Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
hs_service.c File Reference

Implement next generation hidden service functionality. More...

#include "core/or/or.h"
#include "app/config/config.h"
#include "app/config/statefile.h"
#include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
#include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
#include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
#include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
#include "core/or/circuituse.h"
#include "core/or/congestion_control_common.h"
#include "core/or/extendinfo.h"
#include "core/or/relay.h"
#include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
#include "feature/dirclient/dirclient.h"
#include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
#include "feature/hs_common/shared_random_client.h"
#include "feature/keymgt/loadkey.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/describe.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/microdesc.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/nickname.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/node_select.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_ope.h"
#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
#include "lib/time/tvdiff.h"
#include "lib/time/compat_time.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_circuit.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_common.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_config.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_control.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_descriptor.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_ident.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_intropoint.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_metrics.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_metrics_entry.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_service.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_stats.h"
#include "feature/hs/hs_ob.h"
#include "feature/dircommon/dir_connection_st.h"
#include "core/or/edge_connection_st.h"
#include "core/or/extend_info_st.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus_st.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/node_st.h"
#include "core/or/origin_circuit_st.h"
#include "app/config/or_state_st.h"
#include "feature/nodelist/routerstatus_st.h"
#include "lib/encoding/confline.h"
#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_format.h"
#include "trunnel/ed25519_cert.h"
#include "trunnel/hs/cell_establish_intro.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define FOR_EACH_DESCRIPTOR_BEGIN(service, var)


enum  log_desc_upload_reason_t {


static int load_client_keys (hs_service_t *service)
static void set_descriptor_revision_counter (hs_service_descriptor_t *hs_desc, time_t now, bool is_current)
static int build_service_desc_superencrypted (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void move_descriptors (hs_service_t *src, hs_service_t *dst)
static int service_encode_descriptor (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp, char **encoded_out)
static int hs_service_ht_eq (const hs_service_t *first, const hs_service_t *second)
static unsigned int hs_service_ht_hash (const hs_service_t *service)
 HT_PROTOTYPE (hs_service_ht, hs_service_t, hs_service_node, hs_service_ht_hash, hs_service_ht_eq)
 HT_GENERATE2 (hs_service_ht, hs_service_t, hs_service_node, hs_service_ht_hash, hs_service_ht_eq, 0.6, tor_reallocarray, tor_free_)
static bool is_client_auth_enabled (const hs_service_t *service)
STATIC hs_service_tfind_service (hs_service_ht *map, const ed25519_public_key_t *pk)
STATIC int register_service (hs_service_ht *map, hs_service_t *service)
STATIC void remove_service (hs_service_ht *map, hs_service_t *service)
static void set_service_default_config (hs_service_config_t *c, const or_options_t *options)
static void initialize_pow_defenses (hs_service_t *service)
STATIC void service_clear_config (hs_service_config_t *config)
static const char * describe_intro_point (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
static int32_t get_intro_point_min_introduce2 (void)
static int32_t get_intro_point_max_introduce2 (void)
static int32_t get_intro_point_min_lifetime (void)
static int32_t get_intro_point_max_lifetime (void)
static int32_t get_intro_point_num_extra (void)
static int ht_free_service_ (struct hs_service_t *service, void *data)
static void service_free_all (void)
STATIC void service_intro_point_free_ (hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
static void service_intro_point_free_void (void *obj)
STATIC hs_service_intro_point_tservice_intro_point_new (const node_t *node)
STATIC void service_intro_point_add (digest256map_t *map, hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
STATIC void service_intro_point_remove (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
STATIC hs_service_intro_point_tservice_intro_point_find (const hs_service_t *service, const ed25519_public_key_t *auth_key)
STATIC hs_service_descriptor_tservice_desc_find_by_intro (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
STATIC void get_objects_from_ident (const hs_ident_circuit_t *ident, hs_service_t **service, hs_service_intro_point_t **ip, hs_service_descriptor_t **desc)
static link_specifier_t * get_link_spec_by_type (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, uint8_t type)
STATIC const node_tget_node_from_intro_point (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip)
static extend_info_tget_extend_info_from_intro_point (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, unsigned int direct_conn)
STATIC unsigned int count_desc_circuit_established (const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void close_directory_connections (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void close_service_rp_circuits (hs_service_t *service)
static void close_intro_circuits (hs_service_intropoints_t *intro_points)
static void close_service_intro_circuits (hs_service_t *service)
static void close_service_circuits (hs_service_t *service)
static void move_ephemeral_services (hs_service_ht *src, hs_service_ht *dst)
static const char * service_escaped_dir (const hs_service_t *s)
static void move_hs_state (hs_service_t *src_service, hs_service_t *dst_service)
static void register_all_services (void)
STATIC int write_address_to_file (const hs_service_t *service, const char *fname_)
static int load_service_keys (hs_service_t *service)
STATIC int client_filename_is_valid (const char *filename)
hs_service_authorized_client_tparse_authorized_client_key (const char *key_str, int severity)
STATIC hs_service_authorized_client_tparse_authorized_client (const char *client_key_str)
void service_authorized_client_free_ (hs_service_authorized_client_t *client)
STATIC void service_descriptor_free_ (hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
STATIC hs_service_descriptor_tservice_descriptor_new (void)
static hs_service_authorized_client_tservice_authorized_client_dup (const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client)
static int service_authorized_client_cmp (const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client1, const hs_service_authorized_client_t *client2)
static int compare_service_authorzized_client_ (const void **_a, const void **_b)
STATIC int service_authorized_client_config_equal (const hs_service_config_t *config1, const hs_service_config_t *config2)
static void remove_expired_failing_intro (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void setup_intro_point_exclude_list (const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, smartlist_t *node_list)
static void remember_failing_intro_point (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
static int setup_desc_intro_point (const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp, const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, time_t now, hs_desc_intro_point_t *desc_ip)
static void build_desc_intro_points (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
static void build_desc_signing_key_cert (hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
static int build_service_desc_encrypted (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void build_service_desc_plaintext (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static crypto_ope_tgenerate_ope_cipher_for_desc (const hs_service_descriptor_t *hs_desc)
static int build_service_desc_keys (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void build_service_descriptor (hs_service_t *service, uint64_t time_period_num, hs_service_descriptor_t **desc_out)
static void build_descriptors_for_new_service (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
STATIC void build_all_descriptors (time_t now)
static hs_service_intro_point_tpick_intro_point (unsigned int direct_conn, smartlist_t *exclude_nodes)
static unsigned int pick_needed_intro_points (hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void service_desc_clear_previous_hsdirs (hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void service_desc_note_upload (hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, const node_t *hsdir)
STATIC void service_desc_schedule_upload (hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now, int descriptor_changed)
static void update_service_descriptor_intro_points (hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
STATIC void update_all_descriptors_intro_points (time_t now)
static void update_all_descriptors_pow_params (time_t now)
STATIC int intro_point_should_expire (const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, time_t now)
static bool should_remove_intro_point (hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, time_t now)
static void cleanup_intro_points (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void rotate_pow_seeds (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void update_suggested_effort (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void pow_housekeeping (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void set_rotation_time (hs_service_t *service)
static unsigned int should_rotate_descriptors (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void rotate_service_descriptors (hs_service_t *service)
STATIC void rotate_all_descriptors (time_t now)
STATIC void run_housekeeping_event (time_t now)
static void run_build_descriptor_event (time_t now)
static void launch_intro_point_circuits (hs_service_t *service)
static unsigned int get_max_intro_circ_per_period (const hs_service_t *service)
STATIC int can_service_launch_intro_circuit (hs_service_t *service, time_t now)
static void run_build_circuit_event (time_t now)
static void upload_descriptor_to_hsdir (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, const node_t *hsdir)
STATIC void upload_descriptor_to_all (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
STATIC int service_desc_hsdirs_changed (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc)
static void log_cant_upload_desc (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, const char *msg, const log_desc_upload_reason_t reason)
static int should_service_upload_descriptor (const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
static void refresh_service_descriptor (const hs_service_t *service, hs_service_descriptor_t *desc, time_t now)
STATIC void run_upload_descriptor_event (time_t now)
static void service_intro_circ_has_opened (origin_circuit_t *circ)
static void service_rendezvous_circ_has_opened (origin_circuit_t *circ)
static int service_handle_intro_established (origin_circuit_t *circ, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
static int service_handle_introduce2 (origin_circuit_t *circ, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
static void service_add_fnames_to_list (const hs_service_t *service, smartlist_t *list)
static int service_key_on_disk (const char *directory_path)
static int hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_consistent (const or_options_t *options)
int hs_service_allow_non_anonymous_connection (const or_options_t *options)
int hs_service_reveal_startup_time (const or_options_t *options)
int hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_enabled (const or_options_t *options)
void hs_service_circuit_cleanup_on_close (const circuit_t *circ)
void hs_service_map_has_changed (void)
void hs_service_new_consensus_params (const networkstatus_t *ns)
void hs_service_upload_desc_to_dir (const char *encoded_desc, const uint8_t version, const ed25519_public_key_t *identity_pk, const ed25519_public_key_t *blinded_pk, const routerstatus_t *hsdir_rs)
hs_service_add_ephemeral_status_t hs_service_add_ephemeral (ed25519_secret_key_t *sk, smartlist_t *ports, int max_streams_per_rdv_circuit, int max_streams_close_circuit, smartlist_t *auth_clients_v3, char **address_out)
int hs_service_del_ephemeral (const char *address)
char * hs_service_lookup_current_desc (const ed25519_public_key_t *pk)
unsigned int hs_service_get_num_services (void)
int hs_service_set_conn_addr_port (const origin_circuit_t *circ, edge_connection_t *conn)
hs_circuit_id_protocol_t hs_service_exports_circuit_id (const ed25519_public_key_t *pk)
void hs_service_lists_fnames_for_sandbox (smartlist_t *file_list, smartlist_t *dir_list)
void hs_service_dir_info_changed (void)
int hs_service_receive_introduce2 (origin_circuit_t *circ, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
int hs_service_receive_intro_established (origin_circuit_t *circ, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
void hs_service_circuit_has_opened (origin_circuit_t *circ)
int hs_service_get_version_from_key (const hs_service_t *service)
int hs_service_load_all_keys (void)
void hs_service_dump_stats (int severity)
void hs_service_stage_services (const smartlist_t *service_list)
smartlist_ths_service_get_metrics_stores (void)
hs_service_ths_service_find (const ed25519_public_key_t *identity_pk)
hs_service_ths_service_new (const or_options_t *options)
void hs_service_free_ (hs_service_t *service)
void hs_service_run_scheduled_events (time_t now)
void hs_service_init (void)
void hs_service_free_all (void)


