Public Types | Data Fields
or_options_t Struct Reference

#include <or_options_st.h>

Public Types


Data Fields

uint32_t magic_
tor_cmdline_mode_t command
char * command_arg
struct config_line_tLogs
int LogTimeGranularity
int LogMessageDomains
int TruncateLogFile
char * SyslogIdentityTag
char * DebugLogFile
char * DataDirectory_option
char * DataDirectory
int DataDirectoryGroupReadable
char * KeyDirectory_option
char * KeyDirectory
int KeyDirectoryGroupReadable
char * CacheDirectory_option
char * CacheDirectory
int CacheDirectoryGroupReadable
char * Nickname
struct config_line_tAddress
int AddressDisableIPv6
char * PidFile
struct routerset_t * ExitNodes
struct routerset_t * MiddleNodes
struct routerset_t * EntryNodes
int StrictNodes
struct routerset_t * ExcludeNodes
struct routerset_t * ExcludeExitNodes
struct routerset_t * ExcludeExitNodesUnion_
int DisableAllSwap
struct config_line_tExitPolicy
int ExitPolicyRejectPrivate
int ExitPolicyRejectLocalInterfaces
int ReducedExitPolicy
int ReevaluateExitPolicy
struct config_line_tSocksPolicy
struct config_line_tDirPolicy
struct config_line_tOutboundBindAddress
struct config_line_tOutboundBindAddressOR
struct config_line_tOutboundBindAddressExit
struct config_line_tOutboundBindAddressPT
tor_addr_t OutboundBindAddresses [OUTBOUND_ADDR_MAX][2]
int DirAllowPrivateAddresses
int ExtendAllowPrivateAddresses
char * User
struct config_line_tORPort_lines
struct config_line_tExtORPort_lines
struct config_line_tMetricsPort_lines
struct config_line_tSocksPort_lines
struct config_line_tTransPort_lines
char * TransProxyType
enum or_options_t:: { ... }  TransProxyType_parsed
struct config_line_tNATDPort_lines
struct config_line_tHTTPTunnelPort_lines
struct config_line_tControlPort_lines
struct config_line_tControlSocket
int ControlSocketsGroupWritable
int UnixSocksGroupWritable
struct config_line_tDirPort_lines
struct config_line_tDNSPort_lines
uint64_t MaxMemInQueues_raw
uint64_t MaxMemInQueues
uint64_t MaxMemInQueues_low_threshold
int AssumeReachable
int AssumeReachableIPv6
int AuthoritativeDir
int V3AuthoritativeDir
int BridgeAuthoritativeDir
char * BridgeDistribution
char * BridgePassword
char * BridgePassword_AuthDigest_
int UseBridges
struct config_line_tBridges
struct config_line_tClientTransportPlugin
struct config_line_tServerTransportPlugin
struct config_line_tServerTransportListenAddr
struct config_line_tServerTransportOptions
int BridgeRelay
int UpdateBridgesFromAuthority
int AvoidDiskWrites
int ClientOnly
int ReducedConnectionPadding
int ConnectionPadding
int CircuitPadding
int ReconfigDropsBridgeDescs
int ReducedCircuitPadding
struct smartlist_tPublishServerDescriptor
dirinfo_type_t PublishServerDescriptor_
int PublishHidServDescriptors
int FetchServerDescriptors
int FetchHidServDescriptors
int FetchUselessDescriptors
int AllDirActionsPrivate
struct routerset_t * HSLayer2Nodes
struct routerset_t * HSLayer3Nodes
int HiddenServiceSingleHopMode
int HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode
int ConnLimit
int ConnLimit_
int ConnLimit_high_thresh
int ConnLimit_low_thresh
int RunAsDaemon
int FascistFirewall
struct smartlist_tFirewallPorts
struct config_line_tReachableAddresses
struct config_line_tReachableORAddresses
struct config_line_tReachableDirAddresses
int ConstrainedSockets
uint64_t ConstrainedSockSize
int RefuseUnknownExits
struct smartlist_tLongLivedPorts
struct smartlist_tRejectPlaintextPorts
struct smartlist_tWarnPlaintextPorts
struct smartlist_tTrackHostExits
int TrackHostExitsExpire
struct config_line_tAddressMap
int AutomapHostsOnResolve
struct smartlist_tAutomapHostsSuffixes
int KeepalivePeriod
int SocksTimeout
int LearnCircuitBuildTimeout
int CircuitBuildTimeout
int CircuitsAvailableTimeout
int CircuitStreamTimeout
int MaxOnionQueueDelay
int NewCircuitPeriod
int MaxCircuitDirtiness
uint64_t BandwidthRate
uint64_t BandwidthBurst
uint64_t MaxAdvertisedBandwidth
uint64_t RelayBandwidthRate
uint64_t RelayBandwidthBurst
uint64_t PerConnBWRate
uint64_t PerConnBWBurst
int NumCPUs
struct config_line_tRendConfigLines
char * ClientOnionAuthDir
char * ContactInfo
int HeartbeatPeriod
int MainloopStats
char * HTTPProxy
tor_addr_t HTTPProxyAddr
uint16_t HTTPProxyPort
char * HTTPProxyAuthenticator
char * HTTPSProxy
tor_addr_t HTTPSProxyAddr
uint16_t HTTPSProxyPort
char * HTTPSProxyAuthenticator
char * Socks4Proxy
tor_addr_t Socks4ProxyAddr
uint16_t Socks4ProxyPort
char * Socks5Proxy
tor_addr_t Socks5ProxyAddr
uint16_t Socks5ProxyPort
char * Socks5ProxyUsername
char * Socks5ProxyPassword
char * TCPProxy
tcp_proxy_protocol_t TCPProxyProtocol
tor_addr_t TCPProxyAddr
uint16_t TCPProxyPort
struct config_line_tDirAuthorities
struct config_line_tFallbackDir
int UseDefaultFallbackDirs
double DirAuthorityFallbackRate
struct config_line_tAlternateDirAuthority
struct config_line_tAlternateBridgeAuthority
struct config_line_tMyFamily_lines
struct config_line_tMyFamily
struct config_line_tNodeFamilies
struct smartlist_tNodeFamilySets
struct config_line_tAuthDirBadExit
struct config_line_tAuthDirMiddleOnly
struct config_line_tAuthDirReject
struct config_line_tAuthDirInvalid
char * AccountingStart
uint64_t AccountingMax
char * AccountingRule_option
enum or_options_t:: { ... }  AccountingRule
struct config_line_tHashedControlPassword
struct config_line_tHashedControlSessionPassword
int CookieAuthentication
char * CookieAuthFile
char * ExtORPortCookieAuthFile
int CookieAuthFileGroupReadable
int ExtORPortCookieAuthFileGroupReadable
int LeaveStreamsUnattached
int DisablePredictedCircuits
char * OwningControllerProcess
uint64_t OwningControllerFD
int ShutdownWaitLength
char * SafeLogging
enum or_options_t:: { ... }  SafeLogging_
int Sandbox
int SafeSocks
int ProtocolWarnings
int TestSocks
int TokenBucketRefillInterval
int UseEntryGuards_option
int UseEntryGuards
int NumEntryGuards
int UseGuardFraction
int NumDirectoryGuards
int NumPrimaryGuards
int VanguardsLiteEnabled
int AlwaysCongestionControl
int SbwsExit
int RephistTrackTime
int FetchDirInfoEarly
int FetchDirInfoExtraEarly
int DirCache
char * VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4
char * VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6
int ServerDNSSearchDomains
int ServerDNSDetectHijacking
int ServerDNSRandomizeCase
char * ServerDNSResolvConfFile
char * DirPortFrontPage
int DisableDebuggerAttachment
int ServerDNSAllowBrokenConfig
int CountPrivateBandwidth
struct smartlist_tServerDNSTestAddresses
int EnforceDistinctSubnets
int AllowNonRFC953Hostnames
int ServerDNSAllowNonRFC953Hostnames
int DownloadExtraInfo
int DirReqStatistics_option
int DirReqStatistics
int ExitPortStatistics
int ConnDirectionStatistics
int CellStatistics
int PaddingStatistics
int EntryStatistics
int HiddenServiceStatistics_option
int HiddenServiceStatistics
int ExtraInfoStatistics
int OverloadStatistics
int ClientDNSRejectInternalAddresses
int ClientRejectInternalAddresses
int ClientUseIPv4
int ClientUseIPv6
int ClientPreferIPv6ORPort
int ClientPreferIPv6DirPort
int CompiledProofOfWorkHash
int ConfluxEnabled
char * ConfluxClientUX_option
int ConfluxClientUX
int V3AuthVotingInterval
int V3AuthVoteDelay
int V3AuthDistDelay
int V3AuthNIntervalsValid
int V3AuthUseLegacyKey
char * V3BandwidthsFile
char * GuardfractionFile
int TestingV3AuthInitialVotingInterval
int TestingV3AuthInitialVoteDelay
int TestingV3AuthInitialDistDelay
int TestingV3AuthVotingStartOffset
int TestingServerDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingClientDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingServerConsensusDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingClientConsensusDownloadInitialDelay
int ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityDownloadInitialDelay
int ClientBootstrapConsensusFallbackDownloadInitialDelay
int ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityOnlyDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingBridgeDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingBridgeBootstrapDownloadInitialDelay
int TestingClientMaxIntervalWithoutRequest
int TestingDirConnectionMaxStall
int ClientBootstrapConsensusMaxInProgressTries
int TestingTorNetwork
int TestingEnableConnBwEvent
int TestingEnableCellStatsEvent
int BridgeRecordUsageByCountry
char * GeoIPFile
char * GeoIPv6File
int GeoIPExcludeUnknown
int ReloadTorrcOnSIGHUP
double CircuitPriorityHalflife
int UsingTestNetworkDefaults_
int UseMicrodescriptors
char * ControlPortWriteToFile
int ControlPortFileGroupReadable
int MaxClientCircuitsPending
int DisableNetwork
int IPv6Exit
double PathsNeededToBuildCircuits
int SSLKeyLifetime
int GuardLifetime
int ExitRelay
int SigningKeyLifetime
int TestingLinkCertLifetime
int TestingAuthKeyLifetime
int TestingSigningKeySlop
int TestingLinkKeySlop
int TestingAuthKeySlop
int OfflineMasterKey
key_expiration_format_t key_expiration_format
enum or_options_t:: { ... }  keygen_force_passphrase
int use_keygen_passphrase_fd
int keygen_passphrase_fd
int change_key_passphrase
char * master_key_fname
int KeepBindCapabilities
uint64_t MaxUnparseableDescSizeToLog
int DisableOOSCheck
int ExtendByEd25519ID
int IncludeUsed
int MaxConsensusAgeForDiffs
int NoExec
int KISTSchedRunInterval
double KISTSockBufSizeFactor
struct smartlist_tSchedulers
struct smartlist_tSchedulerTypes_
struct smartlist_tFilesOpenedByIncludes
int DisableSignalHandlers
int DormantClientTimeout
int DormantTimeoutEnabled
int DormantTimeoutDisabledByIdleStreams
int DormantOnFirstStartup
int DormantCanceledByStartup
struct config_line_tMetricsPortPolicy
int TestingMinTimeToReportBandwidth
struct config_suite_tsubconfigs_
port booleans

