impl Debug for UnrecognizedKey


impl Debug for Unspecified


impl Debug for UnsupportedOperationError


impl Debug for Updater


impl Debug for Uri


impl Debug for UserDirs


impl Debug for UtcOffset


impl Debug for UtcTime


impl Debug for Utf8Range


impl Debug for Utf8Sequence


impl Debug for Utf8Sequences


impl Debug for Value


impl Debug for Value


impl Debug for Value


impl Debug for Value


impl Debug for ValueType


impl Debug for Vendor


impl Debug for VerifierBuilderError


impl Debug for Version


impl Debug for Version


impl Debug for Version


impl Debug for Version


impl Debug for VersionIndex


impl Debug for Versions


impl Debug for VirtualMemoryMapAddress


impl Debug for Vpadding


impl Debug for WaitForCancellationFutureOwned


impl Debug for WaitGroup


impl Debug for WaitOptions


impl Debug for WaitStatus


impl Debug for WaitTimeoutResult


impl Debug for WaitidOptions


impl Debug for Waker


impl Debug for WalkDir


impl Debug for WantsServerCert


impl Debug for WantsVerifier


impl Debug for WantsVersions


impl Debug for WatchFlags


impl Debug for WatchFlags


impl Debug for WeakDispatch


impl Debug for WebPkiClientVerifier


impl Debug for WebPkiServerVerifier


impl Debug for WebPkiSupportedAlgorithms


impl Debug for Week


impl Debug for WeekNumber


impl Debug for WeekNumberRepr


impl Debug for Weekday


impl Debug for Weekday


impl Debug for WeekdayRepr


impl Debug for WhichCaptures


impl Debug for WithComments


impl Debug for Wrap


impl Debug for X86


impl Debug for X86_64


impl Debug for XattrFlags


impl Debug for XattrFlags


impl Debug for XdpDesc


impl Debug for XdpDescOptions


impl Debug for XdpMmapOffsets


impl Debug for XdpOptions


impl Debug for XdpOptionsFlags


impl Debug for XdpRingFlags


impl Debug for XdpRingOffset


impl Debug for XdpStatistics


impl Debug for XdpUmemReg


impl Debug for XdpUmemRegFlags


impl Debug for Year


impl Debug for YearRepr


impl Debug for YieldNow


impl Debug for YieldNow


impl Debug for ZSTD_CCtx_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_CDict_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_DCtx_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_DDict_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_EndDirective


impl Debug for ZSTD_ResetDirective


impl Debug for ZSTD_bounds


impl Debug for ZSTD_cParameter


impl Debug for ZSTD_dParameter


impl Debug for ZSTD_inBuffer_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_outBuffer_s


impl Debug for ZSTD_strategy


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ifc_ifcu

Available on crate feature extra_traits and libc_union only.

impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ifr_ifru

Available on crate feature extra_traits and libc_union only.

impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ifru_map


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_data

Available on crate feature extra_traits and libc_union only.

impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_entry


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_exit


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_seccomp


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_sockaddr_can_j1939


impl Debug for __c_anonymous_sockaddr_can_tp


impl Debug for __exit_status


impl Debug for __kernel_fd_set


impl Debug for __kernel_fd_set


impl Debug for __kernel_fsid_t


impl Debug for __kernel_fsid_t


impl Debug for __kernel_itimerspec


impl Debug for __kernel_itimerspec


impl Debug for __kernel_old_itimerval


impl Debug for __kernel_old_itimerval


impl Debug for __kernel_old_timespec


impl Debug for __kernel_old_timespec


impl Debug for __kernel_old_timeval


impl Debug for __kernel_old_timeval


impl Debug for __kernel_sock_timeval


impl Debug for __kernel_sock_timeval


impl Debug for __kernel_sockaddr_storage__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __kernel_sockaddr_storage__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __kernel_sockaddr_storage__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __kernel_timespec


impl Debug for __kernel_timespec


impl Debug for __old_kernel_stat


impl Debug for __old_kernel_stat


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_6


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_6


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_7


impl Debug for __sifields__bindgen_ty_7


impl Debug for __timeval


impl Debug for __user_cap_data_struct


impl Debug for __user_cap_data_struct


impl Debug for __user_cap_header_struct


impl Debug for __user_cap_header_struct


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_5


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_5


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_5


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_6


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_6


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_6


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_7


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_7


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_7


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_8


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_8


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_8


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_9


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_9


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_9


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_10


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_10


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_11


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_11


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_12


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_12


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_13


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_14


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_15


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_16


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_17


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_18


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_19


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_20


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_21


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_22


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_23


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_24


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_25


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_26


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_27


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_28


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_29


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_30


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_31


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_32


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_33


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_34


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_35


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_36


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_37


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_38


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_39


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_40


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_41


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_42


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_43


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_44


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_45


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_46


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_47


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_48


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_49


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_50


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_51


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_52


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_53


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_54


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_55


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_56


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_57


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_58


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_59


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_60


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_61


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_62


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_63


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_64


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_65


impl Debug for _bindgen_ty_66


impl Debug for _libc_fpstate


impl Debug for _libc_fpxreg


impl Debug for _libc_xmmreg


impl Debug for _xt_align


impl Debug for addrinfo


impl Debug for af_alg_iv

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for aiocb


impl Debug for arpd_request


impl Debug for arphdr


impl Debug for arpreq


impl Debug for arpreq_old


impl Debug for can_filter


impl Debug for cisco_proto


impl Debug for clone_args


impl Debug for clone_args


impl Debug for clone_args


impl Debug for cmsghdr


impl Debug for cmsghdr


impl Debug for cmsghdr


impl Debug for compat_statfs64


impl Debug for compat_statfs64


impl Debug for cpu_set_t


impl Debug for dirent

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for dirent64

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for dl_phdr_info


impl Debug for dqblk

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for dyn Any

1.0.0 · source§

impl Debug for dyn Any + Send

1.28.0 · source§

impl Debug for dyn Any + Sync + Send


impl Debug for dyn Value


impl Debug for epoll_event

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for epoll_event


impl Debug for epoll_event


impl Debug for ethhdr


impl Debug for f_owner_ex


impl Debug for f_owner_ex


impl Debug for fanotify_event_metadata


impl Debug for fanotify_response


impl Debug for fd_set


impl Debug for ff_condition_effect


impl Debug for ff_constant_effect


impl Debug for ff_effect


impl Debug for ff_envelope


impl Debug for ff_periodic_effect


impl Debug for ff_ramp_effect


impl Debug for ff_replay


impl Debug for ff_rumble_effect


impl Debug for ff_trigger


impl Debug for file_clone_range


impl Debug for file_clone_range


impl Debug for file_clone_range


impl Debug for file_dedupe_range


impl Debug for file_dedupe_range


impl Debug for file_dedupe_range_info


impl Debug for file_dedupe_range_info


impl Debug for files_stat_struct


impl Debug for files_stat_struct


impl Debug for flock


impl Debug for flock


impl Debug for flock


impl Debug for flock64


impl Debug for flock64


impl Debug for flock64


impl Debug for fpos64_t


impl Debug for fpos_t


impl Debug for fr_proto


impl Debug for fr_proto_pvc


impl Debug for fr_proto_pvc_info


impl Debug for fsconfig_command


impl Debug for fsconfig_command


impl Debug for fscrypt_key


impl Debug for fscrypt_key


impl Debug for fscrypt_policy_v1


impl Debug for fscrypt_policy_v1


impl Debug for fscrypt_policy_v2


impl Debug for fscrypt_policy_v2


impl Debug for fscrypt_provisioning_key_payload


impl Debug for fscrypt_provisioning_key_payload


impl Debug for fsid_t


impl Debug for fstrim_range


impl Debug for fstrim_range


impl Debug for fsxattr


impl Debug for fsxattr


impl Debug for futex_waitv


impl Debug for futex_waitv


impl Debug for genlmsghdr


impl Debug for glob64_t


impl Debug for glob_t


impl Debug for group


impl Debug for hostent


impl Debug for hwtstamp_config

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for i256


impl Debug for i512


impl Debug for i1024


impl Debug for if_nameindex


impl Debug for if_stats_msg


impl Debug for ifa_cacheinfo


impl Debug for ifaddrmsg


impl Debug for ifaddrs


impl Debug for ifconf

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for ifinfomsg


impl Debug for ifla_bridge_id


impl Debug for ifla_cacheinfo


impl Debug for ifla_geneve_df


impl Debug for ifla_gtp_role


impl Debug for ifla_port_vsi


impl Debug for ifla_rmnet_flags


impl Debug for ifla_vf_broadcast


impl Debug for ifla_vf_guid


impl Debug for ifla_vf_mac


impl Debug for ifla_vf_rate


impl Debug for ifla_vf_rss_query_en


impl Debug for ifla_vf_spoofchk


impl Debug for ifla_vf_trust


impl Debug for ifla_vf_tx_rate


impl Debug for ifla_vf_vlan


impl Debug for ifla_vf_vlan_info


impl Debug for ifla_vlan_flags


impl Debug for ifla_vlan_qos_mapping


impl Debug for ifla_vxlan_df


impl Debug for ifla_vxlan_port_range


impl Debug for ifmap


impl Debug for ifreq

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for in6_addr


impl Debug for in6_addr_gen_mode


impl Debug for in6_ifreq


impl Debug for in6_pktinfo


impl Debug for in6_rtmsg


impl Debug for in_addr


impl Debug for in_addr


impl Debug for in_addr


impl Debug for in_pktinfo


impl Debug for in_pktinfo


impl Debug for in_pktinfo


impl Debug for inodes_stat_t


impl Debug for inodes_stat_t


impl Debug for inotify_event


impl Debug for inotify_event


impl Debug for inotify_event


impl Debug for input_absinfo


impl Debug for input_event


impl Debug for input_id


impl Debug for input_keymap_entry


impl Debug for input_mask


impl Debug for io_cqring_offsets


impl Debug for io_sqring_offsets


impl Debug for io_uring_buf


impl Debug for io_uring_buf_reg


impl Debug for io_uring_buf_ring__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for io_uring_buf_ring__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for io_uring_buf_ring__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for io_uring_cqe


impl Debug for io_uring_file_index_range


impl Debug for io_uring_files_update


impl Debug for io_uring_getevents_arg


impl Debug for io_uring_notification_register


impl Debug for io_uring_notification_slot


impl Debug for io_uring_op


impl Debug for io_uring_params


impl Debug for io_uring_probe


impl Debug for io_uring_probe_op


impl Debug for io_uring_recvmsg_out


impl Debug for io_uring_rsrc_register


impl Debug for io_uring_rsrc_update


impl Debug for io_uring_rsrc_update2


impl Debug for io_uring_sqe__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for io_uring_sqe__bindgen_ty_5__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for io_uring_sqe__bindgen_ty_6__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for io_uring_sync_cancel_reg


impl Debug for iocb


impl Debug for iovec


impl Debug for iovec


impl Debug for iovec


impl Debug for iovec


impl Debug for ip6t_getinfo


impl Debug for ip6t_icmp


impl Debug for ip_auth_hdr


impl Debug for ip_auth_hdr


impl Debug for ip_beet_phdr


impl Debug for ip_beet_phdr


impl Debug for ip_comp_hdr


impl Debug for ip_comp_hdr


impl Debug for ip_esp_hdr


impl Debug for ip_esp_hdr


impl Debug for ip_mreq


impl Debug for ip_mreq


impl Debug for ip_mreq


impl Debug for ip_mreq_source


impl Debug for ip_mreq_source


impl Debug for ip_mreq_source


impl Debug for ip_mreqn


impl Debug for ip_mreqn


impl Debug for ip_mreqn


impl Debug for ip_msfilter__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for ip_msfilter__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for ip_msfilter__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for ip_msfilter__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for ipc_perm


impl Debug for iphdr__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for iphdr__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for iphdr__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for iphdr__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for ipv6_mreq


impl Debug for ipv6_opt_hdr


impl Debug for ipv6_opt_hdr


impl Debug for ipv6_rt_hdr


impl Debug for ipv6_rt_hdr


impl Debug for ipvlan_mode


impl Debug for itimerspec


impl Debug for itimerspec


impl Debug for itimerspec


impl Debug for itimerval


impl Debug for itimerval


impl Debug for itimerval


impl Debug for j1939_filter


impl Debug for kernel_sigaction


impl Debug for kernel_sigaction


impl Debug for kernel_sigset_t


impl Debug for kernel_sigset_t


impl Debug for ktermios


impl Debug for ktermios


impl Debug for lconv


impl Debug for linger


impl Debug for linger


impl Debug for linger


impl Debug for linux_dirent64


impl Debug for linux_dirent64


impl Debug for macsec_offload


impl Debug for macsec_validation_type


impl Debug for macvlan_macaddr_mode


impl Debug for macvlan_mode


impl Debug for mallinfo


impl Debug for mallinfo2


impl Debug for mcontext_t


impl Debug for membarrier_cmd


impl Debug for membarrier_cmd


impl Debug for membarrier_cmd_flag


impl Debug for membarrier_cmd_flag


impl Debug for mmsghdr


impl Debug for mmsghdr


impl Debug for mmsghdr


impl Debug for mntent


impl Debug for mount_attr


impl Debug for mount_attr


impl Debug for mq_attr

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for msghdr


impl Debug for msghdr


impl Debug for msghdr


impl Debug for msginfo


impl Debug for msqid_ds


impl Debug for nda_cacheinfo


impl Debug for ndmsg


impl Debug for ndt_config


impl Debug for ndt_stats


impl Debug for ndtmsg


impl Debug for nduseroptmsg


impl Debug for net_device_flags


impl Debug for new_utsname


impl Debug for nf_dev_hooks


impl Debug for nf_inet_hooks


impl Debug for nf_ip6_hook_priorities


impl Debug for nf_ip_hook_priorities


impl Debug for nl_mmap_hdr


impl Debug for nl_mmap_hdr


impl Debug for nl_mmap_req


impl Debug for nl_mmap_req


impl Debug for nl_mmap_status


impl Debug for nl_pktinfo


impl Debug for nl_pktinfo


impl Debug for nla_bitfield32


impl Debug for nlattr


impl Debug for nlattr


impl Debug for nlmsgerr


impl Debug for nlmsgerr


impl Debug for nlmsgerr_attrs


impl Debug for nlmsghdr


impl Debug for nlmsghdr


impl Debug for ntptimeval


impl Debug for old_utsname


impl Debug for oldold_utsname


impl Debug for open_how


impl Debug for open_how


impl Debug for open_how


impl Debug for option


impl Debug for packet_mreq


impl Debug for passwd


impl Debug for pollfd


impl Debug for pollfd


impl Debug for pollfd


impl Debug for prctl_mm_map


impl Debug for prctl_mm_map


impl Debug for prefix_cacheinfo


impl Debug for prefixmsg


impl Debug for protoent


impl Debug for pthread_attr_t


impl Debug for pthread_barrier_t

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for pthread_barrierattr_t


impl Debug for pthread_cond_t

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for pthread_condattr_t


impl Debug for pthread_mutex_t

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for pthread_mutexattr_t


impl Debug for pthread_rwlock_t

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for pthread_rwlockattr_t


impl Debug for ptrace_peeksiginfo_args


impl Debug for ptrace_rseq_configuration


impl Debug for ptrace_syscall_info


impl Debug for rand_pool_info


impl Debug for rand_pool_info


impl Debug for raw_hdlc_proto


impl Debug for regex_t


impl Debug for regmatch_t


impl Debug for rlimit


impl Debug for rlimit


impl Debug for rlimit


impl Debug for rlimit64


impl Debug for rlimit64


impl Debug for rlimit64


impl Debug for robust_list


impl Debug for robust_list


impl Debug for robust_list_head


impl Debug for robust_list_head


impl Debug for rt_class_t


impl Debug for rt_scope_t


impl Debug for rta_cacheinfo


impl Debug for rta_mfc_stats


impl Debug for rta_session__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for rta_session__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for rtattr


