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address.h File Reference

Headers for address.h. More...

#include "orconfig.h"
#include "lib/cc/torint.h"
#include "lib/log/util_bug.h"
#include "lib/net/inaddr_st.h"
#include "lib/net/nettypes.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

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Data Structures

struct  tor_addr_t
struct  tor_addr_port_t


#define TOR_ADDR_NULL   {AF_UNSPEC, {0}}
#define tor_addr_port_make_null(addr, port, family)    (void)(tor_addr_make_null(addr, family), (port) = 0)
#define tor_addr_port_make_null_ap(ap, family)    tor_addr_port_make_null(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port, family)
#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(x)   tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x)->s6_addr
#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr16(x)   S6_ADDR16(*tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x))
#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(x)   S6_ADDR32(*tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x))
#define TOR_ADDR_BUF_LEN   48
#define fmt_addr(a)   fmt_addr_impl((a), 0)
#define fmt_and_decorate_addr(a)   fmt_addr_impl((a), 1)
#define fmt_addrport_ap(ap)   fmt_addrport(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port)
#define interface_address6_list_free(addrs)    FREE_AND_NULL(struct smartlist_t, interface_address6_list_free_, (addrs))
#define tor_addr_eq(a, b)   (0==tor_addr_compare((a),(b),CMP_EXACT))
#define tor_addr_is_internal(addr, for_listening)    tor_addr_is_internal_((addr), (for_listening), SHORT_FILE__, __LINE__)
#define TAPMP_STAR_IPV4_ONLY   (1 << 1)
#define TAPMP_STAR_IPV6_ONLY   (1 << 2)
#define tor_addr_from_ipv4h(dest, v4addr)    tor_addr_from_ipv4n((dest), htonl(v4addr))
#define tor_addr_from_in(dest, in)    tor_addr_from_ipv4n((dest), (in)->s_addr);
#define tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4h(v4h_addr, for_listening)    tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n(htonl(v4h_addr), (for_listening))
#define tor_addr_port_is_valid(addr, port, for_listening)
#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ap(ap, for_listening)    tor_addr_port_is_valid(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port, (for_listening))
#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4n(v4n_addr, port, for_listening)
#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4h(v4h_addr, port, for_listening)
#define interface_address_list_free(lst)    interface_address6_list_free(lst)