Derived booleans: For server ports and ControlPort, true iff there is a non-listener port on an AF_INET or AF_INET6 address of the given type configured in one of the _lines options above. For client ports, also true if there is a unix socket configured. If you are checking for client ports, you may want to use: SocksPort_set || TransPort_set || NATDPort_set || DNSPort_set || HTTPTunnelPort_set rather than SocksPort_set.

unsigned int ORPort_set: 1
unsigned int SocksPort_set: 1
unsigned int TransPort_set: 1
unsigned int NATDPort_set: 1
unsigned int ControlPort_set: 1
unsigned int DirPort_set: 1
unsigned int DNSPort_set: 1
unsigned int ExtORPort_set: 1
unsigned int HTTPTunnelPort_set: 1
unsigned int MetricsPort_set: 1

Lists of country codes to mark as BadExit, or Invalid, or to reject entirely.

struct smartlist_tAuthDirBadExitCCs
struct smartlist_tAuthDirInvalidCCs
struct smartlist_tAuthDirMiddleOnlyCCs
struct smartlist_tAuthDirRejectCCs
int PathBiasCircThreshold
double PathBiasNoticeRate
double PathBiasWarnRate
double PathBiasExtremeRate
int PathBiasDropGuards
int PathBiasScaleThreshold
int PathBiasUseThreshold
double PathBiasNoticeUseRate
double PathBiasExtremeUseRate
int PathBiasScaleUseThreshold

Detailed Description

Configuration options for a Tor process.

Definition at line 64 of file or_options_st.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Parsed value of TransProxyType.

Definition at line 178 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 533 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 567 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 1007 of file or_options_st.h.

Field Documentation

◆ AccountingMax

uint64_t AccountingMax

How many bytes do we allow per accounting interval before hibernation? 0 for "never hibernate."

Definition at line 524 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by accounting_is_enabled(), consider_hibernation(), hibernate_hard_limit_reached(), and hibernate_soft_limit_reached().

◆ AccountingRule_option

char* AccountingRule_option

How do we determine when our AccountingMax has been reached? "max" for when in or out reaches AccountingMax "sum" for when in plus out reaches AccountingMax "in" for when in reaches AccountingMax "out" for when out reaches AccountingMax

Definition at line 532 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AccountingStart

char* AccountingStart

How long is the accounting interval, and when does it start?

Definition at line 522 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ Address

struct config_line_t* Address

OR only: configured address for this onion router. Up to two times this options is accepted as in IPv4 and IPv6.

Definition at line 100 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AddressDisableIPv6

int AddressDisableIPv6

Boolean: If set, disable IPv6 address resolution, IPv6 ORPorts, IPv6 reachability checks, and publishing an IPv6 ORPort in its descriptor.

Definition at line 104 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by relay_find_addr_to_publish().

◆ AddressMap

struct config_line_t* AddressMap

List of address map directives.

Definition at line 393 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by config_register_addressmaps().

◆ AllDirActionsPrivate

int AllDirActionsPrivate

Should every directory action be sent through a Tor circuit?

Definition at line 322 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AllowNonRFC953Hostnames

int AllowNonRFC953Hostnames

If true, we allow connections to hostnames with weird characters.

Definition at line 655 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AlternateBridgeAuthority

struct config_line_t* AlternateBridgeAuthority

If set, use these bridge authorities and not the default one.

Definition at line 491 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by validate_dir_servers().

◆ AlternateDirAuthority

struct config_line_t* AlternateDirAuthority

If set, use these main (currently v3) directory authorities and not the default ones.

Definition at line 488 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by validate_dir_servers().

◆ AlwaysCongestionControl

int AlwaysCongestionControl

Boolean: Switch to override consensus to enable congestion control

Definition at line 605 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AssumeReachable

int AssumeReachable

Whether to publish our descriptor regardless of all our self-tests

Definition at line 235 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by router_reachability_checks_disabled().

◆ AssumeReachableIPv6

int AssumeReachableIPv6

Whether to publish our descriptor regardless of IPv6 self-tests.

This is an autobool; when set to AUTO, it uses AssumeReachable.

Definition at line 240 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirBadExit

struct config_line_t* AuthDirBadExit

Address policy for descriptors to mark as bad exits.

Definition at line 500 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirBadExitCCs

struct smartlist_t* AuthDirBadExitCCs

Definition at line 516 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirInvalid

struct config_line_t* AuthDirInvalid

Address policy for descriptors to never mark as valid.

Definition at line 507 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirInvalidCCs

struct smartlist_t* AuthDirInvalidCCs

Definition at line 517 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirMiddleOnly

struct config_line_t* AuthDirMiddleOnly

Address policy for descriptors to mark as only suitable for the middle position in circuits.

Definition at line 504 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirMiddleOnlyCCs

struct smartlist_t* AuthDirMiddleOnlyCCs

Definition at line 518 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthDirReject

struct config_line_t* AuthDirReject

Address policy for descriptors to reject.

Definition at line 505 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policies_parse_from_options().

◆ AuthDirRejectCCs

struct smartlist_t* AuthDirRejectCCs

Definition at line 519 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ AuthoritativeDir

int AuthoritativeDir

Boolean: is this an authoritative directory?

Definition at line 241 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by authdir_mode(), and options_validate_dirauth_mode().

◆ AutomapHostsOnResolve

int AutomapHostsOnResolve

If true, when we get a resolve request for a hostname ending with one of the suffixes in AutomapHostsSuffixes, map it to a virtual address.

Definition at line 394 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by addressmap_clear_invalid_automaps().

◆ AutomapHostsSuffixes

struct smartlist_t* AutomapHostsSuffixes

List of suffixes for AutomapHostsOnResolve. The special value "." means "match everything."

Definition at line 400 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by addressmap_address_should_automap(), and addressmap_clear_invalid_automaps().

◆ AvoidDiskWrites

int AvoidDiskWrites

Boolean: should we never cache things to disk? Not used yet.

Definition at line 281 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ BandwidthBurst

uint64_t BandwidthBurst

How much bandwidth, at maximum, are we willing to use in a second?

Definition at line 425 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_or_update_token_buckets_helper(), and relay_get_effective_bwburst().

◆ BandwidthRate

uint64_t BandwidthRate

How much bandwidth, on average, are we willing to use in a second?

Definition at line 423 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_or_update_token_buckets_helper(), relay_get_effective_bwrate(), router_has_bandwidth_to_be_dirserver(), router_perform_bandwidth_test(), and update_expected_bandwidth().

◆ BridgeAuthoritativeDir

int BridgeAuthoritativeDir

Boolean: is this an authoritative directory that aggregates bridge descriptors?

Definition at line 244 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by authdir_mode_bridge(), geoip_note_client_seen(), handle_get_descriptor(), handle_get_networkstatus_bridges(), and write_bridge_ns_callback().

◆ BridgeDistribution

char* BridgeDistribution

If set on a bridge relay, it will include this value on a new "bridge-distribution-request" line in its bridge descriptor.

Definition at line 249 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ BridgePassword

char* BridgePassword

If set on a bridge authority, it will answer requests on its dirport for bridge statuses – but only if the requests use this password.