impl Debug for rtattr_type_t


impl Debug for rtentry


impl Debug for rtgenmsg


impl Debug for rtmsg


impl Debug for rtnexthop


impl Debug for rtnl_hw_stats64


impl Debug for rtvia


impl Debug for rusage


impl Debug for rusage


impl Debug for rusage


impl Debug for sched_attr

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sched_param


impl Debug for sctp_authinfo


impl Debug for sctp_initmsg


impl Debug for sctp_nxtinfo


impl Debug for sctp_prinfo


impl Debug for sctp_rcvinfo


impl Debug for sctp_sndinfo


impl Debug for sctp_sndrcvinfo


impl Debug for seccomp_data


impl Debug for seccomp_notif


impl Debug for seccomp_notif_addfd


impl Debug for seccomp_notif_resp


impl Debug for seccomp_notif_sizes


impl Debug for sem_t


impl Debug for sembuf


impl Debug for semid_ds


impl Debug for seminfo


impl Debug for servent


impl Debug for shmid_ds


impl Debug for sigaction


impl Debug for sigaction


impl Debug for sigaction


impl Debug for sigaltstack


impl Debug for sigaltstack


impl Debug for sigevent

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sigevent__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for sigevent__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for siginfo_t


impl Debug for signalfd_siginfo


impl Debug for sigset_t


impl Debug for sigval


impl Debug for sock_extended_err


impl Debug for sock_filter


impl Debug for sock_fprog


impl Debug for sockaddr


impl Debug for sockaddr_alg

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sockaddr_in


impl Debug for sockaddr_in


impl Debug for sockaddr_in


impl Debug for sockaddr_in6


impl Debug for sockaddr_ll


impl Debug for sockaddr_nl

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sockaddr_nl


impl Debug for sockaddr_storage

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sockaddr_un

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for sockaddr_un


impl Debug for sockaddr_un


impl Debug for sockaddr_vm


impl Debug for sockaddr_xdp


impl Debug for sockaddr_xdp


impl Debug for socket_state


impl Debug for socket_state


impl Debug for spwd


impl Debug for stack_t


impl Debug for stat


impl Debug for stat


impl Debug for stat


impl Debug for stat64


impl Debug for statfs


impl Debug for statfs


impl Debug for statfs


impl Debug for statfs64


impl Debug for statfs64


impl Debug for statfs64


impl Debug for statvfs


impl Debug for statvfs64


impl Debug for statx


impl Debug for statx


impl Debug for statx


impl Debug for statx_timestamp


impl Debug for statx_timestamp


impl Debug for statx_timestamp


impl Debug for sync_serial_settings


impl Debug for sysinfo


impl Debug for sysinfo


impl Debug for tcamsg


impl Debug for tcmsg


impl Debug for tcp_ca_state


impl Debug for tcp_ca_state


impl Debug for tcp_diag_md5sig


impl Debug for tcp_diag_md5sig


impl Debug for tcp_fastopen_client_fail


impl Debug for tcp_fastopen_client_fail


impl Debug for tcp_info


impl Debug for tcp_info


impl Debug for tcp_repair_opt


impl Debug for tcp_repair_opt


impl Debug for tcp_repair_window


impl Debug for tcp_repair_window


impl Debug for tcp_zerocopy_receive


impl Debug for tcp_zerocopy_receive


impl Debug for tcphdr


impl Debug for tcphdr


impl Debug for te1_settings


impl Debug for termio


impl Debug for termio


impl Debug for termios


impl Debug for termios


impl Debug for termios


impl Debug for termios2


impl Debug for termios2


impl Debug for termios2


impl Debug for timespec


impl Debug for timespec


impl Debug for timespec


impl Debug for timeval


impl Debug for timeval


impl Debug for timeval


impl Debug for timex


impl Debug for timezone


impl Debug for timezone


impl Debug for timezone


impl Debug for tls12_crypto_info_aes_gcm_128


impl Debug for tls12_crypto_info_aes_gcm_256


impl Debug for tls12_crypto_info_chacha20_poly1305


impl Debug for tls_crypto_info


impl Debug for tm


impl Debug for tms


impl Debug for tunnel_msg


impl Debug for u1


impl Debug for u2


impl Debug for u3


impl Debug for u4


impl Debug for u5


impl Debug for u6


impl Debug for u7


impl Debug for u24


impl Debug for u40


impl Debug for u48


impl Debug for u56


impl Debug for u256


impl Debug for u512


impl Debug for u1024


impl Debug for ucontext_t

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for ucred


impl Debug for ucred


impl Debug for ucred


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_3


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_4


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5


impl Debug for uffd_msg__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_5


impl Debug for uffdio_api


impl Debug for uffdio_api


impl Debug for uffdio_continue


impl Debug for uffdio_continue


impl Debug for uffdio_copy


impl Debug for uffdio_copy


impl Debug for uffdio_range


impl Debug for uffdio_range


impl Debug for uffdio_register


impl Debug for uffdio_register


impl Debug for uffdio_writeprotect


impl Debug for uffdio_writeprotect


impl Debug for uffdio_zeropage


impl Debug for uffdio_zeropage


impl Debug for uinput_abs_setup


impl Debug for uinput_ff_erase


impl Debug for uinput_ff_upload


impl Debug for uinput_setup

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for uinput_user_dev

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for user


impl Debug for user_desc


impl Debug for user_desc


impl Debug for user_fpregs_struct

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for user_regs_struct


impl Debug for utimbuf


impl Debug for utmpx

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for utsname

Available on crate feature extra_traits only.

impl Debug for vfs_cap_data


impl Debug for vfs_cap_data


impl Debug for vfs_cap_data__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for vfs_cap_data__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for vfs_ns_cap_data


impl Debug for vfs_ns_cap_data


impl Debug for vfs_ns_cap_data__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for vfs_ns_cap_data__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for winsize


impl Debug for winsize


impl Debug for winsize


impl Debug for x25_hdlc_proto


impl Debug for xdp_desc


impl Debug for xdp_desc


impl Debug for xdp_mmap_offsets


impl Debug for xdp_mmap_offsets


impl Debug for xdp_mmap_offsets_v1


impl Debug for xdp_mmap_offsets_v1


impl Debug for xdp_options


impl Debug for xdp_options


impl Debug for xdp_ring_offset


impl Debug for xdp_ring_offset


impl Debug for xdp_ring_offset_v1


impl Debug for xdp_ring_offset_v1


impl Debug for xdp_statistics


impl Debug for xdp_statistics


impl Debug for xdp_statistics_v1


impl Debug for xdp_statistics_v1


impl Debug for xdp_umem_reg


impl Debug for xdp_umem_reg


impl Debug for xdp_umem_reg_v1


impl Debug for xdp_umem_reg_v1


impl Debug for xt_counters


impl Debug for xt_counters_info


impl Debug for xt_entry_match__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for xt_entry_match__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for xt_entry_target__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_1


impl Debug for xt_entry_target__bindgen_ty_1__bindgen_ty_2


impl Debug for xt_get_revision


impl Debug for xt_match


impl Debug for xt_target


impl Debug for xt_tcp


impl Debug for xt_udp


impl<'a> Debug for DirInfo<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RelayIdRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for KeystoreSelector<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for std::path::Component<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for Prefix<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for serde::de::Unexpected<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for IndexVecIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for AnonHomePath<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Verifier<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BridgeRelay<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for KeystoreEntry<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for UncheckedRelayDetails<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for UncheckedRelay<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RelayExclusion<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RelayRestriction<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RelaySelector<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SelectionInfo<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for untrusted::Input<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for untrusted::Reader<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for core::error::Request<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for core::error::Source<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for core::ffi::c_str::Bytes<'a>

1.10.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::panic::location::Location<'a>

1.10.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for PanicInfo<'a>

1.60.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for EscapeAscii<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::str::iter::Bytes<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for CharIndices<'a>

1.34.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::str::iter::EscapeDebug<'a>

1.34.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::str::iter::EscapeDefault<'a>

1.34.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::str::iter::EscapeUnicode<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for core::str::iter::Lines<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for LinesAny<'a>

1.34.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for SplitAsciiWhitespace<'a>

1.1.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for SplitWhitespace<'a>

1.79.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for Utf8Chunk<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CharSearcher<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ContextBuilder<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for std::net::tcp::Incoming<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SocketAncillary<'a>

1.10.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for std::os::unix::net::listener::Incoming<'a>

1.28.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for std::path::Ancestors<'a>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for PrefixComponent<'a>

1.57.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for CommandArgs<'a>

1.57.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for CommandEnvs<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for log::Metadata<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for MetadataBuilder<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for log::Record<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RecordBuilder<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PrettyFormatter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for socket2::MaybeUninitSlice<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PathSegmentsMut<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for UrlQuery<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BorrowedCursor<'a>

1.36.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for IoSlice<'a>

1.36.0 · source§

impl<'a> Debug for IoSliceMut<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for HsDescBuilder<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Ancestors<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for AnyRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Attributes<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BitStringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BorrowedCertRevocationList<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BorrowedRevokedCert<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ByteClassElements<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ByteClassIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ByteClassRepresentatives<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ByteSerialize<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for BytesOrWideString<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CapturesPatternIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CertRevocationList<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CertificateChain<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CertificateDer<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CertificateRevocationListDer<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CertificateSigningRequestDer<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Chars<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CharsMut<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for CharsRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ClassBytesIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ClassUnicodeIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Components<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ConfigOptsIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Cursor<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DangerousClientConfig<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DataAlgorithmSignature<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DebugHaystack<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Demangle<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DisplayFracRejected<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DnsName<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for DynamicClockId<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Encoder<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for EnterGuard<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Entered<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Event<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Export<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ExportTarget<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ExtensionIterator<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for FfdheGroup<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for GroupInfoAllNames<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for GroupInfoPatternNames<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for HandshakeMessagePayload<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for HandshakePayload<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Header<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for HexDisplay<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Ia5StringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for InBuffer<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for InboundPlainMessage<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for IntRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Iter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for MaybeUninitSlice<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Message<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for MessagePayload<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Metadata<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for MicrodescReader<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for NonBlocking<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for NonBlocking<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Notified<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for OctetStringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for OutboundChunks<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for OutboundPlainMessage<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PatternIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PatternSetIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PercentDecode<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PrintableStringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PrivateKeyDer<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for PrivateKeyInfo<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RawDirEntry<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RawDirEntry<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ReadHalf<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ReadHalf<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Record<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RevocationOptions<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RevocationOptionsBuilder<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RsaOaepParams<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RsaPssParams<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for RsaPublicKey<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SemaphoreGuard<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SemaphoreGuard<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SemaphorePermit<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SequenceIterator<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ServerName<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SetMatchesIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SetMatchesIter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SliceReader<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SliceWriter<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SourceFd<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SubjectPublicKeyInfo<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for SymbolName<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for TeletexStringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for TrustAnchor<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for UintRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for Utf8StringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for ValueSet<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for VideotexStringRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for WaitForCancellationFuture<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for WaitId<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for WakerRef<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for WriteHalf<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for WriteHalf<'a>


impl<'a> Debug for X509Certificate<'a>


impl<'a, 'b> Debug for CharSliceSearcher<'a, 'b>


impl<'a, 'b> Debug for StrSearcher<'a, 'b>


impl<'a, 'b, const N: usize> Debug for CharArrayRefSearcher<'a, 'b, N>


impl<'a, 'bases, R> Debug for EhHdrTableIter<'a, 'bases, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'a, 'ctx, R, A> Debug for UnwindTable<'a, 'ctx, R, A>
where R: Debug + Reader, A: Debug + UnwindContextStorage<R>,


impl<'a, 'f> Debug for VaList<'a, 'f>
where 'f: 'a,


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for FindIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for OneIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for OneIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for OneIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for ThreeIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for ThreeIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for ThreeIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for TwoIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for TwoIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h> Debug for TwoIter<'a, 'h>


impl<'a, 'h, A> Debug for FindIter<'a, 'h, A>
where A: Debug,


impl<'a, 'h, A> Debug for FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'h, A>
where A: Debug,


impl<'a, 'text> Debug for Paragraph<'a, 'text>


impl<'a, 'text> Debug for Paragraph<'a, 'text>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, A> Debug for core::option::Iter<'a, A>
where A: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, A> Debug for core::option::IterMut<'a, A>
where A: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, A, R> Debug for StreamFindIter<'a, A, R>
where A: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<'a, C> Debug for OutBuffer<'a, C>
where C: Debug + WriteBuf + ?Sized,


impl<'a, C, T> Debug for Stream<'a, C, T>
where C: Debug + 'a + ?Sized, T: Debug + 'a + Read + Write + ?Sized,


impl<'a, E> Debug for BytesDeserializer<'a, E>


impl<'a, E> Debug for CowStrDeserializer<'a, E>

Available on crate features std or alloc only.