typedef uint8_t maskbits_t


enum  tor_addr_comparison_t { CMP_EXACT , CMP_SEMANTIC }


static const struct in6_addrtor_addr_to_in6 (const tor_addr_t *a)
static const struct in6_addrtor_addr_to_in6_assert (const tor_addr_t *a)
static uint32_t tor_addr_to_ipv4n (const tor_addr_t *a)
static uint32_t tor_addr_to_ipv4h (const tor_addr_t *a)
static uint32_t tor_addr_to_mapped_ipv4h (const tor_addr_t *a)
static sa_family_t tor_addr_family (const tor_addr_t *a)
static bool tor_addr_is_unspec (const tor_addr_t *a)
static const struct in_addr * tor_addr_to_in (const tor_addr_t *a)
static int tor_addr_eq_ipv4h (const tor_addr_t *a, uint32_t u)
socklen_t tor_addr_to_sockaddr (const tor_addr_t *a, uint16_t port, struct sockaddr *sa_out, socklen_t len)
int tor_addr_from_sockaddr (tor_addr_t *a, const struct sockaddr *sa, uint16_t *port_out)
void tor_addr_make_unspec (tor_addr_t *a)
void tor_addr_make_null (tor_addr_t *a, sa_family_t family)
char * tor_sockaddr_to_str (const struct sockaddr *sa)
char * tor_addr_to_str_dup (const tor_addr_t *addr) ATTR_MALLOC
const char * fmt_addr_impl (const tor_addr_t *addr, int decorate)
const char * fmt_addrport (const tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
const char * fmt_addr32 (uint32_t addr)
const char * fmt_addr32_port (uint32_t addr, uint16_t port)
const char * fmt_af_family (sa_family_t family)
const char * fmt_addr_family (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int get_interface_address6 (int severity, sa_family_t family, tor_addr_t *addr)
void interface_address6_list_free_ (struct smartlist_t *addrs)
struct smartlist_tget_interface_address6_list (int severity, sa_family_t family, int include_internal)
int tor_addr_compare (const tor_addr_t *addr1, const tor_addr_t *addr2, tor_addr_comparison_t how)
int tor_addr_compare_masked (const tor_addr_t *addr1, const tor_addr_t *addr2, maskbits_t mask, tor_addr_comparison_t how)
uint64_t tor_addr_hash (const tor_addr_t *addr)
uint64_t tor_addr_keyed_hash (const struct sipkey *key, const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_is_v4 (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_is_v6 (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_is_internal_ (const tor_addr_t *ip, int for_listening, const char *filename, int lineno)
int tor_addr_is_multicast (const tor_addr_t *a)
int tor_addr_to_PTR_name (char *out, size_t outlen, const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_parse_PTR_name (tor_addr_t *result, const char *address, int family, int accept_regular)
int tor_addr_parse_mask_ports (const char *s, unsigned flags, tor_addr_t *addr_out, maskbits_t *mask_out, uint16_t *port_min_out, uint16_t *port_max_out)
const char * tor_addr_to_str (char *dest, const tor_addr_t *addr, size_t len, int decorate)
int tor_addr_parse (tor_addr_t *addr, const char *src)
void tor_addr_copy (tor_addr_t *dest, const tor_addr_t *src)
void tor_addr_copy_tight (tor_addr_t *dest, const tor_addr_t *src)
void tor_addr_from_ipv4n (tor_addr_t *dest, uint32_t v4addr)
void tor_addr_from_ipv6_bytes (tor_addr_t *dest, const uint8_t *bytes)
void tor_addr_from_in6 (tor_addr_t *dest, const struct in6_addr *in6)
void tor_addr_copy_ipv6_bytes (uint8_t *dest, const tor_addr_t *src)
int tor_addr_is_null (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_is_loopback (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int tor_addr_is_valid (const tor_addr_t *addr, int for_listening)
int tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n (uint32_t v4n_addr, int for_listening)
int tor_port_is_valid (uint16_t port, int for_listening)
int tor_addr_port_split (int severity, const char *addrport, char **address_out, uint16_t *port_out)
int tor_addr_port_parse (int severity, const char *addrport, tor_addr_t *address_out, uint16_t *port_out, int default_port)
int tor_addr_hostname_is_local (const char *name)
int parse_port_range (const char *port, uint16_t *port_min_out, uint16_t *port_max_out)
int addr_mask_get_bits (uint32_t mask)
char * tor_dup_ip (uint32_t addr) ATTR_MALLOC
int get_interface_address (int severity, uint32_t *addr)
static struct smartlist_tget_interface_address_list (int severity, int include_internal)
tor_addr_port_ttor_addr_port_new (const tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
int tor_addr_port_eq (const tor_addr_port_t *a, const tor_addr_port_t *b)
void tor_addr_port_copy (tor_addr_port_t *dest, const tor_addr_port_t *source)
int string_is_valid_dest (const char *string)
int string_is_valid_nonrfc_hostname (const char *string)
int string_is_valid_ipv4_address (const char *string)
int string_is_valid_ipv6_address (const char *string)

Detailed Description

Headers for address.h.

Definition in file address.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ fmt_addr

#define fmt_addr (   a)    fmt_addr_impl((a), 0)

Wrapper function of fmt_addr_impl(). It does not decorate IPv6 addresses.

Definition at line 239 of file address.h.

◆ fmt_addrport_ap

#define fmt_addrport_ap (   ap)    fmt_addrport(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port)

Definition at line 247 of file address.h.

◆ fmt_and_decorate_addr

#define fmt_and_decorate_addr (   a)    fmt_addr_impl((a), 1)

Wrapper function of fmt_addr_impl(). It decorates IPv6 addresses.

Definition at line 243 of file address.h.

◆ interface_address6_list_free

#define interface_address6_list_free (   addrs)     FREE_AND_NULL(struct smartlist_t, interface_address6_list_free_, (addrs))

Definition at line 258 of file address.h.

◆ interface_address_list_free

#define interface_address_list_free (   lst)     interface_address6_list_free(lst)

Definition at line 377 of file address.h.



Longest length that can be required for a reverse lookup name.

Definition at line 296 of file address.h.



Definition at line 306 of file address.h.


#define TAPMP_STAR_IPV4_ONLY   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 309 of file address.h.


#define TAPMP_STAR_IPV6_ONLY   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 312 of file address.h.


#define TOR_ADDR_BUF_LEN   48

Length of a buffer that you need to allocate to be sure you can encode any tor_addr_t.

This allows enough space for "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:]", plus a terminating NUL.

Definition at line 224 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_eq

#define tor_addr_eq (   a,
)    (0==tor_addr_compare((a),(b),CMP_EXACT))

Return true iff a and b are the same address. The comparison is done "exactly".