Definition at line 253 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ BridgePassword_AuthDigest_

char* BridgePassword_AuthDigest_

If BridgePassword is set, this is a SHA256 digest of the basic http authenticator for it. Used so we can do a time-independent comparison.

Definition at line 256 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by handle_get_networkstatus_bridges().

◆ BridgeRecordUsageByCountry

int BridgeRecordUsageByCountry

If true, and we have GeoIP data, and we're a bridge, keep a per-country count of how many client addresses have contacted us so that we can help the bridge authority guess which countries have blocked access to us.

Definition at line 858 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_record_bridge_info().

◆ BridgeRelay

int BridgeRelay

◆ Bridges

struct config_line_t* Bridges

List of bootstrap bridge addresses.

Definition at line 259 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CacheDirectory

char* CacheDirectory

Where to store cached data, as modified.

Definition at line 94 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories().

◆ CacheDirectory_option

char* CacheDirectory_option

Where to store cached data, as configured by the user.

Definition at line 92 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CacheDirectoryGroupReadable

int CacheDirectoryGroupReadable

Boolean: Is the CacheDirectory g+r?

Definition at line 95 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories().

◆ CellStatistics

int CellStatistics

If true, the user wants us to collect cell statistics.

Definition at line 678 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ change_key_passphrase

int change_key_passphrase

Definition at line 1014 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CircuitBuildTimeout

int CircuitBuildTimeout

Cull non-open circuits that were born at least this many seconds ago. Used until adaptive algorithm learns a new value.

Definition at line 409 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CircuitPadding

int CircuitPadding

Boolean: if true, then circuit padding will be negotiated by client and server, subject to consenus limits (default). If 0, it will be fully disabled.

Definition at line 296 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CircuitPriorityHalflife

double CircuitPriorityHalflife

The main parameter for picking circuits within a connection.

If this value is positive, when picking a cell to relay on a connection, we always relay from the circuit whose weighted cell count is lowest. Cells are weighted exponentially such that if one cell is sent 'CircuitPriorityHalflife' seconds before another, it counts for half as much.

If this value is zero, we're disabling the cell-EWMA algorithm.

If this value is negative, we're using the default approach according to either Tor or a parameter set in the consensus.

Definition at line 886 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CircuitsAvailableTimeout

int CircuitsAvailableTimeout

Try to have an open circuit for at least this long after last activity

Definition at line 412 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by channelpadding_get_circuits_available_timeout().

◆ CircuitStreamTimeout

int CircuitStreamTimeout

If non-zero, detach streams from circuits and try a new circuit if the stream has been waiting for this many seconds. If zero, use our default internal timeout schedule.

Definition at line 414 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by compute_retry_timeout().

◆ ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityDownloadInitialDelay

int ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download consensuses from authorities if they are bootstrapping (that is, they don't have a usable, reasonably live consensus). Only used by clients fetching from a list of fallback directory mirrors.

This schedule is incremented by (potentially concurrent) connection attempts, unlike other schedules, which are incremented by connection failures. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 800 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityOnlyDownloadInitialDelay

int ClientBootstrapConsensusAuthorityOnlyDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download consensuses from authorities if they are bootstrapping (that is, they don't have a usable, reasonably live consensus). Only used by clients which don't have or won't fetch from a list of fallback directory mirrors.

This schedule is incremented by (potentially concurrent) connection attempts, unlike other schedules, which are incremented by connection failures. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 820 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ClientBootstrapConsensusFallbackDownloadInitialDelay

int ClientBootstrapConsensusFallbackDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download consensuses from fallback directory mirrors if they are bootstrapping (that is, they don't have a usable, reasonably live consensus). Only used by clients fetching from a list of fallback directory mirrors.

This schedule is incremented by (potentially concurrent) connection attempts, unlike other schedules, which are incremented by connection failures. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 810 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ClientBootstrapConsensusMaxInProgressTries

int ClientBootstrapConsensusMaxInProgressTries

How many simultaneous in-progress connections will we make when trying to fetch a consensus before we wait for one to complete, timeout, or error out? Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 842 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by update_consensus_networkstatus_downloads().

◆ ClientDNSRejectInternalAddresses

int ClientDNSRejectInternalAddresses

If true, do not believe anybody who tells us that a domain resolves to an internal address, or that an internal address has a PTR mapping. Helps avoid some cross-site attacks.

Definition at line 703 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ClientOnionAuthDir

char* ClientOnionAuthDir

Directory to keep client onion service authorization secret keys

Definition at line 438 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by find_and_remove_client_auth_creds_file(), and hs_config_client_authorization().

◆ ClientOnly

int ClientOnly

Boolean: should we never evolve into a server role?

Definition at line 283 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by decide_if_publishable_server(), and server_mode().

◆ ClientPreferIPv6DirPort

int ClientPreferIPv6DirPort

If true, prefer an IPv6 directory port over an IPv4 one for direct directory connections. If auto, bridge clients prefer IPv6, and other clients prefer IPv4. Use reachable_addr_prefer_ipv6_dirport() instead of accessing this value directly.

Definition at line 726 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by reachable_addr_prefer_ipv6_dirport(), and reachable_addr_use_ipv6().

◆ ClientPreferIPv6ORPort

int ClientPreferIPv6ORPort

If true, prefer an IPv6 OR port over an IPv4 one for entry node connections. If auto, bridge clients prefer IPv6, and other clients prefer IPv4. Use node_ipv6_or_preferred() instead of accessing this value directly.

Definition at line 721 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by reachable_addr_prefer_ipv6_orport(), and reachable_addr_use_ipv6().

◆ ClientRejectInternalAddresses

int ClientRejectInternalAddresses

If true, do not accept any requests to connect to internal addresses over randomly chosen exits.

Definition at line 707 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ClientTransportPlugin

struct config_line_t* ClientTransportPlugin

List of client transport plugins.

Definition at line 261 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by conn_get_proxy_type(), and get_proxy_addrport().

◆ ClientUseIPv4

int ClientUseIPv4

If true, clients may connect over IPv4. If false, they will avoid connecting over IPv4. We enforce this for OR and Dir connections.

Definition at line 711 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by reachable_addr_allows(), reachable_addr_prefer_ipv6_impl(), and reachable_addr_use_ipv6().

◆ ClientUseIPv6

int ClientUseIPv6

If true, clients may connect over IPv6. If false, they will avoid connecting over IPv4. We enforce this for OR and Dir connections. Use reachable_addr_use_ipv6() instead of accessing this value directly.

Definition at line 716 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by reachable_addr_use_ipv6().

◆ command

◆ command_arg

char* command_arg

Argument for command-line option.

Definition at line 69 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by do_dump_config(), do_list_fingerprint(), and log_cert_expiration().

◆ CompiledProofOfWorkHash

int CompiledProofOfWorkHash

If true, always use the compiled hash implementation. If false, always the interpreter. Default of "auto" allows a dynamic fallback from copmiler to interpreter.

Definition at line 731 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConfluxClientUX

int ConfluxClientUX

Definition at line 739 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConfluxClientUX_option

char* ConfluxClientUX_option

Has the UX integer value that the client will request from the exit.

Definition at line 738 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConfluxEnabled

int ConfluxEnabled

If true, the tor client will use conflux for its general purpose circuits which excludes onion service traffic.

Definition at line 735 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConnDirectionStatistics

int ConnDirectionStatistics

If true, the user wants us to collect connection statistics.

Definition at line 675 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConnectionPadding

int ConnectionPadding

Autobool: if auto, then connection padding will be negotiated by client and server. If 0, it will be fully disabled. If 1, the client will still pad to the server regardless of server support.

Definition at line 291 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConnLimit

int ConnLimit

Demanded minimum number of simultaneous connections.

Definition at line 353 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConnLimit_

int ConnLimit_

Maximum allowed number of simultaneous connections.

Definition at line 354 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_commit_listener_transaction(), and options_rollback_listener_transaction().

◆ ConnLimit_high_thresh

int ConnLimit_high_thresh

start trying to lower socket usage if we have this many.

Definition at line 355 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_commit_listener_transaction().

◆ ConnLimit_low_thresh

int ConnLimit_low_thresh

try to get down to here after socket exhaustion.

Definition at line 357 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_commit_listener_transaction().

◆ ConstrainedSockets

int ConstrainedSockets

Shrink xmit and recv socket buffers.

Definition at line 368 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ConstrainedSockSize

uint64_t ConstrainedSockSize

Size of constrained buffers.

Definition at line 369 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ContactInfo

char* ContactInfo

Contact info to be published in the directory.

Definition at line 440 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ControlPort_lines

struct config_line_t* ControlPort_lines

Ports to listen on for control connections.

Definition at line 188 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ControlPort_set

unsigned int ControlPort_set

Definition at line 225 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ControlPortFileGroupReadable

int ControlPortFileGroupReadable

Should that file be group-readable?

Definition at line 900 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ControlPortWriteToFile

char* ControlPortWriteToFile

File where we should write the ControlPort.

Definition at line 898 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by control_ports_write_to_file(), and tor_cleanup().

◆ ControlSocket

struct config_line_t* ControlSocket

List of Unix Domain Sockets to listen on for control connections.

Definition at line 191 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ControlSocketsGroupWritable

int ControlSocketsGroupWritable

Boolean: Are control sockets g+rw?