static const char fname_keyfile_prefix [] = "hs_ed25519"
static const char dname_client_pubkeys [] = "authorized_clients"
static const char fname_hostname [] = "hostname"
static const char address_tld [] = "onion"
static smartlist_ths_service_staging_list
static int consider_republishing_hs_descriptors = 0
static struct hs_service_ht * hs_service_map

Detailed Description

Implement next generation hidden service functionality.

Definition in file hs_service.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FOR_EACH_DESCRIPTOR_BEGIN (   service,
hs_service_descriptor_t *var; \
for (int var ## _loop_idx = 0; var ## _loop_idx < 2; \
++var ## _loop_idx) { \
(var ## _loop_idx == 0) ? (var = service->desc_current) : \
(var = service->desc_next); \
if (var == NULL) continue;

Helper macro. Iterate over both current and previous descriptor of a service. The var is the name of the descriptor pointer. This macro skips any descriptor object of the service that is NULL.

Definition at line 88 of file hs_service.c.



Definition at line 96 of file hs_service.c.


#define FOR_EACH_SERVICE_BEGIN (   var)
hs_service_t **var##_iter, *var; \
HT_FOREACH(var##_iter, hs_service_ht, hs_service_map) { \
var = *var##_iter;
static struct hs_service_ht * hs_service_map
Definition: hs_service.c:153

Helper macro. Iterate over every service in the global map. The var is the name of the service pointer.

Definition at line 78 of file hs_service.c.



Definition at line 83 of file hs_service.c.



Definition at line 9 of file hs_service.c.



Maximum number of reasons. This is used to allocate the static array of all rate limiting objects.

Definition at line 3374 of file hs_service.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ log_desc_upload_reason_t

These are all the reasons why a descriptor upload can't occur. We use those to log the reason properly with the right rate limiting and for the right descriptor.

Definition at line 3364 of file hs_service.c.