Definition at line 280 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_from_in

#define tor_addr_from_in (   dest,
)     tor_addr_from_ipv4n((dest), (in)->s_addr);

Set dest to the IPv4 address incoded in in.

Definition at line 331 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_from_ipv4h

#define tor_addr_from_ipv4h (   dest,
)     tor_addr_from_ipv4n((dest), htonl(v4addr))

Set dest to the IPv4 address encoded in v4addr in host order.

Definition at line 327 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_is_internal

#define tor_addr_is_internal (   addr,
)     tor_addr_is_internal_((addr), (for_listening), SHORT_FILE__, __LINE__)

Definition at line 290 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4h

#define tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4h (   v4h_addr,
)     tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n(htonl(v4h_addr), (for_listening))

Definition at line 341 of file address.h.


#define TOR_ADDR_NULL   {AF_UNSPEC, {0}}

Definition at line 86 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_is_valid

#define tor_addr_port_is_valid (   addr,
(tor_addr_is_valid((addr), (for_listening)) && \
tor_port_is_valid((port), (for_listening)))

Definition at line 346 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_is_valid_ap

#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ap (   ap,
)     tor_addr_port_is_valid(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port, (for_listening))

Definition at line 350 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4h

#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4h (   v4h_addr,
(tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4h((v4h_addr), (for_listening)) && \
tor_port_is_valid((port), (for_listening)))

Definition at line 357 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4n

#define tor_addr_port_is_valid_ipv4n (   v4n_addr,
(tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n((v4n_addr), (for_listening)) && \
tor_port_is_valid((port), (for_listening)))

Definition at line 353 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_make_null

#define tor_addr_port_make_null (   addr,
)     (void)(tor_addr_make_null(addr, family), (port) = 0)

Definition at line 108 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_port_make_null_ap

#define tor_addr_port_make_null_ap (   ap,
)     tor_addr_port_make_null(&(ap)->addr, (ap)->port, family)

Definition at line 110 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_to_in6_addr16

#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr16 (   x)    S6_ADDR16(*tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x))

Given an IPv6 address x, yield it as an array of uint16_t.

Requires that x is actually an IPv6 address.

Definition at line 141 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_to_in6_addr32

#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr32 (   x)    S6_ADDR32(*tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x))

Given an IPv6 address x, yield it as an array of uint32_t.

Requires that x is actually an IPv6 address.

Definition at line 147 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_to_in6_addr8

#define tor_addr_to_in6_addr8 (   x)    tor_addr_to_in6_assert(x)->s6_addr

Given an IPv6 address x, yield it as an array of uint8_t.

Requires that x is actually an IPv6 address.

Definition at line 135 of file address.h.



Length of a buffer containing an IP address along with a port number and a separating colon.

This allows enough space for "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:]:12345", plus a terminating NUL.

Definition at line 233 of file address.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ maskbits_t

typedef uint8_t maskbits_t

The number of bits from an address to consider while doing a masked comparison.

Definition at line 62 of file address.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ tor_addr_comparison_t

Flag to specify how to do a comparison between addresses. In an "exact" comparison, addresses are equivalent only if they are in the same family with the same value. In a "semantic" comparison, IPv4 addresses match all IPv6 encodings of those addresses.

Definition at line 269 of file address.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addr_mask_get_bits()

int addr_mask_get_bits ( uint32_t  mask)

If mask is an address mask for a bit-prefix, return the number of bits. Otherwise, return -1.

Definition at line 1975 of file address.c.

◆ fmt_addr32()

const char * fmt_addr32 ( uint32_t  addr)

Like fmt_addr(), but takes addr as a host-order IPv4 addresses. Also not thread-safe, also clobbers its return buffer on repeated calls. Clean internal buffer and return empty string on failure.

Definition at line 1210 of file address.c.

Referenced by fmt_addr32_port().

◆ fmt_addr32_port()

const char * fmt_addr32_port ( uint32_t  addr,
uint16_t  port 

Like fmt_addrport(), but takes addr as a host-order IPv4 addresses. Also not thread-safe, also clobbers its return buffer on repeated calls.

Definition at line 1233 of file address.c.

◆ fmt_addr_family()

const char * fmt_addr_family ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Return a string representing the family of addr.

This string is a string constant, and must not be freed. This function is thread-safe.

Definition at line 1276 of file address.c.

◆ fmt_addr_impl()

const char * fmt_addr_impl ( const tor_addr_t addr,
int  decorate 

Return a string representing the address addr. This string is statically allocated, and must not be freed. Each call to fmt_addr_impl invalidates the last result of the function. This function is not thread-safe. If decorate is set, add brackets to IPv6 addresses.