Definition at line 193 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CookieAuthentication

int CookieAuthentication

Boolean: do we enable cookie-based auth for the control system?

Definition at line 540 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_authmethods(), and get_esc_cfile().

◆ CookieAuthFile

char* CookieAuthFile

Filesystem location of a ControlPort authentication cookie.

Definition at line 542 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_controller_cookie_file_name().

◆ CookieAuthFileGroupReadable

int CookieAuthFileGroupReadable

Boolean: Is the CookieAuthFile g+r?

Definition at line 546 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ CountPrivateBandwidth

int CountPrivateBandwidth

Boolean: if set, then even connections to private addresses will get rate-limited.

Definition at line 649 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_is_rate_limited().

◆ DataDirectory

char* DataDirectory

Where to store long-term data, as modified.

Definition at line 84 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories(), and validate_data_directories().

◆ DataDirectory_option

char* DataDirectory_option

Where to store long-term data, as configured by the user.

Definition at line 82 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by validate_data_directories().

◆ DataDirectoryGroupReadable

int DataDirectoryGroupReadable

Boolean: Is the DataDirectory g+r?

Definition at line 85 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories().

◆ DebugLogFile

char* DebugLogFile

Where to send verbose log messages.

Definition at line 81 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DirAllowPrivateAddresses

int DirAllowPrivateAddresses

Whether dirservers allow router descriptors with private IPs.

Definition at line 161 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DirAuthorities

struct config_line_t* DirAuthorities

List of configuration lines for replacement directory authorities. If you just want to replace one class of authority at a time, use the "Alternate*Authority" options below instead.

Definition at line 475 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by validate_dir_servers().

◆ DirAuthorityFallbackRate

double DirAuthorityFallbackRate

Weight to apply to all directory authority rates if considering them along with fallbackdirs

Definition at line 484 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DirCache

int DirCache

Cache all directory documents and accept requests via tunnelled dir conns from clients. If 1, enabled (default); If 0, disabled. Use dir_server_mode() rather than referencing this option directly. (Except for routermode and relay_config, which do direct checks.)

Definition at line 618 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dir_server_mode(), have_enough_mem_for_dircache(), and options_validate_relay_mode().

◆ DirPolicy

struct config_line_t* DirPolicy

Lists of dir policy components

Definition at line 147 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policies_parse_from_options().

◆ DirPort_lines

struct config_line_t* DirPort_lines

Ports to listen on for directory connections.

Definition at line 196 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_validate_relay_mode().

◆ DirPort_set

unsigned int DirPort_set

Definition at line 226 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DirPortFrontPage

char* DirPortFrontPage

This is a full path to a file with an html disclaimer. This allows a server administrator to show that they're running Tor and anyone visiting their server will know this without any specialized knowledge.

Definition at line 638 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act_relay_dir().

◆ DirReqStatistics

int DirReqStatistics

Internal variable to remember whether we're actually acting on DirReqStatistics_option – yes if it's set and we're a server, else no.

Definition at line 669 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by geoip_note_client_seen().

◆ DirReqStatistics_option

int DirReqStatistics_option

If true, we're configured to collect statistics on clients requesting network statuses from us as directory.

Definition at line 666 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DisableAllSwap

int DisableAllSwap

Boolean: Attempt to call mlockall() on our process for all current and future memory.

Definition at line 132 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DisableDebuggerAttachment

int DisableDebuggerAttachment

Currently Linux only specific attempt to disable ptrace; needs BSD testing.

Definition at line 642 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act().

◆ DisableNetwork

int DisableNetwork

If 1, we accept and launch no external network connections, except on control ports.

Definition at line 909 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by net_is_completely_disabled(), net_is_disabled(), and should_delay_dir_fetches().

◆ DisableOOSCheck

int DisableOOSCheck

If 1, we skip all OOS checks.

Definition at line 1026 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DisablePredictedCircuits

int DisablePredictedCircuits

Boolean: does Tor preemptively make circuits in the background (0), or not (1)?

Definition at line 552 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DisableSignalHandlers

int DisableSignalHandlers

If true, Tor shouldn't install any posix signal handlers, since it is running embedded inside another process.

Definition at line 1065 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by handle_signals().

◆ DNSPort_lines

struct config_line_t* DNSPort_lines

Ports to listen on for DNS requests.

Definition at line 198 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DNSPort_set

unsigned int DNSPort_set

Definition at line 227 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DormantCanceledByStartup

int DormantCanceledByStartup

Boolean: true if Tor should treat every startup event as cancelling a possible previous dormant state.

Definition at line 1091 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DormantClientTimeout

int DormantClientTimeout

Interval: how long without activity does it take for a client to become dormant?

Definition at line 1070 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by check_network_participation_callback().

◆ DormantOnFirstStartup

int DormantOnFirstStartup

Boolean: true if Tor should be dormant the first time it starts with a datadirectory; false otherwise.

Definition at line 1086 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ DormantTimeoutDisabledByIdleStreams

int DormantTimeoutDisabledByIdleStreams

Boolean: true if having an idle stream is sufficient to prevent a client from becoming dormant.

Definition at line 1082 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by check_network_participation_callback().

◆ DormantTimeoutEnabled

int DormantTimeoutEnabled

Boolean: If enabled, then we consider the timeout when deciding whether to be dormant. If not enabled, then only the SIGNAL ACTIVE/DORMANT controls can change our status.

Definition at line 1077 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by check_network_participation_callback().

◆ DownloadExtraInfo

int DownloadExtraInfo

If true, we try to download extra-info documents (and we serve them, if we are a cache). For authorities, this is always true.

Definition at line 662 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by directory_info_has_arrived(), should_use_directory_guards(), and update_extrainfo_downloads().

◆ EnforceDistinctSubnets

int EnforceDistinctSubnets

If true, don't allow multiple routers in the same network zone in the same circuit.

Definition at line 653 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by nodelist_add_node_and_family(), and nodes_in_same_family().

◆ EntryNodes

struct routerset_t* EntryNodes

Structure containing nicknames, digests, country codes and IP address patterns of ORs to consider as entry points.

Definition at line 114 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by entry_list_is_constrained(), node_passes_guard_filter(), options_need_geoip_info(), and refresh_all_country_info().

◆ EntryStatistics

int EntryStatistics

If true, the user wants us to collect statistics as entry node.

Definition at line 684 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by geoip_note_client_seen().

◆ ExcludeExitNodes

struct routerset_t* ExcludeExitNodes

Structure containing nicknames, digests, country codes and IP address patterns of ORs not to consider as exits.

Definition at line 124 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_need_geoip_info(), and refresh_all_country_info().

◆ ExcludeExitNodesUnion_

struct routerset_t* ExcludeExitNodesUnion_

Union of ExcludeNodes and ExcludeExitNodes

Definition at line 130 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by addressmap_clear_excluded_trackexithosts(), refresh_all_country_info(), and router_find_exact_exit_enclave().

◆ ExcludeNodes

struct routerset_t* ExcludeNodes

Structure containing nicknames, digests, country codes and IP address patterns of ORs not to use in circuits. But see StrictNodes above.

Definition at line 120 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by bridge_passes_guard_filter(), fetch_bridge_descriptors(), node_passes_guard_filter(), options_need_geoip_info(), refresh_all_country_info(), router_should_check_reachability(), and warn_if_last_router_excluded().

◆ ExitNodes

struct routerset_t* ExitNodes

Structure containing nicknames, digests, country codes and IP address patterns of ORs to consider as exits.

Definition at line 108 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by addressmap_clear_excluded_trackexithosts(), options_need_geoip_info(), and refresh_all_country_info().

◆ ExitPolicy

struct config_line_t* ExitPolicy

Lists of exit policy components.

Definition at line 135 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policy_using_default_exit_options().

◆ ExitPolicyRejectLocalInterfaces

int ExitPolicyRejectLocalInterfaces

Should we not exit to local interface addresses? Includes OutboundBindAddresses and configured ports.

Definition at line 139 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ExitPolicyRejectPrivate

int ExitPolicyRejectPrivate

Should we not exit to reserved private addresses, and our own published addresses?

Definition at line 136 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ExitPortStatistics

int ExitPortStatistics

If true, the user wants us to collect statistics on port usage.

Definition at line 672 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ExitRelay

int ExitRelay

Is this an exit node? This is a tristate, where "1" means "yes, and use the default exit policy if none is given" and "0" means "no; exit policy is 'reject *'" and "auto" (-1) means "same as 1, but warn the user."

XXXX Eventually, the default will be 0.

Definition at line 985 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policies_parse_exit_policy_from_options(), and policy_using_default_exit_options().

◆ ExtendAllowPrivateAddresses

int ExtendAllowPrivateAddresses

Whether routers accept EXTEND cells to routers with private IPs.

Definition at line 163 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by circuit_handle_first_hop().

◆ ExtendByEd25519ID

int ExtendByEd25519ID

Autobool: Should we include Ed25519 identities in extend2 cells? If -1, we should do whatever the consensus parameter says.

Definition at line 1030 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_include_ed25519_id_extend_cells().

◆ ExtORPort_lines

struct config_line_t* ExtORPort_lines

Ports to listen on for extended OR connections.

Definition at line 168 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act_server_transport(), and options_validate_server_transport().

