Macros | Functions
router.h File Reference

Header file for router.c. More...

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#define get_server_identity_key()   (tor_abort_(),NULL)
#define ntor_key_map_free(map)    FREE_AND_NULL(di_digest256_map_t, ntor_key_map_free_, (map))


crypto_pk_tget_onion_key (void)
time_t get_onion_key_set_at (void)
void set_server_identity_key (crypto_pk_t *k)
int server_identity_key_is_set (void)
void set_client_identity_key (crypto_pk_t *k)
crypto_pk_tget_tlsclient_identity_key (void)
int client_identity_key_is_set (void)
authority_cert_tget_my_v3_authority_cert (void)
crypto_pk_tget_my_v3_authority_signing_key (void)
authority_cert_tget_my_v3_legacy_cert (void)
crypto_pk_tget_my_v3_legacy_signing_key (void)
void dup_onion_keys (crypto_pk_t **key, crypto_pk_t **last)
void expire_old_onion_keys (void)
bool rotate_onion_key (void)
void v3_authority_check_key_expiry (void)
int get_onion_key_lifetime (void)
int get_onion_key_grace_period (void)
crypto_pk_trouter_get_rsa_onion_pkey (const char *pkey, size_t pkey_len)
void router_set_rsa_onion_pkey (const crypto_pk_t *pk, char **onion_pkey_out, size_t *onion_pkey_len)
di_digest256_map_tconstruct_ntor_key_map (void)
void ntor_key_map_free_ (di_digest256_map_t *map)
int router_initialize_tls_context (void)
int init_keys (void)
int init_keys_client (void)
uint16_t router_get_active_listener_port_by_type_af (int listener_type, sa_family_t family)
void routerconf_find_ipv6_or_ap (const or_options_t *options, tor_addr_port_t *ipv6_ap_out)
bool routerconf_has_ipv6_orport (const or_options_t *options)
bool router_can_extend_over_ipv6 (const or_options_t *options)
uint16_t routerconf_find_or_port (const or_options_t *options, sa_family_t family)
uint16_t routerconf_find_dir_port (const or_options_t *options, uint16_t dirport)
int router_should_advertise_dirport (const or_options_t *options, uint16_t dir_port)
void consider_publishable_server (int force)
int should_refuse_unknown_exits (const or_options_t *options)
void router_new_consensus_params (const networkstatus_t *)
void router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers (int force)
void mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_too_old (time_t now)
void mark_my_descriptor_dirty (const char *reason)
void mark_my_descriptor_if_omit_ipv6_changes (const char *reason, bool omit_ipv6)
void check_descriptor_bandwidth_changed (time_t now)
void check_descriptor_ipaddress_changed (time_t now)
int router_has_bandwidth_to_be_dirserver (const or_options_t *options)
int router_compare_to_my_exit_policy (const tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
int router_my_exit_policy_is_reject_star (void)
const routerinfo_trouter_get_my_routerinfo (void)
const routerinfo_trouter_get_my_routerinfo_with_err (int *err)
extrainfo_trouter_get_my_extrainfo (void)
const char * router_get_my_descriptor (void)
const char * router_get_descriptor_gen_reason (void)
int router_digest_is_me (const char *digest)
const uint8_t * router_get_my_id_digest (void)
int router_extrainfo_digest_is_me (const char *digest)
int router_is_me (const routerinfo_t *router)
bool router_addr_is_my_published_addr (const tor_addr_t *addr)
int router_build_fresh_descriptor (routerinfo_t **r, extrainfo_t **e)
bool router_rebuild_descriptor (int force)
char * router_dump_router_to_string (routerinfo_t *router, const crypto_pk_t *ident_key, const crypto_pk_t *tap_key, const struct curve25519_keypair_t *ntor_keypair, const struct ed25519_keypair_t *signing_keypair)
char * router_dump_exit_policy_to_string (const routerinfo_t *router, int include_ipv4, int include_ipv6)
int extrainfo_dump_to_string (char **s, extrainfo_t *extrainfo, crypto_pk_t *ident_key, const struct ed25519_keypair_t *signing_keypair)
const char * routerinfo_err_to_string (int err)
int routerinfo_err_is_transient (int err)
void log_addr_has_changed (int severity, const tor_addr_t *prev, const tor_addr_t *cur, const char *source)
void router_reset_warnings (void)
void router_free_all (void)

Detailed Description

Header file for router.c.

Definition in file router.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ get_server_identity_key

#define get_server_identity_key ( )    (tor_abort_(),NULL)

Definition at line 36 of file router.h.