It's better to use the wrapper macros of this function: fmt_addr() and fmt_and_decorate_addr().

Definition at line 1184 of file address.c.

◆ fmt_addrport()

const char * fmt_addrport ( const tor_addr_t addr,
uint16_t  port 

Return a string representing the pair addr and port. This calls fmt_and_decorate_addr internally, so IPv6 addresses will have brackets, and the caveats of fmt_addr_impl apply.

Definition at line 1199 of file address.c.

Referenced by bridge_resolve_conflicts().

◆ fmt_af_family()

const char * fmt_af_family ( sa_family_t  family)

Return a string representing family.

This string is a string constant, and must not be freed. This function is thread-safe.

Definition at line 1246 of file address.c.

Referenced by fmt_addr_family(), and router_do_orport_reachability_checks().

◆ get_interface_address()

int get_interface_address ( int  severity,
uint32_t *  addr 

Set *addr to a host-order IPv4 address (if any) of an interface that connects to the Internet. Prefer public IP addresses to internal IP addresses. This address should only be used in checking whether our address has changed, as it may be an internal IPv4 address. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. Prefer get_interface_address_list6 for a list of all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on all interfaces which connect to the Internet.

Definition at line 2073 of file address.c.

◆ get_interface_address6()

int get_interface_address6 ( int  severity,
sa_family_t  family,
tor_addr_t addr 

Set *addr to an arbitrary IP address (if any) of an interface that connects to the Internet. Prefer public IP addresses to internal IP addresses. This address should only be used in checking whether our address has changed, as it may be an internal IP address. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. Prefer get_interface_address6_list for a list of all addresses on all interfaces which connect to the Internet.

Definition at line 1723 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_interface_address().

◆ get_interface_address6_list()

struct smartlist_t * get_interface_address6_list ( int  severity,
sa_family_t  family,
int  include_internal 

Return a smartlist of the IP addresses of type family from all interfaces on the server. Excludes loopback and multicast addresses. Only includes internal addresses if include_internal is true. (Note that a relay behind NAT may use an internal address to connect to the Internet.) An empty smartlist means that there are no addresses of the selected type matching these criteria. Returns NULL on failure. Use interface_address6_list_free to free the returned list.

Definition at line 1777 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_interface_address6(), and get_interface_address_list().

◆ get_interface_address_list()

static struct smartlist_t * get_interface_address_list ( int  severity,
int  include_internal 

Return a smartlist of the IPv4 addresses of all interfaces on the server. Excludes loopback and multicast addresses. Only includes internal addresses if include_internal is true. (Note that a relay behind NAT may use an internal address to connect to the Internet.) An empty smartlist means that there are no IPv4 addresses. Returns NULL on failure. Use free_interface_address_list to free the returned list.

Definition at line 389 of file address.h.

◆ interface_address6_list_free_()

void interface_address6_list_free_ ( smartlist_t addrs)

Free a smartlist of IP addresses returned by get_interface_address6_list.

Definition at line 1757 of file address.c.

◆ parse_port_range()

int parse_port_range ( const char *  port,
uint16_t *  port_min_out,
uint16_t *  port_max_out 

Parse a string s in the format of (*|port(-maxport)?)?, setting the various *out pointers as appropriate. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1994 of file address.c.

Referenced by router_parse_addr_policy_private().

◆ string_is_valid_dest()

int string_is_valid_dest ( const char *  string)

Return true iff string is a valid destination address, i.e. either a DNS hostname or IPv4/IPv6 address string.

Definition at line 2155 of file address.c.

◆ string_is_valid_ipv4_address()

int string_is_valid_ipv4_address ( const char *  string)

Return true if string represents a valid IPv4 address in 'a.b.c.d' form.

Definition at line 2133 of file address.c.

Referenced by string_is_valid_nonrfc_hostname().

◆ string_is_valid_ipv6_address()

int string_is_valid_ipv6_address ( const char *  string)

Return true if string represents a valid IPv6 address in a form that inet_pton() can parse.

Definition at line 2144 of file address.c.

◆ string_is_valid_nonrfc_hostname()

int string_is_valid_nonrfc_hostname ( const char *  string)

Return true iff string matches a pattern of DNS names that we allow Tor clients to connect to.

Note: This allows certain technically invalid characters ('_') to cope with misconfigured zones that have been encountered in the wild.

Definition at line 2188 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_compare()

int tor_addr_compare ( const tor_addr_t addr1,
const tor_addr_t addr2,
tor_addr_comparison_t  how 

Given two addresses addr1 and addr2, return 0 if the two addresses are equivalent under the mask mbits, less than 0 if addr1 precedes addr2, and greater than 0 otherwise.

Different address families (IPv4 vs IPv6) are always considered unequal if how is CMP_EXACT; otherwise, IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses are considered equivalent to their IPv4 equivalents.

As a special case, all pointer-wise distinct AF_UNIX addresses are always considered unequal since tor_addr_t currently does not contain the information required to make the comparison.

Definition at line 984 of file address.c.

Referenced by compare_orports_(), compare_routerinfo_addrs_by_family(), geoip_add_entry(), get_configured_bridge_by_addr_port_digest(), get_configured_bridge_by_exact_addr_port_digest(), get_configured_bridge_by_orports_digest(), rewrite_node_address_for_bridge(), and routerstatus_has_visibly_changed().

◆ tor_addr_compare_masked()

int tor_addr_compare_masked ( const tor_addr_t addr1,
const tor_addr_t addr2,
maskbits_t  mbits,
tor_addr_comparison_t  how 

As tor_addr_compare(), but only looks at the first mask bits of the address.

Reduce over-specific masks (>128 for ipv6, >32 for ipv4) to 128 or 32.

The mask is interpreted relative to addr1, so that if a is ::ffff:, and b is, tor_addr_compare_masked(a,b,100,CMP_SEMANTIC) is the same as -tor_addr_compare_masked(b,a,4,CMP_SEMANTIC).

We guarantee that the ordering from tor_addr_compare_masked is a total order on addresses, but not that it is any particular order, or that it will be the same from one version to the next.

Helper: Evaluates to -1 if a is less than b, 0 if a equals b, or 1 if a is greater than b. May evaluate a and b more than once.

Definition at line 1005 of file address.c.

Referenced by addr_policy_covers(), addr_policy_intersects(), get_random_virtual_addr(), router_addrs_in_same_network(), and tor_addr_compare().

◆ tor_addr_copy()

void tor_addr_copy ( tor_addr_t dest,
const tor_addr_t src 

◆ tor_addr_copy_ipv6_bytes()

void tor_addr_copy_ipv6_bytes ( uint8_t *  dest,
const tor_addr_t src 

Set the 16 bytes at dest to equal the IPv6 address src. src must be an IPv6 address, if it is not, log a warning, and clear dest.

Definition at line 920 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_copy_tight()

void tor_addr_copy_tight ( tor_addr_t dest,
const tor_addr_t src 

Copy a tor_addr_t from src to dest, taking extra care to copy only the well-defined portions. Used for computing hashes of addresses.

Definition at line 947 of file address.c.

Referenced by policy_hash().

◆ tor_addr_eq_ipv4h()

static int tor_addr_eq_ipv4h ( const tor_addr_t a,
uint32_t  u 

Return true iff a is an IPv4 address equal to the host-ordered address in u.

Definition at line 212 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_family()

static sa_family_t tor_addr_family ( const tor_addr_t a)

◆ tor_addr_from_in6()

void tor_addr_from_in6 ( tor_addr_t dest,
const struct in6_addr in6 

Set dest equal to the IPv6 address in the in6_addr in6.

Definition at line 911 of file address.c.

Referenced by tor_addr_from_sockaddr(), and tor_addr_parse_PTR_name().

◆ tor_addr_from_ipv4n()

void tor_addr_from_ipv4n ( tor_addr_t dest,
uint32_t  v4addr 

Set dest to equal the IPv4 address in v4addr (given in network order).

Definition at line 889 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_random_virtual_addr(), and tor_addr_from_sockaddr().

◆ tor_addr_from_ipv6_bytes()

void tor_addr_from_ipv6_bytes ( tor_addr_t dest,
const uint8_t *  ipv6_bytes 

Set dest to equal the IPv6 address in the 16 bytes at ipv6_bytes.

Definition at line 900 of file address.c.

Referenced by connected_cell_parse(), get_random_virtual_addr(), and tor_addr_from_in6().

◆ tor_addr_from_sockaddr()

int tor_addr_from_sockaddr ( tor_addr_t a,
const struct sockaddr *  sa,
uint16_t *  port_out 

Set the tor_addr_t in a to contain the socket address contained in sa. IF port_out is non-NULL and sa contains a port, set *port_out to that port. Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.

Definition at line 165 of file address.c.

Referenced by tor_addr_from_getsockname().

◆ tor_addr_hash()

uint64_t tor_addr_hash ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Return a hash code based on the address addr. DOCDOC extra

Definition at line 1123 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_hostname_is_local()

int tor_addr_hostname_is_local ( const char *  name)

Return true if we can tell that name is a canonical name for the loopback address. Return true also for *.local hostnames, which are multicast DNS names for hosts on the local network.

Definition at line 2090 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_is_internal_()

int tor_addr_is_internal_ ( const tor_addr_t addr,
int  for_listening,
const char *  filename,
int  lineno 

Return true iff ip is an IP reserved to localhost or local networks.

If ip is in RFC1918 or RFC4193 or RFC4291, we will return true. (fec0::/10, deprecated by RFC3879, is also treated as internal for now and will return true.)

If ip is or (RFC6598), we will act as:

  • Internal if for_listening is 0, as these addresses are not routable on the internet and we won't be publicly accessible to clients.
  • External if for_listening is 1, as clients could connect to us from the internet (in the case of or a service provider's internal network (in the case of RFC6598).

Definition at line 255 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_is_loopback()

int tor_addr_is_loopback ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Return true iff addr is a loopback address

Definition at line 805 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_interface_address6_list(), and warn_nonlocal_controller_ports().

◆ tor_addr_is_multicast()

int tor_addr_is_multicast ( const tor_addr_t a)

Return true iff a is a multicast address.

Definition at line 1624 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_interface_address6_list().

◆ tor_addr_is_null()

int tor_addr_is_null ( const tor_addr_t addr)

◆ tor_addr_is_unspec()

static bool tor_addr_is_unspec ( const tor_addr_t a)

Return true if the address is in the UNSPEC family.

Definition at line 196 of file address.h.

Referenced by extend_info_add_orport(), extend_info_any_orport_addr_is_internal(), and extend_info_get_orport().

◆ tor_addr_is_v4()

int tor_addr_is_v4 ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Determine whether an address is IPv4, either native or IPv4-mapped IPv6. Note that this is about representation only, as any decent stack will reject IPv4-mapped addresses received on the wire (and won't use them on the wire either).

Definition at line 750 of file address.c.

Referenced by get_first_listener_addrport_string(), and tor_addr_is_internal_().

◆ tor_addr_is_v6()

int tor_addr_is_v6 ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Determine whether an address addr is an IPv6 (AF_INET6). Return true if so else false.

Definition at line 770 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_is_valid()

int tor_addr_is_valid ( const tor_addr_t addr,
int  for_listening 

Definition at line 837 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n()

int tor_addr_is_valid_ipv4n ( uint32_t  v4n_addr,
int  for_listening 

Definition at line 859 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_keyed_hash()

uint64_t tor_addr_keyed_hash ( const struct sipkey key,
const tor_addr_t addr 

As tor_addr_hash, but use a particular siphash key.

Definition at line 1142 of file address.c.

Referenced by bloomfilt_addr_hash().

◆ tor_addr_make_null()

void tor_addr_make_null ( tor_addr_t a,
sa_family_t  family 

Set address a to the null address in address family family. The null address for AF_INET is The null address for AF_INET6 is [::]. AF_UNSPEC is all null.

Definition at line 235 of file address.c.

Referenced by connection_ap_can_use_exit(), hs_get_extend_info_from_lspecs(), reachable_addr_choose_base(), reachable_addr_choose_from_dir_server(), reachable_addr_choose_from_node(), reachable_addr_choose_from_rs(), resolved_addr_reset_last(), and routerconf_find_ipv6_or_ap().

◆ tor_addr_make_unspec()

void tor_addr_make_unspec ( tor_addr_t a)

Set address a to the unspecified address. This address belongs to no family.

Definition at line 225 of file address.c.

Referenced by circuit_send_intermediate_onion_skin(), connected_cell_parse(), relay_find_addr_to_publish(), and tor_addr_from_sockaddr().

◆ tor_addr_parse()

int tor_addr_parse ( tor_addr_t addr,
const char *  src 

Convert the string in src to a tor_addr_t addr. The string may be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or an IPv6 address surrounded by square brackets.

Returns an address family on success, or -1 if an invalid address string is provided.

Definition at line 1349 of file address.c.

Referenced by address_is_in_virtual_range(), address_is_invalid_destination(), addressmap_rewrite_reverse(), adjust_exit_policy_from_exitpolicy_failure(), client_dns_set_addressmap(), connection_ap_can_use_exit(), connection_ap_fail_onehop(), getinfo_helper_geoip(), http_set_address_origin(), tor_addr_lookup(), tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(), tor_addr_port_lookup(), and tor_addr_port_split().