Function Documentation

◆ build_all_descriptors()

STATIC void build_all_descriptors ( time_t  now)

Build descriptors for each service if needed. There are conditions to build a descriptor which are details in the function.

Definition at line 2145 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_build_descriptor_event().

◆ build_desc_intro_points()

static void build_desc_intro_points ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

Using the given descriptor from the given service, build the descriptor intro point list so we can then encode the descriptor for publication. This function does not pick intro points, they have to be in the descriptor current map. Cryptographic material (keys) must be initialized in the descriptor for this function to make sense.

Definition at line 1740 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by refresh_service_descriptor().

◆ build_desc_signing_key_cert()

static void build_desc_signing_key_cert ( hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

Build the descriptor signing key certificate.

Definition at line 1776 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_desc_plaintext(), and refresh_service_descriptor().

◆ build_descriptors_for_new_service()

static void build_descriptors_for_new_service ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Build both descriptors for the given service that has just booted up. Because it's a special case, it deserves its special function ;).

Definition at line 2095 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_all_descriptors().

◆ build_service_desc_encrypted()

static int build_service_desc_encrypted ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

Populate the descriptor encrypted section from the given service object. This will generate a valid list of introduction points that can be used after for circuit creation. Return 0 on success else -1 on error.

Definition at line 1805 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_descriptor().

◆ build_service_desc_keys()

static int build_service_desc_keys ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

For the given service and descriptor object, create the key material which is the blinded keypair, the descriptor signing keypair, the ephemeral keypair, and the descriptor cookie. Return 0 on success else -1 on error where the generated keys MUST be ignored.

Definition at line 1972 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_descriptor().

◆ build_service_desc_plaintext()

static void build_service_desc_plaintext ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

Populate the descriptor plaintext section from the given service object. The caller must make sure that the keys in the descriptors are valid that is are non-zero. This can't fail.

Definition at line 1920 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_descriptor().

◆ build_service_desc_superencrypted()

static int build_service_desc_superencrypted ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

Populate the descriptor superencrypted section from the given service object. This will generate a valid list of hs_desc_authorized_client_t of clients that are authorized to use the service. Return 0 on success else -1 on error.

Definition at line 1837 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_descriptor().

◆ build_service_descriptor()

static void build_service_descriptor ( hs_service_t service,
uint64_t  time_period_num,
hs_service_descriptor_t **  desc_out 

Given a service and the current time, build a descriptor for the service. This function does not pick introduction point, this needs to be done by the update function. On success, desc_out will point to the newly allocated descriptor object.

This can error if we are unable to create keys or certificate.

Definition at line 2036 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_descriptors_for_new_service().

◆ can_service_launch_intro_circuit()

STATIC int can_service_launch_intro_circuit ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

For the given service, return 1 if the service is allowed to launch more introduction circuits else 0 if the maximum has been reached for the retry period of INTRO_CIRC_RETRY_PERIOD.

Definition at line 3058 of file hs_service.c.

◆ cleanup_intro_points()

static void cleanup_intro_points ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Go over the given set of intro points for each service and remove any invalid ones.

If an intro point is removed, the circuit (if any) is immediately close. If a circuit can't be found, the intro point is kept if it hasn't reached its maximum circuit retry value and thus should be retried.

Definition at line 2593 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_new_consensus_params().

◆ client_filename_is_valid()

STATIC int client_filename_is_valid ( const char *  filename)

Check if the client file name is valid or not. Return 1 if valid, otherwise return 0.

Definition at line 1156 of file hs_service.c.

◆ close_directory_connections()

static void close_directory_connections ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

For a given service and descriptor of that service, close all active directory connections.

Definition at line 789 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by upload_descriptor_to_all().

◆ close_intro_circuits()

static void close_intro_circuits ( hs_service_intropoints_t intro_points)

Close the circuit(s) for the given map of introduction points.

Definition at line 853 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by close_service_intro_circuits(), and rotate_service_descriptors().

◆ close_service_circuits()

static void close_service_circuits ( hs_service_t service)

Close any circuits related to the given service.

Definition at line 882 of file hs_service.c.

◆ close_service_intro_circuits()

static void close_service_intro_circuits ( hs_service_t service)

Close all introduction circuits for the given service.

Definition at line 871 of file hs_service.c.

◆ close_service_rp_circuits()

static void close_service_rp_circuits ( hs_service_t service)

Close all rendezvous circuits for the given service.

Definition at line 823 of file hs_service.c.

◆ compare_service_authorzized_client_()

static int compare_service_authorzized_client_ ( const void **  _a,
const void **  _b 

Helper for sorting authorized clients.

Definition at line 1458 of file hs_service.c.

◆ count_desc_circuit_established()

STATIC unsigned int count_desc_circuit_established ( const hs_service_descriptor_t desc)

Return the number of introduction points that are established for the given descriptor.

Definition at line 772 of file hs_service.c.

◆ describe_intro_point()

static const char * describe_intro_point ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip)

Helper function to return a human readable description of the given intro point object.

This function is not thread-safe. Each call to this invalidates the previous values returned by it.

Definition at line 356 of file hs_service.c.

◆ find_service()

STATIC hs_service_t * find_service ( hs_service_ht *  map,
const ed25519_public_key_t pk 

Query the given service map with a public key and return a service object if found else NULL.

Definition at line 178 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_objects_from_ident(), hs_service_exports_circuit_id(), hs_service_find(), hs_service_lookup_current_desc(), and register_service().

◆ generate_ope_cipher_for_desc()

static crypto_ope_t * generate_ope_cipher_for_desc ( const hs_service_descriptor_t hs_desc)

Compute the descriptor's OPE cipher for encrypting revision counters.

Definition at line 1951 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_extend_info_from_intro_point()

static extend_info_t * get_extend_info_from_intro_point ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
unsigned int  direct_conn 

Given a service intro point, return the extend_info_t for it. This can return NULL if the node can't be found for the intro point or the extend info can't be created for the found node. If direct_conn is set, the extend info is validated on if we can connect directly.

Definition at line 745 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_intro_point_max_introduce2()

static int32_t get_intro_point_max_introduce2 ( void  )

Return the upper bound of maximum INTRODUCE2 cells per circuit before we rotate intro point (defined by a consensus parameter or the default value).

Definition at line 399 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_intro_point_max_lifetime()

static int32_t get_intro_point_max_lifetime ( void  )

Return the maximum lifetime in seconds of an introduction point defined by a consensus parameter or the default value.