◆ ExtORPort_set

unsigned int ExtORPort_set

Definition at line 228 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ExtORPortCookieAuthFile

char* ExtORPortCookieAuthFile

Filesystem location of Extended ORPort authentication cookie.

Definition at line 544 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_ext_or_auth_cookie_file_name().

◆ ExtORPortCookieAuthFileGroupReadable

int ExtORPortCookieAuthFileGroupReadable

Boolean: Is the ExtORPortCookieAuthFile g+r?

Definition at line 547 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ExtraInfoStatistics

int ExtraInfoStatistics

If true, include statistics file contents in extra-info documents.

Definition at line 695 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by extrainfo_dump_to_string_stats_helper().

◆ FallbackDir

struct config_line_t* FallbackDir

List of fallback directory servers

Definition at line 478 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ FascistFirewall

int FascistFirewall

Whether to prefer ORs reachable on open ports.

Definition at line 360 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ FetchDirInfoEarly

int FetchDirInfoEarly

Should we always fetch our dir info on the mirror schedule (which means directly from the authorities) no matter our other config?

Definition at line 613 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirclient_fetches_from_authorities(), and should_use_directory_guards().

◆ FetchDirInfoExtraEarly

int FetchDirInfoExtraEarly

Should we fetch our dir info at the start of the consensus period?

Definition at line 616 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_use_directory_guards(), and update_consensus_networkstatus_fetch_time_impl().

◆ FetchHidServDescriptors

int FetchHidServDescriptors

and hidden service descriptors?

Definition at line 319 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ FetchServerDescriptors

int FetchServerDescriptors

Do we fetch server descriptors as normal?

Definition at line 318 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ FetchUselessDescriptors

int FetchUselessDescriptors

Do we fetch non-running descriptors too?

Definition at line 321 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirclient_too_idle_to_fetch_descriptors(), should_use_directory_guards(), we_fetch_microdescriptors(), and we_fetch_router_descriptors().

◆ FilesOpenedByIncludes

struct smartlist_t* FilesOpenedByIncludes

List of files that were opened by include in torrc and torrc-defaults

Definition at line 1060 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ FirewallPorts

struct smartlist_t* FirewallPorts

Which ports our firewall allows (strings).

Definition at line 361 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ GeoIPExcludeUnknown

int GeoIPExcludeUnknown

Autobool: if auto, then any attempt to Exclude{Exit,}Nodes a particular country code will exclude all nodes in ?? and A1. If true, all nodes in ?? and A1 are excluded. Has no effect if we don't know any GeoIP data.

Definition at line 867 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ GeoIPFile

char* GeoIPFile

Optionally, IPv4 and IPv6 GeoIP data.

Definition at line 861 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by config_maybe_load_geoip_files_().

◆ GeoIPv6File

char* GeoIPv6File

Definition at line 862 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ GuardfractionFile

char* GuardfractionFile

Location of guardfraction file

Definition at line 758 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ GuardLifetime

int GuardLifetime

How long (seconds) do we keep a guard before picking a new one?

Definition at line 978 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_guard_confirmed_min_lifetime(), and get_guard_lifetime().

◆ HashedControlPassword

struct config_line_t* HashedControlPassword

Base64-encoded hash of accepted passwords for the control system.

Definition at line 536 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_authmethods().

◆ HashedControlSessionPassword

struct config_line_t* HashedControlSessionPassword

As HashedControlPassword, but not saved.

Definition at line 538 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_authmethods().

◆ HeartbeatPeriod

int HeartbeatPeriod

Log heartbeat messages after this many seconds have passed.

Definition at line 442 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by format_client_stats_heartbeat(), and heartbeat_callback().

◆ HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode

int HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode

Definition at line 351 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HiddenServiceSingleHopMode

int HiddenServiceSingleHopMode

Onion Services in HiddenServiceSingleHopMode make one-hop (direct) circuits between the onion service server, and the introduction and rendezvous points. (Onion service descriptors are still posted using 3-hop paths, to avoid onion service directories blocking the service.) This option makes every hidden service instance hosted by this tor instance a Single Onion Service. HiddenServiceSingleHopMode requires HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode to be set to 1. Use rend_service_allow_non_anonymous_connection() or rend_service_reveal_startup_time() instead of using this option directly.

Definition at line 344 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HiddenServiceStatistics

int HiddenServiceStatistics

Internal variable to remember whether we're actually acting on HiddenServiceStatistics_option – yes if it's set and we're a server, else no.

Definition at line 692 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HiddenServiceStatistics_option

int HiddenServiceStatistics_option

If true, the user wants us to collect statistics as hidden service directory, introduction point, or rendezvous point.

Definition at line 688 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HSLayer2Nodes

struct routerset_t* HSLayer2Nodes

A routerset that should be used when picking middle nodes for HS circuits.

Definition at line 327 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_need_geoip_info(), and pick_vanguard_middle_node().

◆ HSLayer3Nodes

struct routerset_t* HSLayer3Nodes

A routerset that should be used when picking third-hop nodes for HS circuits.

Definition at line 331 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by middle_node_must_be_vanguard(), options_need_geoip_info(), and pick_vanguard_middle_node().

◆ HTTPProxy

char* HTTPProxy

hostname[:port] to use as http proxy, if any.

Definition at line 447 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HTTPProxyAddr

tor_addr_t HTTPProxyAddr

Parsed IPv4 addr for http proxy, if any.

Definition at line 448 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HTTPProxyAuthenticator

char* HTTPProxyAuthenticator

username:password string, if any.

Definition at line 450 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HTTPProxyPort

uint16_t HTTPProxyPort

Parsed port for http proxy, if any.

Definition at line 449 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HTTPSProxy

char* HTTPSProxy

hostname[:port] to use as https proxy, if any.

Definition at line 452 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_proxy_addrport(), and get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ HTTPSProxyAddr

tor_addr_t HTTPSProxyAddr

Parsed addr for https proxy, if any.

Definition at line 453 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_proxy_addrport(), and get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ HTTPSProxyAuthenticator

char* HTTPSProxyAuthenticator

username:password string, if any.

Definition at line 455 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_https_proxy_connect(), and get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ HTTPSProxyPort

uint16_t HTTPSProxyPort

Parsed port for https proxy, if any.

Definition at line 454 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_proxy_addrport(), and get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ HTTPTunnelPort_lines

struct config_line_t* HTTPTunnelPort_lines

Ports to listen on for HTTP Tunnel connections.

Definition at line 187 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ HTTPTunnelPort_set

unsigned int HTTPTunnelPort_set

Definition at line 229 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ IncludeUsed

int IncludeUsed

Bool (default: 0): Tells if a include was used on torrc

Definition at line 1033 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by handle_control_saveconf().

◆ IPv6Exit

int IPv6Exit

Do we support exiting to IPv6 addresses?

Definition at line 968 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policies_parse_exit_policy_from_options(), policy_using_default_exit_options(), and router_compare_to_my_exit_policy().

◆ KeepalivePeriod

int KeepalivePeriod

How often do we send padding cells to keep connections alive?

Definition at line 401 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ KeepBindCapabilities

int KeepBindCapabilities

Autobool: Do we try to retain capabilities if we can?

Definition at line 1018 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ key_expiration_format

key_expiration_format_t key_expiration_format

Definition at line 1005 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ KeyDirectory

char* KeyDirectory

Where to store keys data, as modified.

Definition at line 89 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories().

◆ KeyDirectory_option

char* KeyDirectory_option

Where to store keys, as configured by the user.

Definition at line 87 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ KeyDirectoryGroupReadable

int KeyDirectoryGroupReadable

Boolean: Is the KeyDirectory g+r?

Definition at line 90 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_create_directories().

◆ keygen_passphrase_fd

int keygen_passphrase_fd

Definition at line 1013 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ KISTSchedRunInterval

int KISTSchedRunInterval

Have the KIST scheduler run every X milliseconds. If less than zero, do not use the KIST scheduler but use the old vanilla scheduler instead. If zero, do what the consensus says and fall back to using KIST as if this is set to "10 msec" if the consensus doesn't say anything.

Definition at line 1048 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ KISTSockBufSizeFactor

double KISTSockBufSizeFactor

A multiplier for the KIST per-socket limit calculation.

Definition at line 1051 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ LearnCircuitBuildTimeout

int LearnCircuitBuildTimeout

If non-zero, we attempt to learn a value for CircuitBuildTimeout based on timeout history. Use circuit_build_times_disabled() rather than checking this value directly.

Definition at line 405 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ LeaveStreamsUnattached

int LeaveStreamsUnattached

Boolean: Does Tor attach new streams to circuits itself (0), or does it expect a controller to cope? (1)

Definition at line 549 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_ap_rewrite_and_attach_if_allowed().

◆ LogMessageDomains

int LogMessageDomains

Boolean: Should we log the domain(s) in which each log message occurs?

Definition at line 75 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ Logs

struct config_line_t* Logs

New-style list of configuration lines for logs

Definition at line 71 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_init_logs().

◆ LogTimeGranularity

int LogTimeGranularity

Log resolution in milliseconds.

Definition at line 73 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_init_log_granularity().

◆ LongLivedPorts

struct smartlist_t* LongLivedPorts

Application ports that require all nodes in circ to have sufficient uptime.