◆ ntor_key_map_free

#define ntor_key_map_free (   map)     FREE_AND_NULL(di_digest256_map_t, ntor_key_map_free_, (map))

Definition at line 59 of file router.h.



Definition at line 24 of file router.h.



Definition at line 21 of file router.h.



Definition at line 25 of file router.h.



Definition at line 23 of file router.h.



Definition at line 26 of file router.h.



Definition at line 20 of file router.h.



Definition at line 22 of file router.h.

Function Documentation

◆ check_descriptor_bandwidth_changed()

void check_descriptor_bandwidth_changed ( time_t  now)

Check whether bandwidth has changed a lot since the last time we announced bandwidth while the uptime is smaller than MAX_UPTIME_BANDWIDTH_CHANGE. If so, mark our descriptor dirty.

Definition at line 2630 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_descriptor_callback().

◆ check_descriptor_ipaddress_changed()

void check_descriptor_ipaddress_changed ( time_t  now)

Check whether our own address has changed versus the one we have in our current descriptor.

If our address has changed, call ip_address_changed() which takes appropriate actions.

Definition at line 2708 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_descriptor_callback().

◆ client_identity_key_is_set()

int client_identity_key_is_set ( void  )

Return true iff the client identity key has been set.

Definition at line 465 of file router.c.

◆ consider_publishable_server()

void consider_publishable_server ( int  force)

Initiate server descriptor upload as reasonable (if server is publishable, etc). force is as for router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers.

We need to rebuild the descriptor if it's dirty even if we're not uploading, because our reachability testing uses our descriptor to determine what IP address and ports to test.

Definition at line 1490 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_descriptor_callback().

◆ construct_ntor_key_map()

di_digest256_map_t * construct_ntor_key_map ( void  )

Return a map from KEYID (the key itself) to keypairs for use in the ntor handshake. Must only be called from the main thread.

Definition at line 324 of file router.c.

◆ dup_onion_keys()

void dup_onion_keys ( crypto_pk_t **  key,
crypto_pk_t **  last 

Store a full copy of the current onion key into *key, and a full copy of the most recent onion key into *last. Store NULL into a pointer if the corresponding key does not exist.

Definition at line 252 of file router.c.

◆ expire_old_onion_keys()

void expire_old_onion_keys ( void  )

Expire our old set of onion keys. This is done by setting last_curve25519_onion_key and lastonionkey to all zero's and NULL respectively.

This function does not perform any grace period checks for the old onion keys.

Definition at line 276 of file router.c.

◆ get_my_v3_authority_cert()

authority_cert_t * get_my_v3_authority_cert ( void  )

Return the key certificate for this v3 (voting) authority, or NULL if we have no such certificate.

Definition at line 473 of file router.c.

Referenced by authority_cert_get_by_sk_digest(), dirvote_perform_vote(), and handle_get_keys().

◆ get_my_v3_authority_signing_key()

crypto_pk_t * get_my_v3_authority_signing_key ( void  )

Return the v3 signing key for this v3 (voting) authority, or NULL if we have no such key.

Definition at line 481 of file router.c.

Referenced by dirvote_perform_vote().

◆ get_my_v3_legacy_cert()

authority_cert_t * get_my_v3_legacy_cert ( void  )

If we're an authority, and we're using a legacy authority identity key for emergency migration purposes, return the certificate associated with that key.

Definition at line 490 of file router.c.

Referenced by authority_cert_get_by_sk_digest().

◆ get_my_v3_legacy_signing_key()

crypto_pk_t * get_my_v3_legacy_signing_key ( void  )

If we're an authority, and we're using a legacy authority identity key for emergency migration purposes, return that key.

Definition at line 498 of file router.c.

◆ get_onion_key()

crypto_pk_t * get_onion_key ( void  )

Return the current TAP onion key. Requires that the onion key has been loaded or generated.

Note that this key is no longer used for anything; we only keep it around because (as of June 2024) other Tor instances all expect to find it in our routerdescs.

Definition at line 222 of file router.c.

◆ get_onion_key_grace_period()

int get_onion_key_grace_period ( void  )

Get the grace period of an onion key in seconds. This value is defined by the network consensus parameter "onion-key-grace-period-days", but the value is converted to seconds.

Definition at line 828 of file router.c.

◆ get_onion_key_lifetime()

int get_onion_key_lifetime ( void  )

Get the current lifetime of an onion key in seconds. This value is defined by the network consensus parameter "onion-key-rotation-days", but the value is converted to seconds.