Definition at line 423 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_intro_point_min_introduce2()

static int32_t get_intro_point_min_introduce2 ( void  )

Return the lower bound of maximum INTRODUCE2 cells per circuit before we rotate intro point (defined by a consensus parameter or the default value).

Definition at line 386 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_intro_point_min_lifetime()

static int32_t get_intro_point_min_lifetime ( void  )

Return the minimum lifetime in seconds of an introduction point defined by a consensus parameter or the default value.

Definition at line 411 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_intro_point_num_extra()

static int32_t get_intro_point_num_extra ( void  )

Return the number of extra introduction point defined by a consensus parameter or the default value.

Definition at line 435 of file hs_service.c.

◆ get_link_spec_by_type()

static link_specifier_t * get_link_spec_by_type ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
uint8_t  type 

From a given intro point, return the first link specifier of type encountered in the link specifier list. Return NULL if it can't be found.

The caller does NOT have ownership of the object, the intro point does.

Definition at line 703 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_node_from_intro_point().

◆ get_max_intro_circ_per_period()

static unsigned int get_max_intro_circ_per_period ( const hs_service_t service)

Don't try to build more than this many circuits before giving up for a while. Dynamically calculated based on the configured number of intro points for the given service and how many descriptor exists. The default use case of 3 introduction points and two descriptors will allow 28 circuits for a retry period (((3 + 2) + (3 * 3)) * 2).

Definition at line 3022 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by can_service_launch_intro_circuit().

◆ get_node_from_intro_point()

STATIC const node_t * get_node_from_intro_point ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip)

Given a service intro point, return the node_t associated to it. This can return NULL if the given intro point has no legacy ID or if the node can't be found in the consensus.

Definition at line 725 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_extend_info_from_intro_point(), and should_remove_intro_point().

◆ get_objects_from_ident()

STATIC void get_objects_from_ident ( const hs_ident_circuit_t ident,
hs_service_t **  service,
hs_service_intro_point_t **  ip,
hs_service_descriptor_t **  desc 

From a circuit identifier, get all the possible objects associated with the ident. If not NULL, service, ip or desc are set if the object can be found. They are untouched if they can't be found.

This is an helper function because we do those lookups often so it's more convenient to simply call this functions to get all the things at once.

Definition at line 672 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_set_conn_addr_port(), service_handle_intro_established(), service_handle_introduce2(), and service_rendezvous_circ_has_opened().

◆ hs_service_add_ephemeral()

hs_service_add_ephemeral_status_t hs_service_add_ephemeral ( ed25519_secret_key_t sk,
smartlist_t ports,
int  max_streams_per_rdv_circuit,
int  max_streams_close_circuit,
smartlist_t auth_clients_v3,
char **  address_out 

Add the ephemeral service using the secret key sk and ports. Both max streams parameter will be set in the newly created service.

Ownership of sk, ports, and auth_clients_v3 is passed to this routine. Regardless of success/failure, callers should not touch these values after calling this routine, and may assume that correct cleanup has been done on failure.

Return an appropriate hs_service_add_ephemeral_status_t.

Definition at line 4063 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_allow_non_anonymous_connection()

int hs_service_allow_non_anonymous_connection ( const or_options_t options)

Definition at line 3905 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_circuit_cleanup_on_close()

void hs_service_circuit_cleanup_on_close ( const circuit_t circ)

Called when a circuit was just cleaned up. This is done right before the circuit is marked for close.

Definition at line 3940 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_circ_cleanup_on_close().

◆ hs_service_circuit_has_opened()

void hs_service_circuit_has_opened ( origin_circuit_t circ)

Called when any kind of hidden service circuit is done building thus opened. This is the entry point from the circuit subsystem.

Definition at line 4438 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_del_ephemeral()

int hs_service_del_ephemeral ( const char *  address)

For the given onion address, delete the ephemeral service. Return 0 on success else -1 on error.

Definition at line 4154 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by connection_control_closed().

◆ hs_service_dir_info_changed()

void hs_service_dir_info_changed ( void  )

Called when our internal view of the directory has changed. We might have received a new batch of descriptors which might affect the shape of the HSDir hash ring. Signal that we should reexamine the hash ring and re-upload our HS descriptors if needed.

Definition at line 4362 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by router_dir_info_changed().

◆ hs_service_dump_stats()

void hs_service_dump_stats ( int  severity)

Log the status of introduction points for all version 3 onion services at log severity severity.

Definition at line 4516 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_exports_circuit_id()

hs_circuit_id_protocol_t hs_service_exports_circuit_id ( const ed25519_public_key_t pk)

Does the service with identity pubkey pk export the circuit IDs of its clients?

Definition at line 4325 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_find()

hs_service_t * hs_service_find ( const ed25519_public_key_t identity_pk)

Lookup the global service map for the given identitiy public key and return the service object if found, NULL if not.

Definition at line 4591 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_metrics_update_by_ident().

◆ hs_service_free_()

void hs_service_free_ ( hs_service_t service)

Free the given service object and all its content. This function also takes care of wiping service keys from memory. It is safe to pass a NULL pointer.

Definition at line 4623 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_free_all()

void hs_service_free_all ( void  )

Release all global storage of the hidden service subsystem.

Definition at line 4698 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_free_all().

◆ hs_service_get_metrics_stores()

smartlist_t * hs_service_get_metrics_stores ( void  )

Return a newly allocated list of all the service's metrics store.

Definition at line 4575 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_get_num_services()

unsigned int hs_service_get_num_services ( void  )

Return the number of service we have configured and usable.

Definition at line 4229 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by check_network_participation_callback(), hs_service_dir_info_changed(), and log_onion_service_stats().

◆ hs_service_get_version_from_key()

int hs_service_get_version_from_key ( const hs_service_t service)

Return the service version by looking at the key in the service directory. If the key is not found or unrecognized, -1 is returned. Else, the service version is returned.

Definition at line 4462 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by config_learn_service_version().

◆ hs_service_ht_eq()

static int hs_service_ht_eq ( const hs_service_t first,
const hs_service_t second 

Helper: Function to compare two objects in the service map. Return 1 if the two service have the same master public identity key.

Definition at line 131 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_ht_hash()

static unsigned int hs_service_ht_hash ( const hs_service_t service)

Helper: Function for the service hash table code below. The key used is the master public identity key which is ultimately the onion address.

