
1//! Code for deterministic and/or reproducible use of PRNGs in tests.
3//! Often in testing we want to test a random scenario, but we want to be sure
4//! of our ability to reproduce the scenario if the test fails.
6//! To achieve this,  just have your test use [`testing_rng()`] in place of
7//! [`rand::thread_rng()`].  Then the test will (by default) choose a new random
8//! seed for every run, and print that seed to standard output.  If the test
9//! fails, the seed will be displayed as part of the failure message, and you
10//! will be able to use it to recreate the same PRNG seed as the one that caused
11//! the failure.
13//! If you're running your tests in a situation where deterministic behavior is
14//! key, you can also enable this via the environment.
16//! The run-time behavior is controlled using the `ARTI_TEST_PRNG` variable; you
17//! can set it to any of the following:
18//!   * `random` for a randomly seeded PRNG. (This is the default).
19//!   * `deterministic` for an arbitrary seed that is the same on every run of
20//!     the program. (You can use this in cases where even a tiny chance of
21//!     stochastic behavior in your tests is unacceptable.)
22//!   * A hexadecimal string, to specify a given seed to reuse from a previous
23//!     test run.
25//! # WARNING
27//! This is for testing only!  Never ever use it in non-testing code.  Doing so
28//! may compromise your security.
30//! You may wish to use clippy's `disallowed-methods` lint to ensure you aren't
31//! using it outside of your tests.
33//! # Examples
35//! Here's a simple example of a test that verifies that integer sorting works
36//! correctly by shuffling a short sequence and then re-sorting it.
38//! ```
39//! use tor_basic_utils::test_rng::testing_rng;
40//! use rand::{seq::SliceRandom};
41//! let mut rng = testing_rng();
43//! let mut v = vec![-10, -3, 0, 1, 2, 3];
44//! v.shuffle(&mut rng);
45//! v.sort();
46//! assert_eq!(&v, &[-10, -3, 0, 1, 2, 3])
47//! ```
49//! Here's a trickier example of how you might write a test to override the
50//! default behavior.  (For example, you might want to do this if the test is
51//! unreliable and you don't have time to hunt down the issues.)
53//! ```
54//! use tor_basic_utils::test_rng::Config;
55//! let mut rng = Config::from_env()
56//!     .unwrap_or(Config::Deterministic)
57//!     .into_rng();
58//! ```
60// We allow printing to stdout and stderr in this module, since it's intended to
61// be used by tests, where this is the preferred means of communication with the user.
62#![allow(clippy::print_stdout, clippy::print_stderr)]
64use rand::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
65// We'll use the same PRNG as the (current) standard.  We specify it here rather
66// than using StdRng, since we want determinism in the future.
67pub use rand_chacha::ChaCha12Rng as TestingRng;
69/// The seed type for the RNG we're returning.
70type Seed = <TestingRng as SeedableRng>::Seed;
72/// Default seed for deterministic RNG usage.
74/// This is the seed we use when we're told to use a deterministic RNG with no
75/// specific seed.
76const DEFAULT_SEED: Seed = *b"4   // chosen by fair dice roll.";
78/// The environment variable that we inspect.
79const PRNG_VAR: &str = "ARTI_TEST_PRNG";
81/// Return a new, possibly deterministic, RNG for use in tests.
83/// This function is **only** for testing: using it elsewhere may make your code
84/// insecure!
86/// The type of this RNG will depend on the value of `ARTI_TEST_PRNG`:
87///   * If ARTI_TEST_PRNG is `random` or unset, we'll use a real seeded PRNG.
88///   * If ARTI_TEST_PRNG is `deterministic`, we'll use a standard canned PRNG
89///     seed.
90///   * If ARTI_TEST_PRNG is a hexadecimal string, we'll use that as the PRNG
91///     seed.
93/// We'll print the value of this RNG seed to stdout, so that if the test fails,
94/// you'll know what seed to use in reproducing it.
96/// # Panics
98/// Panics if the environment variable is set to an invalid value.
100/// (If your code must not panic, then it is not test code, and you should not
101/// be using this function.)