impl<'a, E> Debug for StrDeserializer<'a, E>


impl<'a, Fut> Debug for Iter<'a, Fut>
where Fut: Debug + Unpin,


impl<'a, Fut> Debug for IterMut<'a, Fut>
where Fut: Debug + Unpin,


impl<'a, Fut> Debug for IterPinMut<'a, Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<'a, Fut> Debug for IterPinRef<'a, Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<'a, I> Debug for ByRefSized<'a, I>
where I: Debug,


impl<'a, I> Debug for Format<'a, I>
where I: Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,

1.21.0 · source§

impl<'a, I, A> Debug for alloc::vec::splice::Splice<'a, I, A>
where I: Debug + Iterator + 'a, A: Debug + Allocator + 'a, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<'a, I, A> Debug for Splice<'a, I, A>
where I: Debug + Iterator + 'a, A: Debug + Allocator + 'a, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<'a, I, E> Debug for ProcessResults<'a, I, E>
where I: Debug, E: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, I, F> Debug for PeekingTakeWhile<'a, I, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, I, F> Debug for TakeWhileRef<'a, I, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug,


impl<'a, I, K, V, S> Debug for Splice<'a, I, K, V, S>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = (K, V)>, K: Debug + Hash + Eq, V: Debug, S: BuildHasher,


impl<'a, I, T, S> Debug for Splice<'a, I, T, S>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = T>, T: Debug + Hash + Eq, S: BuildHasher,


impl<'a, K, F> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::ExtractIf<'a, K, F>
where F: FnMut(&K) -> bool,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::Entry<'a, K, V>
where K: WeakKey, V: Debug, <K as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::Entry<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: WeakElement, <V as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::Entry<'a, K, V>


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::map::Entries<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::map::Keys<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::map::Values<'a, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::ordered_map::Entries<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::ordered_map::Keys<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for phf::ordered_map::Values<'a, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::Drain<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::Iter<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::IterMut<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::Keys<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V>
where K: WeakKey, V: Debug, <K as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::VacantEntry<'a, K, V>
where K: WeakKey, V: Debug, <K as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::Values<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_key_hash_map::ValuesMut<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::Drain<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::Iter<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::Keys<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: WeakElement, <V as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::VacantEntry<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: WeakElement, <V as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_value_hash_map::Values<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::Drain<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::Iter<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::Keys<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V>


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::VacantEntry<'a, K, V>


impl<'a, K, V> Debug for weak_table::weak_weak_hash_map::Values<'a, K, V>
where K: Debug + 'a, V: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, K, V, F> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::ExtractIf<'a, K, V, F>
where F: FnMut(&K, &mut V) -> bool,


impl<'a, L> Debug for ring::hkdf::Okm<'a, L>
where L: Debug + KeyType,


impl<'a, L> Debug for Okm<'a, L>
where L: Debug + KeyType,


impl<'a, M, T, O> Debug for BitDomain<'a, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: 'a + BitStore, O: BitOrder, Address<M, BitSlice<T, O>>: Referential<'a>, Address<M, BitSlice<<T as BitStore>::Unalias, O>>: Referential<'a>, <Address<M, BitSlice<T, O>> as Referential<'a>>::Ref: Debug, <Address<M, BitSlice<<T as BitStore>::Unalias, O>> as Referential<'a>>::Ref: Debug,


impl<'a, M, T, O> Debug for Domain<'a, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: 'a + BitStore, O: BitOrder, Address<M, T>: Referential<'a>, Address<M, [<T as BitStore>::Unalias]>: SliceReferential<'a>, <Address<M, [<T as BitStore>::Unalias]> as Referential<'a>>::Ref: Debug,


impl<'a, M, T, O> Debug for PartialElement<'a, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: 'a + BitStore, O: BitOrder,

1.5.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for MatchIndices<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.2.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::Matches<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.5.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for RMatchIndices<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.2.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for RMatches<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::RSplit<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::RSplitN<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for RSplitTerminator<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::Split<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.51.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::SplitInclusive<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for core::str::iter::SplitN<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, P> Debug for SplitTerminator<'a, P>
where P: Pattern<'a>, <P as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher: Debug,


impl<'a, R> Debug for DisplayRequestable<'a, R>
where R: Requestable,


impl<'a, R> Debug for CallFrameInstructionIter<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'a, R> Debug for EhHdrTable<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'a, R> Debug for FillBuf<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for FillBuf<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for FillBuf<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for Read<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadExact<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadExactFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadExactFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadLine<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadLineFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadLineFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToEnd<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToEndFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToEndFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToString<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToStringFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadToStringFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadUntil<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadUntilFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadUntilFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadVectored<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadVectoredFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReadVectoredFuture<'a, R>
where R: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReplacerRef<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for ReplacerRef<'a, R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R> Debug for SeeKRelative<'a, R>
where R: Debug,


impl<'a, R> Debug for StreamFindIter<'a, R>
where R: Debug,


impl<'a, R, G, T> Debug for MappedReentrantMutexGuard<'a, R, G, T>
where R: RawMutex + 'a, G: GetThreadId + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, G, T> Debug for ReentrantMutexGuard<'a, R, G, T>
where R: RawMutex + 'a, G: GetThreadId + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for MappedMutexGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawMutex + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for MappedRwLockReadGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawRwLock + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawRwLock + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for MutexGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawMutex + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for RwLockReadGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawRwLock + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawRwLockUpgrade + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuard<'a, R, T>
where R: RawRwLock + 'a, T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, W> Debug for Copy<'a, R, W>
where R: Debug, W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, W> Debug for CopyBuf<'a, R, W>
where R: Debug, W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, R, W> Debug for CopyBufAbortable<'a, R, W>
where R: Debug, W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for Drain<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for NextFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for NextFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for NthFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for NthFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for Seek<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for SeekFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for SeekFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for TryNextFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S> Debug for TryNextFuture<'a, S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, S, F> Debug for FindMapFuture<'a, S, F>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, F: Debug,


impl<'a, S, F> Debug for FindMapFuture<'a, S, F>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, F: Debug,


impl<'a, S, F> Debug for TryForEachFuture<'a, S, F>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, F: Debug,


impl<'a, S, F> Debug for TryForEachFuture<'a, S, F>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, F: Debug,


impl<'a, S, F, B> Debug for TryFoldFuture<'a, S, F, B>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<'a, S, F, B> Debug for TryFoldFuture<'a, S, F, B>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for AllFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for AllFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for AnyFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for AnyFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for FindFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for FindFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for PositionFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, P> Debug for PositionFuture<'a, S, P>
where S: Debug + ?Sized, P: Debug,


impl<'a, S, T> Debug for SliceChooseIter<'a, S, T>
where S: Debug + 'a + ?Sized, T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, Si, Item> Debug for Close<'a, Si, Item>
where Si: Debug + ?Sized, Item: Debug,


impl<'a, Si, Item> Debug for Feed<'a, Si, Item>
where Si: Debug + ?Sized, Item: Debug,


impl<'a, Si, Item> Debug for Flush<'a, Si, Item>
where Si: Debug + ?Sized, Item: Debug,


impl<'a, Si, Item> Debug for Send<'a, Si, Item>
where Si: Debug + ?Sized, Item: Debug,


impl<'a, Size> Debug for Coordinates<'a, Size>
where Size: Debug + ModulusSize,


impl<'a, St> Debug for Iter<'a, St>
where St: Debug + Unpin,


impl<'a, St> Debug for IterMut<'a, St>
where St: Debug + Unpin,


impl<'a, St> Debug for Next<'a, St>
where St: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, St> Debug for SelectNextSome<'a, St>
where St: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, St> Debug for TryNext<'a, St>
where St: Debug + ?Sized,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::Range<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::result::Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::result::IterMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::Chunks<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::ChunksExact<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::ChunksExactMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::ChunksMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::RChunks<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::RChunksExact<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::RChunksExactMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.31.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::RChunksMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for core::slice::iter::Windows<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,

1.15.0 · source§

impl<'a, T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::TryIter<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for phf::ordered_set::Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for phf::set::Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for rand::distributions::slice::Slice<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Append<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for AsyncFdReadyGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + AsRawFd,


impl<'a, T> Debug for AsyncFdReadyMutGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + AsRawFd,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Cancellation<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for ContextSpecificRef<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Drain<'a, T>
where T: 'a + Array, <T as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Drain<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Drain<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Entry<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for GetAll<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Iter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for IterMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T> Debug for IterMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Keys<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for MappedMutexGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for MutexGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for OccupiedEntry<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for OnceRef<'a, T>


impl<'a, T> Debug for Ptr<'a, T>
where T: 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Recv<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Recv<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Ref<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockMappedWriteGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockUpgradeableGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + 'a + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Send<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Send<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for SequenceOfIter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for SetOfIter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for VacantEntry<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for VacantEntry<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for ValueDrain<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for ValueIter<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for ValueIterMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for Values<'a, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'a, T> Debug for ValuesMut<'a, T>
where T: Debug,

1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a, T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::binary_heap::Drain<'a, T, A>
where T: Debug + 'a, A: Debug + Allocator,


impl<'a, T, A> Debug for DrainSorted<'a, T, A>
where T: Debug + Ord, A: Debug + Allocator,


impl<'a, T, F> Debug for PoolGuard<'a, T, F>
where T: Send + Debug, F: Fn() -> T,


impl<'a, T, F, A> Debug for alloc::vec::extract_if::ExtractIf<'a, T, F, A>
where T: Debug, F: Debug + FnMut(&mut T) -> bool, A: Debug + Allocator,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for Chunks<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for ChunksExact<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for ChunksExactMut<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder, <T as BitStore>::Alias: Debug,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for ChunksMut<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder, <T as BitStore>::Alias: Debug,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for IterOnes<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for IterZeros<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for RChunks<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for RChunksExact<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for RChunksExactMut<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder, <T as BitStore>::Alias: Debug,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for RChunksMut<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder, <T as BitStore>::Alias: Debug,


impl<'a, T, O> Debug for Windows<'a, T, O>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder,


impl<'a, T, O, I> Debug for Splice<'a, T, O, I>
where T: Debug + 'a + BitStore, O: Debug + BitOrder, I: Debug + Iterator<Item = bool>,

1.77.0 · source§

impl<'a, T, P> Debug for ChunkBy<'a, T, P>
where T: 'a + Debug,

1.77.0 · source§

impl<'a, T, P> Debug for ChunkByMut<'a, T, P>
where T: 'a + Debug,


impl<'a, T, const N: usize> Debug for core::slice::iter::ArrayChunks<'a, T, N>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T, const N: usize> Debug for ArrayChunksMut<'a, T, N>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, T, const N: usize> Debug for ArrayWindows<'a, T, N>
where T: Debug + 'a,


impl<'a, W> Debug for Close<'a, W>
where W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for CloseFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for CloseFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for Flush<'a, W>
where W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for FlushFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for FlushFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for Write<'a, W>
where W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteAll<'a, W>
where W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteAllFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteAllFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteVectored<'a, W>
where W: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteVectoredFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, W> Debug for WriteVectoredFuture<'a, W>
where W: Debug + Unpin + ?Sized,


impl<'a, const N: usize> Debug for CharArraySearcher<'a, N>


impl<'abbrev, 'entry, 'unit, R> Debug for AttrsIter<'abbrev, 'entry, 'unit, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, 'tree, R> Debug for EntriesTreeIter<'abbrev, 'unit, 'tree, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, 'tree, R> Debug for EntriesTreeNode<'abbrev, 'unit, 'tree, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R> Debug for EntriesCursor<'abbrev, 'unit, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R> Debug for EntriesRaw<'abbrev, 'unit, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R> Debug for EntriesTree<'abbrev, 'unit, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R, Offset> Debug for DebuggingInformationEntry<'abbrev, 'unit, R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<'bases, Section, R> Debug for CfiEntriesIter<'bases, Section, R>
where Section: Debug + UnwindSection<R>, R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'bases, Section, R> Debug for CieOrFde<'bases, Section, R>
where Section: Debug + UnwindSection<R>, R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'bases, Section, R> Debug for PartialFrameDescriptionEntry<'bases, Section, R>
where Section: Debug + UnwindSection<R>, R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug, <Section as UnwindSection<R>>::Offset: Debug,


impl<'c, 'h> Debug for SubCaptureMatches<'c, 'h>


impl<'c, 'h> Debug for SubCaptureMatches<'c, 'h>


impl<'c, 'i, Data> Debug for UnbufferedStatus<'c, 'i, Data>
where Data: Debug,


impl<'data> Debug for ArchiveMember<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for AttributeIndexIterator<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for AttributeReader<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for AttributesSubsubsection<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for Bytes<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for CodeView<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for CompressedData<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for DataDirectories<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for DelayLoadDescriptorIterator<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for DelayLoadImportTable<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for Export<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ExportTable<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for GnuProperty<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for Import<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for Import<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportDescriptorIterator<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportFile<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportName<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportObjectData<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportTable<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ImportThunkList<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ObjectMap<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ObjectMapEntry<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for RelocationBlockIterator<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for RelocationIterator<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ResourceDirectory<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ResourceDirectoryEntryData<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for ResourceDirectoryTable<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for RichHeaderInfo<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for SectionTable<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for SymbolMapName<'data>