Definition at line 143 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_init()

void hs_service_init ( void  )

Initialize the service HS subsystem.

Definition at line 4684 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_init().

◆ hs_service_lists_fnames_for_sandbox()

void hs_service_lists_fnames_for_sandbox ( smartlist_t file_list,
smartlist_t dir_list 

Add to file_list every filename used by a configured hidden service, and to dir_list every directory path used by a configured hidden service. This is used by the sandbox subsystem to allowlist those.

Definition at line 4339 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_load_all_keys()

int hs_service_load_all_keys ( void  )

Load and/or generate keys for all onion services including the client authorization if any. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 4486 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_lookup_current_desc()

char * hs_service_lookup_current_desc ( const ed25519_public_key_t pk)

Using the ed25519 public key pk, find a service for that key and return the current encoded descriptor as a newly allocated string or NULL if not found. This is used by the control port subsystem.

Definition at line 4205 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_map_has_changed()

void hs_service_map_has_changed ( void  )

This is called every time the service map changes that is if an element is added or removed.

Definition at line 3969 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by register_service().

◆ hs_service_new()

hs_service_t * hs_service_new ( const or_options_t options)

Allocate and initialize a service object. The service configuration will contain the default values. Return the newly allocated object pointer. This function can't fail.

Definition at line 4605 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by config_service(), and hs_service_add_ephemeral().

◆ hs_service_new_consensus_params()

void hs_service_new_consensus_params ( const networkstatus_t ns)

Called when a new consensus has arrived and has been set globally. The new consensus is pointed by ns.

Definition at line 3980 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_consistent()

static int hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_consistent ( const or_options_t options)

Definition at line 3892 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_enabled()

int hs_service_non_anonymous_mode_enabled ( const or_options_t options)

Definition at line 3931 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_receive_intro_established()

int hs_service_receive_intro_established ( origin_circuit_t circ,
const uint8_t *  payload,
size_t  payload_len 

Called when we get an INTRO_ESTABLISHED cell. Mark the circuit as an established introduction point. Return 0 on success else a negative value and the circuit is closed.

Definition at line 4406 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_receive_introduce2()

int hs_service_receive_introduce2 ( origin_circuit_t circ,
const uint8_t *  payload,
size_t  payload_len 

Called when we get an INTRODUCE2 cell on the circ. Respond to the cell and launch a circuit to the rendezvous point.

Definition at line 4377 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_reveal_startup_time()

int hs_service_reveal_startup_time ( const or_options_t options)

Definition at line 3919 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_run_scheduled_events()

void hs_service_run_scheduled_events ( time_t  now)

Periodic callback. Entry point from the main loop to the HS service subsystem. This is call every second. This is skipped if tor can't build a circuit or the network is disabled.

Definition at line 4663 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_set_conn_addr_port()

int hs_service_set_conn_addr_port ( const origin_circuit_t circ,
edge_connection_t conn 

Given conn, a rendezvous edge connection acting as an exit stream, look up the hidden service for the circuit circ, and look up the port and address based on the connection port. Assign the actual connection address.

Return 0 on success. Return -1 on failure and the caller should NOT close the circuit. Return -2 on failure and the caller MUST close the circuit for security reasons.

Definition at line 4245 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_stage_services()

void hs_service_stage_services ( const smartlist_t service_list)

Put all service object in the given service list. After this, the caller looses ownership of every elements in the list and responsible to free the list pointer.

Definition at line 4560 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by stage_services().

◆ hs_service_upload_desc_to_dir()

void hs_service_upload_desc_to_dir ( const char *  encoded_desc,
const uint8_t  version,
const ed25519_public_key_t identity_pk,
const ed25519_public_key_t blinded_pk,
const routerstatus_t hsdir_rs 

Upload an encoded descriptor in encoded_desc of the given version. This descriptor is for the service identity_pk and blinded_pk used to setup the directory connection identifier. It is uploaded to the directory hsdir_rs routerstatus_t object.

NOTE: This function does NOT check for PublishHidServDescriptors because it is only used by the control port command HSPOST outside of this subsystem. Inside this code, upload_descriptor_to_hsdir() should be used.

Definition at line 4014 of file hs_service.c.

◆ ht_free_service_()

static int ht_free_service_ ( struct hs_service_t service,
void *  data 

Helper: Function that needs to return 1 for the HT for each loop which frees every service in an hash map.

Definition at line 446 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by service_free_all().

◆ initialize_pow_defenses()

static void initialize_pow_defenses ( hs_service_t service)

Initialize PoW defenses

Definition at line 272 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by pow_housekeeping().

◆ intro_point_should_expire()

STATIC int intro_point_should_expire ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
time_t  now 

Return true iff the given intro point has expired that is it has been used for too long or we've reached our max seen INTRODUCE2 cell.

Definition at line 2509 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by should_remove_intro_point().

◆ is_client_auth_enabled()

static bool is_client_auth_enabled ( const hs_service_t service)

Return true iff the given service has client authorization configured that is the client list is non empty.

Definition at line 169 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by service_encode_descriptor().

◆ launch_intro_point_circuits()

static void launch_intro_point_circuits ( hs_service_t service)

For the given service, launch any intro point circuits that could be needed. This considers every descriptor of the service.

Definition at line 2965 of file hs_service.c.

◆ load_client_keys()

static int load_client_keys ( hs_service_t service)

Load all the client public keys for the given service. Return 0 on success else -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1281 of file hs_service.c.

◆ load_service_keys()

static int load_service_keys ( hs_service_t service)

Load and/or generate private keys for the given service. On success, the hostname file will be written to disk along with the master private key iff the service is not configured for offline keys. Return 0 on success else -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1082 of file hs_service.c.

◆ log_cant_upload_desc()

static void log_cant_upload_desc ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
const char *  msg,
const log_desc_upload_reason_t  reason 

Log the reason why we can't upload the given descriptor for the given service. This takes a message string (allocated by the caller) and a reason.

Depending on the reason and descriptor, different rate limit applies. This is done because this function will basically be called every second. Each descriptor for each reason uses its own log rate limit object in order to avoid message suppression for different reasons and descriptors.

Definition at line 3385 of file hs_service.c.

◆ move_descriptors()

static void move_descriptors ( hs_service_t src,
hs_service_t dst 

Move descriptor(s) from the src service to the dst service and modify their content if necessary. We do this during SIGHUP when we re-create our hidden services.

