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//! Declare an error type for the `tor-hsservice` crate.
use crate::internal_prelude::*;
pub use crate::rend_handshake::{EstablishSessionError, IntroRequestError};
/// An error which occurs trying to create and start up an onion service
/// This is only returned by startup methods.
/// After the service is created and started,
/// we will continue to try keep the service alive,
/// retrying things as necessary.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum StartupError {
/// A keystore operation failed.
#[error("Keystore error while attempting to {action}")]
Keystore {
/// The action we were trying to perform.
action: &'static str,
/// The underlying error
cause: tor_keymgr::Error,
/// Keystore corruption.
#[error("The keystore is unrecoverably corrupt")]
/// Trouble reading on-disk state
#[error("reading on-disk state")]
// Not #[from] as that might allow call sites that were *storing* during startup
// to accidentally use this variant. (Such call sites probably shouldn't exist.)
LoadState(#[source] tor_persist::Error),
/// Unable to access on-disk state
#[error("Unable to access on-disk state")]
StateDirectoryInaccessible(#[source] tor_persist::Error),
/// Unable to access on-disk state using underlying IO operations
#[error("Unable to access on-disk state: {action} {}", path.display_lossy())]
// TODO ideally we'd like to use StateDirectoryInaccessiblePersist and tor_persist::Error
// for this too, but tor_persist::Error is quite awkward.
StateDirectoryInaccessibleIo {
/// What happened
source: Arc<io::Error>,
/// What filesystem path we were trying to access
path: PathBuf,
/// What we were trying to do to it
// TODO this should be an enum, not a static string, but see above
action: &'static str,
/// Fatal error (during startup)
#[error("fatal error")]
Fatal(#[from] FatalError),
/// Unable to spawn task
// TODO too many types have an open-coded version of FooError::Spawn
// Instead we should:
// * Have tor_rtcompat provide a SpawnError struct which contains the task identifier
// * Have tor_rtcompat provide a spawn method that takes an identifier
// (and which passes that identifier to runtimes that support such a thing,
// including our own mock spawner)
// * Change every crate's task spawning and error handling to use the new things
// (breaking changes to the error type, unless we retain unused compat error variants)
// TODO HSS replace this with a conversion to StartupError::Fatal(FatalError::Spawn ) ?
#[error("Unable to spawn {spawning}")]
Spawn {
/// What we were trying to spawn
spawning: &'static str,
/// What happened when we tried to spawn it.
cause: Arc<SpawnError>,
/// Tried to launch an onion service that has already been launched.
#[error("Onion service has already been launched")]
impl HasKind for StartupError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
use ErrorKind as EK;
use StartupError as E;
match self {
E::Keystore { cause, .. } => cause.kind(),
E::KeystoreCorrupted => EK::KeystoreCorrupted,
E::Spawn { cause, .. } => cause.kind(),
E::AlreadyLaunched => EK::BadApiUsage,
E::LoadState(e) => e.kind(),
E::StateDirectoryInaccessible(e) => e.kind(),
E::StateDirectoryInaccessibleIo { .. } => EK::PersistentStateAccessFailed,
E::Fatal(e) => e.kind(),
impl From<Bug> for StartupError {
fn from(bug: Bug) -> StartupError {
/// An error which occurs trying to communicate with a particular client.
/// This is returned by `RendRequest::accept` and `StreamRequest::accept`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum ClientError {
/// Failed to process an INTRODUCE2 request.
#[error("Could not process INTRODUCE request")]
BadIntroduce(#[source] IntroRequestError),
/// Failed to complete a rendezvous request.
#[error("Could not connect rendezvous circuit.")]
EstablishSession(#[source] EstablishSessionError),
/// Failed to send a CONNECTED message and get a stream.
#[error("Could not accept stream from rendezvous circuit")]
AcceptStream(#[source] tor_proto::Error),
/// Failed to send a END message and reject a stream.
#[error("Could not reject stream from rendezvous circuit")]
RejectStream(#[source] tor_proto::Error),
impl HasKind for ClientError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
match self {
ClientError::BadIntroduce(e) => e.kind(),
ClientError::EstablishSession(e) => e.kind(),
ClientError::AcceptStream(e) => e.kind(),
ClientError::RejectStream(e) => e.kind(),
/// Latest time to retry a failed IPT store (eg, disk full)
// TODO (#1226): should we make this configurable? Probably not; it's not clear why a
// user would want disk failure errors to be retried on any particular interval.
// Instead it might make more sense to consider a unified strategy for handling
// state errors.
const IPT_STORE_RETRY_MAX: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
/// An error arising when trying to store introduction points
/// These don't escape the crate, except to be logged.