impl<'data> Debug for Version<'data>


impl<'data, 'cache, E, R> Debug for DyldCacheImage<'data, 'cache, E, R>
where E: Debug + Endian, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'cache, E, R> Debug for DyldCacheImageIterator<'data, 'cache, E, R>
where E: Debug + Endian, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfComdat<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfDynamicRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSection<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSectionRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSegment<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::ProgramHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::ProgramHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSymbol<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug, <Elf as FileHeader>::Sym: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Elf, R> Debug for ElfSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOComdat<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachORelocationIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: MachHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSection<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: MachHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSegment<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSymbol<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Mach as MachHeader>::Nlist: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: MachHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Mach, R> Debug for MachOSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeComdat<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Debug for PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for Comdat<'data, 'file, R>
where R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for ComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for ComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for DynamicRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for PeRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for Section<'data, 'file, R>
where R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for SectionIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for SectionRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for Segment<'data, 'file, R>
where R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for SegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for Symbol<'data, 'file, R>
where R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for SymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R> Debug for SymbolTable<'data, 'file, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffComdat<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader, <Coff as CoffHeader>::ImageSymbol: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: ReadRef<'data>, Coff: CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSection<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSegment<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader, <Coff as CoffHeader>::ImageSymbol: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: ReadRef<'data>, Coff: CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, R, Coff> Debug for CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffComdat<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffComdatIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffComdatSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSection<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Xcoff as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Xcoff as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSegment<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSymbol<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Xcoff as FileHeader>::Symbol: Debug,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSymbolIterator<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: FileHeader, R: ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, 'table, R, Coff> Debug for SymbolIterator<'data, 'table, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, 'table, Xcoff, R> Debug for SymbolIterator<'data, 'table, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, E> Debug for LoadCommandData<'data, E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<'data, E> Debug for LoadCommandIterator<'data, E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<'data, E> Debug for LoadCommandVariant<'data, E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<'data, E, R> Debug for DyldCache<'data, E, R>
where E: Debug + Endian, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, E, R> Debug for DyldSubCache<'data, E, R>
where E: Debug + Endian, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for AttributesSection<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for AttributesSubsection<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for AttributesSubsectionIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for AttributesSubsubsectionIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for GnuHashTable<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for HashTable<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for Note<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::NoteHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for NoteIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for VerdauxIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for VerdefIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for VernauxIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for VerneedIterator<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf> Debug for VersionTable<'data, Elf>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf, R> Debug for ElfFile<'data, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug, <Elf as FileHeader>::ProgramHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf, R> Debug for SectionTable<'data, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, Elf, R> Debug for SymbolTable<'data, Elf, R>
where Elf: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Elf as FileHeader>::Sym: Debug, <Elf as FileHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Endian> Debug for GnuPropertyIterator<'data, Endian>
where Endian: Debug + Endian,


impl<'data, Mach, R> Debug for MachOFile<'data, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Mach as MachHeader>::Endian: Debug,


impl<'data, Mach, R> Debug for SymbolTable<'data, Mach, R>
where Mach: Debug + MachHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Mach as MachHeader>::Nlist: Debug,


impl<'data, Pe, R> Debug for PeFile<'data, Pe, R>
where Pe: Debug + ImageNtHeaders, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, R> Debug for ArchiveFile<'data, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, R> Debug for ArchiveMemberIterator<'data, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, R> Debug for File<'data, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, R> Debug for StringTable<'data, R>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, R, Coff> Debug for CoffFile<'data, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader,


impl<'data, R, Coff> Debug for SymbolTable<'data, R, Coff>
where R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, Coff: Debug + CoffHeader, <Coff as CoffHeader>::ImageSymbolBytes: Debug,


impl<'data, Xcoff> Debug for SectionTable<'data, Xcoff>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, <Xcoff as FileHeader>::SectionHeader: Debug,


impl<'data, Xcoff, R> Debug for SymbolTable<'data, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>,


impl<'data, Xcoff, R> Debug for XcoffFile<'data, Xcoff, R>
where Xcoff: Debug + FileHeader, R: Debug + ReadRef<'data>, <Xcoff as FileHeader>::AuxHeader: Debug,


impl<'de, E> Debug for BorrowedBytesDeserializer<'de, E>


impl<'de, E> Debug for BorrowedStrDeserializer<'de, E>


impl<'de, I, E> Debug for MapDeserializer<'de, I, E>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Pair, <<I as Iterator>::Item as Pair>::Second: Debug,


impl<'f> Debug for VaListImpl<'f>


impl<'fd> Debug for PollFd<'fd>


impl<'fd> Debug for PollFd<'fd>


impl<'h> Debug for Captures<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Captures<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Input<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Input<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Match<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Match<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Memchr2<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Memchr3<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Memchr<'h>


impl<'h> Debug for Searcher<'h>


impl<'h, 'n> Debug for FindIter<'h, 'n>


impl<'h, 'n> Debug for FindRevIter<'h, 'n>


impl<'h, F> Debug for CapturesIter<'h, F>
where F: Debug,


impl<'h, F> Debug for HalfMatchesIter<'h, F>
where F: Debug,


impl<'h, F> Debug for MatchesIter<'h, F>
where F: Debug,


impl<'h, F> Debug for TryCapturesIter<'h, F>

Available on crate feature alloc only.

impl<'h, F> Debug for TryHalfMatchesIter<'h, F>


impl<'h, F> Debug for TryMatchesIter<'h, F>


impl<'headers, 'buf> Debug for Request<'headers, 'buf>


impl<'headers, 'buf> Debug for Response<'headers, 'buf>


impl<'i> Debug for InstancePurgeInfo<'i>


impl<'i> Debug for TrackingInstantOffsetNow<'i>


impl<'index, R> Debug for UnitIndexSectionIterator<'index, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'input, Endian> Debug for EndianSlice<'input, Endian>
where Endian: Endianity,


impl<'iter, R> Debug for RegisterRuleIter<'iter, R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<'k> Debug for log::kv::key::Key<'k>


impl<'k> Debug for KeyMut<'k>


impl<'n> Debug for Finder<'n>


impl<'n> Debug for FinderRev<'n>


impl<'name, 'bufs, 'control> Debug for MsgHdr<'name, 'bufs, 'control>

Available on non-Redox only.

impl<'name, 'bufs, 'control> Debug for MsgHdrMut<'name, 'bufs, 'control>

Available on non-Redox only.

impl<'r> Debug for CaptureNames<'r>


impl<'r> Debug for CaptureNames<'r>


impl<'r, 'c, 'h> Debug for CapturesMatches<'r, 'c, 'h>


impl<'r, 'c, 'h> Debug for FindMatches<'r, 'c, 'h>


impl<'r, 'c, 'h> Debug for FindMatches<'r, 'c, 'h>


impl<'r, 'c, 'h> Debug for TryCapturesMatches<'r, 'c, 'h>


impl<'r, 'c, 'h> Debug for TryFindMatches<'r, 'c, 'h>


impl<'r, 'ctx, T> Debug for AsyncAsSync<'r, 'ctx, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'r, 'ctx, T> Debug for AsyncAsSync<'r, 'ctx, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for CaptureMatches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for CaptureMatches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for CapturesMatches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for FindMatches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for Matches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for Matches<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for Split<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for Split<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for Split<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for SplitN<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for SplitN<'r, 'h>


impl<'r, 'h> Debug for SplitN<'r, 'h>


impl<'s> Debug for NoExpand<'s>


impl<'s> Debug for NoExpand<'s>


impl<'s> Debug for Uncased<'s>


impl<'s, 'f> Debug for Slot<'s, 'f>


impl<'s, 'h> Debug for FindIter<'s, 'h>


impl<'s, T> Debug for SliceVec<'s, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<'scope, 'env> Debug for ScopedThreadBuilder<'scope, 'env>

1.63.0 · source§

impl<'scope, T> Debug for std::thread::scoped::ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T>


impl<'srcs> Debug for FoundConfigFiles<'srcs>


impl<'str> Debug for EitherOsStr<'str>


impl<'str> Debug for EitherOsStr<'str>


impl<'text> Debug for BidiInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for BidiInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for InitialInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for InitialInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for ParagraphBidiInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for ParagraphBidiInfo<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for Utf8IndexLenIter<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for Utf16CharIndexIter<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for Utf16CharIter<'text>


impl<'text> Debug for Utf16IndexLenIter<'text>


impl<'v> Debug for log::kv::value::Value<'v>


impl<'v> Debug for ValueBag<'v>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<A> Debug for core::option::IntoIter<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for ExtendedGcd<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for EnumAccessDeserializer<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for MapAccessDeserializer<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for SeqAccessDeserializer<A>
where A: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<A> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Repeat<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::RepeatN<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for Aad<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for ArrayVec<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for ArrayVecIterator<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for IntoIter<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for RepeatN<A>
where A: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for SmallVec<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for TinyVec<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A> Debug for TinyVecIterator<A>
where A: Array, <A as Array>::Item: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Either<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Select<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for TrySelect<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<A, B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Chain<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<A, B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Zip<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for Either<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for EitherOrBoth<A, B>
where A: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for Zip<A, B>
where A: Debug + Stream, B: Debug, <A as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for Zip<A, B>
where A: Debug + Stream, B: Debug, <A as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<A, B> Debug for Zip<A, B>
where A: Stream + Debug, B: Debug,


impl<A, O> Debug for BitArray<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,


impl<A, O> Debug for IntoIter<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.
1.0.0 · source§

impl<B> Debug for Cow<'_, B>
where B: Debug + ToOwned + ?Sized, <B as ToOwned>::Owned: Debug,


impl<B> Debug for ring::agreement::UnparsedPublicKey<B>
where B: Debug + AsRef<[u8]>,


impl<B> Debug for RsaPublicKeyComponents<B>
where B: Debug + AsRef<[u8]>,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Lines<B>
where B: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<B> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Split<B>
where B: Debug,


impl<B> Debug for Flag<B>
where B: Debug,


impl<B> Debug for PublicKeyComponents<B>
where B: Debug,


impl<B> Debug for Reader<B>
where B: Debug,


impl<B> Debug for UnparsedPublicKey<B>
where B: Debug + AsRef<[u8]>,


impl<B> Debug for UnparsedPublicKey<B>
where B: Debug + AsRef<[u8]>,


impl<B> Debug for Writer<B>
where B: Debug,

1.55.0 · source§

impl<B, C> Debug for ControlFlow<B, C>
where B: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<B, T> Debug for AlignAs<B, T>
where B: Debug + ?Sized, T: Debug,


impl<BlockSize, Kind> Debug for BlockBuffer<BlockSize, Kind>
where BlockSize: Debug + ArrayLength<u8> + IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>, Kind: Debug + BufferKind, <BlockSize as IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>>::Output: NonZero,


impl<C> Debug for ContextError<C>
where C: Debug,


impl<C, T> Debug for StreamOwned<C, T>
where C: Debug, T: Debug + Read + Write,


impl<D> Debug for HmacCore<D>
where D: CoreProxy, <D as CoreProxy>::Core: HashMarker + AlgorithmName + UpdateCore + FixedOutputCore<BufferKind = Eager> + BufferKindUser + Default + Clone, <<D as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>, <<<D as CoreProxy>::Core as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize as IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>>::Output: NonZero,


impl<D> Debug for SimpleHmac<D>
where D: Digest + BlockSizeUser + Debug,


impl<D> Debug for BlindedSigningKey<D>
where D: Debug + Digest,


impl<D> Debug for RouterStatusBuilder<D>
where D: Debug,


impl<D> Debug for SigningKey<D>
where D: Debug + Digest,


impl<D> Debug for SigningKey<D>
where D: Debug + Digest,


impl<D> Debug for VerifyingKey<D>
where D: Debug + Digest,


impl<D> Debug for VerifyingKey<D>
where D: Debug + Digest,


impl<D, F, T, S> Debug for DistMap<D, F, T, S>
where D: Debug, F: Debug, T: Debug, S: Debug,


impl<D, MGD> Debug for DecryptingKey<D, MGD>
where D: Debug + Digest, MGD: Debug + Digest + FixedOutputReset,


impl<D, MGD> Debug for EncryptingKey<D, MGD>
where D: Debug + Digest, MGD: Debug + Digest + FixedOutputReset,


impl<D, R, T> Debug for DistIter<D, R, T>
where D: Debug, R: Debug, T: Debug,


impl<Data> Debug for ConnectionState<'_, '_, Data>


impl<Dyn> Debug for DynMetadata<Dyn>
where Dyn: ?Sized,


impl<E> Debug for std::error::Report<E>
where Report<E>: Display,


impl<E> Debug for BoolDeserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for CharDeserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for F32Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for F64Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for I8Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for I16Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for I32Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for I64Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for I128Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for IsizeDeserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for StringDeserializer<E>

Available on crate features std or alloc only.

impl<E> Debug for U8Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for U16Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for U32Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for U64Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for U128Deserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for UnitDeserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for UsizeDeserializer<E>


impl<E> Debug for RetryError<E>
where E: Debug,


impl<E> Debug for BuildToolVersion<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for BuildVersionCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for CompressionHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for CompressionHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DataInCodeEntry<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DyldCacheHeader<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DyldCacheImageInfo<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DyldCacheMappingInfo<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DyldInfoCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DyldSubCacheInfo<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Dylib<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylibCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylibModule32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylibModule64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylibReference<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylibTableOfContents<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DylinkerCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Dyn32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Dyn64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for DysymtabCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for EncryptionInfoCommand32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for EncryptionInfoCommand64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for EntryPointCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for ErrMode<E>
where E: Debug,


impl<E> Debug for FileHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for FileHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for FilesetEntryCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for FvmfileCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Fvmlib<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for FvmlibCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for GnuHashHeader<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for HashHeader<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for I16Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for I32Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for I64Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for IdentCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for LcStr<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for LinkeditDataCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for LinkerOptionCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for LoadCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for LookupError<E>
where E: Debug,


impl<E> Debug for MachHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for MachHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for MultilineListBuilderError<E>
where E: Debug + Error + Clone + Send + Sync,


impl<E> Debug for Nlist32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Nlist64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for NoteCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for NoteHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for NoteHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for ParseNotNanError<E>
where E: Debug,


impl<E> Debug for PrebindCksumCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for PreboundDylibCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for ProgramHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for ProgramHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Rel32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Rel64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Rela32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Rela64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Relocation<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Report<E>
where E: Debug + AsRef<dyn Error>,


impl<E> Debug for RoutinesCommand32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for RoutinesCommand64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for RpathCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Section32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Section64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SectionHeader32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SectionHeader64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SegmentCommand32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SegmentCommand64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SourceVersionCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SubClientCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SubFrameworkCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SubLibraryCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SubUmbrellaCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SubfieldBuildError<E>
where E: Debug,


impl<E> Debug for Sym32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Sym64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Syminfo32<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Syminfo64<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SymsegCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for SymtabCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for ThreadCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for TwolevelHint<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for TwolevelHintsCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for U16Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for U32Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for U64Bytes<E>
where E: Endian,


impl<E> Debug for UuidCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Verdaux<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Verdef<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Vernaux<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Verneed<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for VersionMinCommand<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E> Debug for Versym<E>
where E: Debug + Endian,


impl<E: Debug> Debug for BackoffError<E>


impl<EB> Debug for MultilineListBuilder<EB>
where EB: Debug,


impl<Enc, Dec> Debug for JsonCodec<Enc, Dec>
where Enc: Debug, Dec: Debug,


impl<Enum> Debug for TryFromPrimitiveError<Enum>
where Enum: TryFromPrimitive,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Or<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug, F2: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Or<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug, F2: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Race<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug, F2: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Race<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug, F2: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for TryZip<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug + Future, F2: Debug + Future, <F1 as Future>::Output: Debug, <F2 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Zip<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug + Future, F2: Debug + Future, <F1 as Future>::Output: Debug, <F2 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<F1, F2> Debug for Zip<F1, F2>
where F1: Debug + Future, F2: Debug + Future, <F1 as Future>::Output: Debug, <F2 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<F1, T1, F2, T2> Debug for TryZip<F1, T1, F2, T2>
where F1: Debug, T1: Debug, F2: Debug, T2: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for FormatterFn<F>
where F: Fn(&mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>,


impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Flatten<F>
where Flatten<F, <F as Future>::Output>: Debug, F: Future,


impl<F> Debug for FlattenStream<F>
where Flatten<F, <F as Future>::Output>: Debug, F: Future,


impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::IntoStream<F>
where Once<F>: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for JoinAll<F>
where F: Future + Debug, <F as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Lazy<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for OptionFuture<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for TryJoinAll<F>
where F: TryFuture + Debug, <F as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <F as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, <F as Future>::Output: Debug,

1.64.0 · source§

impl<F> Debug for core::future::poll_fn::PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for CharPredicateSearcher<'_, F>
where F: FnMut(char) -> bool,

1.34.0 · source§

impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::FromFn<F>

1.68.0 · source§

impl<F> Debug for OnceWith<F>

1.68.0 · source§

impl<F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::RepeatWith<F>


impl<F> Debug for CatchUnwind<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for CatchUnwind<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for Data<F>
where F: Debug + Format,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<F> Debug for F
where F: FnPtr,


impl<F> Debug for FromFn<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for FutureWrapper<F>
where F: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<F> Debug for FutureWrapper<F>
where F: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<F> Debug for OnceFuture<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for OnceFuture<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollFn<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollOnce<F>


impl<F> Debug for PollOnce<F>


impl<F> Debug for RepeatCall<F>


impl<F> Debug for RepeatWith<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for RepeatWith<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for RepeatWith<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for RepeatWith<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F> Debug for WithInfo<F>
where F: Debug,


impl<F, T> Debug for Successors<F, T>
where F: Debug + FnMut(&T) -> Option<T>, T: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Join<Fut1, Fut2>
where Fut1: Future + Debug, <Fut1 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut2: Future + Debug, <Fut2 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::TryFlatten<Fut1, Fut2>
where TryFlatten<Fut1, Fut2>: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2> Debug for TryJoin<Fut1, Fut2>
where Fut1: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut2: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::AndThen<Fut1, Fut2, F>
where TryFlatten<MapOk<Fut1, F>, Fut2>: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::OrElse<Fut1, Fut2, F>
where TryFlattenErr<MapErr<Fut1, F>, Fut2>: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Then<Fut1, Fut2, F>
where Flatten<Map<Fut1, F>, Fut2>: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3> Debug for Join3<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3>
where Fut1: Future + Debug, <Fut1 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut2: Future + Debug, <Fut2 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut3: Future + Debug, <Fut3 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3> Debug for TryJoin3<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3>
where Fut1: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut2: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut3: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4> Debug for Join4<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4>
where Fut1: Future + Debug, <Fut1 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut2: Future + Debug, <Fut2 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut3: Future + Debug, <Fut3 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut4: Future + Debug, <Fut4 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4> Debug for TryJoin4<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4>
where Fut1: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut2: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut3: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut4: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut4 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut4 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4, Fut5> Debug for Join5<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4, Fut5>
where Fut1: Future + Debug, <Fut1 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut2: Future + Debug, <Fut2 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut3: Future + Debug, <Fut3 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut4: Future + Debug, <Fut4 as Future>::Output: Debug, Fut5: Future + Debug, <Fut5 as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4, Fut5> Debug for TryJoin5<Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4, Fut5>
where Fut1: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut1 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut2: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut2 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut3: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut3 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut4: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut4 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut4 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug, Fut5: TryFuture + Debug, <Fut5 as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug, <Fut5 as TryFuture>::Error: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for MaybeDone<Fut>
where Fut: Debug + Future, <Fut as Future>::Output: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for TryMaybeDone<Fut>
where Fut: Debug + TryFuture, <Fut as TryFuture>::Ok: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::CatchUnwind<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Fuse<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for IntoFuture<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for NeverError<Fut>
where Map<Fut, OkFn<Infallible>>: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for Remote<Fut>
where Fut: Future + Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::SelectAll<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for SelectOk<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for Shared<Fut>
where Fut: Future,


impl<Fut> Debug for TryFlattenStream<Fut>
where TryFlatten<Fut, <Fut as TryFuture>::Ok>: Debug, Fut: TryFuture,


impl<Fut> Debug for UnitError<Fut>
where Map<Fut, OkFn<()>>: Debug,


impl<Fut> Debug for WeakShared<Fut>
where Fut: Future,


impl<Fut> Debug for FuturesOrdered<Fut>
where Fut: Future,


impl<Fut> Debug for FuturesUnordered<Fut>


impl<Fut> Debug for IntoIter<Fut>
where Fut: Debug + Unpin,


impl<Fut> Debug for Once<Fut>
where Fut: Debug,


impl<Fut, E> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::ErrInto<Fut, E>
where MapErr<Fut, IntoFn<E>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, E> Debug for OkInto<Fut, E>
where MapOk<Fut, IntoFn<E>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Inspect<Fut, F>
where Map<Fut, InspectFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::InspectErr<Fut, F>
where Inspect<IntoFuture<Fut>, InspectErrFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::InspectOk<Fut, F>
where Inspect<IntoFuture<Fut>, InspectOkFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Map<Fut, F>
where Map<Fut, F>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::MapErr<Fut, F>
where Map<IntoFuture<Fut>, MapErrFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::MapOk<Fut, F>
where Map<IntoFuture<Fut>, MapOkFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F> Debug for UnwrapOrElse<Fut, F>
where Map<IntoFuture<Fut>, UnwrapOrElseFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, F, G> Debug for MapOkOrElse<Fut, F, G>
where Map<IntoFuture<Fut>, ChainFn<MapOkFn<F>, ChainFn<MapErrFn<G>, MergeResultFn>>>: Debug,


impl<Fut, Si> Debug for FlattenSink<Fut, Si>
where TryFlatten<Fut, Si>: Debug,


impl<Fut, T> Debug for MapInto<Fut, T>
where Map<Fut, IntoFn<T>>: Debug,


impl<H> Debug for ByRelayIds<H>
where H: Debug + HasRelayIds, RsaIdentity: Hash + Eq + Clone, Ed25519Identity: Hash + Eq + Clone,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<H> Debug for BuildHasherDefault<H>


impl<H, I> Debug for Hkdf<H, I>
where H: OutputSizeUser, I: HmacImpl<H>, <I as Sealed<H>>::Core: AlgorithmName,


impl<H, I> Debug for HkdfExtract<H, I>
where H: OutputSizeUser, I: HmacImpl<H>, <I as Sealed<H>>::Core: AlgorithmName,


impl<I> Debug for core::async_iter::from_iter::FromIter<I>
where I: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for DecodeUtf16<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = u16>,

1.1.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Cloned<I>
where I: Debug,

1.36.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Copied<I>
where I: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Cycle<I>
where I: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Enumerate<I>
where I: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Fuse<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Intersperse<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Clone + Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Peekable<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Skip<I>
where I: Debug,

1.28.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::StepBy<I>
where I: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<I> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Take<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Combinations<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for CombinationsWithReplacement<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug + Clone,


impl<I> Debug for ExactlyOneError<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for FromIter<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for GroupingMap<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for InputError<I>
where I: Debug + Clone,


impl<I> Debug for Iter<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Iter<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Iter<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Located<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for MultiPeek<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for MultiProduct<I>
where I: Iterator + Clone + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Clone + Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Partial<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for PeekNth<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Permutations<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Powerset<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for PutBack<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for PutBackN<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for RcIter<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Step<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Tee<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for TreeErrorBase<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for Unique<I>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Hash + Eq + Debug + Clone,


impl<I> Debug for WhileSome<I>
where I: Debug,


impl<I> Debug for WithPosition<I>
where I: Iterator, Peekable<Fuse<I>>: Debug,


impl<I, C> Debug for TreeError<I, C>
where I: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<I, C> Debug for TreeErrorContext<I, C>
where I: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<I, C> Debug for TreeErrorFrame<I, C>
where I: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<I, E> Debug for SeqDeserializer<I, E>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, E> Debug for ParseError<I, E>
where I: Debug, E: Debug,


impl<I, ElemF> Debug for IntersperseWith<I, ElemF>
where I: Debug + Iterator, ElemF: Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::FilterMap<I, F>
where I: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Inspect<I, F>
where I: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Map<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for Batching<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for FilterMapOk<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for FilterOk<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for KMergeBy<I, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for PadUsing<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for Positions<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for TakeWhileInclusive<I, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug,


impl<I, F> Debug for Update<I, F>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, F, const N: usize> Debug for MapWindows<I, F, N>
where I: Iterator + Debug,


impl<I, G> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::IntersperseWith<I, G>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug, G: Debug,


impl<I, J> Debug for ConsTuples<I, J>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = J>, J: Debug,


impl<I, J> Debug for Diff<I, J>
where I: Iterator, J: Iterator, PutBack<I>: Debug, PutBack<J>: Debug,


impl<I, J> Debug for Interleave<I, J>
where I: Debug, J: Debug,


impl<I, J> Debug for InterleaveShortest<I, J>
where I: Debug + Iterator, J: Debug + Iterator<Item = <I as Iterator>::Item>,


impl<I, J> Debug for Product<I, J>
where I: Debug + Iterator, J: Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<I, J> Debug for ZipEq<I, J>
where I: Debug, J: Debug,


impl<I, J, F> Debug for MergeBy<I, J, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug, J: Iterator + Debug, <J as Iterator>::Item: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, P> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Filter<I, P>
where I: Debug,

1.57.0 · source§

impl<I, P> Debug for MapWhile<I, P>
where I: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, P> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::SkipWhile<I, P>
where I: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, P> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::TakeWhile<I, P>
where I: Debug,


impl<I, P> Debug for FilterEntry<I, P>
where I: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<I, S> Debug for Stateful<I, S>
where I: Debug, S: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, St, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Scan<I, St, F>
where I: Debug, St: Debug,


impl<I, T> Debug for CircularTupleWindows<I, T>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = <T as TupleCollect>::Item> + Clone, T: Debug + TupleCollect + Clone,


impl<I, T> Debug for TupleCombinations<I, T>
where I: Debug + Iterator, T: Debug + HasCombination<I>, <T as HasCombination<I>>::Combination: Debug,


impl<I, T> Debug for TupleWindows<I, T>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = <T as TupleCollect>::Item>, T: Debug + HomogeneousTuple,


impl<I, T> Debug for Tuples<I, T>
where I: Debug + Iterator<Item = <T as TupleCollect>::Item>, T: Debug + HomogeneousTuple, <T as TupleCollect>::Buffer: Debug,


impl<I, T, E> Debug for FlattenOk<I, T, E>
where I: Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>> + Debug, T: IntoIterator, <T as IntoIterator>::IntoIter: Debug,

1.29.0 · source§

impl<I, U> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Flatten<I>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: IntoIterator<IntoIter = U, Item = <U as Iterator>::Item>, U: Debug + Iterator,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<I, U, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::FlatMap<I, U, F>
where I: Debug, U: IntoIterator, <U as IntoIterator>::IntoIter: Debug,


impl<I, V, F> Debug for UniqueBy<I, V, F>
where I: Iterator + Debug, V: Debug + Hash + Eq,


impl<I, const N: usize> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::ArrayChunks<I, N>
where I: Debug + Iterator, <I as Iterator>::Item: Debug,


impl<ID> Debug for UnrecognizedExt<ID>
where ID: Debug,


impl<IO> Debug for TlsStream<IO>
where IO: Debug,


impl<IO> Debug for TlsStream<IO>
where IO: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Debug for core::ops::range::Range<Idx>
where Idx: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeFrom<Idx>
where Idx: Debug,

1.26.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeInclusive<Idx>
where Idx: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeTo<Idx>
where Idx: Debug,