Definition at line 1529 of file hs_service.c.

◆ move_ephemeral_services()

static void move_ephemeral_services ( hs_service_ht *  src,
hs_service_ht *  dst 

Move every ephemeral services from the src service map to the dst service map. It is possible that a service can't be register to the dst map which won't stop the process of moving them all but will trigger a log warn.

Definition at line 900 of file hs_service.c.

◆ move_hs_state()

static void move_hs_state ( hs_service_t src_service,
hs_service_t dst_service 

Move the hidden service state from src to dst. We do this when we receive a SIGHUP: dst is the post-HUP service

Definition at line 939 of file hs_service.c.

◆ parse_authorized_client()

STATIC hs_service_authorized_client_t * parse_authorized_client ( const char *  client_key_str)

Parse an authorized client from a string. The format of a client string looks like (see rend-spec-v3.txt):


The <auth-type> can only be "descriptor". The <key-type> can only be "x25519".

Return the key on success, return NULL, otherwise.

Definition at line 1222 of file hs_service.c.

◆ parse_authorized_client_key()

hs_service_authorized_client_t * parse_authorized_client_key ( const char *  key_str,
int  severity 

Parse an base32-encoded authorized client from a string.

Return the key on success, return NULL, otherwise.

Definition at line 1179 of file hs_service.c.

◆ pick_intro_point()

static hs_service_intro_point_t * pick_intro_point ( unsigned int  direct_conn,
smartlist_t exclude_nodes 

Randomly pick a node to become an introduction point but not present in the given exclude_nodes list. The chosen node is put in the exclude list regardless of success or not because in case of failure, the node is simply unusable from that point on.

If direct_conn is set, try to pick a node that our local firewall/policy allows us to connect to directly. If we can't find any, return NULL. This function supports selecting dual-stack nodes for direct single onion service IPv6 connections. But it does not send IPv6 addresses in link specifiers. (Current clients don't use IPv6 addresses to extend, and direct client connections to intro points are not supported.)

Return a newly allocated service intro point ready to be used for encoding. Return NULL on error.

Definition at line 2190 of file hs_service.c.

◆ pick_needed_intro_points()

static unsigned int pick_needed_intro_points ( hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

For a given descriptor from the given service, pick any needed intro points and update the current map with those newly picked intro points. Return the number node that might have been added to the descriptor current map.

Definition at line 2240 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by update_service_descriptor_intro_points().

◆ pow_housekeeping()

static void pow_housekeeping ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Run PoW defenses housekeeping. This MUST be called if the defenses are actually enabled for the given service.

Definition at line 2751 of file hs_service.c.

◆ refresh_service_descriptor()

static void refresh_service_descriptor ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

Refresh the given service descriptor meaning this will update every mutable field that needs to be updated before we upload.

This should ONLY be called before uploading a descriptor. It assumes that the descriptor has been built (desc->desc) and that all intro point circuits have been established.

Definition at line 3518 of file hs_service.c.

◆ register_all_services()

static void register_all_services ( void  )

Register services that are in the staging list. Once this function returns, the global service map will be set with the right content and all non surviving services will be cleaned up.

Definition at line 972 of file hs_service.c.

◆ register_service()

STATIC int register_service ( hs_service_ht *  map,
hs_service_t service 

Register the given service in the given map. If the service already exists in the map, -1 is returned. On success, 0 is returned and the service ownership has been transferred to the global map.

Definition at line 192 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by move_ephemeral_services().

◆ remember_failing_intro_point()

static void remember_failing_intro_point ( const hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

For the given failing intro point ip, we add its time of failure to the failed map and index it by identity digest (legacy ID) in the descriptor desc failed id map.

Definition at line 1625 of file hs_service.c.

◆ remove_expired_failing_intro()

static void remove_expired_failing_intro ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

From the given service, remove all expired failing intro points for each descriptor.

Definition at line 1587 of file hs_service.c.

◆ remove_service()

STATIC void remove_service ( hs_service_ht *  map,
hs_service_t service 

Remove a given service from the given map. If service is NULL or the service key is unset, return gracefully.

Definition at line 220 of file hs_service.c.

◆ rotate_all_descriptors()

STATIC void rotate_all_descriptors ( time_t  now)

Rotate descriptors for each service if needed. A non existing current descriptor will trigger a descriptor build for the next time period.

Definition at line 2869 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_build_descriptor_event().

◆ rotate_pow_seeds()

static void rotate_pow_seeds ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Rotate the seeds used in the proof-of-work defenses.

Definition at line 2649 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by pow_housekeeping().

◆ rotate_service_descriptors()

static void rotate_service_descriptors ( hs_service_t service)

Rotate the service descriptors of the given service. The current descriptor will be freed, the next one put in as the current and finally the next descriptor pointer is NULLified.

Definition at line 2848 of file hs_service.c.

◆ run_build_circuit_event()

static void run_build_circuit_event ( time_t  now)

Scheduled event run from the main loop. Make sure we have all the circuits we need for each service.

Definition at line 3103 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_run_scheduled_events().

◆ run_build_descriptor_event()

static void run_build_descriptor_event ( time_t  now)

Scheduled event run from the main loop. Make sure all descriptors are up to date. Once this returns, each service descriptor needs to be considered for new introduction circuits and then for upload.

Definition at line 2940 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_run_scheduled_events().

◆ run_housekeeping_event()

STATIC void run_housekeeping_event ( time_t  now)

Scheduled event run from the main loop. Make sure all our services are up to date and ready for the other scheduled events. This includes looking at the introduction points status and descriptor rotation time.

Definition at line 2899 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_run_scheduled_events().

◆ run_upload_descriptor_event()

STATIC void run_upload_descriptor_event ( time_t  now)

Scheduled event run from the main loop. Try to upload the descriptor for each service.

Definition at line 3545 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_run_scheduled_events().

◆ service_add_fnames_to_list()

static void service_add_fnames_to_list ( const hs_service_t service,
smartlist_t list 

Add to list every filename used by service. This is used by the sandbox subsystem.

Definition at line 3815 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_lists_fnames_for_sandbox().

◆ service_authorized_client_cmp()

static int service_authorized_client_cmp ( const hs_service_authorized_client_t client1,
const hs_service_authorized_client_t client2 

If two authorized clients are equal, return 0. If the first one should come before the second, return less than zero. If the first should come after the second, return greater than zero.