/// These errors might be fatal, or they might be something we should retry.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub(crate) enum IptStoreError {
/// Unable to store introduction points
#[error("Unable to store introduction points")]
Store(#[from] tor_persist::Error),
/// Fatal error
#[error("Fatal error")]
Fatal(#[from] FatalError),
impl From<Bug> for IptStoreError {
fn from(bug: Bug) -> IptStoreError {
impl IptStoreError {
/// Log this error, and report latest time to retry
/// It's OK to retry this earlier, if we are prompted somehow by other work;
/// this is the longest time we should wait, so that we poll periodically
/// to see if the situation has improved.
/// If the operation shouldn't be retried, the problem was a fatal error,
/// which is simply returned.
// TODO: should this be a HasRetryTime impl instead? But that has different semantics.
pub(crate) fn log_retry_max(self, nick: &HsNickname) -> Result<Duration, FatalError> {
use IptStoreError as ISE;
let wait = match self {
ISE::Fatal(e) => return Err(e),
error_report!(self, "HS service {}: error", nick);
/// An error which means we cannot continue to try to operate an onion service.
/// These errors only occur during operation, and only for catastrophic reasons
/// (such as the async reactor shutting down).
// TODO where is FatalError emitted from this crate into the wider program ?
// Perhaps there will be some kind of monitoring handle (TODO (#1083)) that can produce one of these.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum FatalError {
/// Unable to spawn task
#[error("Unable to spawn {spawning}")]
Spawn {
/// What we were trying to spawn
spawning: &'static str,
/// What happened when we tried to spawn it.
cause: Arc<SpawnError>,
/// Failed to access the keystore.
#[error("failed to access keystore")]
Keystore(#[from] tor_keymgr::Error),
/// Failed to access the keystore due to incompatible concurrent access.
/// This can only happen if someone is modifying the contents of the keystore
/// just as we are trying to access it.
#[error("keystore {action} failed for {path} (someone else is writing to the keystore?!)")]
KeystoreRace {
/// What action we were trying to perform
action: &'static str,
/// The ArtiPath we were trying to access
path: tor_keymgr::ArtiPath,
/// The identity keypair of the service could not be found in the keystore.
#[error("Hidden service identity key not found: {0}")]
/// IPT keys found for being-created IPT
/// This could only happen if someone is messing with our RNG
/// or our code is completely wrong, or something.
#[error("IPT keys found for being-created IPT {0} (serious key management problems!)")]
/// The network directory provider is shutting down without giving us the
/// netdir we asked for.
NetdirProviderShutdown(#[from] tor_netdir::NetdirProviderShutdown),
/// A field was missing when we tried to construct a
/// [`OnionService`](crate::OnionService).
#[error("Missing field when constructing OnionService")]
MissingField(#[from] derive_builder::UninitializedFieldError),
/// Invalid restricted discovery configuration.
#[error("Restricted discovery is enabled, but no authorized clients are configured. Service will be unreachable")]
#[cfg(feature = "restricted-discovery")]
/// An error caused by a programming issue . or a failure in another
/// library that we can't work around.
#[error("Programming error")]
Bug(#[from] Bug),
impl FatalError {
/// Construct a new `FatalError` from a `SpawnError`.
// TODO lots of our Errors have a function exactly like this.
pub(super) fn from_spawn(spawning: &'static str, err: SpawnError) -> FatalError {
FatalError::Spawn {
cause: Arc::new(err),
impl HasKind for FatalError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
use ErrorKind as EK;
use FatalError as FE;
match self {
FE::Spawn { cause, .. } => cause.kind(),
FE::Keystore(e) => e.kind(),
FE::MissingHsIdKeypair(_) => EK::Internal, // TODO (#1256) This is not always right.
FE::KeystoreRace { .. } => EK::KeystoreAccessFailed,
FE::IptKeysFoundUnexpectedly(_) => EK::Internal, // This is indeed quite bad.
FE::NetdirProviderShutdown(e) => e.kind(),
FE::MissingField(_) => EK::BadApiUsage,
#[cfg(feature = "restricted-discovery")]
FE::RestrictedDiscoveryNoClients => EK::InvalidConfig,
FE::Bug(e) => e.kind(),
/// Error occurring in [`IptManager::expire_old_ipts_external_persistent_state`](crate::ipt_mgr::IptManager::expire_old_ipts_external_persistent_state)
/// All that happens with these errors is that they are logged
/// (with a rate limit).
#[derive(Error, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum StateExpiryError {
/// Key expiry failed
Key(#[from] tor_keymgr::Error),
/// Replay log expiry (or other things using `tor_persist`) failed
#[error("replay log(s): failed to {operation} {}", path.display_lossy())]
ReplayLog {
/// The actual error
source: Arc<io::Error>,
/// The pathname
path: PathBuf,
/// What we were doing
operation: &'static str,
/// Internal error
#[error("internal error")]
Bug(#[from] Bug),
impl HasKind for StateExpiryError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
use tor_error::ErrorKind as EK;
use StateExpiryError as SEE;
match self {
SEE::Key(e) => e.kind(),
SEE::ReplayLog { .. } => EK::PersistentStateAccessFailed,
SEE::Bug(e) => e.kind(),