102pub fn testing_rng() -> TestingRng {
103    // Somewhat controversially, we prefer a Random prng by default.  Our
104    // rationale is that, if this weren't the default, nobody would ever set it,
105    // and we'd never find out about busted tests or code.
106    Config::from_env().unwrap_or(Config::Random).into_rng()
109/// Type describing a testing_rng configuration.
111/// This is a separate type so that you can pick different defaults, or inspect
112/// the configuration before using it.
113#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
115pub enum Config {
116    /// Use a PRNG with a randomly chosen seed.
117    Random,
118    /// Use a PRNG with a (default) pre-selected seed.
119    Deterministic,
120    /// Use a specific seed value for the PRNG.
121    Seeded(Seed),
124impl Config {
125    /// Return the testing PRNG from the environment, if one is configured.
126    ///
127    /// # Panics
128    ///
129    /// Panics if the environment variable is set to an invalid value.
130    ///
131    /// (If your code must not panic, then it is not test code, and you should not
132    /// be using this function.)
133    pub fn from_env() -> Option<Self> {
134        match Self::from_env_result(std::env::var(PRNG_VAR)) {
135            Ok(c) => c,
136            Err(e) => {
137                panic!(
138                    "Bad value for {}: {}\n\
139                    We recognize `random`, `deterministic`, or a hexadecimal seed.",
140                    PRNG_VAR, e
141                );
142            }
143        }
144    }
146    /// Read the configuration from the result of `std::env::var()`.
147    ///
148    /// Return None if there was no option.
149    fn from_env_result(var: Result<String, std::env::VarError>) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
150        match var {
151            Ok(s) if s.is_empty() => Ok(None),
152            Ok(s) => Ok(Some(Config::from_str(&s)?)),
153            Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => Ok(None),
154            Err(std::env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => Err(Error::InvalidUnicode),
155        }
156    }
158    /// Read the configuration from a provided string.
159    ///
160    /// The string format is as described in [`testing_rng`].
161    ///
162    /// Return None if this string can't be interpreted as a [`Config`]
163    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
164        Ok(if s == "random" {
165            Self::Random
166        } else if s == "deterministic" {
167            Self::Deterministic
168        } else if let Some(seed) = decode_seed_bytes(s) {
169            Self::Seeded(seed)
170        } else {
171            return Err(Error::UnrecognizedValue(s.to_string()));
172        })
173    }
175    /// Consume this `Config` and return a `Seed`.
176    fn into_seed(self) -> Seed {
177        match self {
178            Config::Deterministic => DEFAULT_SEED,
179            Config::Seeded(seed) => seed,
180            Config::Random => {
181                let mut seed = Seed::default();
182                rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut seed[..]);
183                seed
184            }
185        }
186    }
188    /// Consume this `Config` and return a `TestingRng`.
189    pub fn into_rng(self) -> TestingRng {
190        let seed = self.into_seed();
191        println!("  Using RNG seed {}={}", PRNG_VAR, format_seed_bytes(&seed));
192        TestingRng::from_seed(seed)
193    }
196/// Format `seed` in the format expected by [`decode_seed_bytes`].
198/// This is a separate function to make it clearer what the tests are testing.
199fn format_seed_bytes(seed: &Seed) -> String {
200    hex::encode(seed)
203/// Try to see whether a literal seed can be decoded from a given string.  If
204/// so, return it.
206/// We currently use a hex encoding, truncating or zero-extending the provided
207/// seed as needed.
208fn decode_seed_bytes(s: &str) -> Option<Seed> {
209    if s.is_empty() {
210        // Do not accept the empty string.
211        return None;
212    }
213    let bytes = hex::decode(s).ok()?;
214    let mut seed = Seed::default();
215    let n = std::cmp::min(seed.len(), bytes.len());
216    seed[..n].copy_from_slice(&bytes[..n]);
217    Some(seed)
220/// An error from trying to decode a [`Config`] from a string.
221#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error, Eq, PartialEq)]
222enum Error {
223    /// We got a value that wasn't unicode.
224    #[error("Value was not UTF-8")]
225    InvalidUnicode,
226    /// We got a value that we otherwise couldn't decode.