Definition at line 1443 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by compare_service_authorzized_client_().

◆ service_authorized_client_config_equal()

STATIC int service_authorized_client_config_equal ( const hs_service_config_t config1,
const hs_service_config_t config2 

If the list of hs_service_authorized_client_t's is different between src and dst, return 1. Otherwise, return 0.

Definition at line 1467 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_authorized_client_dup()

static hs_service_authorized_client_t * service_authorized_client_dup ( const hs_service_authorized_client_t client)

Allocate and return a deep copy of client.

Definition at line 1423 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_authorized_client_free_()

void service_authorized_client_free_ ( hs_service_authorized_client_t client)

Release all storage held in client.

Definition at line 1378 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_clear_config()

STATIC void service_clear_config ( hs_service_config_t config)

From a service configuration object config, clear everything from it meaning free allocated pointers and reset the values.

Definition at line 326 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_desc_clear_previous_hsdirs()

static void service_desc_clear_previous_hsdirs ( hs_service_descriptor_t desc)

Clear previous cached HSDirs in desc.

Definition at line 2325 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by service_desc_schedule_upload(), and upload_descriptor_to_all().

◆ service_desc_find_by_intro()

STATIC hs_service_descriptor_t * service_desc_find_by_intro ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_intro_point_t ip 

For a given service and intro point, return the descriptor for which the intro point is assigned to. NULL is returned if not found.

Definition at line 646 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_objects_from_ident().

◆ service_desc_hsdirs_changed()

STATIC int service_desc_hsdirs_changed ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

The set of HSDirs have changed: check if the change affects our descriptor HSDir placement, and if it does, reupload the desc.

Definition at line 3326 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_upload_descriptor_event().

◆ service_desc_note_upload()

static void service_desc_note_upload ( hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
const node_t hsdir 

Note that we attempted to upload desc to hsdir.

Definition at line 2337 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_desc_schedule_upload()

STATIC void service_desc_schedule_upload ( hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now,
int  descriptor_changed 

Schedule an upload of desc. If descriptor_changed is set, it means that this descriptor is dirty.

Definition at line 2354 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_upload_descriptor_event().

◆ service_descriptor_free_()

STATIC void service_descriptor_free_ ( hs_service_descriptor_t desc)

Free a given service descriptor object and all key material is wiped.

Definition at line 1389 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_descriptor_new()

STATIC hs_service_descriptor_t * service_descriptor_new ( void  )

Return a newly allocated service descriptor object.

Definition at line 1410 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by build_service_descriptor().

◆ service_encode_descriptor()

static int service_encode_descriptor ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
const ed25519_keypair_t signing_kp,
char **  encoded_out 

This is a proxy function before actually calling hs_desc_encode_descriptor because we need some preprocessing here

Definition at line 3861 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_lookup_current_desc().

◆ service_escaped_dir()

static const char * service_escaped_dir ( const hs_service_t s)

Return a const string of the directory path escaped. If this is an ephemeral service, it returns "[EPHEMERAL]". This can only be called from the main thread because escaped() uses a static variable.

Definition at line 930 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_dump_stats().

◆ service_free_all()

static void service_free_all ( void  )

Free every service that can be found in the global map. Once done, clear and free the global map.

Definition at line 458 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_free_all().

◆ service_handle_intro_established()

static int service_handle_intro_established ( origin_circuit_t circ,
const uint8_t *  payload,
size_t  payload_len 

We've been expecting an INTRO_ESTABLISHED cell on this circuit and it just arrived. Handle the INTRO_ESTABLISHED cell arriving on the given introduction circuit. Return 0 on success else a negative value.

Definition at line 3701 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_handle_introduce2()

static int service_handle_introduce2 ( origin_circuit_t circ,
const uint8_t *  payload,
size_t  payload_len 

We just received an INTRODUCE2 cell on the established introduction circuit circ. Handle the cell and return 0 on success else a negative value.

Definition at line 3761 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_intro_circ_has_opened()

static void service_intro_circ_has_opened ( origin_circuit_t circ)

Called when the introduction point circuit is done building and ready to be used.

Definition at line 3587 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_circuit_has_opened().

◆ service_intro_point_add()

STATIC void service_intro_point_add ( digest256map_t *  map,
hs_service_intro_point_t ip 

Add the given intro point object to the given intro point map. The intro point MUST have its RSA encryption key set if this is a legacy type or the authentication key set otherwise.

Definition at line 582 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_intro_point_find()

STATIC hs_service_intro_point_t * service_intro_point_find ( const hs_service_t service,
const ed25519_public_key_t auth_key 

For a given service and authentication key, return the intro point or NULL if not found. This will check both descriptors in the service.

Definition at line 615 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_objects_from_ident().

◆ service_intro_point_free_()

STATIC void service_intro_point_free_ ( hs_service_intro_point_t ip)

Free a given service intro point object.

Definition at line 479 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by service_intro_point_free_void().

◆ service_intro_point_free_void()

static void service_intro_point_free_void ( void *  obj)

Helper: free an hs_service_intro_point_t object. This function is used by digest256map_free() which requires a void * pointer.

Definition at line 495 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_intro_point_new()

STATIC hs_service_intro_point_t * service_intro_point_new ( const node_t node)

Return a newly allocated service intro point and fully initialized from the given node_t node, if non NULL.

If node is NULL, returns a hs_service_intro_point_t with an empty link specifier list and no onion key. (This is used for testing.) On any other error, NULL is returned.

node must be an node_t with an IPv4 address.

Definition at line 509 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_intro_point_remove()

STATIC void service_intro_point_remove ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_intro_point_t ip 

For a given service, remove the intro point from that service's descriptors (check both current and next descriptor)

Definition at line 597 of file hs_service.c.

◆ service_key_on_disk()

static int service_key_on_disk ( const char *  directory_path)

Return true iff the given service identity key is present on disk.

Definition at line 3836 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_get_version_from_key().

◆ service_rendezvous_circ_has_opened()

static void service_rendezvous_circ_has_opened ( origin_circuit_t circ)

Called when a rendezvous circuit is done building and ready to be used.

Definition at line 3644 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_circuit_has_opened().

◆ set_descriptor_revision_counter()

static void set_descriptor_revision_counter ( hs_service_descriptor_t hs_desc,
time_t  now,
bool  is_current 

Set the revision counter in hs_desc. We do this by encrypting a timestamp using an OPE scheme and using the ciphertext as our revision counter.