Definition at line 379 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by circuit_all_predicted_ports_handled().

◆ magic_

uint32_t magic_

Definition at line 65 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MainloopStats

int MainloopStats

Log main loop statistics as part of the heartbeat messages.

Definition at line 444 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ master_key_fname

char* master_key_fname

Definition at line 1015 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MaxAdvertisedBandwidth

uint64_t MaxAdvertisedBandwidth

How much bandwidth are we willing to tell other nodes we have?

Definition at line 427 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by relay_get_effective_bwrate().

◆ MaxCircuitDirtiness

int MaxCircuitDirtiness

Never use circs that were first used more than this interval ago.

Definition at line 421 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by mark_circuit_unusable_for_new_conns().

◆ MaxClientCircuitsPending

int MaxClientCircuitsPending

Maximum number of non-open general-purpose origin circuits to allow at once.

Definition at line 905 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MaxConsensusAgeForDiffs

int MaxConsensusAgeForDiffs

The seconds after expiration which we as a relay should keep old consensuses around so that we can generate diffs from them. If 0, use the default.

Definition at line 1038 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_max_age_to_cache().

◆ MaxMemInQueues

uint64_t MaxMemInQueues

If we have more memory than this allocated for queues and buffers, run the OOM handler

Definition at line 203 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by have_enough_mem_for_dircache().

◆ MaxMemInQueues_low_threshold

uint64_t MaxMemInQueues_low_threshold

Above this value, consider ourselves low on RAM.

Definition at line 206 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MaxMemInQueues_raw

uint64_t MaxMemInQueues_raw

Definition at line 202 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MaxOnionQueueDelay

int MaxOnionQueueDelay

Definition at line 418 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MaxUnparseableDescSizeToLog

uint64_t MaxUnparseableDescSizeToLog

Maximum total size of unparseable descriptors to log during the lifetime of this Tor process.

Definition at line 1023 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MetricsPort_lines

struct config_line_t* MetricsPort_lines

Ports to listen on for Metrics connections.

Definition at line 170 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by metrics_parse_ports().

◆ MetricsPort_set

unsigned int MetricsPort_set

Definition at line 230 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ MetricsPortPolicy

struct config_line_t* MetricsPortPolicy

List of policy allowed to query the Metrics port.

Definition at line 1094 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by parse_metrics_port_policy().

◆ MiddleNodes

struct routerset_t* MiddleNodes

Structure containing nicknames, digests, country codes and IP address patterns of ORs to consider as middles.

Definition at line 111 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_need_geoip_info(), and refresh_all_country_info().

◆ MyFamily

struct config_line_t* MyFamily

Declared family for this OR, normalized

Definition at line 494 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_my_declared_family().

◆ MyFamily_lines

struct config_line_t* MyFamily_lines

Declared family for this OR.

Definition at line 493 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NATDPort_lines

struct config_line_t* NATDPort_lines

Ports to listen on for transparent natd connections.

Definition at line 185 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NATDPort_set

unsigned int NATDPort_set

Definition at line 224 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NewCircuitPeriod

int NewCircuitPeriod

How long do we use a circuit before building a new one?

Definition at line 419 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by circuit_expire_old_circs_as_needed().

◆ Nickname

char* Nickname

OR only: nickname of this onion router.

Definition at line 97 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_my_declared_family().

◆ NodeFamilies

struct config_line_t* NodeFamilies

List of config lines for node families

Definition at line 496 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NodeFamilySets

struct smartlist_t* NodeFamilySets

List of parsed NodeFamilies values.

Definition at line 499 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by nodes_in_same_family().

◆ NoExec

int NoExec

Bool (default: 0). Tells Tor to never try to exec another program.

Definition at line 1042 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act().

◆ NumCPUs

int NumCPUs

How many CPUs should we try to use?

Definition at line 435 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_num_cpus().

◆ NumDirectoryGuards

int NumDirectoryGuards

How many dir guards do we try to establish? If 0, use value from NumEntryGuards.

Definition at line 597 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NumEntryGuards

int NumEntryGuards

How many entry guards do we try to establish?

Definition at line 590 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ NumPrimaryGuards

int NumPrimaryGuards

How many primary guards do we want?

Definition at line 599 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_n_primary_guards().

◆ OfflineMasterKey

int OfflineMasterKey

Force use of offline master key features: never generate a master ed25519 identity key except from tor –keygen

Definition at line 1003 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ORPort_lines

struct config_line_t* ORPort_lines

Ports to listen on for OR connections.

Definition at line 166 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act_bridge_stats(), and options_validate_relay_mode().

◆ ORPort_set

unsigned int ORPort_set

Definition at line 221 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OutboundBindAddress

struct config_line_t* OutboundBindAddress

Local address to bind outbound sockets

Definition at line 149 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OutboundBindAddresses

tor_addr_t OutboundBindAddresses[OUTBOUND_ADDR_MAX][2]

Addresses derived from the various OutboundBindAddress lines. [][0] is IPv4, [][1] is IPv6

Definition at line 159 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by conn_get_outbound_address(), parse_outbound_addresses(), and policies_copy_outbound_addresses_to_smartlist().

◆ OutboundBindAddressExit

struct config_line_t* OutboundBindAddressExit

Local address to bind outbound exit sockets

Definition at line 153 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OutboundBindAddressOR

struct config_line_t* OutboundBindAddressOR

Local address to bind outbound relay sockets

Definition at line 151 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OutboundBindAddressPT

struct config_line_t* OutboundBindAddressPT

Local address to bind outbound PT sockets

Definition at line 155 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OverloadStatistics

int OverloadStatistics

If true, include overload statistics in extra-info documents.

Definition at line 698 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OwningControllerFD

uint64_t OwningControllerFD

FD specifier for a controller that owns this Tor instance.

Definition at line 560 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ OwningControllerProcess

char* OwningControllerProcess

Process specifier for a controller that ‘owns’ this Tor instance. Tor will terminate if its owning controller does.

Definition at line 558 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PaddingStatistics

int PaddingStatistics

If true, the user wants us to collect padding statistics.

Definition at line 681 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasCircThreshold

int PathBiasCircThreshold

Parameters for path-bias detection.

These options override the default behavior of Tor's (currently experimental) path bias detection algorithm. To try to find broken or misbehaving guard nodes, Tor looks for nodes where more than a certain fraction of circuits through that guard fail to get built.

The PathBiasCircThreshold option controls how many circuits we need to build through a guard before we make these checks. The PathBiasNoticeRate, PathBiasWarnRate and PathBiasExtremeRate options control what fraction of circuits must succeed through a guard so we won't write log messages. If less than PathBiasExtremeRate circuits succeed and PathBiasDropGuards is set to 1, we disable use of that guard.

When we have seen more than PathBiasScaleThreshold circuits through a guard, we scale our observations by 0.5 (governed by the consensus) so that new observations don't get swamped by old ones.

By default, or if a negative value is provided for one of these options, Tor uses reasonable defaults from the networkstatus consensus document. If no defaults are available there, these options default to 150, .70, .50, .30, 0, and 300 respectively.

Definition at line 936 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by pathbias_get_min_circs().

◆ PathBiasDropGuards

int PathBiasDropGuards

Definition at line 940 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasExtremeRate

double PathBiasExtremeRate

Definition at line 939 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasExtremeUseRate

double PathBiasExtremeUseRate

Definition at line 964 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasNoticeRate

double PathBiasNoticeRate

Definition at line 937 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasNoticeUseRate

double PathBiasNoticeUseRate

Definition at line 963 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasScaleThreshold

int PathBiasScaleThreshold

Definition at line 941 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasScaleUseThreshold

int PathBiasScaleUseThreshold

Definition at line 965 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathBiasUseThreshold

int PathBiasUseThreshold

Parameters for path-bias use detection

Similar to the above options, these options override the default behavior of Tor's (currently experimental) path use bias detection algorithm.

Where as the path bias parameters govern thresholds for successfully building circuits, these four path use bias parameters govern thresholds only for circuit usage. Circuits which receive no stream usage are not counted by this detection algorithm. A used circuit is considered successful if it is capable of carrying streams or otherwise receiving well-formed responses to RELAY cells.

By default, or if a negative value is provided for one of these options, Tor uses reasonable defaults from the networkstatus consensus document. If no defaults are available there, these options default to 20, .80, .60, and 100, respectively.

Definition at line 962 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by pathbias_get_min_use().

◆ PathBiasWarnRate

double PathBiasWarnRate

Definition at line 938 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PathsNeededToBuildCircuits

double PathsNeededToBuildCircuits


Definition at line 971 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_frac_paths_needed_for_circs().

◆ PerConnBWBurst

uint64_t PerConnBWBurst

Allowed burst on a single TLS conn, if set.

Definition at line 434 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_or_update_token_buckets_helper(), and options_act_relay_bandwidth().

◆ PerConnBWRate

uint64_t PerConnBWRate

Long-term bw on a single TLS conn, if set.

Definition at line 433 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_or_update_token_buckets_helper(), and options_act_relay_bandwidth().

◆ PidFile

char* PidFile

Where to store PID of Tor process.

Definition at line 106 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by tor_cleanup().

◆ ProtocolWarnings

int ProtocolWarnings

Boolean: when other parties screw up the Tor protocol, is it a warn or an info in our logs?