Definition at line 818 of file router.c.

◆ get_onion_key_set_at()

time_t get_onion_key_set_at ( void  )

Return the time when the onion key was last set. This is either the time when the process launched, or the time of the most recent key rotation since the process launched.

Definition at line 368 of file router.c.

◆ get_tlsclient_identity_key()

crypto_pk_t * get_tlsclient_identity_key ( void  )

Returns the current client identity key for use on outgoing TLS connections; requires that the key has been set.

Definition at line 456 of file router.c.

Referenced by channel_set_circid_type().

◆ init_keys()

int init_keys ( void  )

Initialize all OR private keys, and the TLS context, as necessary. On OPs, this only initializes the tls context. Return 0 on success, or -1 if Tor should die.

Definition at line 991 of file router.c.

Referenced by accounting_set_wakeup_time().

◆ init_keys_client()

int init_keys_client ( void  )

Definition at line 965 of file router.c.

◆ log_addr_has_changed()

void log_addr_has_changed ( int  severity,
const tor_addr_t prev,
const tor_addr_t cur,
const char *  source 

Note at log level severity that our best guess of address has changed from prev to cur.

Definition at line 2674 of file router.c.

◆ mark_my_descriptor_dirty()

void mark_my_descriptor_dirty ( const char *  reason)

Call when the current descriptor is out of date.

Definition at line 2599 of file router.c.

Referenced by mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_too_old(), mark_my_descriptor_if_omit_ipv6_changes(), and options_act_relay_desc().

◆ mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_too_old()

void mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_too_old ( time_t  now)

Mark descriptor out of date if it's been "too long" since we last tried to upload one.

Definition at line 2560 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_descriptor_callback().

◆ mark_my_descriptor_if_omit_ipv6_changes()

void mark_my_descriptor_if_omit_ipv6_changes ( const char *  reason,
bool  omit_ipv6 

Mark our descriptor out of data iff the IPv6 omit status flag is flipped it changes from its previous value.

This is used when our IPv6 port is found reachable or not.

Definition at line 2538 of file router.c.

◆ ntor_key_map_free_()

void ntor_key_map_free_ ( di_digest256_map_t map)

Release all storage from a keymap returned by construct_ntor_key_map.

Definition at line 356 of file router.c.

◆ rotate_onion_key()

bool rotate_onion_key ( void  )

Replace the previous onion key with the current onion key, and generate a new previous onion key. Immediately after calling this function, the OR should:

  • schedule all previous cpuworkers to shut down after processing pending work. (This will cause fresh cpuworkers to be generated.)
  • generate and upload a fresh routerinfo.

Return true on success, else false on error.

Definition at line 513 of file router.c.

◆ router_addr_is_my_published_addr()

bool router_addr_is_my_published_addr ( const tor_addr_t addr)

Return true if we are a server, and if addr is an address we are currently publishing (or trying to publish) in our descriptor. Return false otherwise.

Definition at line 1808 of file router.c.

◆ router_build_fresh_descriptor()

int router_build_fresh_descriptor ( routerinfo_t **  r,
extrainfo_t **  e 

Build a fresh routerinfo, signed server descriptor, and signed extrainfo document for this OR.

Set r to the generated routerinfo, e to the generated extrainfo document. Failure to generate an extra-info document is not an error and is indicated by setting e to NULL. Return 0 on success, and a negative value on temporary error. Caller is responsible for freeing generated documents on success.

Definition at line 2420 of file router.c.

◆ router_can_extend_over_ipv6()

bool router_can_extend_over_ipv6 ( const or_options_t options)

Returns true if this router can extend over IPv6.

This check should only be performed by relay extend code.

Clients should check if relays can initiate and accept IPv6 extends using node_supports_initiating_ipv6_extends() and node_supports_accepting_ipv6_extends().

As with other extends, relays should assume the client has already performed the relevant checks for the next hop. (Otherwise, relays that have just added IPv6 ORPorts won't be able to self-test those ORPorts.)

Accepting relays don't need to perform any IPv6-specific checks before accepting a connection, because having an IPv6 ORPort implies support for the relevant protocol version.

Definition at line 1623 of file router.c.

Referenced by extend_info_pick_orport().

◆ router_compare_to_my_exit_policy()

int router_compare_to_my_exit_policy ( const tor_addr_t addr,
uint16_t  port 

OR only: Check whether my exit policy says to allow connection to conn. Return 0 if we accept; non-0 if we reject.

Definition at line 1721 of file router.c.