◆ tor_addr_parse_mask_ports()

int tor_addr_parse_mask_ports ( const char *  s,
unsigned  flags,
tor_addr_t addr_out,
maskbits_t maskbits_out,
uint16_t *  port_min_out,
uint16_t *  port_max_out 

Parse a string s containing an IPv4/IPv6 address, and possibly a mask and port or port range. Store the parsed address in addr_out, a mask (if any) in mask_out, and port(s) (if any) in port_min_out and port_max_out.

The syntax is: Address OptMask OptPortRange Address ::= IPv4Address / "[" IPv6Address "]" / "*" OptMask ::= "/" Integer / OptPortRange ::= ":*" / ":" Integer / ":" Integer "-" Integer /

  • If mask, minport, or maxport are NULL, we do not want these options to be set; treat them as an error if present.
  • If the string has no mask, the mask is set to /32 (IPv4) or /128 (IPv6).
  • If the string has one port, it is placed in both min and max port variables.
  • If the string has no port(s), port_(min|max)_out are set to 1 and 65535.

Return an address family on success, or -1 if an invalid address string is provided.

If 'flags & TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR' is false, then the wildcard address '*' yield an IPv4 wildcard.

If 'flags & TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR' is true, then the wildcard address '*' yields an AF_UNSPEC wildcard address, which expands to corresponding wildcard IPv4 and IPv6 rules, and the following change is made in the grammar above: Address ::= IPv4Address / "[" IPv6Address "]" / "*" / "*4" / "*6" with the new "*4" and "*6" productions creating a wildcard to match IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

If 'flags & TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR' and 'flags & TAPMP_STAR_IPV4_ONLY' are both true, then the wildcard address '*' yields an IPv4 wildcard.

If 'flags & TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR' and 'flags & TAPMP_STAR_IPV6_ONLY' are both true, then the wildcard address '*' yields an IPv6 wildcard.

TAPMP_STAR_IPV4_ONLY and TAPMP_STAR_IPV6_ONLY are mutually exclusive.

Longest possible length for an address, mask, and port-range combination. Includes IP, [], /mask, :, ports

Definition at line 543 of file address.c.

Referenced by find_single_ipv6_orport(), and policy_expand_private().

◆ tor_addr_parse_PTR_name()

int tor_addr_parse_PTR_name ( tor_addr_t result,
const char *  address,
int  family,
int  accept_regular 

Parse an or address from address. Return 0 if this is not an address or an address. Return -1 if this is an ill-formed address or an address. Also return -1 if family is not AF_UNSPEC, and the parsed address family does not match family. On success, return 1, and store the result, if any, into result, if provided.

If accept_regular is set and the address is in neither recognized reverse lookup hostname format, try parsing the address as a regular IPv4 or IPv6 address too. This mode will accept IPv6 addresses with or without square brackets.

Definition at line 380 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_port_copy()

void tor_addr_port_copy ( tor_addr_port_t dest,
const tor_addr_port_t source 

Copy a tor_addr_port_t from source to dest.

Definition at line 2121 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_port_eq()

int tor_addr_port_eq ( const tor_addr_port_t a,
const tor_addr_port_t b 

Return true iff a and b are the same address and port

Definition at line 2111 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_port_new()

tor_addr_port_t * tor_addr_port_new ( const tor_addr_t addr,
uint16_t  port 

Return a newly allocated tor_addr_port_t with addr and port filled in.

Definition at line 2100 of file address.c.

Referenced by connection_haproxy_proxy_connect().

◆ tor_addr_port_parse()

int tor_addr_port_parse ( int  severity,
const char *  addrport,
tor_addr_t address_out,
uint16_t *  port_out,
int  default_port 

Given an address of the form "ip:port", try to divide it into its ip and port portions, setting *address_out to a newly allocated string holding the address portion and *port_out to the port.

Don't do DNS lookups and don't allow domain names in the "ip" field.

If default_port is less than 0, don't accept addrport of the form "ip" or "ip:0". Otherwise, accept those forms, and set *port_out to default_port.

This function accepts:

  • IPv6 address and port, when the IPv6 address is in square brackets,
  • IPv6 address with square brackets,
  • IPv6 address without square brackets.

Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1857 of file address.c.

Referenced by tor_addr_port_lookup().

◆ tor_addr_port_split()

int tor_addr_port_split ( int  severity,
const char *  addrport,
char **  address_out,
uint16_t *  port_out 

Given an address of the form "host[:port]", try to divide it into its host and port portions.