Definition at line 574 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PublishHidServDescriptors

int PublishHidServDescriptors

Boolean: do we publish hidden service descriptors to the HS auths?

Definition at line 317 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ PublishServerDescriptor

struct smartlist_t* PublishServerDescriptor

To what authority types do we publish our descriptor? Choices are "v1", "v2", "v3", "bridge", or "".

Definition at line 313 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by compute_publishserverdescriptor().

◆ PublishServerDescriptor_

dirinfo_type_t PublishServerDescriptor_

A bitfield of authority types, derived from PublishServerDescriptor.

Definition at line 315 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by compute_publishserverdescriptor(), decide_if_publishable_server(), ready_to_publish(), and router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers().

◆ ReachableAddresses

struct config_line_t* ReachableAddresses

IP:ports our firewall allows.

Definition at line 364 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by parse_reachable_addresses().

◆ ReachableDirAddresses

struct config_line_t* ReachableDirAddresses

IP:ports for Dir conns.

Definition at line 366 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by parse_reachable_addresses().

◆ ReachableORAddresses

struct config_line_t* ReachableORAddresses

IP:ports for OR conns.

Definition at line 365 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by parse_reachable_addresses().

◆ ReconfigDropsBridgeDescs

int ReconfigDropsBridgeDescs

Boolean: if true, then this client will discard cached bridge descriptors on a setconf or other config change that impacts guards or bridges (see options_transition_affects_guards() for exactly which config changes trigger it). Useful for tools that test bridge reachability by fetching fresh descriptors.

Definition at line 303 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ReducedCircuitPadding

int ReducedCircuitPadding

Boolean: if true, then this client will only use circuit padding algorithms that are known to use a low amount of overhead. If false, we will use all available circuit padding algorithms.

Definition at line 309 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ReducedConnectionPadding

int ReducedConnectionPadding

Boolean: Should we try to keep connections open shorter and pad them less against connection-level traffic analysis?

Definition at line 285 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by channelpadding_get_circuits_available_timeout().

◆ ReducedExitPolicy

int ReducedExitPolicy

Should we use the Reduced Exit Policy?

Definition at line 143 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policy_using_default_exit_options().

◆ ReevaluateExitPolicy

int ReevaluateExitPolicy

Should we re-evaluate Exit Policy on existing connections when it changes?

Definition at line 144 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ RefuseUnknownExits

int RefuseUnknownExits

Whether we should drop exit streams from Tors that we don't know are relays. One of "0" (never refuse), "1" (always refuse), or "-1" (do what the consensus says, defaulting to 'refuse' if the consensus says nothing).

Definition at line 375 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_refuse_unknown_exits().

◆ RejectPlaintextPorts

struct smartlist_t* RejectPlaintextPorts

Application ports that are likely to be unencrypted and unauthenticated; we reject requests for them to prevent the user from screwing up and leaking plaintext secrets to an observer somewhere on the Internet.

Definition at line 384 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by consider_plaintext_ports().

◆ RelayBandwidthBurst

uint64_t RelayBandwidthBurst

How much bandwidth, at maximum, will we use in a second for all relayed conns?

Definition at line 431 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act_relay_bandwidth(), and relay_get_effective_bwburst().

◆ RelayBandwidthRate

uint64_t RelayBandwidthRate

How much bandwidth, on average, are we willing to use for all relayed conns?

Definition at line 429 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by bwhist_fill_bandwidth_history(), options_act_relay_bandwidth(), relay_get_effective_bwrate(), router_has_bandwidth_to_be_dirserver(), and update_expected_bandwidth().

◆ ReloadTorrcOnSIGHUP

int ReloadTorrcOnSIGHUP

If true, SIGHUP should reload the torrc. Sometimes controllers want to make this false.

Definition at line 871 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ RendConfigLines

struct config_line_t* RendConfigLines

List of configuration lines for rendezvous services.

Definition at line 436 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by hs_config_service_all().

◆ RephistTrackTime

int RephistTrackTime

How many seconds do we keep rephist info?

Definition at line 610 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by clean_caches_callback().

◆ RunAsDaemon

int RunAsDaemon

If true, run in the background. (Unix only)

Definition at line 359 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act_once_on_startup(), and options_init_logs().

◆ SafeLogging

char* SafeLogging

Contains "relay", "1", "0" (meaning no scrubbing).

Definition at line 564 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SafeSocks

int SafeSocks

Boolean: should we outright refuse application connections that use socks4 or socks5-with-local-dns?

Definition at line 572 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ Sandbox

int Sandbox

Boolean: should sandboxing be enabled?

Definition at line 571 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_act().

◆ SbwsExit

int SbwsExit

Boolean: Switch to specify this is an sbws measurement exit

Definition at line 608 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ Schedulers

struct smartlist_t* Schedulers

The list of scheduler type string ordered by priority that is first one has to be tried first. Default: KIST,KISTLite,Vanilla

Definition at line 1055 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SchedulerTypes_

struct smartlist_t* SchedulerTypes_

An ordered list of scheduler_types mapped from Schedulers.

Definition at line 1057 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ServerDNSAllowBrokenConfig

int ServerDNSAllowBrokenConfig

Boolean: if set, we start even if our resolv.conf file is missing or broken.

Definition at line 646 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ServerDNSAllowNonRFC953Hostnames

int ServerDNSAllowNonRFC953Hostnames

If true, we try resolving hostnames with weird characters.

Definition at line 658 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ServerDNSDetectHijacking

int ServerDNSDetectHijacking

Boolean: If true, check for DNS failure hijacking.

Definition at line 631 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ServerDNSRandomizeCase

int ServerDNSRandomizeCase

Boolean: Use the 0x20-hack to prevent DNS poisoning attacks.

Definition at line 633 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ ServerDNSResolvConfFile

char* ServerDNSResolvConfFile

If provided, we configure our internal resolver from the file here rather than from /etc/resolv.conf (Unix) or the registry (Windows).

Definition at line 635 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by configure_nameservers().

◆ ServerDNSSearchDomains

int ServerDNSSearchDomains

Boolean: If set, we don't force exit addresses to be FQDNs, but rather search for them in the local domains.

Definition at line 628 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by launch_one_resolve().

◆ ServerDNSTestAddresses

struct smartlist_t* ServerDNSTestAddresses

A list of addresses that definitely should be resolvable. Used for testing our DNS server.

Definition at line 652 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by add_wildcarded_test_address(), and is_test_address().

◆ ServerTransportListenAddr

struct config_line_t* ServerTransportListenAddr

List of TCP/IP addresses that transports should listen at.

Definition at line 268 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_validate_server_transport(), and pt_get_bindaddr_from_config().

◆ ServerTransportOptions

struct config_line_t* ServerTransportOptions

List of options that must be passed to pluggable transports.

Definition at line 271 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by options_validate_server_transport(), and pt_get_options_for_server_transport().

◆ ServerTransportPlugin

struct config_line_t* ServerTransportPlugin

List of client transport plugins.

Definition at line 264 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by extrainfo_dump_to_string_stats_helper(), options_act_server_transport(), and options_validate_server_transport().

◆ ShutdownWaitLength

int ShutdownWaitLength

When we get a SIGINT and we're a server, how long do we wait before exiting?

Definition at line 562 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SigningKeyLifetime

int SigningKeyLifetime

For how long (seconds) do we declare our signing keys to be valid?

Definition at line 988 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ Socks4Proxy

char* Socks4Proxy

hostname:port to use as a SOCKS4 proxy, if any.

Definition at line 457 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks4ProxyAddr

tor_addr_t Socks4ProxyAddr

Derived from Socks4Proxy.

Definition at line 458 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks4ProxyPort

uint16_t Socks4ProxyPort

Derived from Socks4Proxy.

Definition at line 459 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks5Proxy

char* Socks5Proxy

hostname:port to use as a SOCKS5 proxy, if any.

Definition at line 461 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks5ProxyAddr

tor_addr_t Socks5ProxyAddr

Derived from Sock5Proxy.

Definition at line 462 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks5ProxyPassword

char* Socks5ProxyPassword

Password for SOCKS5 authentication, if any

Definition at line 465 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks5ProxyPort

uint16_t Socks5ProxyPort

Derived from Socks5Proxy.

Definition at line 463 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ Socks5ProxyUsername

char* Socks5ProxyUsername

Username for SOCKS5 authentication, if any

Definition at line 464 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_socks5_proxy_connect(), and get_pt_proxy_uri().

◆ SocksPolicy

struct config_line_t* SocksPolicy

Lists of socks policy components

Definition at line 146 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by policies_parse_from_options().

◆ SocksPort_lines

struct config_line_t* SocksPort_lines

Ports to listen on for SOCKS connections.

Definition at line 172 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SocksPort_set

unsigned int SocksPort_set

Definition at line 222 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SocksTimeout

int SocksTimeout

How long do we let a socks connection wait unattached before we fail it?

Definition at line 403 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by connection_ap_expire_beginning(), and connection_ap_handshake_attach_circuit().

◆ SSLKeyLifetime

int SSLKeyLifetime

What expiry time shall we place on our SSL certs? "0" means we should guess a suitable value.

Definition at line 975 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by router_initialize_tls_context().