1.26.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Debug for RangeToInclusive<Idx>
where Idx: Debug,


impl<Inner> Debug for Frozen<Inner>
where Inner: Debug + Mutability,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::Drain<'_, K>
where K: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::IntoIter<K>
where K: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::Iter<'_, K>
where K: Debug,


impl<K> Debug for Iter<'_, K>
where K: Debug,


impl<K, A> Debug for Drain<'_, K, A>
where K: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, A> Debug for IntoIter<K, A>
where K: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, Q, V, S, A> Debug for EntryRef<'_, '_, K, Q, V, S, A>
where K: Borrow<Q>, Q: Debug + ?Sized, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, Q, V, S, A> Debug for OccupiedEntryRef<'_, '_, K, Q, V, S, A>
where K: Borrow<Q>, Q: Debug + ?Sized, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, Q, V, S, A> Debug for VacantEntryRef<'_, '_, K, Q, V, S, A>
where K: Borrow<Q>, Q: Debug + ?Sized, A: Allocator,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::Entry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::Cursor<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::Iter<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::IterMut<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::Keys<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::Range<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for RangeMut<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::Values<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,

1.10.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::ValuesMut<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::Drain<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::IntoIter<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.54.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::IntoKeys<K, V>
where K: Debug,

1.54.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::IntoValues<K, V>
where V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::Iter<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::IterMut<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::Keys<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::OccupiedEntry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::OccupiedError<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::VacantEntry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::Values<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<K, V> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::ValuesMut<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for phf::map::Map<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for OrderedMap<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Drain<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Entry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IndexedEntry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IntoIter<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IntoKeys<K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IntoValues<K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Iter<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Iter<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IterMut<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for IterMut<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Keys<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Keys<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for OccupiedEntry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for RangeInclusiveMap<K, V>
where K: Debug + Ord + Clone + StepLite, V: Debug + Eq + Clone,


impl<K, V> Debug for RangeMap<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Slice<K, V>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for TiSlice<K, V>
where K: Debug + From<usize>, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for TiVec<K, V>
where K: Debug + From<usize>, V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for VacantEntry<'_, K, V>
where K: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Values<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for Values<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for ValuesMut<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,


impl<K, V> Debug for ValuesMut<'_, K, V>
where V: Debug,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::entry::Entry<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug + Ord, V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::entry::OccupiedEntry<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug + Ord, V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::entry::OccupiedError<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug + Ord, V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.12.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::entry::VacantEntry<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug + Ord, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for BTreeMap<K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::CursorMut<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for CursorMutKey<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::IntoIter<K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.54.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::IntoKeys<K, V, A>
where K: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.54.0 · source§

impl<K, V, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::IntoValues<K, V, A>
where V: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for Drain<'_, K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for IntoIter<K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for IntoKeys<K, V, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, A> Debug for IntoValues<K, V, A>
where V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, F> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::map::ExtractIf<'_, K, V, F>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, F: FnMut(&K, &mut V) -> bool,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::RawEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::RawEntryBuilder<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::RawEntryBuilderMut<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::RawOccupiedEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::map::RawVacantEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for PtrWeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S>
where V: Debug, K: WeakElement, <K as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for PtrWeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for WeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S>
where K: WeakElement, V: Debug, <K as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for WeakValueHashMap<K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: WeakElement, <V as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for WeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<K, V, S> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::HashMap<K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for IndexMap<K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for RawEntryBuilder<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for RawEntryBuilderMut<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S> Debug for RawEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for RawOccupiedEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>
where K: Debug, V: Debug,


impl<K, V, S> Debug for RawVacantEntryMut<'_, K, V, S>


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for Entry<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for HashMap<K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for OccupiedEntry<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for OccupiedError<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for RawEntryBuilder<'_, K, V, S, A>
where A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for RawEntryBuilderMut<'_, K, V, S, A>
where A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for RawEntryMut<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for RawOccupiedEntryMut<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, V: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for RawVacantEntryMut<'_, K, V, S, A>
where A: Allocator,


impl<K, V, S, A> Debug for VacantEntry<'_, K, V, S, A>
where K: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<L, R> Debug for either::Either<L, R>
where L: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<L, R> Debug for IterEither<L, R>
where L: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<L, R> Debug for Either<L, R>
where L: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<L, R> Debug for Merge<L, R>
where L: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<M> Debug for Builder<M>
where M: Debug,


impl<M> Debug for ChanCell<M>
where M: Debug,


impl<M> Debug for RelayMsgOuter<M>
where M: Debug,


impl<M> Debug for Runnable<M>
where M: Debug,


impl<M, T> Debug for Address<M, T>
where M: Mutability, T: ?Sized,


impl<M, T, O> Debug for BitPtr<M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<M, T, O> Debug for BitPtrRange<M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<M, T, O> Debug for BitRef<'_, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<M: Debug + Mockable> Debug for PublisherBackoffSchedule<M>


impl<N> Debug for ring::aead::OpeningKey<N>
where N: NonceSequence,


impl<N> Debug for ring::aead::SealingKey<N>
where N: NonceSequence,


impl<N> Debug for OpeningKey<N>
where N: NonceSequence,


impl<N> Debug for SealingKey<N>
where N: NonceSequence,


impl<O> Debug for FromAsciiError<O>


impl<Offset> Debug for UnitType<Offset>
where Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<Opcode> Debug for NoArg<Opcode>
where Opcode: CompileTimeOpcode,


impl<Opcode, Input> Debug for Setter<Opcode, Input>
where Opcode: CompileTimeOpcode, Input: Debug,


impl<Opcode, Output> Debug for Getter<Opcode, Output>
where Opcode: CompileTimeOpcode,


impl<Params> Debug for AlgorithmIdentifier<Params>
where Params: Debug,


impl<Params, Key> Debug for SubjectPublicKeyInfo<Params, Key>
where Params: Debug, Key: Debug,

1.33.0 · source§

impl<Ptr> Debug for Pin<Ptr>
where Ptr: Debug,


impl<Public, Private> Debug for KeyPairComponents<Public, Private>
where PublicKeyComponents<Public>: Debug,


impl<R1, R2> Debug for Chain<R1, R2>
where R1: Debug, R2: Debug,


impl<R1, R2> Debug for Chain<R1, R2>
where R1: Debug, R2: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ExternalProxyPlugin<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Immutable<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for CrcReader<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::deflate::bufread::DeflateDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::deflate::bufread::DeflateEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::deflate::read::DeflateDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::deflate::read::DeflateEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::bufread::GzDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::bufread::GzEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::bufread::MultiGzDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::read::GzDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::read::GzEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::gz::read::MultiGzDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::zlib::bufread::ZlibDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::zlib::bufread::ZlibEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::zlib::read::ZlibDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for flate2::zlib::read::ZlibEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ReadRng<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BlockRng64<R>
where R: BlockRngCore + Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BlockRng<R>
where R: BlockRngCore + Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<R> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Bytes<R>
where R: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<R> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::BufReader<R>
where R: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<R> Debug for ArangeEntryIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for ArangeHeaderIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Attribute<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for BitEnd<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BitIdx<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BitIdxError<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BitMask<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BitPos<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BitSel<R>
where R: BitRegister,


impl<R> Debug for BufReader<R>
where R: AsyncRead + Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BufReader<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BufReader<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BufReader<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for BufReader<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Bytes<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Bytes<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for CallFrameInstruction<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for CfaRule<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for DebugAbbrev<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugAddr<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugAranges<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugCuIndex<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugFrame<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for DebugInfo<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugInfoUnitHeadersIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugLine<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugLineStr<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugLoc<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugLocLists<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugPubNames<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for DebugPubTypes<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for DebugRanges<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugRngLists<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugStr<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugStrOffsets<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugTuIndex<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugTypes<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DebugTypesUnitHeadersIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Dwarf<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for DwarfPackage<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for EhFrame<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for EhFrameHdr<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for EvaluationResult<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Expression<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for LineInstructions<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for LineSequence<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for Lines<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Lines<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Lines<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Lines<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Lines<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for LocListIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for LocationListEntry<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for LocationLists<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for OperationIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for ParsedEhFrameHdr<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for PubNamesEntry<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for PubNamesEntryIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for PubTypesEntry<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for PubTypesEntryIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for RangeIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for RangeLists<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for RawLocListEntry<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for RawLocListIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for RawRngListIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for RegisterRule<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for RngListIter<R>
where R: Debug + Reader, <R as Reader>::Offset: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Split<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Split<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Split<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Split<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Take<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Take<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Take<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for Take<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for UnitIndex<R>
where R: Debug + Reader,


impl<R> Debug for XzDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for XzEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ZlibDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ZlibEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ZstdDecoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R> Debug for ZstdEncoder<R>
where R: Debug,


impl<R, G, T> Debug for ReentrantMutex<R, G, T>
where R: RawMutex, G: GetThreadId, T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<R, M> Debug for IptManager<R, M>
where R: Debug, M: Debug,


impl<R, M> Debug for tor_hsservice::ipt_mgr::State<R, M>
where R: Debug, M: Debug,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for ArangeHeader<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for AttributeValue<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for CommonInformationEntry<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for CompleteLineProgram<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for FileEntry<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for FrameDescriptionEntry<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for IncompleteLineProgram<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for LineInstruction<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for LineProgramHeader<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for Location<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for Operation<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for Piece<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for Unit<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Offset> Debug for UnitHeader<R, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Program, Offset> Debug for LineRows<R, Program, Offset>
where R: Debug + Reader<Offset = Offset>, Program: Debug + LineProgram<R, Offset>, Offset: Debug + ReaderOffset,


impl<R, Rsdr> Debug for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr>
where R: Debug + BlockRngCore + SeedableRng, Rsdr: Debug + RngCore,


impl<R, S> Debug for Evaluation<R, S>
where R: Debug + Reader, S: Debug + EvaluationStorage<R>, <S as EvaluationStorage<R>>::Stack: Debug, <S as EvaluationStorage<R>>::ExpressionStack: Debug, <S as EvaluationStorage<R>>::Result: Debug,


impl<R, S> Debug for UnwindContext<R, S>
where R: Reader, S: UnwindContextStorage<R>,


impl<R, S> Debug for UnwindTableRow<R, S>
where R: Reader, S: UnwindContextStorage<R>,


impl<R, T> Debug for Mutex<R, T>
where R: RawMutex, T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<R, T> Debug for RwLock<R, T>
where R: RawRwLock, T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<R, W> Debug for Join<R, W>
where R: Debug, W: Debug,


impl<R: Runtime> Debug for Real<R>


impl<RS> Debug for Consensus<RS>
where RS: Debug,


impl<RS> Debug for UnvalidatedConsensus<RS>
where RS: Debug,


impl<RW> Debug for BufStream<RW>
where RW: Debug,


impl<S1, S2> Debug for Or<S1, S2>
where S1: Debug, S2: Debug,


impl<S1, S2> Debug for Or<S1, S2>
where S1: Debug, S2: Debug,


impl<S1, S2> Debug for Race<S1, S2>
where S1: Debug, S2: Debug,


impl<S1, S2> Debug for Race<S1, S2>
where S1: Debug, S2: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for native_tls::HandshakeError<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for openssl::ssl::error::HandshakeError<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for url::host::Host<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for MidHandshakeTlsStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for native_tls::TlsStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for MidHandshakeSslStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for SslStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for BlockOn<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for BlockOn<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for BlockingStream<S>
where S: Debug + Stream + Unpin,


impl<S> Debug for Cloned<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Cloned<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Cloned<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Copied<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Copied<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Copied<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for CountFuture<S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<S> Debug for CountFuture<S>
where S: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<S> Debug for Cycle<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Cycle<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Enumerate<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Enumerate<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Flatten<S>
where S: Debug + Stream, <S as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Flatten<S>
where S: Debug + Stream, <S as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Fuse<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Fuse<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Fuse<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Group<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for ImDocument<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for LastFuture<S>
where S: Debug + Stream, <S as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for LastFuture<S>
where S: Debug + Stream, <S as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Passwd<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for PollImmediate<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Skip<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Skip<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Skip<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for SplitStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for StepBy<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for StepBy<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for StepBy<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Take<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Take<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Take<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S> Debug for Timeout<S>
where S: Debug + Stream,


impl<S> Debug for TlsStream<S>
where S: Debug,


impl<S, C> Debug for CollectFuture<S, C>
where S: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<S, C> Debug for CollectFuture<S, C>
where S: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<S, C> Debug for TryCollectFuture<S, C>
where S: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<S, C> Debug for TryCollectFuture<S, C>
where S: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for FilterMap<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for FilterMap<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for ForEachFuture<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for ForEachFuture<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Inspect<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Inspect<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Inspect<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Map<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Map<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F> Debug for Map<S, F>
where S: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, F, Fut> Debug for Then<S, F, Fut>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<S, F, Fut> Debug for Then<S, F, Fut>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<S, F, T> Debug for FoldFuture<S, F, T>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, T: Debug,


impl<S, F, T> Debug for FoldFuture<S, F, T>
where S: Debug, F: Debug, T: Debug,


impl<S, FromA, FromB> Debug for UnzipFuture<S, FromA, FromB>
where S: Debug, FromA: Debug, FromB: Debug,


impl<S, FromA, FromB> Debug for UnzipFuture<S, FromA, FromB>
where S: Debug, FromA: Debug, FromB: Debug,


impl<S, Item> Debug for SplitSink<S, Item>
where S: Debug, Item: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for Filter<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for Filter<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for Filter<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for SkipWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for SkipWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for SkipWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for TakeWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for TakeWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P> Debug for TakeWhile<S, P>
where S: Debug, P: Debug,


impl<S, P, B> Debug for PartitionFuture<S, P, B>
where S: Debug, P: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<S, P, B> Debug for PartitionFuture<S, P, B>
where S: Debug, P: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<S, St, F> Debug for Scan<S, St, F>
where S: Debug, St: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, St, F> Debug for Scan<S, St, F>
where S: Debug, St: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, St, F> Debug for Scan<S, St, F>
where S: Debug, St: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, U> Debug for Chain<S, U>
where S: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<S, U> Debug for Chain<S, U>
where S: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<S, U> Debug for Chain<S, U>
where S: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<S, U> Debug for Flatten<S>
where S: Debug + Stream, <S as Stream>::Item: IntoStream<IntoStream = U, Item = <U as Stream>::Item>, U: Debug + Stream,


impl<S, U, F> Debug for FlatMap<S, U, F>
where S: Debug, U: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<S, U, F> Debug for FlatMap<S, U, F>
where S: Debug, U: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<Section, Symbol> Debug for SymbolFlags<Section, Symbol>
where Section: Debug, Symbol: Debug,


impl<Si1, Si2> Debug for Fanout<Si1, Si2>
where Si1: Debug, Si2: Debug,


impl<Si, F> Debug for SinkMapErr<Si, F>
where Si: Debug, F: Debug,


impl<Si, Item> Debug for Buffer<Si, Item>
where Si: Debug, Item: Debug,


impl<Si, Item, E> Debug for SinkErrInto<Si, Item, E>
where Si: Debug + Sink<Item>, Item: Debug, E: Debug, <Si as Sink<Item>>::Error: Debug,


impl<Si, Item, U, Fut, F> Debug for With<Si, Item, U, Fut, F>
where Si: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<Si, Item, U, St, F> Debug for WithFlatMap<Si, Item, U, St, F>
where Si: Debug, St: Debug, Item: Debug,


impl<Si, St> Debug for SendAll<'_, Si, St>
where Si: Debug + ?Sized, St: Debug + TryStream + ?Sized, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug,


impl<Side, State> Debug for ConfigBuilder<Side, State>
where Side: ConfigSide, State: Debug,


impl<Size> Debug for EncodedPoint<Size>
where Size: ModulusSize,


impl<SpawnR, SleepR, CoarseTimeR, TcpR, TlsR, UdpR> Debug for CompoundRuntime<SpawnR, SleepR, CoarseTimeR, TcpR, TlsR, UdpR>


impl<St1, St2> Debug for Chain<St1, St2>
where St1: Debug, St2: Debug,


impl<St1, St2> Debug for Select<St1, St2>
where St1: Debug, St2: Debug,


impl<St1, St2> Debug for Zip<St1, St2>
where St1: Debug + Stream, St2: Debug + Stream, <St1 as Stream>::Item: Debug, <St2 as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St1, St2, Clos, State> Debug for SelectWithStrategy<St1, St2, Clos, State>
where St1: Debug, St2: Debug, State: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for BufferUnordered<St>
where St: Stream + Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Buffered<St>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Future,


impl<St> Debug for CatchUnwind<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Chunks<St>
where St: Debug + Stream, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Concat<St>
where St: Debug + Stream, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Count<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Cycle<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Enumerate<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Flatten<St>
where Flatten<St, <St as Stream>::Item>: Debug, St: Stream,


impl<St> Debug for Fuse<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for IntoAsyncRead<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream<Error = Error>, <St as TryStream>::Ok: AsRef<[u8]> + Debug,


impl<St> Debug for IntoIter<St>
where St: Debug + Unpin,


impl<St> Debug for IntoStream<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Peek<'_, St>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for PeekMut<'_, St>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Peekable<St>
where St: Debug + Stream, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for ReadyChunks<St>
where St: Debug + Stream,


impl<St> Debug for SelectAll<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Skip<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for StreamFuture<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for Take<St>
where St: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryBufferUnordered<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryBuffered<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: TryFuture + Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryChunks<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryConcat<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryFlatten<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug,


impl<St> Debug for TryFlattenUnordered<St>
where FlattenUnorderedWithFlowController<NestedTryStreamIntoEitherTryStream<St>, PropagateBaseStreamError<St>>: Debug, St: TryStream, <St as TryStream>::Ok: TryStream + Unpin, <<St as TryStream>::Ok as TryStream>::Error: From<<St as TryStream>::Error>,


impl<St> Debug for TryReadyChunks<St>
where St: Debug + TryStream,


impl<St, C> Debug for Collect<St, C>
where St: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<St, C> Debug for TryCollect<St, C>
where St: Debug, C: Debug,


impl<St, E> Debug for ErrInto<St, E>
where MapErr<St, IntoFn<E>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for Inspect<St, F>
where Map<St, InspectFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for InspectErr<St, F>
where Inspect<IntoStream<St>, InspectErrFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for InspectOk<St, F>
where Inspect<IntoStream<St>, InspectOkFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for Iterate<St, F>
where St: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for Map<St, F>
where St: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for MapErr<St, F>
where Map<IntoStream<St>, MapErrFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for MapOk<St, F>
where Map<IntoStream<St>, MapOkFn<F>>: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for NextIf<'_, St, F>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug,


impl<St, F> Debug for Unfold<St, F>
where St: Debug,


impl<St, FromA, FromB> Debug for Unzip<St, FromA, FromB>
where St: Debug, FromA: Debug, FromB: Debug,


impl<St, Fut> Debug for TakeUntil<St, Fut>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, Fut: Future + Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for All<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for AndThen<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for Any<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for Filter<St, Fut, F>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for FilterMap<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for ForEach<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for ForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for OrElse<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for SkipWhile<St, Fut, F>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TakeWhile<St, Fut, F>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for Then<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryAll<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryAny<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryFilter<St, Fut, F>
where St: TryStream + Debug, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryFilterMap<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryForEach<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TrySkipWhile<St, Fut, F>
where St: TryStream + Debug, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, F> Debug for TryTakeWhile<St, Fut, F>
where St: TryStream + Debug, <St as TryStream>::Ok: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, T, F> Debug for Fold<St, Fut, T, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug, T: Debug,


impl<St, Fut, T, F> Debug for TryFold<St, Fut, T, F>
where St: Debug, Fut: Debug, T: Debug,


impl<St, S, Fut, F> Debug for Scan<St, S, Fut, F>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, S: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<St, Si> Debug for Forward<St, Si>
where Forward<St, Si, <St as TryStream>::Ok>: Debug, St: TryStream,


impl<St, T> Debug for NextIfEq<'_, St, T>
where St: Stream + Debug, <St as Stream>::Item: Debug, T: ?Sized,


impl<St, U, F> Debug for FlatMap<St, U, F>
where Flatten<Map<St, F>, U>: Debug,


impl<St, U, F> Debug for FlatMapUnordered<St, U, F>
where FlattenUnorderedWithFlowController<Map<St, F>, ()>: Debug, St: Stream, U: Stream + Unpin, F: FnMut(<St as Stream>::Item) -> U,


impl<Storage> Debug for __BindgenBitfieldUnit<Storage>
where Storage: Debug,


impl<Storage> Debug for __BindgenBitfieldUnit<Storage>
where Storage: Debug,


impl<Storage> Debug for __BindgenBitfieldUnit<Storage>
where Storage: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Futureproof<T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Bound<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Option<T>
where T: Debug,

1.36.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::task::poll::Poll<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::TrySendError<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::poison::TryLockError<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for *const T
where T: ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for *mut T
where T: ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for &T
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for &mut T
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for [T]
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for (T₁, T₂, …, Tₙ)
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

This trait is implemented for tuples up to twelve items long.


impl<T> Debug for BoxSensitive<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for MaybeRedacted<T>
where T: Redactable,


impl<T> Debug for Redacted<T>
where T: Redactable,


impl<T> Debug for Sensitive<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for VerbatimLinkSpecCircTarget<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for StorageHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntegerDays<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntegerMilliseconds<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntegerMinutes<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntegerSeconds<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Percentage<T>
where T: Debug + Copy + Into<f64>,


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::broadcast::Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::broadcast::Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Abortable<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for FutureObj<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for LocalFutureObj<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Pending<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::PollImmediate<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::future::Ready<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RemoteHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ThinBox<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::binary_heap::Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::SymmetricDifference<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::Union<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::IterMut<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::vec_deque::iter::Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::collections::vec_deque::iter_mut::IterMut<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for UniqueRc<T>
where T: Debug,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for alloc::sync::Weak<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.70.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::cell::once::OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Cell<T>
where T: Copy + Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::cell::Ref<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for RefCell<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for RefMut<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for SyncUnsafeCell<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for UnsafeCell<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.19.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Reverse<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for AsyncDropInPlace<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.48.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::future::pending::Pending<T>

1.48.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::future::ready::Ready<T>
where T: Debug,

1.20.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for ManuallyDrop<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.21.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Discriminant<T>

1.28.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for NonZero<T>

1.74.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Saturating<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Wrapping<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Yeet<T>
where T: Debug,

1.25.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for NonNull<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::result::IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::slice::iter::Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for core::slice::iter::IterMut<'_, T>
where T: Debug,

1.3.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for AtomicPtr<T>

Available on target_has_atomic_load_store="ptr" only.

impl<T> Debug for Exclusive<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.1.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,

1.8.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::Receiver<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::SendError<T>

1.8.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mpsc::Sender<T>

1.8.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for SyncSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for std::sync::mutex::MappedMutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.70.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for OnceLock<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for PoisonError<T>


impl<T> Debug for ReentrantLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for ReentrantLockGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for std::sync::rwlock::MappedRwLockReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for std::sync::rwlock::MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::rwlock::RwLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::rwlock::RwLockReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::sync::rwlock::RwLockWriteGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>
where T: 'static,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for std::thread::JoinHandle<T>


impl<T> Debug for CapacityError<T>


impl<T> Debug for BlockingHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for async_executors::iface::join_handle::JoinHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for async_executors::iface::timer::Timeout<T>


impl<T> Debug for Serde<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for TryFromBigIntError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Dsa<T>


impl<T> Debug for EcKey<T>


impl<T> Debug for PKey<T>


impl<T> Debug for Rsa<T>


impl<T> Debug for Stack<T>
where T: Stackable, <T as ForeignType>::Ref: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OrderedSet<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Set<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for CtOption<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Cursor<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Take<T>
where T: Debug,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Empty<T>

1.2.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Once<T>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for Rev<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::TrySendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::mpsc::UnboundedSender<T>

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for AssertUnwindSafe<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DropNotifyWatchSender<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::Mutex<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::MutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for PhantomData<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::watch::Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::watch::Sender<T>

1.41.0 · source§

impl<T> Debug for MaybeUninit<T>


impl<T> Debug for AllowStdIo<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ArrayQueue<T>


impl<T> Debug for AssertAsync<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for AssertAsync<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Async<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Async<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for AsyncFd<T>
where T: Debug + AsRawFd,


impl<T> Debug for AsyncFdTryNewError<T>


impl<T> Debug for Atomic<T>
where T: Copy + Debug,


impl<T> Debug for AtomicCell<T>
where T: Copy + Debug,


impl<T> Debug for BitPtrError<T>
where T: Debug + BitStore,


impl<T> Debug for BitSpanError<T>
where T: BitStore,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T> Debug for BlockOn<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for BlockOn<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for BoundedVecDeque<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ByAddress<T>
where T: Deref + Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for ByThinAddress<T>
where T: Deref + Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Bytes<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for CachePadded<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Caseless<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Compat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ConcurrentQueue<T>


impl<T> Debug for ContextSpecific<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for CoreWrapper<T>
where T: BufferKindUser + AlgorithmName, <T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>, <<T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize as IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>>::Output: NonZero,


impl<T> Debug for Cursor<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Cursor<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Cursor<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Cursor<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugAbbrevOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugAddrBase<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugAddrIndex<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugArangesOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugFrameOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugInfoOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugLineOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugLineStrOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugLocListsBase<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugLocListsIndex<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugMacinfoOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugMacroOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugRngListsBase<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugRngListsIndex<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugStrOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugStrOffsetsBase<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugStrOffsetsIndex<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugTypesOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DebugValue<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DieReference<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for DisplayValue<T>
where T: Display,


impl<T> Debug for Drain<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for Drain<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Drain<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for EhFrameOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Empty<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Empty<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Empty<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Empty<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Event<T>


impl<T> Debug for Event<T>


impl<T> Debug for Event<T>


impl<T> Debug for EventListener<T>


impl<T> Debug for EventListener<T>


impl<T> Debug for EventListener<T>


impl<T> Debug for FmtBinary<T>
where T: Binary,


impl<T> Debug for FmtDisplay<T>
where T: Display,


impl<T> Debug for FmtList<T>
where &'a T: for<'a> IntoIterator, <&'a T as IntoIterator>::Item: for<'a> Debug,


impl<T> Debug for FmtLowerExp<T>
where T: LowerExp,


impl<T> Debug for FmtLowerHex<T>
where T: LowerHex,


impl<T> Debug for FmtOctal<T>
where T: Octal,


impl<T> Debug for FmtPointer<T>
where T: Pointer,


impl<T> Debug for FmtUpperExp<T>
where T: UpperExp,


impl<T> Debug for FmtUpperHex<T>
where T: UpperHex,


impl<T> Debug for FoldWhile<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ForcePushError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Formatted<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for HeaderMap<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Instrumented<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IntoIter<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Iter<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for IterMut<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for JoinHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for JoinHandle<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for JoinSet<T>


impl<T> Debug for Limit<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for LocalKey<T>
where T: 'static,


impl<T> Debug for LocalKey<T>
where T: Debug + Send + 'static,


impl<T> Debug for LocationListsOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Lock<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Lock<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for LockArc<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Metadata<'_, T>
where T: SmartDisplay, <T as SmartDisplay>::Metadata: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for MinMaxResult<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for MisalignError<T>

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T> Debug for MutCfg<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Mutex<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for MutexLockFuture<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for NetParams<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for NotNan<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Once<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Once<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Once<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Once<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OnceBox<T>


impl<T> Debug for OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OnceCell<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OrderedFloat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OverflowError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for OwnedMutexGuard<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for OwnedMutexGuard<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for OwnedMutexLockFuture<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for OwnedPermit<T>


impl<T> Debug for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Pending<T>


impl<T> Debug for Pending<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Pending<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Pending<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Pending<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Permit<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for PermitIterator<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for PollRecv<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for PollSend<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for PollSendError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for PollSender<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Port<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for PushError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RangeInclusiveSet<T>
where T: Debug + Ord + Clone + StepLite,


impl<T> Debug for RangeListsOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RangeSet<T>
where T: Debug + Ord + Clone,


impl<T> Debug for RawRangeListsOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RawRngListEntry<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Read<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Read<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for ReadArc<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for ReadArc<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for ReadHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ReadHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ReadHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ReadHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Readable<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for Readable<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for ReadableOwned<T>


impl<T> Debug for ReadableOwned<T>


impl<T> Debug for Ready<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Receiver<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Repeat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Repeat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Repeat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Repeat<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Request<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ResolutionResults<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Response<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ReuniteError<T>


impl<T> Debug for ReusableBoxFuture<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for RtVariableCoreWrapper<T>
where T: VariableOutputCore + UpdateCore + AlgorithmName, <T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>, <<T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize as IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>>::Output: NonZero,


impl<T> Debug for RwLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockReadGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockReadGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockUpgradableReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockUpgradableReadGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockUpgradableReadGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for RwLockWriteGuardArc<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for ScopedJoinHandle<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for SegQueue<T>


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for SendError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for SendTimeoutError<T>

Available on crate feature time only.

impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Sender<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Serialized<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for SetError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for SetOfVec<T>
where T: Debug + DerOrd,


impl<T> Debug for ShardedLock<T>
where T: Debug + ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for ShardedLockReadGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for ShardedLockWriteGuard<'_, T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Slab<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Slice<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Spanned<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Status<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for SymbolMap<T>
where T: Debug + SymbolMapEntry,


impl<T> Debug for Tagged<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Take<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Take<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Timeout<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for TimerangeBound<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for TlsStream<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for TryIter<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for TrySendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for TrySendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for TrySendError<T>


impl<T> Debug for TrySendError<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for TupleBuffer<T>
where T: Debug + HomogeneousTuple, <T as TupleCollect>::Buffer: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Unalign<T>
where T: Unaligned + Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Unblock<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for UnboundedReceiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for UnboundedSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for UnitOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for UnitSectionOffset<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradableRead<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradableRead<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradableReadArc<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradableReadArc<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Upgrade<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Upgrade<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradeArc<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for UpgradeArc<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for VecBuilder<T>
where T: Debug + Clone,


impl<T> Debug for WeakReceiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for WeakReceiver<T>


impl<T> Debug for WeakSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for WeakSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for WeakSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for WeakUnboundedSender<T>


impl<T> Debug for Window<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for WithDispatch<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for Writable<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for Writable<'_, T>


impl<T> Debug for WritableOwned<T>


impl<T> Debug for WritableOwned<T>


impl<T> Debug for Write<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for Write<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for WriteArc<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for WriteArc<'_, T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Debug for WriteHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for WriteHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for WriteHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for WriteHalf<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for XofReaderCoreWrapper<T>
where T: XofReaderCore + AlgorithmName, <T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize: IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>, <<T as BlockSizeUser>::BlockSize as IsLess<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>, B0>>>::Output: NonZero,


impl<T> Debug for Zip<T>
where T: Debug,


impl<T> Debug for __BindgenUnionField<T>


impl<T> Debug for __BindgenUnionField<T>


impl<T> Debug for __IncompleteArrayField<T>


impl<T> Debug for __IncompleteArrayField<T>


impl<T> Debug for __IncompleteArrayField<T>


impl<T> Debug for __IncompleteArrayField<T>

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::boxed::Box<T, A>
where T: Debug + ?Sized, A: Allocator,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::binary_heap::IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for IntoIterSorted<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Debug + Allocator,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::binary_heap::PeekMut<'_, T, A>
where T: Ord + Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for BTreeSet<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::Difference<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::Intersection<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Debug + Allocator + Clone,


impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::Cursor<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::CursorMut<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for LinkedList<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::vec_deque::drain::Drain<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::collections::vec_deque::into_iter::IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for Rc<T, A>
where T: Debug + ?Sized, A: Allocator,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::rc::Weak<T, A>
where A: Allocator, T: ?Sized,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::vec::drain::Drain<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.13.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::vec::into_iter::IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for alloc::vec::Vec<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for Arc<T, A>
where T: Debug + ?Sized, A: Allocator,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for BinaryHeap<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, A> Debug for VecDeque<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for AbsentEntry<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for Box<T, A>
where T: Debug + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for Drain<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for Drain<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for Entry<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for HashTable<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for IntoIter<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for OccupiedEntry<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for VacantEntry<'_, T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Debug for Vec<T, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, B> Debug for Ref<B, [T]>
where B: ByteSlice, T: FromBytes + Debug,


impl<T, B> Debug for Ref<B, T>
where B: ByteSlice, T: FromBytes + Debug,


impl<T, D> Debug for FramedRead<T, D>
where T: Debug, D: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, E> Debug for Result<T, E>
where T: Debug, E: Debug,


impl<T, E> Debug for FramedWrite<T, E>
where T: Debug, E: Debug,


impl<T, E> Debug for TryChunksError<T, E>
where E: Debug,


impl<T, E> Debug for TryReadyChunksError<T, E>
where E: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for alloc::collections::linked_list::ExtractIf<'_, T, F>
where T: Debug, F: FnMut(&mut T) -> bool,


impl<T, F> Debug for LazyCell<T, F>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for LazyLock<T, F>
where T: Debug,

1.34.0 · source§

impl<T, F> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::iter::Successors<T, F>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for Lazy<T, F>
where T: Debug, F: Fn() -> T,


impl<T, F> Debug for Lazy<T, F>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for Lazy<T, F>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for Pool<T, F>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, F> Debug for TaskLocalFuture<T, F>
where T: 'static + Debug,


impl<T, F, A> Debug for alloc::collections::btree::set::ExtractIf<'_, T, F, A>
where A: Allocator + Clone, T: Debug, F: FnMut(&T) -> bool,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for TryUnfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for TryUnfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for TryUnfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for Unfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for Unfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, Fut> Debug for Unfold<T, F, Fut>
where T: Debug, Fut: Debug,


impl<T, F, R> Debug for Unfold<T, F, R>
where T: Debug, F: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<T, F, S> Debug for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
where T: Debug, F: FnOnce(T), S: Strategy,


impl<T, Item> Debug for ReuniteError<T, Item>


impl<T, M> Debug for FallibleTask<T, M>
where M: Debug,


impl<T, M> Debug for Task<T, M>
where M: Debug,


impl<T, N> Debug for GenericArray<T, N>
where T: Debug, N: ArrayLength<T>,


impl<T, N> Debug for GenericArrayIter<T, N>
where T: Debug, N: ArrayLength<T>,


impl<T, O> Debug for BitBox<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, O> Debug for BitSlice<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, O> Debug for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, O> Debug for Drain<'_, T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, O> Debug for IntoIter<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, O> Debug for Iter<'_, T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, O> Debug for IterMut<'_, T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Available on non-tarpaulin_include only.

impl<T, O, P> Debug for RSplit<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for RSplitMut<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for RSplitN<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for RSplitNMut<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for Split<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for SplitInclusive<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for SplitInclusiveMut<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for SplitMut<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for SplitN<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,


impl<T, O, P> Debug for SplitNMut<'_, T, O, P>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder, P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool,

1.27.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::RSplit<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.27.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::RSplitMut<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::RSplitN<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::RSplitNMut<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::Split<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.51.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::SplitInclusive<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.51.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::SplitInclusiveMut<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::SplitMut<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::SplitN<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,

1.9.0 · source§

impl<T, P> Debug for core::slice::iter::SplitNMut<'_, T, P>
where T: Debug, P: FnMut(&T) -> bool,


impl<T, R> Debug for Once<T, R>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, S1, S2> Debug for SymmetricDifference<'_, T, S1, S2>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S1: BuildHasher, S2: BuildHasher,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::Difference<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::Intersection<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::SymmetricDifference<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,

1.16.0 · source§

impl<T, S> Debug for std::collections::hash::set::Union<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,


impl<T, S> Debug for PtrWeakHashSet<T, S>
where T: WeakElement, <T as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,


impl<T, S> Debug for WeakHashSet<T, S>
where T: WeakKey, <T as WeakElement>::Strong: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, S> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::HashSet<T, S>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, S> Debug for Checkpoint<T, S>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, S> Debug for Difference<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,


impl<T, S> Debug for IndexSet<T, S>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, S> Debug for Intersection<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,


impl<T, S> Debug for Union<'_, T, S>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for Difference<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for Entry<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for HashSet<T, S, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for Intersection<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for OccupiedEntry<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for SymmetricDifference<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for Union<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug + Eq + Hash, S: BuildHasher, A: Allocator,


impl<T, S, A> Debug for VacantEntry<'_, T, S, A>
where T: Debug, A: Allocator,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, U> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::Chain<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for Chain<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for Chain<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for Chain<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for Flatten<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for Framed<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, U> Debug for MappedMutexGuard<'_, T, U>
where U: Debug + ?Sized, T: ?Sized,


impl<T, U> Debug for OwnedMappedMutexGuard<T, U>
where U: Debug + ?Sized, T: ?Sized,


impl<T, U> Debug for OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard<T, U>
where U: Debug + ?Sized, T: ?Sized,


impl<T, U> Debug for OwnedRwLockReadGuard<T, U>
where U: Debug + ?Sized, T: ?Sized,


impl<T, U> Debug for ZipLongest<T, U>
where T: Debug, U: Debug,


impl<T, const CAP: usize> Debug for arrayvec::arrayvec::ArrayVec<T, CAP>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, const CAP: usize> Debug for arrayvec::arrayvec::IntoIter<T, CAP>
where T: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for [T; N]
where T: Debug,

1.40.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for core::array::iter::IntoIter<T, N>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for Mask<T, N>


impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for Simd<T, N>


impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for SequenceOf<T, N>
where T: Debug,


impl<T, const N: usize> Debug for SetOf<T, N>
where T: Debug + DerOrd,


impl<Target> Debug for FilelikeView<'_, Target>
where Target: FilelikeViewType,


impl<Target> Debug for SocketlikeView<'_, Target>
where Target: SocketlikeViewType,


impl<U> Debug for NInt<U>
where U: Debug + Unsigned + NonZero,


impl<U> Debug for PInt<U>
where U: Debug + Unsigned + NonZero,


impl<U, B> Debug for UInt<U, B>
where U: Debug, B: Debug,


impl<V, A> Debug for TArr<V, A>
where V: Debug, A: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for CrcWriter<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::deflate::write::DeflateDecoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::deflate::write::DeflateEncoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::gz::write::GzDecoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::gz::write::GzEncoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::gz::write::MultiGzDecoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::zlib::write::ZlibDecoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for flate2::zlib::write::ZlibEncoder<W>
where W: Debug + Write,


impl<W> Debug for rand::distributions::weighted::alias_method::WeightedIndex<W>
where W: Debug + Weight,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<W> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::IntoInnerError<W>
where W: Debug,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<W> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::io::LineWriter<W>
where W: Write + Debug + ?Sized,

1.0.0 · source§

impl<W> Debug for tor_hsservice::internal_prelude::BufWriter<W>
where W: Write + Debug + ?Sized,


impl<W> Debug for BufWriter<W>
where W: AsyncWrite + Debug,


impl<W> Debug for BufWriter<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for BufWriter<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for BufWriter<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for BufWriter<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for IntoInnerError<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for LineWriter<W>
where W: Debug + AsyncWrite,


impl<W> Debug for XzDecoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for XzEncoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for ZlibDecoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for ZlibEncoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for ZstdDecoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W> Debug for ZstdEncoder<W>
where W: Debug,


impl<W, Item> Debug for IntoSink<W, Item>
where W: Debug, Item: Debug,


impl<X> Debug for Uniform<X>


impl<X> Debug for UniformFloat<X>
where X: Debug,


impl<X> Debug for UniformInt<X>
where X: Debug,


impl<X> Debug for rand::distributions::weighted_index::WeightedIndex<X>


impl<Y, R> Debug for CoroutineState<Y, R>
where Y: Debug, R: Debug,


impl<Z> Debug for Zeroizing<Z>
where Z: Debug + Zeroize,


impl<const CAP: usize> Debug for ArrayString<CAP>


impl<const CONFIG: u128> Debug for Iso8601<CONFIG>


impl<const LOWER: i32, const UPPER: i32> Debug for BoundedInt32<LOWER, UPPER>


impl<const MIN: i8, const MAX: i8> Debug for OptionRangedI8<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i8, const MAX: i8> Debug for RangedI8<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i16, const MAX: i16> Debug for OptionRangedI16<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i16, const MAX: i16> Debug for RangedI16<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i32, const MAX: i32> Debug for OptionRangedI32<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i32, const MAX: i32> Debug for RangedI32<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i64, const MAX: i64> Debug for OptionRangedI64<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i64, const MAX: i64> Debug for RangedI64<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i128, const MAX: i128> Debug for OptionRangedI128<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: i128, const MAX: i128> Debug for RangedI128<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: isize, const MAX: isize> Debug for OptionRangedIsize<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: isize, const MAX: isize> Debug for RangedIsize<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u8, const MAX: u8> Debug for OptionRangedU8<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u8, const MAX: u8> Debug for RangedU8<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u16, const MAX: u16> Debug for OptionRangedU16<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u16, const MAX: u16> Debug for RangedU16<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u32, const MAX: u32> Debug for OptionRangedU32<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u32, const MAX: u32> Debug for RangedU32<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u64, const MAX: u64> Debug for OptionRangedU64<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u64, const MAX: u64> Debug for RangedU64<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u128, const MAX: u128> Debug for OptionRangedU128<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: u128, const MAX: u128> Debug for RangedU128<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: usize, const MAX: usize> Debug for OptionRangedUsize<MIN, MAX>


impl<const MIN: usize, const MAX: usize> Debug for RangedUsize<MIN, MAX>


impl<const N: usize> Debug for GetManyMutError<N>


impl<const N: usize> Debug for ByteArray<N>


impl<const N: usize> Debug for CtByteArray<N>


impl<const N: usize> Debug for TinyAsciiStr<N>


impl<const N: usize> Debug for UnvalidatedTinyAsciiStr<N>


impl<const SIZE: usize> Debug for EcdsaPrivateKey<SIZE>


impl<const SIZE: usize> Debug for WriteBuffer<SIZE>