If is_current is true, then this is the current HS descriptor, otherwise it's the next one.

Definition at line 3198 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by refresh_service_descriptor().

◆ set_rotation_time()

static void set_rotation_time ( hs_service_t service)

Set the next rotation time of the descriptors for the given service for the time now.

Definition at line 2775 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by rotate_service_descriptors(), and run_housekeeping_event().

◆ set_service_default_config()

static void set_service_default_config ( hs_service_config_t c,
const or_options_t options 

Set the default values for a service configuration object c.

Definition at line 249 of file hs_service.c.

◆ setup_desc_intro_point()

static int setup_desc_intro_point ( const ed25519_keypair_t signing_kp,
const hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
time_t  now,
hs_desc_intro_point_t desc_ip 

Using a given descriptor signing keypair signing_kp, a service intro point object ip and the time now, setup the content of an already allocated descriptor intro desc_ip.

Return 0 on success else a negative value.

Definition at line 1651 of file hs_service.c.

◆ setup_intro_point_exclude_list()

static void setup_intro_point_exclude_list ( const hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
smartlist_t node_list 

For the given descriptor desc, put all node_t object found from its failing intro point list and put them in the given node_list.

Definition at line 1606 of file hs_service.c.

◆ should_remove_intro_point()

static bool should_remove_intro_point ( hs_service_intro_point_t ip,
time_t  now 

Return true iff we should remove the intro point ip from its service.

We remove an intro point from the service descriptor list if one of these criteria is met:

  • It has expired (either in INTRO2 count or in time).
  • No node was found (fell off the consensus).
  • We are over the maximum amount of retries.

If an established or pending circuit is found for the given ip object, this return false indicating it should not be removed.

Definition at line 2539 of file hs_service.c.

◆ should_rotate_descriptors()

static unsigned int should_rotate_descriptors ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Return true iff the service should rotate its descriptor. The time now is only used to fetch the live consensus and if none can be found, this returns false.

Definition at line 2795 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by rotate_all_descriptors().

◆ should_service_upload_descriptor()

static int should_service_upload_descriptor ( const hs_service_t service,
const hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

Return 1 if the given descriptor from the given service can be uploaded else return 0 if it can not.

Definition at line 3435 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_upload_descriptor_event().

◆ update_all_descriptors_intro_points()

STATIC void update_all_descriptors_intro_points ( time_t  now)

Update descriptor intro points for each service if needed. We do this as part of the periodic event because we need to establish intro point circuits before we publish descriptors.

Definition at line 2413 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_build_descriptor_event().

◆ update_all_descriptors_pow_params()

static void update_all_descriptors_pow_params ( time_t  now)

Update or initialise PoW parameters in the descriptors if they do not reflect the current state of the PoW defenses. If the defenses have been disabled then remove the PoW parameters from the descriptors.

Definition at line 2428 of file hs_service.c.

◆ update_service_descriptor_intro_points()

static void update_service_descriptor_intro_points ( hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
time_t  now 

Pick missing intro points for this descriptor if needed.

Definition at line 2370 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by update_all_descriptors_intro_points().

◆ update_suggested_effort()

static void update_suggested_effort ( hs_service_t service,
time_t  now 

Every HS_UPDATE_PERIOD seconds, and while PoW defenses are enabled, the service updates its suggested effort for PoW solutions as SUGGESTED_EFFORT = TOTAL_EFFORT / (SVC_BOTTOM_CAPACITY * HS_UPDATE_PERIOD) where TOTAL_EFFORT is the sum of the effort of all valid requests that have been received since the suggested_effort was last updated.

Definition at line 2692 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by pow_housekeeping().

◆ upload_descriptor_to_all()

STATIC void upload_descriptor_to_all ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc 

Encode and sign the service descriptor desc and upload it to the responsible hidden service directories. If for_next_period is true, the set of directories are selected using the next hsdir_index. This does nothing if PublishHidServDescriptors is false.

Clear list of previous hsdirs since we are about to upload to a new list. Let's keep it up to date.

Definition at line 3269 of file hs_service.c.

◆ upload_descriptor_to_hsdir()

static void upload_descriptor_to_hsdir ( const hs_service_t service,
hs_service_descriptor_t desc,
const node_t hsdir 

Encode and sign the service descriptor desc and upload it to the given hidden service directory. This does nothing if PublishHidServDescriptors is false.

Definition at line 3129 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by upload_descriptor_to_all().

◆ write_address_to_file()

STATIC int write_address_to_file ( const hs_service_t service,
const char *  fname_ 

Write the onion address of a given service to the given filename fname_ in the service directory. Return 0 on success else -1 on error.

Definition at line 1039 of file hs_service.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ address_tld

const char address_tld[] = "onion"

Definition at line 103 of file hs_service.c.

◆ consider_republishing_hs_descriptors

int consider_republishing_hs_descriptors = 0

True if the list of available router descriptors might have changed which might result in an altered hash ring. Check if the hash ring changed and reupload if needed

Definition at line 114 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by run_upload_descriptor_event().

◆ dname_client_pubkeys

const char dname_client_pubkeys[] = "authorized_clients"

Definition at line 101 of file hs_service.c.

◆ fname_hostname

const char fname_hostname[] = "hostname"

Definition at line 102 of file hs_service.c.

◆ fname_keyfile_prefix

const char fname_keyfile_prefix[] = "hs_ed25519"

Definition at line 100 of file hs_service.c.

◆ hs_service_map

struct hs_service_ht* hs_service_map

This is the global hash map of hidden services which indexes the services contained in it by master public identity key which is roughly the onion address of the service.

Definition at line 153 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by get_objects_from_ident(), hs_service_exports_circuit_id(), hs_service_find(), hs_service_get_metrics_stores(), hs_service_get_num_services(), hs_service_init(), hs_service_lookup_current_desc(), hs_service_new_consensus_params(), register_service(), and service_free_all().

◆ hs_service_staging_list

smartlist_t* hs_service_staging_list

Staging list of service object. When configuring service, we add them to this list considered a staging area and they will get added to our global map once the keys have been loaded. These two steps are separated because loading keys requires that we are an actual running tor process.

Definition at line 109 of file hs_service.c.

Referenced by hs_service_init(), hs_service_load_all_keys(), hs_service_stage_services(), register_all_services(), and service_free_all().