Like tor_addr_port_parse(), this function accepts:

  • IPv6 address and port, when the IPv6 address is in square brackets,
  • IPv6 address with square brackets,
  • IPv6 address without square brackets.

Sets *address_out to a newly allocated string holding the address portion, and *port_out to the port (or 0 if no port is given).

Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1916 of file address.c.

Referenced by tor_addr_port_parse().

◆ tor_addr_to_in()

static const struct in_addr * tor_addr_to_in ( const tor_addr_t a)

Return an in_addr* equivalent to a, or NULL if a is not an IPv4 address.

Definition at line 204 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_to_in6()

static const struct in6_addr * tor_addr_to_in6 ( const tor_addr_t a)

Return an in6_addr* equivalent to a, or NULL if a is not an IPv6 address.

Definition at line 117 of file address.h.

Referenced by geoip_get_country_by_addr().

◆ tor_addr_to_in6_assert()

static const struct in6_addr * tor_addr_to_in6_assert ( const tor_addr_t a)

As tor_addr_to_in6, but assert that the address truly is an IPv6 address.

Definition at line 125 of file address.h.

Referenced by tor_addr_to_sockaddr().

◆ tor_addr_to_ipv4h()

static uint32_t tor_addr_to_ipv4h ( const tor_addr_t a)

◆ tor_addr_to_ipv4n()

static uint32_t tor_addr_to_ipv4n ( const tor_addr_t a)

Return an IPv4 address in network order for a, or 0 if a is not an IPv4 address.

Definition at line 152 of file address.h.

Referenced by connected_cell_format_payload(), connection_ap_handshake_socks_resolved_addr(), connection_send_socks5_connect(), get_random_virtual_addr(), tor_addr_is_null(), tor_addr_to_ipv4h(), and tor_addr_to_sockaddr().

◆ tor_addr_to_mapped_ipv4h()

static uint32_t tor_addr_to_mapped_ipv4h ( const tor_addr_t a)

Given an IPv6 address, return its mapped IPv4 address in host order, or 0 if a is not an IPv6 address.

(Does not check whether the address is really a mapped address.)

Definition at line 170 of file address.h.

◆ tor_addr_to_PTR_name()

int tor_addr_to_PTR_name ( char *  out,
size_t  outlen,
const tor_addr_t addr 

Convert addr to an name or a name, and store the result in the outlen-byte buffer at out. Returns a non-negative integer on success. Returns -1 on failure.

Definition at line 470 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_to_sockaddr()

socklen_t tor_addr_to_sockaddr ( const tor_addr_t a,
uint16_t  port,
struct sockaddr *  sa_out,
socklen_t  len 

Convert the tor_addr_t in a, with port in port, into a sockaddr object in *sa_out of object size len. If not enough room is available in sa_out, or on error, return 0. On success, return the length of the sockaddr.

Interface note: ordinarily, we return -1 for error. We can't do that here, since socklen_t is unsigned on some platforms.

Definition at line 113 of file address.c.

◆ tor_addr_to_str()

const char * tor_addr_to_str ( char *  dest,
const tor_addr_t addr,
size_t  len,
int  decorate 

Convert a tor_addr_t addr into a string, and store it in dest of size len. Returns a pointer to dest on success, or NULL on failure. If decorate, surround IPv6 addresses with brackets.

Definition at line 328 of file address.c.

Referenced by client_dns_set_addressmap(), fmt_addr_impl(), get_pt_proxy_uri(), node_get_address_string(), remap_event_helper(), and tor_addr_to_str_dup().

◆ tor_addr_to_str_dup()

char * tor_addr_to_str_dup ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Return a newly allocated string with a representation of addr.

Definition at line 1164 of file address.c.

Referenced by reachability_warnings_callback().

◆ tor_dup_ip()

char * tor_dup_ip ( uint32_t  addr)

Given a host-order addr, call tor_inet_ntop() on it and return a strdup of the resulting address. Return NULL if tor_inet_ntop() fails.

Definition at line 2047 of file address.c.

◆ tor_port_is_valid()

int tor_port_is_valid ( uint16_t  port,
int  for_listening 

Definition at line 875 of file address.c.

◆ tor_sockaddr_to_str()

char * tor_sockaddr_to_str ( const struct sockaddr *  sa)

Return a newly allocated string holding the address described in sa. AF_UNIX, AF_UNSPEC, AF_INET, and AF_INET6 are supported.

Definition at line 198 of file address.c.