227    #[error("Could not interpret {0:?} as a PRNG seed.")]
228    UnrecognizedValue(String),
232mod test {
233    // @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
234    #![allow(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)]
235    #![allow(clippy::clone_on_copy)]
236    #![allow(clippy::dbg_macro)]
237    #![allow(clippy::mixed_attributes_style)]
238    #![allow(clippy::print_stderr)]
239    #![allow(clippy::print_stdout)]
240    #![allow(clippy::single_char_pattern)]
241    #![allow(clippy::unwrap_used)]
242    #![allow(clippy::unchecked_duration_subtraction)]
243    #![allow(clippy::useless_vec)]
244    #![allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)]
245    //! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
246    use std::env::VarError;
248    use super::*;
250    #[test]
251    fn from_str() {
252        assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Deterministic), Config::from_str("deterministic"));
253        assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Random), Config::from_str("random"));
254        assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Seeded([0x00; 32])), Config::from_str("00"));
255        {
256            let s = "aaaaaaaa";
257            let seed = [
258                0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
259                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
260            ];
261            assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Seeded(seed)), Config::from_str(s));
262        }
263        {
264            let seed = *b"hello world. this is a longer st";
265            let mut s = hex::encode(seed);
266            assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Seeded(seed)), Config::from_str(&s));
267            // we can make it longer, and it just gets truncated.
268            s.push_str("aabbccddeeff");
269            assert_eq!(Ok(Config::Seeded(seed)), Config::from_str(&s));
270        }
272        assert_eq!(
273            Err(Error::UnrecognizedValue("".to_string())),
274            Config::from_str("")
275        );
277        assert_eq!(
278            Err(Error::UnrecognizedValue("return 4".to_string())),
279            Config::from_str("return 4")
280        );
281    }
283    #[test]
284    fn from_env() {
285        assert_eq!(
286            Ok(Some(Config::Deterministic)),
287            Config::from_env_result(Ok("deterministic".to_string()))
288        );
289        assert_eq!(
290            Ok(Some(Config::Random)),
291            Config::from_env_result(Ok("random".to_string()))
292        );
293        assert_eq!(
294            Ok(Some(Config::Seeded([0xcd; 32]))),
295            Config::from_env_result(Ok("cd".repeat(32)))
296        );
297        assert_eq!(Ok(None), Config::from_env_result(Ok("".to_string())));
298        assert_eq!(Ok(None), Config::from_env_result(Err(VarError::NotPresent)));
299        assert_eq!(
300            Err(Error::InvalidUnicode),
301            Config::from_env_result(Err(VarError::NotUnicode("3".into())))
302        );
303        assert_eq!(
304            Err(Error::UnrecognizedValue("123".to_string())),
305            Config::from_env_result(Ok("123".to_string()))
306        );
307    }
309    #[test]
310    fn make_seed() {
311        assert_eq!(Config::Deterministic.into_seed(), DEFAULT_SEED);
312        assert_eq!(Config::Seeded([0x24; 32]).into_seed(), [0x24; 32]);
314        let s1 = Config::Random.into_seed();
315        let s2 = Config::Random.into_seed();
316        assert_ne!(s1, s2);
317    }
319    #[test]
320    fn code_decode() {
321        assert_eq!(
322            decode_seed_bytes(&format_seed_bytes(&DEFAULT_SEED)).unwrap(),
323            DEFAULT_SEED
324        );
325    }
327    #[test]
328    fn determinism() {
329        let mut d_rng = Config::Deterministic.into_rng();
330        let values: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(|| d_rng.next_u32())
331            .take(8)
332            .collect();
334        // This should be the same every time.
335        let deterministic_values = vec![
336            4222362647, 2976626662, 1407369338, 1087750672, 196711223, 996083910, 836259566,
337            2589890951,
338        ];
339        assert_eq!(values, deterministic_values);
341        // But if we use a random RNG, we'll get different values
342        // (with P=1-2^-256)
343        let mut r_rng = Config::Random.into_rng();
344        let values: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(|| r_rng.next_u32())
345            .take(8)
346            .collect();
347        assert_ne!(values, deterministic_values);
348    }