◆ StrictNodes

int StrictNodes

Boolean: When none of our EntryNodes or ExitNodes are up, or we need to access a node in ExcludeNodes, do we just fail instead?

Definition at line 117 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by router_should_check_reachability().

◆ subconfigs_

struct config_suite_t* subconfigs_

Configuration objects for individual modules.

Never access this field or its members directly: instead, use the module in question to get its relevant configuration object.

Definition at line 1106 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ SyslogIdentityTag

char* SyslogIdentityTag

Identity tag to add for syslog logging.

Definition at line 79 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TCPProxy

char* TCPProxy

protocol and hostname:port to use as a proxy, if any.

Definition at line 467 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TCPProxyAddr

tor_addr_t TCPProxyAddr

Derived from TCPProxy.

Definition at line 469 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TCPProxyPort

uint16_t TCPProxyPort

Derived from TCPProxy.

Definition at line 470 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TCPProxyProtocol

tcp_proxy_protocol_t TCPProxyProtocol

Derived from TCPProxy.

Definition at line 468 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingAuthKeyLifetime

int TestingAuthKeyLifetime

For how long (seconds) do we declare our auth keys to be valid?

Definition at line 992 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingAuthKeySlop

int TestingAuthKeySlop

How long before auth keys expire will we try to make a new one?

Definition at line 999 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingBridgeBootstrapDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingBridgeBootstrapDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download bridge descriptors when they have no running bridges. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 828 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingBridgeDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingBridgeDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download bridge descriptors. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 824 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by learned_bridge_descriptor().

◆ TestingClientConsensusDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingClientConsensusDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download consensuses. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 790 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingClientDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingClientDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when clients should download things in general. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 782 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingClientMaxIntervalWithoutRequest

int TestingClientMaxIntervalWithoutRequest

When directory clients have only a few descriptors to request, they batch them until they have more, or until this amount of time has passed. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 833 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingDirConnectionMaxStall

int TestingDirConnectionMaxStall

How long do we let a directory connection stall before expiring it? Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 837 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingEnableCellStatsEvent

int TestingEnableCellStatsEvent

Enable CELL_STATS events. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 853 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingEnableConnBwEvent

int TestingEnableConnBwEvent

Enable CONN_BW events. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 850 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingLinkCertLifetime

int TestingLinkCertLifetime

For how long (seconds) do we declare our link keys to be valid?

Definition at line 990 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingLinkKeySlop

int TestingLinkKeySlop

How long before link keys expire will we try to make a new one?

Definition at line 997 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingMinTimeToReportBandwidth

int TestingMinTimeToReportBandwidth

How far must we be into the current bandwidth-measurement period to report bandwidth observations from this period?

Definition at line 1098 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by bwhist_bandwidth_assess().

◆ TestingServerConsensusDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingServerConsensusDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when servers should download consensuses. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 786 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingServerDownloadInitialDelay

int TestingServerDownloadInitialDelay

Schedule for when servers should download things in general. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 778 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingSigningKeySlop

int TestingSigningKeySlop

How long before signing keys expire will we try to make a new one?

Definition at line 995 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingTorNetwork

int TestingTorNetwork

If true, we take part in a testing network. Change the defaults of a couple of other configuration options and allow to change the values of certain configuration options.

Definition at line 847 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by check_descriptor_bandwidth_changed(), fetch_networkstatus_callback(), and hs_hsdir_requery_period().

◆ TestingV3AuthInitialDistDelay

int TestingV3AuthInitialDistDelay

The length of time we think it will take to distribute initial signatures. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 770 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingV3AuthInitialVoteDelay

int TestingV3AuthInitialVoteDelay

The length of time we think it will take to distribute initial votes. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 766 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingV3AuthInitialVotingInterval

int TestingV3AuthInitialVotingInterval

The length of time that we think an initial consensus should be fresh. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 762 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TestingV3AuthVotingStartOffset

int TestingV3AuthVotingStartOffset

Offset in seconds added to the starting time for consensus voting. Only altered on testing networks.

Definition at line 774 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirauth_sched_get_cur_valid_after_time().

◆ TestSocks

int TestSocks

Boolean: when we get a socks connection, do we loudly log whether it was DNS-leaking or not?

Definition at line 576 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TokenBucketRefillInterval

int TokenBucketRefillInterval

Token Bucket Refill resolution in milliseconds.

Definition at line 579 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by init_libevent(), and reenable_blocked_connection_init().

◆ TrackHostExits

struct smartlist_t* TrackHostExits

Should we try to reuse the same exit node for a given host

Definition at line 390 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by hostname_in_track_host_exits().

◆ TrackHostExitsExpire

int TrackHostExitsExpire

Number of seconds until we expire an addressmap

Definition at line 391 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TransPort_lines

struct config_line_t* TransPort_lines

Ports to listen on for transparent pf/netfilter connections.

Definition at line 174 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TransPort_set

unsigned int TransPort_set

Definition at line 223 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ TransProxyType

char* TransProxyType

What kind of transparent proxy implementation are we using?

Definition at line 175 of file or_options_st.h.


enum { ... } TransProxyType_parsed

Parsed value of TransProxyType.

Referenced by connection_ap_get_original_destination().

◆ TruncateLogFile

int TruncateLogFile

Boolean: Should we truncate the log file before we start writing?

Definition at line 77 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ UnixSocksGroupWritable

int UnixSocksGroupWritable

Boolean: Are SOCKS Unix sockets g+rw?

Definition at line 194 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by parse_ports().

◆ UpdateBridgesFromAuthority

int UpdateBridgesFromAuthority

Boolean: if we know the bridge's digest, should we get new descriptors from the bridge authorities or from the bridge itself?

Definition at line 279 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ use_keygen_passphrase_fd

int use_keygen_passphrase_fd

Definition at line 1012 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ UseBridges

int UseBridges

Boolean: should we start all circuits with a bridge?

Definition at line 258 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by choose_guard_selection(), dirclient_fetches_dir_info_later(), entry_list_is_constrained(), reachable_addr_use_ipv6(), and second_elapsed_callback().

◆ UseDefaultFallbackDirs

int UseDefaultFallbackDirs

Whether to use the default hard-coded FallbackDirs

Definition at line 480 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ UseEntryGuards

int UseEntryGuards

Internal variable to remember whether we're actually acting on UseEntryGuards_option – when we're a non-anonymous Single Onion Service, it is always false, otherwise we use the value of UseEntryGuards_option.

Definition at line 588 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_use_directory_guards().

◆ UseEntryGuards_option

int UseEntryGuards_option

Boolean: Do we try to enter from a smallish number of fixed nodes?

Definition at line 583 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ UseGuardFraction

int UseGuardFraction

If 1, we use any guardfraction information we see in the consensus. If 0, we don't. If -1, let the consensus parameter decide.

Definition at line 595 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by should_apply_guardfraction().

◆ UseMicrodescriptors

int UseMicrodescriptors

If 1, we try to use microdescriptors to build circuits. If 0, we don't. If -1, Tor decides.

Definition at line 895 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by we_use_microdescriptors_for_circuits().

◆ User

char* User

◆ UsingTestNetworkDefaults_

int UsingTestNetworkDefaults_

Set to true if the TestingTorNetwork configuration option is set. This is used so that options_validate() has a chance to realize that the defaults have changed.

Definition at line 891 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ V3AuthDistDelay

int V3AuthDistDelay

The length of time we think it will take to distribute signatures.

Definition at line 746 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirvote_get_preferred_voting_intervals().

◆ V3AuthNIntervalsValid

int V3AuthNIntervalsValid

The number of intervals we think a consensus should be valid.

Definition at line 748 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirvote_get_preferred_voting_intervals().

◆ V3AuthoritativeDir

int V3AuthoritativeDir

Boolean: is this an authoritative directory for version 3 directories?

Definition at line 242 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ V3AuthUseLegacyKey

int V3AuthUseLegacyKey

Should advertise and sign consensuses with a legacy key, for key migration purposes?

Definition at line 752 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ V3AuthVoteDelay

int V3AuthVoteDelay

The length of time we think it will take to distribute votes.

Definition at line 744 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirvote_get_preferred_voting_intervals().

◆ V3AuthVotingInterval

int V3AuthVotingInterval

The length of time that we think a consensus should be fresh.

Definition at line 742 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by dirauth_sched_get_configured_interval(), and dirvote_get_preferred_voting_intervals().

◆ V3BandwidthsFile

char* V3BandwidthsFile

Location of bandwidth measurement file

Definition at line 755 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ VanguardsLiteEnabled

int VanguardsLiteEnabled

Boolean: Switch to toggle the vanguards-lite subsystem

Definition at line 602 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by vanguards_lite_is_enabled().

◆ VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4

char* VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4

Address and mask to hand out for virtual MAPADDRESS requests for IPv4 addresses

Definition at line 624 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6

char* VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6

Address and mask to hand out for virtual MAPADDRESS requests for IPv6 addresses

Definition at line 626 of file or_options_st.h.

◆ WarnPlaintextPorts

struct smartlist_t* WarnPlaintextPorts

Related to RejectPlaintextPorts above, except this config option controls whether we warn (in the log and via a controller status event) every time a risky connection is attempted.

Definition at line 388 of file or_options_st.h.

Referenced by consider_plaintext_ports().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: