Crate tor_config

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Tools for configuration management in Arti


This crate is part of Arti, a project to implement Tor in Rust.

It provides types for handling configuration values, and general machinery for configuration management.

§Configuration in Arti

The configuration for the arti command line program, and other programs which embed Arti reusing the configuration machinery, works as follows:

  1. We use tor_config::ConfigurationSources to enumerate the various places where configuration information needs to come from, and configure how they are to be read. arti uses ConfigurationSources::from_cmdline.

  2. ConfigurationSources::load actually reads all of these sources, parses them (eg, as TOML files), and returns a ConfigurationTree. This is a tree-structured dynamically typed data structure, mirroring the input configuration structure, largely unvalidated, and containing everything in the input config sources.

  3. We call one of the tor_config::resolve family. This maps the input configuration data to concrete ConfigBuilder s for the configuration consumers within the program. (For arti, that’s TorClientConfigBuilder and ArtiBuilder). This mapping is done using the Deserialize implementations on the Builders. resolve then calls the build() method on each of these parts of the configuration which applies defaults and validates the resulting configuration.

    It is important to call resolve once for all the configuration consumers, so that it sees a unified view of which config settings in the input were unrecognized, and therefore may need to be reported to the user. See the example in the load module documentation.

  4. The resulting configuration objects (eg, TorClientConfig, ArtiConfig) are provided to the code that must use them (eg, to make a TorClient).

See the tor_config::load module-level documentation. for an example.

§Facilities and approaches for particular situations


When the configuration contains a list of items which the user is likely to want to add entries to piecemeal, modify, filter, and so on, use the list builder helper facilities in the list_builder module.

§Configuration items which are conditionally compiled

If the user requests, via the configuration, a feature which is compiled out (due to the non-selection of cargo features), it is usually right to have the code simply ignore it.

This can be achieved by applying the appropriate #[cfg] to configuration fields and structs. The result is that if the user does specify the relevant options, Arti will generate an “unknown configuration item” warning. (In the future it might be nice to provide a message saying what feature was missing.)

§Config items which must be detected and rejected even when compiled out

For example, if Arti is compiled without bridge support, a configuration specifying use of bridges should result in failure, rather than a direct connection.

In those cases, you should unconditionally include the configuration fields which must be detected and rejected.

Then provide alternative “when-compiled-out” versions of the types for those fields. (If the field is a list which, when enabled, uses list_builder, provide alternative “when-compiled-out” versions of the entry types.)

The built form of the configuration (Field or Entry in the case of a list), should be a #[non_exhaustive] empty enum. It should implement all the same standard traits as the compiled-in version. So everything will compile. But, since it is an uninhabited type, no such value can ever actually appear.

The builder form (FieldBuilder or EntryBuilder) should be an empty #[non_exhaustive] struct. It should have a trivial Deserialize impl which always returns successfully, and a derived Serialize impl (and the usual traits). This will allow configurations which attempt to specify such a value to be recognised.

To get this to compile, naturally, the builder will have to have a .build() method. This should return ConfigBuildError::Invalid. (it can’t return the uninhabited built type, obviously.) The configuration resolution arrangements are set up to call this, and will report the error.

For an example, see crates/tor-guardmgr/src/

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0


pub use cmdline::CmdLine;
pub use list_builder::MultilineListBuilder;
pub use list_builder::MultilineListBuilderError;
pub use load::resolve;
pub use load::resolve_ignore_warnings;
pub use load::resolve_return_results;
pub use sources::ConfigurationSource;
pub use sources::ConfigurationSources;


Implement a configuration source based on command-line arguments.
Functionality for merging one config builder into another.
Code to watch configuration files for any changes.
Lists in builders
Processing a ConfigurationTree into a validated configuration
Helper for defining sub-builders that map a serializable type (typically String) to a configuration type.
Helpers for fs-mistrust configuration.
ConfigurationSources: Helper for handling configuration files
Helpers for testing configuration.


Assert that the specified error is the specified kind of ConfigBuildError.
Implement TryFrom<MultilineListBuilder> and Into<MultilineListBuilder> for $Builder.
Define accessor methods for a configuration item which is a list
Define a list builder struct for use with define_list_builder_accessors
Define a map type, and an associated builder struct, suitable for use in a configuration object.
Provide an ExtendBuilder implementation for a struct’s builder.
Derives Flattenable for a struct
A macro that implements NotAutoValue for your type.
Defines standard impls for a struct with a Builder, incl Default


A set of configuration fields, represented as a set of nested K=V mappings.
Helper for flattening deserialisation, compatible with serde_ignored
Boolean or "auto" configuration is invalid
Specification of (possibly) something to listen on (eg, a port, or some addresses/ports)
Listen configuration specified something not supported by application code
A mutable configuration object.


Boolean, but with additional "auto" option
An error related to an option passed to Arti via a configuration builder.
An error that occurs while trying to read and process our configuration.
A serializable value, or auto.
Listen configuration is invalid
Padding enablement - rough amount of padding requested
Rules for reconfiguring a running Arti instance.
An error caused when attempting to reconfigure an existing Arti client, or one of its modules.


Types that can be used with Flatten
A marker trait for types that do not serialize to the same value as ExplicitOrAuto::Auto.


Helper for resolving a config item which can be specified in multiple ways
Resolves an Option<Option<T>> (in a builder) into an Option<T>
Resolves an Option<Option<T>> (in a builder) into an Option<T>, more generally