Referenced by my_exit_policy_rejects().

◆ router_digest_is_me()

int router_digest_is_me ( const char *  digest)

Return true iff I'm a server and digest is equal to my server identity key digest.

Definition at line 1768 of file router.c.

Referenced by connection_or_connect(), get_signed_descriptor_by_fp(), node_is_me(), node_is_possible_guard(), and router_is_me().

◆ router_dump_exit_policy_to_string()

char * router_dump_exit_policy_to_string ( const routerinfo_t router,
int  include_ipv4,
int  include_ipv6 

OR only: Given router, produce a string with its exit policy. If include_ipv4 is true, include IPv4 entries. If include_ipv6 is true, include IPv6 entries.

Definition at line 3190 of file router.c.

◆ router_extrainfo_digest_is_me()

int router_extrainfo_digest_is_me ( const char *  digest)

Return true iff I'm a server and digest is equal to my identity digest.

Definition at line 1784 of file router.c.

◆ router_free_all()

void router_free_all ( void  )

Release all static resources held in router.c

Definition at line 3633 of file router.c.

◆ router_get_active_listener_port_by_type_af()

uint16_t router_get_active_listener_port_by_type_af ( int  listener_type,
sa_family_t  family 

Return the port of the first active listener of type listener_type. Returns 0 if no port is found. XXX not a very good interface. it's not reliable when there are multiple listeners.

Definition at line 1511 of file router.c.

Referenced by get_first_listener_addrport_string(), and routerconf_find_or_port().

◆ router_get_descriptor_gen_reason()

const char * router_get_descriptor_gen_reason ( void  )

Return a human-readable string describing what triggered us to generate our current descriptor, or NULL if we don't know.

Definition at line 1895 of file router.c.

◆ router_get_my_descriptor()

const char * router_get_my_descriptor ( void  )

OR only: Return a signed server descriptor for this OR, rebuilding a fresh one if necessary. Return NULL on error.

Definition at line 1866 of file router.c.

◆ router_get_my_extrainfo()

extrainfo_t * router_get_my_extrainfo ( void  )

Return the extrainfo document for this OR, or NULL if we have none. Rebuilt it (and the server descriptor) if necessary.

Definition at line 1883 of file router.c.

Referenced by extrainfo_insert(), get_signed_descriptor_by_fp(), and router_extrainfo_digest_is_me().

◆ router_get_my_id_digest()

const uint8_t * router_get_my_id_digest ( void  )

Return my identity digest.

Definition at line 1776 of file router.c.

Referenced by fill_relay_flags().

◆ router_get_my_routerinfo()

const routerinfo_t * router_get_my_routerinfo ( void  )

◆ router_get_my_routerinfo_with_err()

const routerinfo_t * router_get_my_routerinfo_with_err ( int *  err)

Return routerinfo of this OR. Rebuild it from scratch if needed. Set *err to 0 on success or to appropriate TOR_ROUTERINFO_ERROR_* value on failure.

Definition at line 1840 of file router.c.

Referenced by router_get_my_routerinfo().

◆ router_get_rsa_onion_pkey()

crypto_pk_t * router_get_rsa_onion_pkey ( const char *  pkey,
size_t  pkey_len 

Definition at line 3692 of file router.c.

◆ router_has_bandwidth_to_be_dirserver()

int router_has_bandwidth_to_be_dirserver ( const or_options_t options)

Return true iff we have enough configured bandwidth to advertise or automatically provide directory services from cache directory information.

Definition at line 1267 of file router.c.

Referenced by dir_server_mode().

◆ router_initialize_tls_context()

int router_initialize_tls_context ( void  )

Set up Tor's TLS contexts, based on our configuration and keys. Return 0 on success, and -1 on failure.

Definition at line 842 of file router.c.

◆ router_is_me()

int router_is_me ( const routerinfo_t router)

A wrapper around router_digest_is_me().

Definition at line 1797 of file router.c.

◆ router_my_exit_policy_is_reject_star()

int router_my_exit_policy_is_reject_star ( void  )

Return true iff my exit policy is reject *:*. Return -1 if we don't have a descriptor

Definition at line 1756 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_dns_honesty_callback(), dirclient_fetches_from_authorities(), and directory_caches_dir_info().

◆ router_new_consensus_params()

void router_new_consensus_params ( const networkstatus_t ns)

Called when we have a new set of consensus parameters.

Definition at line 2517 of file router.c.

◆ router_rebuild_descriptor()

bool router_rebuild_descriptor ( int  force)

If force is true, or our descriptor is out-of-date, rebuild a fresh routerinfo, signed server descriptor, and extra-info document for this OR.

Return true on success, else false on temporary error.

Definition at line 2483 of file router.c.

Referenced by consider_publishable_server(), and router_get_my_extrainfo().

◆ router_reset_warnings()

void router_reset_warnings ( void  )

Forget that we have issued any router-related warnings, so that we'll warn again if we see the same errors.

Definition at line 3623 of file router.c.

◆ router_set_rsa_onion_pkey()

void router_set_rsa_onion_pkey ( const crypto_pk_t pk,
char **  onion_pkey_out,
size_t *  onion_pkey_len 

Definition at line 3665 of file router.c.

◆ router_should_advertise_dirport()

int router_should_advertise_dirport ( const or_options_t options,
uint16_t  dir_port 

Front-end to decide_to_advertise_dir_impl(): return 0 if we don't want to advertise the fact that we have a DirPort open, else return the DirPort we want to advertise.

Definition at line 1387 of file router.c.

◆ router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers()

void router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers ( int  force)

OR only: If force is true, or we haven't uploaded this descriptor successfully yet, try to upload our signed descriptor to all the directory servers we know about.

Definition at line 1675 of file router.c.

Referenced by consider_publishable_server().

◆ routerconf_find_dir_port()

uint16_t routerconf_find_dir_port ( const or_options_t options,
uint16_t  dirport 

Return the port that we should advertise as our DirPort; this is one of three possibilities: The one that is passed as dirport if the DirPort option is 0, or the one configured in the DirPort option, or the one we actually bound to if DirPort is "auto".

Definition at line 1636 of file router.c.

Referenced by decide_to_advertise_dir_impl(), and retry_all_listeners().

◆ routerconf_find_ipv6_or_ap()

void routerconf_find_ipv6_or_ap ( const or_options_t options,
tor_addr_port_t ipv6_ap_out 

As routerconf_find_or_port(), but returns the IPv6 address and port in ipv6_ap_out, which must not be NULL. Returns a null address and zero port, if no ORPort is found.

Definition at line 1551 of file router.c.

◆ routerconf_find_or_port()

uint16_t routerconf_find_or_port ( const or_options_t options,
sa_family_t  family 

Return the port that we should advertise as our ORPort in a given address family; this is either the one configured in the ORPort option, or the one we actually bound to if ORPort is "auto". Returns 0 if no port is found.

Definition at line 1531 of file router.c.

Referenced by decide_to_advertise_dir_impl(), relay_find_addr_to_publish(), retry_all_listeners(), routerconf_find_ipv6_or_ap(), and routerconf_has_ipv6_orport().

◆ routerconf_has_ipv6_orport()

bool routerconf_has_ipv6_orport ( const or_options_t options)

Returns true if this router has an advertised IPv6 ORPort.

Definition at line 1592 of file router.c.

Referenced by router_can_extend_over_ipv6().

◆ routerinfo_err_is_transient()

int routerinfo_err_is_transient ( int  err)

Return true if we expect given error to be transient. Return false otherwise.

For simplicity, we consider all errors other than "not a server" transient - see discussion on

Definition at line 186 of file router.c.

◆ routerinfo_err_to_string()

const char * routerinfo_err_to_string ( int  err)

Return a readonly string with human readable description of err.

Definition at line 157 of file router.c.

◆ server_identity_key_is_set()

int server_identity_key_is_set ( void  )

Return true iff we are a server and the server identity key has been set.

Definition at line 436 of file router.c.

Referenced by accounting_set_wakeup_time().

◆ set_client_identity_key()

void set_client_identity_key ( crypto_pk_t k)

Set the current client identity key to k.

Definition at line 446 of file router.c.

◆ set_server_identity_key()

void set_server_identity_key ( crypto_pk_t k)

Set the current server identity key to k.

Definition at line 376 of file router.c.

◆ should_refuse_unknown_exits()

int should_refuse_unknown_exits ( const or_options_t options)

Return true iff the combination of options in options and parameters in the consensus mean that we don't want to allow exits from circuits we got from addresses not known to be servers.

Definition at line 1409 of file router.c.

Referenced by dirclient_fetches_from_authorities(), and directory_caches_dir_info().

◆ v3_authority_check_key_expiry()

void v3_authority_check_key_expiry ( void  )

If we're a v3 authority, check whether we have a certificate that's likely to expire soon. Warn if we do, but not too often.

Definition at line 755 of file router.c.

Referenced by check_authority_cert_callback().